Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 381

In the primitive universe, the ability to reach Tier 6 combat power is considered the peak combat power. At present, the human race is not at a disadvantage in terms of peak combat power compared with the "Free Alliance", but if you can join the mountain, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful. .

The mountain guest said with a smile but a smile: "Let me join the human race, what benefits can you give me? Can you still let me be the leader of the human race?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "No one is the top leader. Your apprentice is basically the top leader of the ethnic group. Teacher, you can't grab my seat as soon as you come, right?"

Zuoshanke smiled and said: "Your human race now has four of the strongest in the universe, so you can still be the master of the universe?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "Although my cultivation base is worse than theirs, my combat power is the strongest! Even if the giant axe is not my opponent now, they won't let me be the leader, who can still be?"

Sitting on the mountain for a moment, he slapped his thigh and said, "Well, since you are the number one, then I will join the human race! Let me ask first, what position are you going to arrange for me?"

Guo Lingfeng was stunned, he didn't expect Zuoshanke to agree so easily.

Before he came, he thought about persuading Zuoshanke to join the human race, but he always felt that there was little hope for this, because Zuoshanke had never joined any forces in the original book, even when the human race was about to face a crisis of extinction. I have been watching from the sidelines.

At that time, he only cared about his disciple Luo Feng, and ignored any ethnic group or power.As for who is the most free and easy in the entire universe, the mountain guest is not allowed to sit on the top spot!

But this time Guo Lingfeng only mentioned it slightly, but the mountain guest was actually moved by him, which made Guo Lingfeng a little unexpected.

"This" Guo Lingfeng pondered for a moment, and said, "Teacher, your old man is highly respected, and the disciple asks you to be the senior consultant and chief refiner of our human race. What do you think of the teacher?"

The mountain guest slapped his lips and said, "Isn't it just a false job? Forget it, just a false job! If there are no specific matters, I am happy to be quiet!"

Guo Lingfeng hurriedly said: "Teacher, this is not a false job! You, the chief craftsman master war is coming, you should prepare more treasures!"

The mountain guest was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily: "I knew you had no good intentions, and I didn't clean everything in my treasure house. Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "Teacher, with your old man's treasure house, it is not an exaggeration for our human race to contribute 100 million points to you!"

"Come on!" The mountain guest said in an angry voice: "Since I got on your boy's thief ship, I have accepted my fate too! I only have one request. If you meet your second brother in this war, look at me. Don't kill him, all right?"

Guo Lingfeng was taken aback, and said, "Okay, I promise the teacher not to kill him!"

The most mysterious person in the universe, Zuo Shanke, suddenly announced that he had joined the human race. This news immediately caused a sensation. The seven leaders of the "Free Alliance" were a bit unable to sit still.

Although Zuoshanke is the strongest in the universe, he has never fought positively with any strongest in the universe. Instead, he can solve the problem by various means, so everyone is not very concerned about his true combat power. clear.

Among the seven leaders, the one who is most familiar with the ancestor of the mountain is the ancestor of the starry sky. The ancestor of the Star Giant Beast Alliance frowned and said: "This is troublesome! The old fellow of the mountain is not easy. The human race has him, we The odds of winning are a bit smaller!"

Meng Yaozu sneered: "Xingkong, your words are a bit exaggerated, right? Sitting on the mountain, at best, gives the human race a high-end combat power. I wait for seven people, who can he win in the primitive universe? "

The ancestor of the starry sky said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, Zuoshanke is not only the strongest person in the universe, he is also the best refiner in the entire universe!"

The founder of Heizhou looked solemn, and said: "Old Starry Sky is right. The refining level of Zuoshanke is known as the number one person in the universe. Even if the war is approaching, there is not enough time to refine the Xeon. Is it okay? And I don’t even know how long this old guy has lived. Who knows how many treasures he has accumulated? Maybe even Xeon has several pieces!"

There are currently only 7 Xeons in the entire "Free Alliance", but the number of Xeons on the giant axe and Guo Lingfeng alone in the human race is estimated to be more than this number, and now there is one more Xeon. How to fight this battle?

Zhen Yaozu thought for a long time, and said: "Regardless of these, even if their treasures are more, what about? We do not matter whether the high-end combat power or the low-end combat power beats them, in my opinion, we should bring the army together. Just press over, I see what they can do!"

The ancestor of the starry sky pondered for a moment, and said: "I agree. At the moment we can only respond to changes with the same. With the large number of our people, we can directly give them a big army to suppress the situation. I don't believe that the old man who sits on the mountain can be so short. Within time, the combat power of the entire Hongmeng will be greatly increased!"

The forces of the "Free Alliance" gradually approached the boundaries of the human race. The Great Axe, Allah of Chaos and others also quickly summoned all the masters of the Great Alliance in the "Great Alliance Hall" of the virtual universe to discuss countermeasures.

Zuoshanke contributed more than 20,000 pieces of treasures when he first arrived, and made an "unprecedented" contribution to the human race. The Great Axe and others naturally gave him the position of the Lord of the Hongmeng, and he naturally participated in this meeting. Up.

