Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 116 Atlantis-style extraordinary civilization!

Under the full analysis of the biological assistant brains, Lu Yuan also obtained detailed intelligence information on the mermaid civilization.

The mermaid civilization is a civilization similar to the legendary Atlantis civilization on Earth. It is a civilization living under the sea.

They built an undersea city on the seabed, used energy shields to isolate ordinary seawater from the outside world, and concentrated the spiritual energy inside the energy shields.

Yes, Lu Yuan actually sensed this the moment he stepped into the city. Compared with the sea water outside, the level of psychic energy inside the city has increased by more than a hundred times!

Mermaid civilization travels on the sea and fishes for food. Although eighth-level mermaids were born, they did not choose to leave the mermaid planet to explore space. Instead, they chose to live with their people and continue to enjoy the freedom of the ocean. .

The Mermaid Planet is a huge ocean planet that is three times larger than Jupiter in the solar system. More than 95% of the entire planet is a vast ocean, with only a handful of islands scattered throughout this ocean planet.

And such a marine environment naturally gave birth to a special Atlantis-like marine civilization like the mermaid civilization.

Is it a psychic civilization? The attack method is to control the sea, wind and thunder? Lu Yuan said after reading the information on the mermaid civilization.

Such a civilization is quite strong inside the planet. When the enemy invades the inside of the planet, it is as if they have entered their territory! The environment of the mermaid planet is really suitable for them to fight!

Although they have not developed space civilization, it is still difficult to do so! After all, it is difficult for space battleships to function inside the planet, but sending individual combat troops inside the planet may not be able to defeat them! What a headache... ... Lu Yuan thought.

This is indeed the case. Unless Lu Yuan no longer wants the resources of the mermaid civilization and just wants to kill the mermaid civilization, then just fire a salvo of Star Destroyer Cannons at the mermaid planet. It is guaranteed to kill them all. net!

But this makes no sense! Not only did they not get resources, they also lost the Star Destroyer Cannon!

It seems it's time to dispatch those wage earners in this battle! Lu Yuan muttered.

This is a special matter. Since the situation of the mermaid civilization is so special, Lu Yuan will not dispatch the space fleet this time, but directly dispatch high-level workers to engage in an intra-planet war with the mermaid civilization!

Don't forget, Lu Yuan still has 2 billion seventh- and eighth-level wage earners in his hands! Most of them are elite demons, born to be killing machines!

In terms of individual combat power, Lu Yuan believed that his group of advanced demons would not lose to the mermaid civilization!

He now has to rely on this group of high-level workers to conquer the mermaid civilization and successfully obtain various energy materials inside the mermaid planet!

Lu Yuan's consciousness quickly returned to the solar system. After disbanding most of the assembled fleet and leaving only a part to meet unexpected needs, Lu Yuan returned to Earth and prepared to assemble his advanced individual combat troops.

These two billion high-level workers are usually arranged by Lu Yuan on the vast plains of North America. In addition to absorbing energy and practicing every day, they have military training with Lu Yuan's venomous brothers.

Although this kind of military training does not use energy, both sides can fight to the point of landslides every day just by relying on physical strength.

However, this kind of training has also accumulated a large amount of individual combat data for the biological assistant brains. These data are all shared. After absorbing these experiences, all bacterial colonies can become elite soldiers in hundreds of battles. This is why Lu Yuan puts on the weapon every time. The reason why the combat power of the new Venom individual combat troops will not drop significantly is because they have been given actual combat experience the moment they are generated!

Now, Lu Yuan will mobilize this group of high-level workers to enter the mermaid planet, use their strong individual combat power to eliminate the high-end combat power of the mermaid civilization, and open the way for Lu Yuan's invasion.

Lu Yuan felt very satisfied when he saw the two billion high-level workers who had gathered together after receiving the order!

Eighty percent of the wage earners are elite demons captured during the previous invasion of demon civilization, and some are the essence of some previous extraordinary civilizations. Together, they form this high-level wage earner group.

All this time, Lu Yuan has not dispatched these wage earners because it is not easy to train them. Those who can use fungus warriors use fungus warriors. These high-level wage earners are all left as the foundation of civilization!

It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes a while to use it. Now that Lu Yuan needs it, it's time to attack with a sharp edge and let Lu Yuan test the quality of these workers!

The two billion army was assembled, and under the leadership of Lu Yuan, all the soldiers began to take off into outer space.

Lu Yuan opened a star gate with a diameter of several kilometers in outer space, and the assembled army filed in, crossed the star gate and entered the mermaid planet.

A star gate with a diameter of several kilometers is not very noticeable on such a huge mermaid planet, so when Lu Yuan's demon army entered the mermaid planet, it only attracted the attention of several surrounding underwater cities.

However, after Lu Yuan's demon army filed in, the huge energy fluctuation instantly alarmed the entire underwater city of the mermaid planet, and the heavenly law of the mermaid planet also began to issue an emergency warning! All the senior mermaids were alarmed!

As more and more demonic armies pour in, the mermaids' senses become clearer!

Soon, the mermaid empire's assembly order spread throughout the mermaid planet through sound waves, and all the high-ranking mermaids in the mermaid city-state began to follow the assembly order and go to the underwater city closest to where Lu Yuan's army appeared.

A large number of high-level mermaids began to control the waves to move forward quickly. Thousands of white waves instantly appeared on the mermaid ocean. The trajectories of the white waves were chaotic and disorderly, but the end points pointed to the same place - the undersea city Bixia City!

Although they were controlling the waves, the speed of these high-level mermaids was not slow at all. In just over ten minutes, all the high-level mermaids on the entire mermaid planet had gathered!

The strongest man in the Mermaid Empire, Sea King Ax also rushed to Bixia City carrying his artifact trident.

Looking at the hundreds of millions of high-level mermaids in Bixia City, Ax felt confident.

After all, they were fighting at home and had sufficient troops. He believed that no matter what the background of those extraterritorial demons were, they would definitely be able to give them a severe blow this time! Let them know that mermaid civilization is not so easy to invade!

While the mermaid civilization was preparing for battle, Lu Yuan's demon army had also assembled.

Through energy radar scanning, Lu Yuan already knew that the advanced combat power of the entire mermaid civilization had been gathered in an underwater city 800 kilometers away. He should be waiting for them to take the initiative to attack the city, right?

However, after looking at the statistics from the Vice Brain, it seems that there are only over 400 million high-level mermaids on the entire mermaid planet.

Five against one, gang fight! Moreover, Lu Yuan's army is still a demon race that is famous for killing. How can they lose?

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