Global Sky Online

Chapter 1028: To 5 Laofeng

"Then give Yihui the ability to transform the Apocalypse in stages, Professor X. Be careful when you switch. You must not let Yihui die." After thinking about it, Lake told Professor X.

"First let Yihui study in my college for one month. His body still has potential. Recently, he has given him more exercise to improve his physical fitness. I will add more nutrition to his food, which should improve him. The chance of success in transforming Apocalypse energy. In the following years, I was responsible for teaching Yihui. Apocalypse's energy is very strong, once it is in the hands of people with evil thoughts, it will be a disaster for the world. "Professor X said, subconsciously Glancing at Rick.

"What are you looking at!" Lake asked Professor X.

"-" Professor X didn't answer.

Rick smiled bitterly, and could not help thinking, even if the energy of the Apocalypse could be converted to the mutant, Professor X was not ready to convert it.

"Okay, look at it. I'll stay in the college and teach Yihui together?" Rake said casually.

"No, Lord No. 2, teach Yihui's course, and leave it to me and the teachers of the other mutant colleges. You can continue to investigate the powerful energy incident!" Professor X directly rejected Lake.

"Well, contact me again if there is something! Yihui will give it to you. He must not be allowed to die. Even if he is seriously injured, paralyzed, etc., it will not let him die!" Rick told X again professor.

Professor X nodded, indicating that he knew.

Lake activated the teleport ability and came to the room where Yihui had just been assigned.

Lake later told Yihui that he would leave and let Yihui practice in this college. Professor X's words, at least on the surface, should be listened to.

After talking with Yihui, Rake raised his left hand to draw a circle and activated the magic portal skills.

Rick teleported outside a tavern in the town.

Rick entered the tavern, found a single seat and started drinking.

The beginning of the story of Saint Seiya has begun.

Lake wanted to wait until Gu arrived on the island of death, and then asked about the situation there.

Three days later, Lake contacted Gu Yi.

"This death island does have a holy garment, the immortal holy garment of the Phoenix. I have successfully joined the practitioners of this death island. There are more than a dozen children who are my competitors. They are not from the town of Emperor Guang Zheng Yes, it came from somewhere else. "Gu Yi sent a message to Lake.

"Well, don't you need me to go and secretly sculpt and curse the more than a dozen children and curse them, making them look seriously injured by accident. Then you can become the sole heir of the Bronze Cloth of the Undead Phoenix Phoenix. Now! "Lake sent a message and asked Gu Yi.

A few seconds later, Gu Yi replied to Lake, "No, no need. I practice here, but also try to use my magic practice to simulate a small universe. Want to get this Phoenix cloak, not by eliminating competition You can get it. Once you do as you say, you will probably be abandoned by the Phoenix garments. I have a vague feeling that these garments are also spiritual. Well, no important things in recent years, Don't disturb me, I want to concentrate on my practice to get the recognition of the Phoenix Cloak! "

Rick laughed after hearing it, and felt that Gu Yi was a bit horny. Gu Yi even wanted to get the approval of the Phoenix Cloak. If he helped himself, he would take the golden hoop and help Gu Yi to threaten the Phoenix Cloak. The result would be faster.

However, Gu Yi finally managed to raise her strength again, and it was not easy for Lake to bother her.

Rake soon ended his spiritual communication with Mage Gu Yi.

Rick has nothing to do now.

Lake thinks about helping Athena to attack the twelfth house in the future. The twelfth house in the sanctuary, relying on the current power of this copy of the world, even if you build your own army, it seems useless.

The level of strength is placed there. Saint Seiya does not rely on ordinary people. He can overcome the accumulation of numbers. The power of the existing science and technology weapons in this world is not strong enough to pose any threat to the saints.

Professor X's Mutant Academy, now the principal of Professor X, obviously does not want to let himself go back.

Rick had nothing to do, so he decided to visit the Saint Secret's training ground.

Lake chose to go to Wu Lao Feng. After all, there were child tigers there, but the golden Saint Seiya survived the last Saint Seiya era.

Go and see for yourself the strength of the Libra Saints, you should be able to compare the strength of the golden Saints in this copy world.

Anyway, when there is time, Lake is traveling while going to the location of Wushan Peak in Lushan.

