Chapter 972


The gunshot is not an air gun, not a simulated gun, but a real Remington shotgun. Since the front and rear of the car are less than three meters apart, the power of the shotgun is fully demonstrated.

Under the bombardment of countless projectiles, the rear door of the RV was riddled with holes and the glass shattered.

In the car, Xiaoxia threw down Xiao Meishu in time. The secretary and lawyer were not so lucky. They were all hit by the projectiles that penetrated the leather seats. They were blood-stained on the front of her clothes, and her face was shocked. She rolled to the front of the car and squeezed.

In broad daylight, on the avenue where cars come and go, and less than one kilometer away from the city bureau building, he is blatantly attacking with a gun. He is simply a lunatic.

The gunman who leaned out half of his body calmly pulled the gun, loaded the bullet, and fired another shot at the RV. The back door of the RV was suddenly blasted through a big shocking hole.

This black Ford RV, transferred from the Shencheng branch of the True Color Group, is not bulletproof, and it cannot withstand close-range shotgun combos.

Several cars slammed to a halt, trying to avoid the gunfight. As a result, multiple cars collided and became a mess, cries, screams, and curses, one after another.

In a messy RV, Xiaoxia pressed against Xiao Meishu, using her body as a shield to block bullets, and roared, “Turn around and drive back to the city office.”

However, the cab of this RV was separated. The driver didn’t seem to hear Xiao Xia’s words, so he drove forward. Xiao Xia saw through the big hole in the back door that the gunman was loading bullets. She could not care about shouting at the driver and gritted her teeth. , Took out the two small flying knives inserted on the belt around his waist, and threw them out one after another.

Two throwing knives, one behind the other, drilled holes.

The first flying knife was unbiased and nailed into the gunman’s left eye. The gunman screamed, and the second flying knife pierced the windshield of the Land Rover car and sank into the driver’s throat.

The Land Rover lost control, rushed into the road, and hit a big tree on the side of the road. The front cover was distorted and it was not what it looked like. The front face was broken and the back seat door was pushed open. The two masked men fell out and climbed hard. Get up, stumble and run, perhaps because of a pistol, no one dares to stop.

A few minutes later, the Ford RV drove back to the city bureau building. Xu Wan and Liu Ning rushed out of the building with a large group of police officers. When they saw the battered RV, they were secretly shocked. Some people took a cold breath.

“Call an ambulance.”

Xu Wan opened the back door of the RV, frowning, Xiao Meishu’s secretary and lawyer fell into the blood, and Xiao Meishu, who had just sat upright, knocked her forehead and her face pale.

The bodyguard Xiaoxia squeezed the throwing knife in her hand, ready to go.

Xu Wan could guess what was going on with her ass, and said coldly: “The triad has sought revenge, and said that she didn’t kill Wang Zhen.”

“President Xiao said that he didn’t kill, but he didn’t kill him. If you slander Mr. Xiao, believe it or not I will kill you?”

Xiaoxia squeezed the flying knife tightly as she spoke, with a murderous intent, like a beast bursting out at any time.

Xu Wan subconsciously touched the gun pinned to her waist, obviously feeling that Xiaoxia was not scaring her, but really dared to kill her regardless of the cost.

Xiao Meishu slapped Xiaoxia’s arm and signaled this loyal bodyguard not to be impulsive, and said to Xu Wan: “I don’t know why. You are so directed at me. If I have offended me at any time, you tell me, I apologize to you, don’t Because of personal grievances, it tarnished the image of Interpol.”


Xu Wan was speechless and there was no conclusive evidence. She targeted Xiao Meishu everywhere. She was really arbitrary and not what a qualified police officer should do. She simply shut up.

“Hurry up and help Mr. Xiao out, and call the people in the infirmary to come over.” Liu Ning, who has been pursuing Xu Wan for many years, showed up in time to ease the embarrassment.

Several policewomen hurriedly got into the car.

Xiao Meishu just bruised her forehead. The people in the Municipal Medical Office quickly handled the wound for her. Xiaoxia, who looked like she was okay, was shot in many places on her shoulder and back. Fortunately, her injuries were not serious and she insisted on staying with Xiao Meishu instead of going to the hospital. Treatment, for her, protecting Xiao Meishu is far more important than her own safety.

When night fell, Xiao Meishu Xiaoxia walked out of the city bureau building. Xu Wan sent a group of people to secretly protect Xiao Meishu, and by the way, follow and monitor Xiao Meishu to prevent Xiao Meishu from fleeing.Xiao Meishu first went to the hospital to visit the secretary and lawyer, pay medical expenses and surgical deposits, and instructed the branch staff who came to accompany the bed to take good care of the two, and then called the surgeon to fetch the lead bullets left in Xiaowen’s body.

“No anesthesia?”

The surgeon asked this question three times.

Xiaoxia shook her head expressionlessly. Once anesthetized, even with local anesthesia, she would have to delay all night. She was not at ease if she did not guard Xiao Meishu all night.

