Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 115 What is a part-time boss?

Although Lu Yuan patted his chest in front of No. 6 and said that he would solve the material problem, it is really not that easy to solve. After all, invading an extraordinary civilization, even if it is crushed by strength, can't extract materials. It takes time.

The construction of the space fortress here requires a huge amount of materials, and the construction of the Star Destroyer over there cannot be stopped easily. After all, it is related to future plans.

Therefore, Lu Yuan can only work harder, explore more of the extraordinary world, and plunder more energy materials!

Obviously I am a boss, but why do I feel more exhausted than a wage earner? Is this the legendary wage earner? Lu Yuan said to himself.

After inspecting the construction of the space fortress, Lu Yuan took a short rest. After adjusting his condition, he was ready to continue to enter the novice village to abuse food and earn some black gold coins!

Although it is unethical to use the strong to bully the weak, it makes money quickly! And the jungle eats the strong. If you are to blame, you are too weak. This is the law of the universe! Lu Yuan said with emotion as he assembled the fleet.

It is precisely because Lu Yuan is very aware of the cruelty of the laws of the universe that he is constantly working hard to develop civilization and keep the entire fungal civilization in a state of preparation for war, in case it is invaded one day and the civilization is destroyed.

He knows very well that if your own strength is not strong enough, you are not even qualified to complain that the enemy is too cruel!

Without thinking too much, after the fleet was assembled, Lu Yuan routinely sent the latest Venom Brother to the opposite side to check the situation.

Even if you know that your current strength has far exceeded the average level two extraordinary, you still have to be cautious. Carelessness and arrogance are the triggers of failure!

Passing through the wardrobe-sized star gate, Lu Yuan's consciousness entered this new extraordinary world with this new version of Venom.

As soon as he crossed the star gate, Lu Yuan was surrounded by a large wave of liquid, as if Lu Yuan fell into the sea all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Venom Brother's body would not suffocate to death due to choking on the water. After a few adjustments, Lu Yuan changed his state and began to swim in the ocean of this other world.

Normally, it is teleported to the land. Unexpectedly, this time it was teleported directly to the ocean. Could it be that this second-level extraordinary world accounts for most of the ocean area? Lu Yuan transformed into a big fish and thought while swimming.

Under normal circumstances, there are many species in the ocean, and it is normal to occasionally find new forms of big fish that have never been seen before. Therefore, Lu Yuan did not wait to meet the native species, and directly transformed into a common sea fish form on the earth and began to explore the surroundings. Case.

With Lu Yuan's exploration, more and more native creatures began to appear. After Lu Yuan's careful observation, he found that these marine creatures did not have very special native markings. They all had different looks, and most of them looked like marine fish on Earth. almost.

Until Lu Yuan saw a beautiful mermaid not far from him.

Sensing the powerful energy fluctuations on the mermaid, Lu Yuan understood that this ethnic group was probably the ruling ethnic group on the planet.

Lu Yuan quietly followed this mermaid, wanting to see where their settlement was.

Lu Yuan, who hid his aura and pretended to be an ordinary sea fish, hung behind the mermaid from a distance and swam for more than half an hour before he saw the settlement of the mermaid clan.

This is a huge underwater city, fantastic and magnificent, just like a dreamy underwater castle!

A layer of faint blue energy shield envelopes this underwater city. Mermaids coming and going can only enter and exit through eight city gates. The buildings in the city are very marine style, a bit Gothic, and a bit fantasy. Department, very dreamy.

An undersea city? An Atlantis-style marine civilization? Is this extraordinary world an ocean world? Lu Yuan said in surprise.

However, it is really difficult to detect their power system and offensive and defensive methods from such a distance observation! But they all live in one city, and it is probably difficult to sneak in by transforming into a human fish at will. It seems that some methods will be used. Yeah! Lu Yuan thought secretly.

Then Lu Yuan stayed outside the city for a short period of time, and finally found a mermaid who was out alone.

Based on the energy level, that's a level four mermaid, you can do it!

Lu Yuan followed quietly. After the mermaid was far away from the city, Lu Yuan returned to his original form and killed the male mermaid with a sneak attack.

After devouring the mermaid's genes, Lu Yuan transformed into the mermaid, waited outside for a few hours, and then slowly flew back into the city.

Because there were a lot of mermaids coming and going, the guards at the city gate did not check them one by one, and Lu Yuan himself exuded an authentic mermaid aura, so he sneaked into the city without any danger.

This underwater city of Atlantis is a giant ring-shaped city with three rings. The entire city has a diameter of 300 kilometers. It is a super giant city. Now Lu Yuan is entering the outermost city. .

Most of the mermaids living in the outer ring only have one to four levels of strength, and they are the grassroots force of the entire mermaid civilization.

Lu Yuan's disguised mermaid is considered an upper-class figure in the outer ring. If his strength breaks through another level, he will be eligible to enter the inner ring. The people there are fifth to sixth level mermaids, who are the mainstay of mermaid civilization. !

The people who live in the central ring are strong men of level seven to eight, who are the beings at the top of the pyramid of mermaid civilization!

Unlike other extraordinary civilizations, the top experts of the mermaid civilization are not separated from the people of the middle and lower classes. Instead, they live in the same underwater city with them and exist as the ruling class within the city.

Lu Yuan walked around the city for several hours. After careful observation, he finally learned some daily terms of the mermaid civilization.

Things like language have a unified internal logic. After learning some daily expressions, and through sophisticated biological parabrain calculations, Lu Yuan also quickly mastered the common spoken language of the mermaid civilization.

After some inquiries, Lu Yuan came to a library-like existence in the outer ring, intending to check some information from here.

After getting an encyclopedia of mermaid civilization with a shell and pearl cover, Lu Yuan frantically sent the contents of the book back to the biological assistant brains for analysis.

After flipping through hundreds of related books, Lu Yuan quickly left the library and returned to the original owner's house when the librarian looked at him as an idiot.

Fortunately, the original owner is a hard-working single fish who only knows how to practice all day long and is an idiot. Otherwise, if Lu Yuan comes home and meets a beautiful mermaid wife, what do you think Lu Yuan should do? You know, doing it and killing it have completely different meanings!

After returning to the house and closing the door, Lu Yuan quietly waited for the analysis of the biological assistant brains.

Although there are hundreds of books, the meaning of the words of Mermaid Civilization has to be deconstructed, but a considerable part of these books are illustrated. If the pictures and text are combined, the computing power of the biological assistant brains can be used to analyze the meaning of the words. Still very fast!

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