Three months later, Lake arrived at the foot of Wulao Peak and started climbing.

Rick was halfway up the mountain and saw Zilong's teenager practicing boxing. A little girl stood behind Zilong and watched silently.

"Holy Lord Two, why are you here?" After Zilong found Rake, he stopped practicing boxing and asked out loud.

"He is the mysterious Lord No. 2 you mentioned to me?" The girl whispered to Zilong.

Zilong nodded slightly.

"I travel just here and want to visit your master. You can continue to practice boxing. I will go up and see for yourself, you don't have to follow me!" Rake told Zilong, and he might fight Tonghu or Tongtong later Tiger said that the secrets of some saints, it is better not to let the purple dragon who has just started practicing.

"Oh!" Zilong nodded in doubt.

Lake himself continued to walk up the Wu Laofeng mountain.

At the top of a mountain, Rick saw the little old man meditating on the big rock in front of the waterfall. The old man was listless, his eyes narrowed, as if all were asleep, and he was not afraid of the big rocks. fall down.

From a distance, Rake probed into Tong Hu's identification skills using his own fire-eye golden eyes.

But the next second, when Rake just launched the fire eye gold eye identification skills, Tong Hu's body shook and disappeared into the original position.

Huoyanjinyan's appraisal skills even failed, and Rick found no target to check.

Reck took out the gold hoop alertly.

"Don't do it, don't use your investigative abilities against me again. I have avoided it once. The same moves are useless to the Saints! Who are you and what to do!" The voice of the old man appeared in Lake Behind.

Rake closed the identification ability of Huoyanjinjinzhenji. The strength of this child tiger seems to be stronger than he expected.

"My name is Lord No. 2, this time I came to see it, and it was not malicious. I just wanted to know that the only survivor of the last jihad in the rumor, which was commissioned by Athena to monitor 108 Wraith Warriors, Gold How strong is the Libra Saint Tiger's strength. "Rake said with a smile, but the gold hoop was still in his hand and not recovered.

Hearing Rake's words, Tong Hu's expression changed, and a strong breath came out from his body. But after a second or two, Tong Hu's expression returned to his listless little old man.

"You are not a fighter, and I do n’t feel the existence of the universe. You are not a saint, why do you know this!" Tong Hu asked Rake.

"I've seen Athena and Sagittarius. It's a pity. Actually, I'm going to help Athena!" Rake said, anyway, Sagittarius Saint Gladiator Aiolos is dead, and Rick is not afraid of Tonghu to find Sagittarius Asked and broke his lies.

"Athena naturally has a saint fighting for her, and no outsider is required to participate in you! No matter how you learn about the saint, we don't need your help. I ca n’t see your strength, you as a person . Your existence may be more dangerous to Athena than they are. "Tong Hu, the little old man, said sternly to Lake.

Rick laughed bitterly after hearing this, and now he can't see the strength of Tonghu.

"You're so stubborn, no wonder you have no friends!" Rake said to Tong Hu, trying to provoke Tong Hu and give him a try.

"I had friends before, but they were all killed!" Tong Hu said in a vicissitudes this time.

Hearing this, Lake looked at the little old man, Tong Hu, who didn't want to fight him. "Forget it, I won't call you!"

"Then you go!" Tong Hu said, raising his finger and pointing down the mountain.

"Can you show some strength, such as punching at the waterfall with all your strength, and let me see, I will leave after reading!" Rake tried to [] to Tong Hu.

"It's not yet time for me to show my strength!" Tong Hu stared at Rick.

Rick hesitated after hearing it, and it seemed to be the same, this child tiger cannot be young now.

"Don't want to spy on my strength anymore, you can't see it!" Tong Hu reminded immediately when he found that Rick was hesitant.

"Have a cup of tea with me, how about. Don't you be lonely if you live so long!" Rake said softly.

After hearing this time, Tong Hu didn't answer His Holiness No. 2's words he couldn't see through.

Rick teleported to the big rock where Tong Hu was sitting.

Behind this big stone is a teapot and tea leaves.

Rake took back the gold hoop and took the action himself, poured out the original tea from the tiger tiger, and made another pot of tea.

Lake then took a drink unceremoniously.