The doctor looked at Xiao Meishu, who took off her shirt and lay on the operating bed, and repeatedly reminded Xiaowen that it would be very painful, but Xiao Xia did not hum.

The people present exclaimed in admiration.

When the wound was finally stitched, several young nurses couldn’t bear to watch, the doctor’s hands trembled slightly, not because of lack of surgical experience and nervousness, but shocked by Xiaoxia’s strength.

Xiao Meishu, who was sitting in the operating room waiting, was stunned when she saw Xiaoxia coming out. The first time she saw the person who had finished the operation, she walked out of the operating room as if nothing was wrong.

“Is it all right?” Xiao Meishu asked Xiaoxia in disbelief.

Xiaoxia nodded.

Xiao Meishu was worried, and asked the doctor about the operation process. She was frightened and couldn’t help but blame Xiaoxia: “You don’t care about your body too much, you can’t do this in the future.”

“Mr. Xiao, I have long been used to it. I used to deal with injuries by myself.”

“Thank you.”

Xiao Meishu said sincerely that although the salary she paid Xiaoxia was not low, not all bodyguards were willing to die for their employers.

“Mr. Xiao, this is what I should do.”

“Okay, okay, I guess you are hungry too, let’s go to eat.”

The touched Xiao Meishu took Xiaoxia’s hand and walked out. At this moment, she regarded Xiaoxia as a good sister, not a bodyguard or a servant.

Returning to the Peace Hotel, when the two were dining in the Dragon Phoenix Hall, the magnetic man spoke from behind Xiao Meishu’s side: “Beautiful Miss Xiao Meishu, I heard that you are in trouble and worry about your life.”

Xiao Meishu hurriedly turned her head sideways, and then she didn’t know what to do. The visitor was Higgins, who had kidnapped her before. The uninvited Higgins had a charming smile on her face, and she opened her chair and sat down.

“Please leave immediately.”

After recovering, Xiao Meishu’s face sank like water to rush people.

“Miss Xiao Meishu, I think you need protection now.”

At the end of the talk, Higgins glanced at Xiaoxia, then looked at the plainclothes policemen guarding the entrance of the restaurant with a smile.

“I am alive or dead. Don’t worry about it. If you don’t go, I will go.” Xiao Meishu, who was halfway through her face mask, got up angrily and prepared to leave.

Higgins unscrupulously grabbed Xiao Meishu.

Xiao Xia reacted extremely quickly, making her shots like electricity, pinching Higgins’s wrist and gritting her teeth, enough to break the bones of ordinary people.

Higgins was indifferent and composed.

At this moment, the four plainclothes guarding outside the restaurant rushed in and ordered Higgins to let go.

Higgins’ eyes suddenly cold, Xiaoxia shuddered.

“Xiaoxia, get out of the way.”

Xiao Meishu, who was not aware of it, reached out to push Xiaoxia, Higgins was so powerful, she had seen her when she was kidnapped, and only Chen Liang could clean up the bastard.

Xiaoxia is definitely not Higgins’s opponent.

It’s a pity that Xiao Meishu’s movements are not faster than Higgins. The animal stretched out a palm and patted Xiao Xia’s body. Xiao Xia was hit by a car and fell backwards and fell to the floor. Qiqiao began to bleed.

Xiao Meishu was shocked and she wanted to rush to Xiaoxia’s side, but couldn’t get rid of Higgins’s big hand. She was anxious and angry, and she trembled with tears in her eyes.

The four plainclothes policemen who came up were in a daze. They didn’t expect that this foreigner was so arrogant, he dared to act brazenly in front of them, because it was too accidental, so they were stunned for a while.

Higgins glanced at the bleeding Xiaoxia, shrugged, and smiled at everyone casually: “I didn’t do anything. So many people can testify for me. They all saw it. She did it first. , I’m just defensive.”


The unbearable Xiao Meishu spoke and slapped Higgins with a loud slap.


Higgins could avoid it completely, but he didn’t evade, he was slapped abruptly, he was not angry, he licked the corner of his mouth, like a metamorphosis, showing a look of enjoyment, the elegance of the nobility remained, and he touched it. He touched the beaten left cheek and smiled, but a sharp expression flashed across his eyes, exposing the animal’s anger into anger.

“Ms. Xiao is my friend. We have important things to talk about. Please leave.”

Higgins said while pulling Xiao Meishu out.

The four plainclothes police officers checked you and looked at me, and I looked at you. They were deterred by Higgins’s imposing manner and their foreign status, and they retreated subconsciously and did not dare to act rashly.

Higgins smiled evilly at Xiao Meishu, as if saying to Xiao Meishu, no one under the world can save you, and from me, it is your only way out.

Xiao Meishu wanted to shout and struggle, but the wrist held by Higgins seemed to be pierced by electricity, and immediately the whole body seemed to be convulsed, unable to move, and could not shout.

