Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 139 Development

Without thinking too much about the future war crisis, Lu Yuan quickly settled down to deal with the order. Instead of worrying about his own death and annihilation in the future, it was better to take care of the present!

Due to the unusually large amount of energy supplies harvested this time, it took Lu Yuan half a month to process all the orders.

After all, some customers’ orders are not large, but the variety is really mixed, as if they want to break an energy coin into two petals!

But Lu Yuan has to deal with such troublesome customers. After all, he can't just ignore them just because they ask for too much. This will lead to a bad reputation.

Moreover, they are all old customers, and Lu Yuan is embarrassed to say that he won't abandon them just because they have a little trouble.

After busy processing all the orders, Lu Yuan handed the list of order types and quantities to No. 1 and asked him to sort and pack all the materials according to the numbers to facilitate his delivery.

Soon, a lot of supplies were packed and packed and piled on the flat ground in front of a large warehouse.

Lu Yuan began to continuously deliver these goods to buyers according to the numbers.

Although he was a little busy, when he heard the notification sound of energy coins arriving in the background, Lu Yuan instantly felt energetic and could work for another ten days and a half!

After half a month of continuous delivery, Lu Yuan finally delivered all the goods, and the balance of the energy coins began to arrive one after another.

In the end, Lu Yuanyi checked and found a total of 400 billion energy coins!

Lu Yuan was very satisfied. After all, the highest level of the second-level civilization that he robbed before seemed to have only received 80 billion energy coins. This time, it was five times more, which is not bad!

All the materials to build a Star Destroyer require about 100 million energy coins, and 400 billion energy coins are enough for Lu Yuan to buy the materials to build 4,000 Star Destroyers.

However, the energy supplies sold by Lu Yuan are only a small part. If you include the supplies that Lu Yuan intercepted and used for his own use, just to build Star Destroyers, Lu Yuan's harvest from this wave can build at least 20,000 Star Destroyers!

Comparing the losses, Lu Yuan made at least three times this wave. After all, the materials to build those conventional battleships did not cost much, and only the Star Destroyer was more valuable.

After all the energy coins arrived, Lu Yuan took a shopping list from No. 1, preparing to replenish supplies and increase combat power.

After all, the supplies looted from the Jade Sword Palace are definitely not comprehensive. If you really want to build 20,000 Star Destroyers, you will need to purchase a lot of supplementary supplies.

And you also have to buy some materials to make Star Destroyer shells and Leviathan star-penetrating main shells.

A conservative estimate suggests that this time Lu Yuan would be able to obtain materials for building 15,000 Star Destroyers and two million Star Destroyer shells.

The materials used to build Leviathan's main ship gun are not cheap either. Each one costs almost 100 million energy coins. It is also a gold-swallowing behemoth.

But thinking about the power of the star-piercing power, Lu Yuan felt that it was worth it. Although the energy coins of destroying a Star Destroyer with one shot were indeed a bit exaggerated, it was still acceptable.

Lu Yuan turned around and entered the ordinary mall with a shopping list in hand.

Half a day passed, and when Lu Yuan came out again, the huge balance of energy coins was almost gone.

It's hard to make money, but it's even harder to save money! Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

A few days later, the supplies purchased by Lu Yuan began to be delivered one after another.

Looking at the densely packed supplies in the warehouse, Lu Yuan's empty heart was filled again.

The supplies were also in place, and Lu Yuan immediately began to assign work.

The construction of Star Destroyers starts at full speed. If we build two more Star Destroyers in the production chain, we must convert the stored materials into combat power in the shortest possible time! Don't slack off in the construction of Star Destroyer shells and Star-piercing shells, don't go there Now we have battleships, but no cannons to fire them!

Those damaged warships will be repaired as soon as possible, and those that are seriously damaged will be dismantled and recycled. Restore the existing warships to their combat power as soon as possible. Don't relax your vigilance too much! If the solar system is invaded, we need to have enough guard power. !”

As Lu Yuan's order was issued, the entire solar system soon became busy.

The construction of new warships began day and night, and the factories that repaired damaged warships also began to work overtime.

After all this busy work, Lu Yuan finally had some time to rest.

Before the battleship's strength had recovered, Lu Yuan had no idea of ​​going on another expedition for the time being.

After all, without strength, even if you break into the extraordinary galaxy again, you will not be able to successfully defeat the enemy and plunder resources.

It's better to wait until everything is ready before fighting.

After he stopped busy, Lu Yuan naturally thought of the crisis of war.

After all, those gray portraits were real portrayals, and it was hard for Lu Yuan not to think about his own future.

If the war really breaks out, can the fungal civilization really hold on to the final victory? If the solar system is destroyed, the entire civilization will definitely be severely damaged...

No, I'd better leave a few more backups. Lu Yuan thought.

In fact, Lu Yuan had left behind a lot of back-up personnel before. A long time ago, Lu Yuan took some strains of bacteria to distant galaxies through the exploration ship.

However, civilization develops too fast. After the sublight speed spacecraft, the original back-up planets for spreading fungi have also been included in the territory of Lu Yuan's fungus empire.

If you keep your backhand within the empire's territory, what else do you call a backhand? Once defeated, the enemy will definitely clean up the entire empire's civilization.

After learning about his fungal civilization, the other party will definitely not let go of all the scattered fungi. When the time comes, it is difficult to say that Lu Yuan can make a comeback through these strains.

Therefore, in order to be more safe, Lu Yuan decided to send out some sub-light speed spacecraft to spread the bacteria and leave his backup to more distant star fields, so as to be safer.

Now that the spacecraft in Lu Yuan's hand can reach sub-light speed, it is expected that it will be much faster to fly to farther places.

After making this decision, Lu Yuan began to make arrangements.

Now Lu Yuan controls the civilizations of fifteen star systems around the solar system. Through the cluster network, Lu Yuan's consciousness can be transmitted to any controlled star system.

In order to arrange this back-up plan faster, Lu Yuan sent his consciousness to the outermost star systems of each territory.

Allowing sublight speed spacecraft to depart from the outermost star systems can greatly reduce the time lost in transit!

Soon, sublight-speed spaceships began to set off from the edges of these outer star systems in all directions, sailing toward unknown distances.

In addition to carrying a large amount of energy supplies, each sublight speed spacecraft also carries a large amount of bacterial flora.

These bacterial colonies recorded all the genetic information and technical data in Lu Yuan's hands.

If things really develop to that point, Lu Yuan can make a comeback through these flora and quickly reach the current height of civilization without having to start over and slowly climb the technology tree.

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