Tong Hu also reappeared next to the big rock on this waterfall, watching the movement of No. 2 lord tea.

Tong Hu reached out his hand and poured himself a cup of tea made by Lake.

"Oh, your tea ceremony realm is the tallest person I've ever met!" Tong Hu's tone of speaking to Lake this time eased.

"In fact, there is a woman who drinks tea better than me. Her tea ceremony status is higher, but she is practicing now. I can't invite you!" Rake said to Tong Hu with a smile and poured himself Cup of tea.

The tea of ​​Tong Hu is pretty good, at least several times better than what Lake can buy in this world.

"If you do n’t take part in our saintly affairs, just use your tea ceremony realm. Maybe we can be friends! I can feel it from the tea you make. In fact, you are also very lonely. Like me, we seem to be the same. Humanoid! "Tong Hu said to Rick after taking a sip of tea in his hand.

After listening to it, Rick smiled. Before chatting with others, he drank. This time, he talked with Tong Hu, the old man, and switched to tea.

"We are not the same kind of person, that is your illusion. You feel that I am like you, but I have lived a long time. I have lived for a long time, and this may be like you!" Talking.

Rick felt that the Tonghu was probably alone for too long at the Wu Lao Peak. The old guys who had tea with Tonghu had left, so it was so easy for them to make tea and drink. This Tonghu started Get nervous.

"Maybe! This time you came here, for what is your real purpose?" Tong Hu put down his tea cup and asked Rick again.

"Want to see your true strength, or rather, to see the true strength of the golden saint warrior! I have already told you once before, you are forgetful!" Rake said truthfully.

"You can't see my strength. Now the strength of the golden saint is also strong and weak. Why do you want to explore the strength of the golden saint and tell the real reason." Tong Hu looked at Lake this time and asked .

"I said it, and you can't hear it," said Lake.

"Oh, it looks exactly like I feel, um, I know!" Tong Hu replied to Rake this time, his expression was a bit lonely.

"What do you know?" Rake asked Tong Hu with a smile this time. It looks like the strong Tong Hu might also feel the existence of this copy of the world, just like the old Master Gu felt that he came from Same in other worlds.

"You don't belong here! How about you leave?" Tong Hu said softly.

"I'm already here, I can't go for the time being, I'll help Athena!" Rake said.

"For what? Why did you choose to help Athena? You don't have the faith of Saint Seiya!" Tong Hu asked Rake.

Rick thought for himself. It should be two tubes of Athena's blood, and the ancient wizard can take away a Phoenix cloak.

Of course, if you answer directly, you need to draw two tubes of Athena blood. It is estimated that Tong Hu will directly drive himself away and treat himself as a potential enemy.

"How about you, why guard!" Rake asked Tong Hu.

"Faith!" Tong Hu said in two words.

"Hot blood!" Rick thought for a while, followed by two words.

"Holy Number Two, the tea is cold, you should go. As long as you don't kill Athena, I will not obstruct you." Tong Hu poured himself a cup of tea again and drank it quickly, and said to Rick With.

"Don't help, the golden saint is very strong!" Laike looked at Tong Hu with a smile, and he looked right to himself, right.

"Can't help, help this time, next time, and later." Tong Hu looked up at the sky and said.

"I still don't see your strength, so don't go away!" Rake said.

"Today in ten years, I will give a demonstration to Zilong, and hit the waterfall with one-tenth of the strength. Come and see it then! You ca n’t see through now ~ ~ If you do n’t believe it, try Try it, and you will feel relieved after you leave. "Tong Hu said to Lake after thinking about it.

Lake once again fired the eye-catching ability of Tong Hu.

This time Tonghu did not escape.

The fire eye gold eye identification results came out, showing "Tong Hu, using the fake death technique, weakening the seal status."

After looking at it, Rick realized that he really couldn't see the real strength of Tonghu.

"Well, today, ten years later, if you have time to remember, come and see!" Rake said, raising his left hand to draw circles, and the golden magic portal appeared.

Rick immediately entered the magic portal and left the five old peaks.

After Lord No. 2 left, Tong Hu looked at his teapot and prepared to add water again, only to find that his tea box was missing.

The No. 2 honoree even passed away most of his boxes of tea.

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