Higgins forced Xiao Meishu with his arms around, as he was about to walk out of the restaurant, a sexy figure wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants appeared at the entrance of the restaurant.

Yu Ji.

The underground queen of the East China Sea!

The men and women who were dining in the restaurant were surprised, and even if they didn’t know it, they all had a premonition that something big would happen or there would be excitement to watch.

“Let go of her, I will let you leave alive.”

Xiao Meishu stared at Higgins expressionlessly, with strong self-confidence and undisguised arrogance in her words.

When Higgins saw Yu Ji, his eyes brightened, and he felt that Yu Ji was more enchanting than Xiao Meishu, but her temperament was too cold, and she couldn’t help laughing: “Yes, you are also the type I like.”

Yu Ji turned a deaf ear to Higgins, walking towards Higgins, Higgins’ smile disappeared, and her eyes narrowed.

“Who are you?”

“Either let people go, or you stay here forever.”

Yu Ji is full of domineering, and the eerie murderous intent that spreads instantly fills the entire restaurant. The men and women who are dining are flustered and shuddering inexplicably.

Higgins squinted his eyes, stared at Yu Ji, and did not respond to Yu Ji for a long time. Without a 100% victory, it meant that both sides would lose. What if this powerful opponent still has a helper?

After thinking about it, Higgins let go of Xiao Meishu’s hand, Xiao Meishu slumped to the ground.

“I think we will meet again in the future. Next time, I won’t maintain a gentlemanly demeanor just because you are a woman.”

Higgins grinned and put gold on his face.The moment he bullied Xiao Meishu, this guy had completely lost his gentlemanship.

Yu Ji didn’t bother to look at the hypocritical Higgins, and went straight to Xiao Meishu, while Higgins controlled her unwillingness and resentment and left the restaurant.

The men and women who thought a good show was going to be staged were disappointed.

It’s not too much to watch the excitement in one sentence. If a good show is on, the people in the restaurant will be affected in all likelihood.

Xiao Meishu, who was out of Higgins’s control, slowly came over, pointed to Xiaoxia who was lying not far away, and begged Yu Ji to save her. Yu Ji came to Xiao Xia, squatted down, and took a look, “It’s okay, I can’t die. .”

Xiao Meishu breathed a sigh of relief.

Higgins got into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce car, glanced at the Peace Hotel sternly through the window, gritted his teeth and ordered the driver to drive.


“Notify Zorro, do as I ordered.”

Higgins looked ugly and scary, and the scorpion didn’t dare to ask more, nodded and said yes, took out his cell phone, dialed a series of numbers, waited for the call to be connected, and whispered a few words.

The Rolls Royce drove away from the Peace Hotel.

Xiao Meishu’s bad luck did not end there. That night, the Shen City Bureau received an anonymous report that Xiao Meishu was hiding money in another residence besides Oriental Ginza, and Xu Wan rushed to the Sheshan villa area. After Xiao Meishu’s building was renovated Among the villas that have not been checked in, one 16 automatic robbing and two Glock 18 hand robs were found.

The fingerprint on one of the pistols is exactly the same as the fingerprint left by the killer who killed Wang Zhen in the Presidential Suite of the Park Hyatt Hotel. This killer was a retired special soldier who joined an extremist organization the year before, and even more coincidentally, Xu Wan passed the Interpol It was found that Xiao Meishu had a payment of 3 million US dollars in the UBS secret account.

This money flows into extremist organizations through underground banks.

After Xu Wan, who worked all night, mastered the complete chain of evidence, she confidently faced the nearly 100 police officers who were ready to go in front of the city bureau building and said loudly: “The murderer is Xiao Meishu, arrest people!”

Xiao Meishu, who hadn’t slept well all night, was having breakfast in the cafeteria and met Yu Ji. After the meal, the two took a seat next to the window.

“You shouldn’t have come.”

Xiao Meishu sighed. The police didn’t dare to move Yu Ji easily, but she took the initiative to come in.

“We are friends.”

Yu Ji responded with a simple sentence, which moved the exhausted Xiao Meishu into a warm current.

“Is the news flying out now?”

Xiao Meishu smiled bitterly.

“You are a famous entrepreneur and a strong woman in the East China Sea. If something happens, all kinds of news and rumors will fly all over the sky, not to mention such a big move this time.”

Yu Ji looked calm,

“Don’t worry, the sky won’t fall. You didn’t do it, or you did it. No one can wrong you.”

I am afraid that only in the identity of Yu Ji can we have such a tone. Her implication is undoubtedly that this matter will definitely not be a side effect.


Xiao Meishu nodded.

“Those who are clear will clear themselves. I believe that the law is fair and will return my innocence.”

She knew that she did not kill, and Yu Ji also knew that she did not believe that Dou E’s injustice would really happen in this era of sound legal system. Moreover, with Yu Ji’s energy in the East China Sea, since she had spoken, she would have paid for it. What to worry about.

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