Global Sky Online

Chapter 1029: The true core of Raiders

After Leake left from Wu Laofeng, Leike came to a big cruise ship about to set sail.

Regarding the strength of this copy of the World Tiger Tiger, after meeting Lake Tiger, he now feels vaguely that he was definitely not the opponent of the young Tiger Tiger who restored the heyday before the Golden Hoop Stick was upgraded to a super artifact.

After the gold hoop was upgraded to a super artifact, that one did not seem to be a child tiger opponent in the heyday!

Of course, if you are desperate, start the Hulk Transform and Aurora running shoes burst bean skills at the same time, even if you can't defeat the child tiger, you can at least share with the child tiger Libra gold saint.

Fortunately, for the time being, it is not time to confront Tonghu desperately.

The conditions for the clearance of the copy of the Saint Seiya are to protect Athena from the twelfth house, and belong to the camp with the veteran Saint Seiya, the child tiger.

As for the strength of other golden saints, there are strengths and weaknesses. If you use the strongest child tiger as a reference, Lake estimates that you can hit the weaker gold saints at most before you upgrade the gold hoop.

As for Shaka, this golden saint who is closest to God must not be able to beat himself.

Rick felt a bit sad. In this copy of the world, the level of the golden saint is much stronger than he had previously expected.

In particular, before the Saint Seiya was an unbeatable Wu Xiaoqiang, he broke into the twelfth house. Now Master Gu Yi has replaced Yihui, and even if Gu Yi gets the Phoenix Cloak, it can only be counted as a half strong.

Four and a half Xiaoqiang, judging by the strength of the golden saints in the current copy of the world, want them to break through the twelfth house, not necessarily.

As for the Yihui that Professor X is training now, whether this new generation of apocalypse fighter can stand up to the previous Xiaoqiang, Rake is not sure now.

Rake prayed that when Professor X transformed Yihui's energy of the Apocalypse over the years, he could be careful. If Professor X killed Yihui or disabled him, he would go with Gu Yi to directly help him break through The dangerous signs of the zodiac.

"Professor X, if Yihui is discarded, he will push Professor X in his wheelchair. He will also take Professor X with him, and will follow the twelfth house together!" In the mind of Rick, he couldn't help thinking about this method.

The cruise ship started sailing at sea. Rick didn't buy a ticket. There is no cabin rest now. However, there are many tourists on board, and the service staff on board have not yet found the passengers on board the Rake ticket.

Rick went to the cruise ship's restaurant, had a buffet, and finally lay on the back chair on the deck, what a sun.

"What if you rescue the Magneto King and take it to the twelfth house?" Rake began to think, and could use the mutant forces to help.

But after thinking about it, Wan Magnetic King's control of metal powers seems to be insufficient.

The Magneto King cannot control even his golden hoop, and it is estimated that he cannot control the Saint Cloth of the Golden Saint.

The magnetic king is gone, it is a burden, it should not be of much help.

"Qin, if Qin, the mutant with the power of the Phoenix, awakens and gains the energy of the destruction and rebirth of the universe, even if he cannot beat the golden saint, he can be tied with the golden saint. And if Gu Yi can attack ten Before the second house, it absorbed the cosmic energy that combined the destruction and rebirth of the power of the phoenix in the piano body, and Gu Yi controlled the power of the phoenix, and then dressed in the phoenix of the Phoenix saint, and it was safer to play the twelfth house. " Rick couldn't help thinking.

Unfortunately, whether Qin can go to space to fuse the energy of destruction and rebirth before Athena attacked the twelfth house with five small strong men is still unknown.

Once the piano, after attacking the twelfth house, that energy is not fused, and it is not needed.

Now that the piano of the power of Phoenix is ​​not awakened, the strength is too weak, and Rick feels that he can easily kill the piano, not to mention those golden fighters who are extremely powerful.

"By the way, now that I do n’t have a good grasp of when Qin gains the energy of the destruction and rebirth of the universe, I can interfere with delaying the time when Athena takes the four and a half Xiaoqiang to the sanctuary. As long as you think of a way, drag it on Jodo Saori will allow Jodo Saori to go to the sanctuary for a while. Judging by the current age of Koto, it will delay the copy of Athena's twelfth house for about one to three years. As in the original book, the energy of destruction and rebirth will be merged into the universe. Dragging the city household Saori and delaying the date to go to the sanctuary is the key to the clearance of this copy! "Lake thought for a long time, and finally thought of I am very confident that I can improve myself and Gu Yi to clear the core of the final strategy of this Saint Seiya copy.

