Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm

Chapter 987 Where does the money come from?

The ministers below looked at each other.

This, the emperor is too childish. Is he really going to let a woman participate in politics?

Although the Queen's suggestions sound reasonable and feasible, men have dominated the world for thousands of years, and no man likes to bow down to women.

Zheng Shangshu glanced at Xiao Yu and found that Xiao Yu's eyes were full of smiles and he seemed to be very satisfied with the queen's suggestion.

Zheng Shangshu was a backbone member of Su Taishi's party, so he looked at Su Taishi again.

Master Su also smiled and even nodded slightly.

Zheng Shangshu was very depressed. He originally decided to ignore the queen sitting on top, but seeing the attitude of the emperor and Grand Master Su, he had to bite the bullet and continue:

"The Emperor, Queen, and I have any objections."

"First, disarmament is a major matter. Now the two northeastern counties have not been taken back, there are Tatars in the north, and the southern Xinjiang is not peaceful. If we disarmament, what will happen to the security of the border?"

"I believe that we should not talk about disarmament lightly at this time."

"Second, to encourage people to have children, where does this money come from?"

"Although the taxes and taxes of Donghai County are now returned to the imperial court, there is still a war to be fought at the moment. There are also several counties in the north that are in need of development, and the taxes in the Jiangnan areas are only a drop in the bucket."

"I really can't squeeze out any money."

After hearing what Zheng Shangshu said, all the ministers looked at Zheng Shangshu as if they were crazy. Did you really discuss national affairs with a woman?

Gu Fei was a liberal arts dog in his previous life, so he didn't learn history in vain.

She thought for a while and said: "If I don't have money, I will find ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

"First of all, we can open more mutual markets in the north, northwest, and southern Xinjiang. This can increase taxes."

"Secondly, add a treaty port in the south and increase the tax rate for ships going to sea to 10 taxes and 2 taxes."

The domestic population market is limited, so engage in foreign trade and make money from foreigners.

Moreover, she knows how much money can be made by going out on a sea ship, and one tax per ten is too little.

In this era, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge, and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, and these few people are the powerful class. They have grabbed huge wealth, but they have not provided corresponding taxes for the country.

Xiao Yu's lips curled up slightly when he heard this, and Xiao Fei became ruthless, not even letting himself go.

You must know that the fleet that once belonged to Prince Qi is now the private property of Xiao Yu and Gu Fei. To increase taxes, this is to take action on yourself first.

Zheng Shangshu couldn't help but said: "The tax rate for overseas trade has suddenly doubled. Is this too much?"

Gu Fei said calmly: "Even if we add a 10% tax rate, overseas trade will still be huge profits."

“Since we have made huge profits, we should impose heavy taxes.”

"This alone can increase tax revenue by at least millions of dollars every year."

At this time, several courtiers below were not very happy.

They also own sea-going ships, or have shares in sea-going ships. If they really do this, their interests will be damaged.

The reason why reforms in the past dynasties failed is because they disturbed the interests of the interest class.

Gu Fei chose maritime trade as a breakthrough point simply because there are still only a few people who profit from maritime trade.

As far as she knew, there were only a few dozen ships used for trade in the country.

The real and fundamental interests of the powerful class are still in the land, and she will not make any big move on this for the time being.

If there is a big movement, it will cause a huge rebound.

We can only adopt the method of boiling frogs in warm water and slowly curb the phenomenon of land annexation and concealment of land annexation step by step.

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