Chapter 971

Major murders.

Involved in the triad.

And alarmed Interpol.

Officials at the level of deputy ministers are really helpless.

In the conference hall, including the staff and reporters, there are a total of two to three hundred people.

Everyone looked at Xiao Meishu being taken away with strange eyes. Needless to say, after a few minutes, the news that Xiao Meishu was taken away by the police for investigation on suspicion of homicide turned into explosive news.

Under normal circumstances, the police will take celebrities to be investigated, and will not choose public places, and will try to minimize the negative impact, so that they are not known.

But this time is an exception.

The resolute Xu Wan, fearing that Xiao Meishu would abscond from the crime, and hiding abroad would make the investigation more difficult, so she acted decisively and brought people back to the city bureau as soon as possible. As for the impact on Xiao Meishu herself, it has nothing to do with her, nor is it in her responsibilities. Within the scope of consideration.

More than a dozen plainclothes police officers with serious expressions crowded Xiao Meishu out of the exhibition center, and then “invited” Xiao Meishu into an old Passat.

Xu Wan got into the passenger seat of this Passat. The car had just started. She couldn’t wait to twist around and interrogated Xiao Meishu, who was caught between the back seats of two policewomen: “How long have you known Wang Zhen?”

“He is Yang Shoulian’s friend. I saw him for the first time yesterday. He just said a few words and broke up. He is not familiar with him, and he has no deep hatred. If he is not speculative, he can continue to be a stranger in the future. Why should I kill?”

Xiao Meishu responded calmly, well-founded, and not impatient or impatient.

Those who are clear will clear themselves, and those who are turbid will become turbid.

Although she was very surprised by Wang Zhen’s death, she was not the one who killed them, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

When encountering a life-threatening incident, you can calm down quickly. It is definitely not what ordinary women can do. Xu Wan sneered: “Mr. Xiao, I have read your information, and it really deserves its reputation. This psychological quality is really admirable. .”

“It’s just a clear conscience. It has nothing to do with the strength of the psychological quality. I didn’t kill anyone.”

Xiao Meishu’s tone became cold, and the police officer Xu looked like she was a prisoner in front of her, which was really annoying.

“Skynet is back to its negligence without leaking, whether it has power or money, the law will not spare any bad guys.”

Xu Wan is very meaningful.

“The law will not wrong a good person. As a police officer, you should know that making a guilty judgment without conclusive evidence is a serious dereliction of duty.”

Xiao Meishu is not a good woman who is good to bully either. Seeing the other person is aggressive, she can’t help but start tit-for-tat.

“My instinct has never been wrong.”

Xu Wan responded coldly, apparently identifying Xiao Meishu as the suspect, and that the other party’s dead husband was originally a gangster, and his background was not innocent. It was not a strange thing to be insulted yesterday and murdered with hatred.

“I will use my method to prove my innocence. During your unprovoked investigation of me, you will have to bear all personal and company losses.”

Xiao Meishu’s face mask is frosty.


Xu Wan’s indifferent cheeks, most people are not angry, and most of them swear, Xiao Meishu is still calm, opened her handbag, took out her mobile phone, and contacted the lawyer.

Wucai International Legal Affairs Department has the best lawyers. Xiao Meishu knows that it is useless to say more. In this case, she can only use legal weapons to defend her innocence.

Xu Wan did not prevent Xiao Meishu from contacting the lawyer. At present, Xiao Meishu is not a criminal, and while cooperating with the investigation, she still enjoys all the rights of a citizen.

The summons and arrests took no more than twelve hours.

Involved in major cases, but 24 hours.

Xiao Meishu, who has some knowledge of the law, estimated that at least one day and one night in the bureau, based on Xu Wan’s attitude, was both annoying and helpless.

“What is your relationship with Yu Ji?”

Xu Wan brought Xiao Meishu back to the bureau to ask the first question.


“anything else?”

“What is the relationship between us? It belongs to personal privacy. You don’t know the right?”

Xiao Meishu asked with a frown.

She knew what the female Interpol was thinking.

In fact, in the car, she had also suspected that it was impossible for Yu Ji to act. With Yu Ji’s temper, it wasn’t that there was such a possibility, she also had this strength.

“She is also suspected of committing a crime. You need to cooperate with our investigation so that you can return your own innocence.”

“You go and ask her yourself, what am I doing?”

Xiao Meishu smiled, “What? Are you afraid to catch her?”

Xu Wan is a bit embarrassed. She is an Interpol, so she naturally doesn’t care about certain rules, but as a local police, she can’t help but care.

She wanted to “invite” Yu Ji to cooperate with the investigation, but the Donghai Municipal Bureau did not cooperate.

In desperation, she could only catch Xiao Meishu first, trying to find a breakthrough from her.

“Miss Xiao, please figure out your current identity. You’d better cooperate with us, so it’s good for you and me.”

Xu Wan said coldly.

Xiao Meishu didn’t bother to pay attention to it at all. It would instinctively feel a little unfair to anyone who didn’t arrest Yu Ji when she was arrested, and she began to silence.

As Xiao Meishu expected, Xu Wan let her stay in the game for a full twenty-four hours. Xiao Meishu, who had not rested much all day and night, looked haggard and tired.

The lawyer and secretary who rushed to pick up Xiao Meishu was furious and rushed to argue with Xu Wan and Liu Ning. Fortunately, Xiao Meishu, a rational Xiao Meishu, stopped in time and avoided unnecessary quarrels.

Xiao Meishu took the lawyer’s secretary and went out. After experiencing the Higgins incident, Xiao Xia, the personal female bodyguard specially hired to learn from the incident, deliberately fell to the end, turning her head and glaring at Xu Wan.

Xu Wan frowned, feeling the threat in Xiaoxia’s eyes, and felt that the tragedy of the Presidential Suite at the Park Hyatt Hotel was related to Xiao Meishu, but there was no evidence for the time being.

The expressionless Xiao Meishu took the secretary, lawyer, and bodyguard Xiaoxia into the Ford motorhome waiting in front of the city bureau building.

“Mr. Xiao, our company’s stock price fell to the limit yesterday, and it fell to the limit as soon as the market opened this morning. It was sealed on the limit for two consecutive days. The market value has steamed to nearly billions. The news of your suspected murder is overwhelming on the Internet. If this matter does not come to light as soon as possible, There will be big trouble.”

The secretary reported anxiously.

“Didn’t you apply to the Securities Regulatory Commission for a trading suspension?”

“Mr Qin is working on it.”

Xiao Meishu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the secretary say this, but suspension of trading was just a stopgap measure. If you want to tide over the difficulties, you must prove that you are innocent as soon as possible. The moment he turned to say something to the lawyer, he just heard a “bang”… The RV shook violently, and Xiao Meishu, the secretary, and the lawyer, who were caught off guard, staggered and screamed.

Fortunately, Xiaoxia’s eyesight was quick and she grabbed Xiao Meishu, Xiao Meishu did not slip out of the seat.

Xiaoxia stood up and looked at the rear of the car when she was in danger. A Land Rover off-road vehicle was deliberately rear-ending.

At this moment, the window of the Land Rover co-driver’s seat fell, and a man wearing a headgear leaned out his upper body, holding a shotgun, and aimed at the RV.

It is never too late for a gentleman to avenge him.

But what about the villain?

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