Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 382

After all, there are only a handful of universe masters who have reached Tier 5 combat power. Otherwise, the Chaos City Master would not be able to make a name in the universe.

Guo Lingfeng has gained a lot this time. Except for a few people who used the secret method of burning divine power to escape, a total of 283 masters of the universe were captured. As for the masters of the universe, no less than 50,000 people were arrested.

Many of these masters of the universe had clones, so they blew themselves up as soon as they regained consciousness.

Perhaps the most painful situation is not being killed, but being enslaved by the enemy's soul.Those who can cultivate to the level of the Lord of the Universe, few are afraid of death, but they are afraid of being enslaved.Once enslaved by a human soul, that feeling is no different than death.

Venerable Universe exploded even more, and their cultivation base was low, and they could be resurrected.It’s just that there are too many Cosmos Lords who blew themselves up this time. Even if the Lord of the universe and the strongest of the universe resurrect them at any cost, this is a long-running thing.

After all, it is not easy to resurrect a Universe Venerable. Even the Chaos City Lord back then would be seriously injured and need a long time to recuperate.

The Lord of the universe is really dead if he dies. After all, no one can resurrect the Lord of the universe, not even the strongest of the universe.So the master of the universe captured this time, none of the clones committed suicide.

Isn't it just soul slavery?Enslavement!Anyway, it's better to die than to live!

As long as he can live his life, what if he can only be a slave in the future?

The master of the dignified universe, even if he becomes a slave, can't be lower than the master of the universe, right?

Among these people, Guo Lingfeng found a familiar face "Yan Di"!

When Guo Lingfeng went to him to ask for the "Jia Jia", Emperor Yan was still the boss of the "Yan God Race". After seeing each other again after many years, the status of the two sides had been reversed.Guo Lingfeng is now one of the highest leaders of the human race, but Emperor Yan is just a prisoner.

"Second brother, haven't seen him for many years, don't come here without any problems?" Guo Lingfeng summoned himself, the "second brother" in the main hall of the "Star Tower", and saw that although he didn't have any injuries on his body, he didn't even have the slightest mess of hair style. But it looked quite embarrassed.

"Third Junior Brother, I didn't expect that I would fall into your hands!" Emperor Yan smiled self-deprecatingly, "If I knew there was today, I would have killed you in those days!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "When I saw you back then, there was the Star Tower in hand. Do you think you might kill me?"

"It's true that the chance is not great!" Yandi smiled, "but such a good opportunity should always be tried! Don't you think?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "That's right! I couldn't even win the Lord of Sirius at that time. If you shoot at me, even if you can't kill me, I have nothing to do with you. I can only escape with the Star Tower!"

Emperor Yan couldn't help laughing. After a long time, he stopped his laughter and asked, "Third Junior Brother, what do you decide to do with me?"

Guo Lingfeng waved his hand and said: "I promised the teacher when I invited the teacher to join the human race a few days ago. If I can meet you on the battlefield, I must save your life."

Emperor Yan hurriedly asked: "The teacher asked you to save my life?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said, "But I can't let you go, right?"

Emperor Yan said solemnly: "I'll tell you first, it's impossible to enslave me with a soul, do you want to keep me imprisoned?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "You think too much, since I promised the teacher, I will never kill you! However, it is never possible to let you go! In that case, I have a proposal. I wonder if you can accept it?"

Emperor Yan said: "What proposal?"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "You led the Yan God Clan to join the Hongmeng, so that everyone will be their own, wouldn't everyone like this?"

Emperor Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then he said with a distressed expression: "Back then, I took the Yan God Clan to declare independence and betrayed the human race. Chaos and Xujin all wanted to get rid of me and hurry up. Now they are willing to accept me again. ?"

Guo Lingfeng laughed and said: "Second brother, don't you know who the highest leader of the human race is? Although I don't like to make a statement, if I say something, I believe that the entire human race should not be opposed!"

Emperor Yan beamed with joy and said, "If this is the case, then I promise you, I just hope that the Yan Gods will not be bullied after they return to the human race!"

Guo Lingfeng smiled and said: "The Yan God race has been separated from the human race for so long, and it is normal for others to have some prejudices against you. As long as everyone gets along with each other, I believe it will be fine for a long time. It is impossible to keep targeting you Yan God race!"

The defection of the "Yan God Race" made the seven leaders of the "Free Alliance" very angry, and what made them distressed was that they lost more than 300 universe masters and more than 180 universe masters in this battle. Avatar.