After thinking about this core plan, Lake now feels much better.

The sense of depression and crisis brought by the previous copy of Saint Seiya disappeared for the most part.

"I can't fight so many saints now, but I just need to abduct Jodo Saori, take Jodo Saori, and run all over the world. If I open a magic portal with Mage Ko, I will be a saint Can't catch up! "The more he thought, the more feasible this solution was.

During the strategic evacuation process, the four Saints can also make them stronger, participate in more small battles, and exercise and improve their strength. In this way, it helps the four Xiaoqiangs to realize the sixth and seventh senses as soon as possible.

Rick felt that this plan, the more perfect it was, the more he couldn't help laughing.

Rick then raised his left hand to draw a circle, left the plywood of the cruise ship, and went to land.

Rick was going to continue to see the training sites of the few Saints Xiaoqiang.

Of course, Gu Yi's death island will not go, so as not to disturb Gu Yi's practice.

At that time, if the Master Gu Yi is unable to control the small universe and cannot get the approval of the Phoenix Cloak, he will be in trouble.

And Rick can think that once the ancient one mage can't get the Phoenix cloak, the ancient one mage with the ancient one mage's character and can't put on that holy garment will definitely rely on him, complaining that he went to the death island to disturb her.

Rick smiled and decided to go to Fairy Island first.

This time, Rake started the red magic suspension cloak on his back and flew directly to the fairy island in memory.

Originally, Rick wanted to open the magic portal, but I am afraid that it is because of different copies. Although Rick had previously visited Fairy Island in another copy of Saint Seiya, he knew the environment there.

It is shown that after changing the copy now, the environment of Fairy Island is estimated to have changed, and the magic portal cannot lock the location of Fairy Island.

Rake was in the air and flew for a while, then went to the ground or under the sea to rest and find the location of Fairy Island by himself.

After flying for a week, Lake found Fairy Island.

More than a dozen children of similar age have arrived at Fairy Island, are being exercised by their teachers, and are beginning to try to use ropes as weapons.

After Rick landed from the air, the Fairy Island owner and some guards noticed that they surrounded him.

"Who is coming!"

"Honor No. 2 comes to visit the Saint Seiya in Fairy Island. I just came from Wu Laofeng and was commissioned by Tonghu to see your training and selection of Saint Seiya!" Rake descended with a proud voice. Talking.

Rake thought about the human feelings he could use in the copy of Saint Seiya now, as if only Tonghu could help.

"Care to ask, Lord No. 2, how do you prove that you came here from Tonghu?" The island owner tentatively asked a person of unknown origin.

After all, the appearance of the No. 2 lord is too strange. I have never heard of Master Tong Hu before, and there is a friend of the no. 2 lord.

"Bold, dare to doubt my identity. This is the tea that Tong Hu just gave me when I left Wu Laofeng. If you do n’t believe it, taste it for yourself!" Rake took out his arms and took away from Tong Hu. Special gourmet tea.

"---" The island owner was stunned when he heard that the No. 2 lord took out the token of this kind of child tiger.

The island owner of Fairy Island, for the first time, heard that tea was used as a token.

Fortunately, after the island owner hesitated, he immediately made people prepare hot water and tea sets, and greeted His Holiness No. 2 to rest in Fairy Island's living room.

Lake made a pot of tea and gave the island owner of this fairy island a drink.

The expression of the owner of Fairy Island changed subsequently, and he drank such delicious tea for the first time.

Although he has never drank Tonghu's tea before, this tea is definitely not an ordinary product.

After drinking a cup, the island owner of Fairy Island felt that her spirit was relaxed. Vaguely, the perception of the small universe in the body became clearer, and her body became more relaxed.

"This tea is excellent!" The island owner of Fairy Island couldn't help but said, and became kind to His Holiness No. 2.

