Genetic Ascension of Reborn Fungi

Chapter 140 Restoring Combat Strength

After retaining his backup force, Lu Yuan returned to the solar system and vigorously developed the military production in the solar system, hoping to replenish the combat power lost in the last war as soon as possible.

In the Jade Sword Palace Civilization, Lu Yuan obtained the complete Jianshan craftsmanship and materials.

However, due to various restrictions, it was impossible for Lu Yuan to directly copy this construction process, so he wanted to see if No. 1 and the others could design a war fortress with similar power based on these data.

Because the power of Jianshan was also vividly displayed in this battle, a giant flying sword ran rampant among Lu Yuan's battleships, unable to stop it at all, and could only sacrifice the battleship to resist the explosion of the giant sword.

This kind of power meant that Lu Yuan had protected the Leviathan giant ship very well. Otherwise, if he had been hit by a few swords, it would have been really hard to tell who would lose and who would win in that battle.

Therefore, Lu Yuan is still jealous of the power of this sword mountain and wants to see if he can imitate it.

No. 1, you have been analyzing Jianshan's manufacturing technical data for so long. Do you think we have the ability to imitate it? Lu Yuan asked.

The crafting technology for the flying swords on Jianshan Mountain and the entire Jianshan Mountain is not difficult, at least it is not beyond our manufacturing capabilities. However, the most difficult thing about Jianshan Mountain is not the crafting technology, but how to integrate those flying swords into one, and Being able to control it like an arm and fly as you please is the problem! No. 1 analyzed.

Can't there be other methods to control Jianshan Flying Sword instead of Jade Sword Palace's special sword cultivation techniques? Lu Yuan asked.

It's difficult. After all, we are not an extraordinary civilization and cannot do the same thing as them. Number 1 replied.

Then are there any backup plans? Jianshan can be regarded as a powerful weapon next to Leviathan and Battlestar. Moreover, it is not as big as Battlestar, and its movement speed can keep up. It is a good and powerful weapon. Weapons. Lu Yuan said.

Imitating the construction mechanism of Jianshan, we designed a superconducting electromagnetic solid metal Jianshan. The overall construction idea is similar to Jianshan, but the flying sword controlled by extraordinary energy is converted into an electromagnetic accelerated superconducting metal solid pointed vertebra. .”

These solid superconducting metal cones are equipped with control chips, which can slightly shift the direction after the cone is launched. After the kinetic energy of the cone weakens, the superconducting metal cone is controlled to fly back to Jianshan for a second launch.

Because it is an electromagnetic ejection, the kinetic energy of each metal cone after ejection is very strong, and it can easily break through the battleship armor of conventional ship hulls.

Of course, to break through the energy shield, you may need multiple metal cones for a combined impact.

Through accurate calculations, these tens of millions of metal cones can be gathered into one giant cone after launch to bombard enemy ships! Warships in the same attack line will be unstoppable and will be directly hit by the giant cone. If it is broken, its power is almost the same as Jianshan’s giant flying sword!” No. 1 explained excitedly.

It seems that, apart from the fact that its maneuverability is not as good as that of Sword Mountain's giant flying sword, the power of this electromagnetic sword mountain is quite good. Lu Yuan said after reading the construction drawings and information.

That's right, in order to ensure the power of electromagnetic ejection, these metal cones should be as straight as possible. They cannot be deflected at will like flying swords. They are not as maneuverable as sword mountains. No. 1 also admitted that this weapon has Design flaws.

Actually, it doesn't matter. As long as the speed is fast enough, it won't be a big problem to go straight. After all, it is a copycat product. It can be perfect! Order it to be built. It may be used in the next battle. Lu Yuan ordered.

Soon, new arsenals began to be built on the eight planets, and the future electromagnetic sword mountains would be built in these places.

After arranging everything, Lu Yuan finally got some rest time. After all, the battleships had not been replenished yet. During this period, even if Lu Yuan wanted to fight again, it would be impossible, so he could finally relax.

After relaxing in the solar system for a few months, Lu Yuan became very restless and planned to go out for a walk.

First, we came to the nearest colonized galaxy in the solar system. Lu Yuan called it galaxy No. 1. Later, according to distance, Lu Yuan numbered them as galaxies No. 2 to No. 15 respectively.

Galaxy No. 1 is different from the Centaur Galaxy. It is a single star system similar to the solar system. There are only three planets in Galaxy No. 1. Currently, the three planets are covered with fungal carpets and have become the territory of Lu Yuan’s fungal empire. a member of.

Because it has only been developed not long ago, the stellar fungus Dyson sphere and some very large engineering buildings have not yet been constructed.

Now, in addition to the bacteria carpet, there are only some warships and arsenals on these three planets.

Although there is technology sharing in the cluster network, these colonial planets also have the technology to build Star Destroyers. However, due to limitations in materials and resources, these colonial planets do not actually have the conditions to build Star Destroyers and can only build some conventional ones. Fungal battleship.

Fortunately, the construction of sublight engines does not require many special materials, so the warships built on these colonial planets have not regressed to the medium and low light speed era.

There are now almost 5,000 conventional main warships and 10,000 mobile attack warships in Galaxy No. 1.

However, just building such a small number of battleships has almost exhausted the resources of the entire No. 1 star system.

Without the energy and data supplies from the invasion of extraordinary galaxies, I really don’t know how long it will take for these colonial planets to truly step into the threshold of third-level civilization.

With the strength of these colonial planets, they can only bully the second-level civilization. In terms of strength, they have fallen to the same level as the combat power within the solar system.

However, all this should change for the better after Lu Yuan obtains the wormhole communication technology. If he can quickly communicate with the main galaxy, these colonial galaxies should be able to keep up.

After visiting the No. 1 Colonial Galaxy, Lu Yuan went to the No. 2, 3, and 4 Colonial Galaxy. The war situation of these colonial systems was similar to that of the No. 1 Colonial Galaxy. The resources in hand were only enough for them to develop from 10,000 to 10,000 yuan. With the combat power of 20,000 conventional warships, without the energy and material supplies to invade extraordinary galaxies, the strength of these galaxies can only reach the second level civilization.

Even if their soft power has reached the third level of civilization, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. If they do not have the resources to build warships to improve their strength, there is no way. They can only wait for Lu Yuan to achieve cross-star system connectivity before finding ways to improve these colonies. The strength of the galaxy.

Colonial Galaxy No. 5 is a single star system with six planets. When Lu Yuan's exploration fleet invaded, there was civilization on the fourth planet of this star system.

At that time, that civilization also reached the steam age, and could use the power of steam to promote the development of civilization.

Unfortunately, they happened to encounter Lu Yuan's exploration fleet.

Even if they don't use the power of battleships, just relying on the strength of the bacterial colony is enough for Lu Yuan's fleet to colonize them.

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