Although the "Free Alliance" has many people, the Lord of the Universe is still very high-end combat power, and the loss of more than half of the Lord of the Universe at once can be regarded as a devastating blow.

And Hongmeng suddenly "joined" more than 300 masters of the universe, and for the first time occupied an absolute advantage in high-end combat power.

Chapter 489: Race War

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In fact, no cosmic master in the original universe could be counted as Tier 6, because this level has basically touched the ceiling of the original universe’s combat power, so to measure whether a cosmic master has reached Tier 6, in fact is to see if he has There is no Xeon.

For example, the lord of the galaxy and the city lord of the chaos, their combat power reached the top of the 5th rank, if they can have a strongest treasure in their hands, they can immediately become the lord of the 6th universe.

And now the "Free Alliance" has only 7 Xeons in total, and each of the 7 strongest in the universe has one. How could they give the Xeons to the Lord of the universe?

Therefore, the Tier 6 combat power in the "Free Alliance" is only 7 people in total.

However, Hongmeng is far more than this number. They already have 5 strongest people in the universe and an additional mountain guest. In the past few years, Guo Lingfeng’s Yuan clan clone has refined several strongest treasures. Absolutely more than 10 people in Tier 6 combat power.

Although this battle is a battle of races, it is these high-end combat powers that really affect the outcome.

After a great battle, Guo Lingfeng and the others captured more than 300 masters of the universe, and after the "Free Alliance" lost so many masters of the universe at once, the number of masters of the universe was only about 500, which still counts those clones. If you don’t count these divine bodies, their number is less than 300.

And Hongmeng now counts all the gods, the Lord of the universe has more than 600 people, occupying an absolute advantage!

The number of Tier 6 combat power is completely defeated by the opponent, and the number of Lords of the universe is so much less than the opponent. It can be said that the "Free Alliance" is already in a situation of defeat before this battle has begun.

The ancestor of the starry sky first announced that the "Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance" had separated from the "Freedom Alliance". After analyzing the pros and cons, this old guy decisively chose to defect.

Of course, this time he can persuade him to leave the "Freedom League" and take great credit.

The two are old friends for many years, and the operation is as fierce as a tiger!No, it was the mountain guest who used his three-inch tongue. After analyzing the pros and cons, the ancestor of the starry sky also felt that continuing to confront the human race did not pay off, so he decisively chose to withdraw.

Yes, it is to withdraw from the "Free Alliance", not to join the Hongmeng.

The number of members of the "Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance" is sparse, and they didn't have much ambition for the territory, so they can stand on the sidelines after exiting this time.

If the "Free Alliance" can win, of course, the ancestors of the starry sky believe that they cannot win, and will not kill them all. If the human race wins, Zuoshanke will also guarantee him a habitat on behalf of Hongmeng.

Sitting on the mountain can not be regarded as "harming others against oneself", and sometimes it is not necessary for the opponent to defect over. As long as the opponent's strength is weakened, it can actually increase the chance of winning.

Seeing that the "Freedom Alliance" has been weakened again, three of the six leaders have retreated. They are the imaginary devil, the lord of Sihua and the founder of the black universe.

The three of them were originally the strongest alone, and they had no ethnic ties. The reason for joining the "Free Alliance" this time was mainly to get one or two supreme treasures from the human race.

Now that the human race is obviously strong, how can they work hard for the Zerg and Demon Race?

You must know that they have been in the universe for many years. If the human race is offended to death, wouldn't it be dangerous in the universe in the future?

The battle in the outer realm of "Qingfeng Realm" went viral, and now who doesn't know the power of the giant axe?Even the third Allah of the "God Eye Race" was suppressed by him, and the sixth Allah almost fell.

Moreover, the Lord of the Galaxy is also able to fight for the third Allah of the "God Eye Race", and they both think they don't have this ability.

In addition, Allah of Chaos and Allah of Longxing now have Xeons in their hands, and even own more than one. Even if they are against them, it is estimated that there is not much chance of winning.

Besides, now that the Lord of the Galaxy has the inheritance of the East River, what is the use of opposing the human race even if it can gain a temporary advantage?The longer the time, the greater the advantage of the human race. Could it be possible to destroy the human race?

With the original universe, the giant axe, and the lord of the galaxy, which force can destroy the human race?Even if "Eastern Emperor Holy Land" and "Purple Moon Holy Land" could enter the primitive universe, it wouldn't be possible!

The illusory devil, the founder of the black universe, and the owner of the island of Sihwa withdrew from the "Free Alliance". The consequences of this incident can be said to be disastrous.

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