"In my opinion, the enemy army is strong. We might as well shrink our forces and guard the original universe channel and the virtual universe company base camp. As long as these two can be defended, our human race will be invincible!" Talking eloquently, his divine body has long been restored, and he has received three peak treasures from the mountain guest, and his combat power has improved a lot.

"Improper!" Guo Lingfeng immediately retorted, "If we take the initiative to shrink our forces and give up large areas of territory, the enemy will be able to drive straight into the hinterland of our human territory. This battle can be said to be lost before it is fought!"

Giant Axe is also a radical. After hearing the words, he said: "Yes, I agree with Yinhe's point of view! In this battle, I think we should take the initiative to attack the other side by surprise!"

The Lord of Chaos City looked at Zuo Shan Ke sitting aside with his eyes closed and rested, feeling quite out of the way, so he asked, "Zuo Shan Ke, what do you think?"

The guest sitting on the mountain opened his eyes and smiled, and said, "Chaos, what else can I say? Guo Lingfeng and Giant Axe have just said very well!"

The giant axe said: "Sit Shanke, do you think we should take the initiative?"

Zuoshanke smiled and said: "In fact, we can say that we have won this battle. Otherwise, why should I join the human race? You have a big killer like the eyes of the ancient gods. You only need to send a three-way team to guarantee The army of the Liberty Alliance is coming head-on. As long as the tactics are used properly, they may be able to kill two or three hundred masters of the universe at once!"

The giant axe hurriedly said: "Really?"

Guo Lingfeng said: "Teacher's words reminded me! Yes, we have three ancient gods eyes. We only need to send three men and horses. Each team has only two Tier 6 combat powers! Last time I was able to score two points. The reason to kill so many masters of the universe is because the eyes of the ancient gods are so powerful that anyone below the strongest in the universe cannot resist!"

In fact, it is not so exaggerated. If it is a Tier 4 universe master with strong willpower, equipped with a peak soul protection type treasure, it is still very likely to resist the impact of the "Ancient God Eye".

But how can there be so many "peak soul protection treasures"?And how strong can the main willpower of the ordinary Tier 4 universe be?

In order to withstand the willpower impact of Tier 6's top power, the strength of willpower must reach the level of the strongest in the universe. Among the many masters of the universe, Guo Lingfeng is excluded, even if it is equipped with the "Peak Soul Protection Treasure". Several people can do it.

"Ancient God's Eye" is nothing if it is placed in the universe, but if it is in the original universe, it can achieve even better effects than the Xeon Supreme. It can definitely be called the "big killer". title!

Greataxe, Allah of Chaos and others looked at each other, and then made a decision to take the initiative!

Chapter 488 "Yan God Race" Return

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The "Free Alliance" army pressed the border, and Hongmeng quickly dispatched three people to meet the enemy.

The first route is led by God of Dragon. There are 14 Lords of the Universe and 1,000 Lords of the Universe. Among them, 100 are the Overlords of the Universe. In addition to the "eyes of the ancient gods", they are also carried by God of the Dragon. The "Black Prison Tower" of the Arcana Palace.

The second route is led by the founder of the Great Axe. There are 10 universe masters and 694 universe masters in the team, including 86 universe masters.The giant axe’s supreme treasure palace was called "Xuanyuanzhou", which was refined by Guo Lingfeng that year. Its flight speed was faster than that of the "Black Prison Tower", but its power was slightly weaker.

However, the giant axe still carries the "Eight Desolate Prison" on its body. This treasure has only the function of "Zhen Feng", which is much more powerful than the "Black Prison Tower".

"One specialization, many abilities" is naturally not as good as one specialization!

It can be said that in the range of Xeon Zhibao, the "Eight Desolation Prison" is definitely the strongest in Zhenfeng so far, and there is no one!

Even the "Star Tower", a treasure of the God King class, must control the sixth Secret Rune to match it in this respect.

The third group of people is led by Guo Lingfeng's earthling deity. There are 8 universe masters and 357 universe masters in the team, including 16 universe masters.

Guo Lingfeng can now break through the power ceiling of the original universe with a single blow, thus attracting the suppression of the original will of the universe, so he doesn't need to bring many "followers".

Originally, Guo Lingfeng even decided to act alone, but Allah of Chaos strongly urged them to bring more Universe Venerables in every way.

Because many Cosmos Venerables have never seen such a battle, the opportunity to watch the battle at such a close distance is really rare.

The Great Axe is similar to his situation, in fact, there is no need to bring those cosmic masters.The reason for bringing them is just to let them feel the atmosphere of the war. After the battle starts, they can only hide in the Supreme Palace, which is of no use at all.

After the battle started, the "Ancient God Eyes" took the lead.

Under such a strong conscious impact, there are almost no masters of the universe who can stay awake. Even if the opponent hides in the palace-like treasures, it is useless. Most and most of the masters of the universe. Their palace treasures are only high-level palaces, even top palaces. If it fails, how can the consciousness impact of the "Ancient God Eyes" be effectively shielded?

For this battle, Guo Lingfeng and the others did experiments.

Even if they are hiding in the Peak Palace, the "Ancient God Eyes" can still make most of the Lords of the Universe lose consciousness. If you want to resist this kind of consciousness impact, unless you add a "Peak Soul Protection" treasure, otherwise The lord of the Tier 4 universe is almost impossible to resist.

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