"That's, don't look at who's tea. Wu Laofeng's tea is several times better than your fairy island!" Laike said with a smile. "I do n’t know, Lord No. 2, come to our Fairy Island, how to inspect the Saint Seiya practice. The seed of this Saint Seiya has just been sent shortly before starting to cultivate the foundation!" The island owner of Fairy Island asked.

Although the island owner of Fairy Island still has some doubts about the identity of Lord No.2, as long as Lord No.2 does nothing malicious afterwards, the fairy island owner is also prepared to be regardless of whether the identity of Lord No.2 is true. He was commissioned by Tong Hu to treat him with courtesy.

"Choose a sage seed I like, and give me pointers for a long time!" Rake said with a smile, and decided to teach Instant Whip.

After all, it seems that attacking the twelfth house is too dangerous, and it is just a whip method, which is very suitable for the Andromeda garments obtained by Moments in the future. Once you learn your own whip method, you can use chain power more.

And the practice of this whip practice is that the sooner you practice, the better, which will help you to realize the higher realm of whip practice.

"Okay, please come to No. 2 with me!" Fairy Island, the owner of the island of Fairy Island, heard that No. 2 ’s request, and it was not too much. field.

And they called more than ten children over and asked them to practice the whip they just learned beside the No. 2 lord.

Rick took a look. These children are whirling with their whip, and some of them are whirling in pain after hitting themselves.

These are all beginners among beginners. The practice of whip method can be said that the practice can not bear to look straight.

Shun also recognized His Holiness No. 2. Before he could say hello, Laker blinked at Shun.

"I've chosen this, this green-haired child, teach her for a long time! What's your name?" Rake stepped beside him and asked.

"Short! I--" Shun wanted to continue, but was stopped by Raike's hand.

"Give me a venue for martial arts. Don't let outsiders come near. I'm very busy. For a long time, I'll leave after teaching!" Rake turned to the island owner.

"Instantly, practice with the Lord No. 2 for a long time. He is a very strong saint's friend, and it is your pleasure to have him guide you in the whip!" Said the island owner. With Rick and Shun, he went to an empty large yard behind the island.

And prepared several whip for His Holiness.

"Instantly, don't ask more. I will teach you three times. After three times, how much you can understand and what you realize depends on your own creation. As for my whip method, you are not allowed to teach it to anyone. After that, the island owner Ask you what I taught, and you say, Tong Hu refused to say, this is the will of Athena! "Rick said to Xiao Shu with a smile, and took up a metal long whip.

Rake slowly waved the whip method, starting from the first realm of the whip method, explaining that everything he now has can be the realm of the whip.

After the first demo, Rick looked at Shun, and found Shun's face surprised, and his admiration looked at him.

"How much do you realize?" Rick asked instantly.

"I seem to understand it twice. You swipe the whip first, and the last one!" Shun said embarrassed.

"Why, so stupid, this time you took the whip and practiced with me again, the main feeling is the realm of the whip, the moves of the whip can be varied. Forget it, you can remember as much as you can, now I can't understand , Memorize my words, and slowly understand later. "Rake smiled wryly, and with a moment, cast the whip again.

Rick looked at Shun like this, now waving his whip, he hit himself several times.

"Last time, stand still far away, and I will try my best to perform the whip again. This time, you don't need to remember the move, just feel this realm!" Rake said.

Immediately backed away, Rick began to wave the whip with all his strength, holding the silver metal whip in his hand, hesitating a silver dragon, swinging around in the yard ~ ~ everything that was scratched by the silver dragon was shattered.

A few minutes later, Rake stopped waving the metal whip.

Suddenly looked aside.

"Take it slowly, that's all I can teach you, and don't delay your own practice in the small universe!" Rake said, and didn't transmit any instant formulas, so as not to conflict with the future universe's realization of the small universe.

Rake is just trying to teach the realm of the instant whip method. If the instant insight is high, in ten years, he should be able to feel something.

"I'm leaving. Anything else I want to ask before I leave?" Rick said to Shun.

Rake also knows that he cannot stay here for a long time, so as not to disturb the instant cultivation of the universe.

"That, Lord No. 2, what you said about the whip state just now? I didn't actually understand your whip state, I knew it was very powerful! And my brother, how is Yihui now, he Would you like to live in that college after you were taken away? "Shun said a little embarrassed.

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