“Underground, small Medicine Garden?”

When everyone heard this, they were a hundred times more energetic in an instant, because this is the rhythm to be sent.

“Wait, since you found out at the time, didn’t you pick them all?” Huo Tianci thought, is it possible that you still have some left there, and then want to wait for the medicine ingredients Is it not a longer year?

But isn’t this stupid?

For this, Li Feng immediately explained: “In every corridor room of the underground Medicine Garden, there are levels, and every level is passed, there are only four or five treasures. The medicine was available. I also missed the period at that time, and then I managed to get through the barrier successfully, and finally got some that’s all.”

“So it is.” With such an explanation, everyone suddenly realized it.

“Then what are you doing now, hurry up and lead the way.” Huo Tianci thought, if this is slow for a second and then the early bird catches the worm, wouldn’t it be over.

However, Li Feng said: “The underground Medicine Garden, each medicine room has been set up with a clever mechanism, Formation or obstruction, then only breaking the formation can remove the obstacles before you can enter it. I get the medicinal herb, I guess, this is the underground Medicine Garden deliberately made by the black wind Saint, and then let us martial artists go through the barriers to get the medicine.”

“Well, isn’t it, Do many people know?” Huo Tianci thought, this seems a bit embarrassing.

However, there is a saying that is excellent, that is, a face slap will always be in the next second.

Then I saw Feng Nine Heavens and Hao Hongzheng on the sidelines, saying in unison: “We don’t know.”

But you have to know, this time came to the martial of Black Wind Island Artist, at least there are hundreds of thousands, of course, there is no hundreds of thousands, after all, Black Wind Island has not fully opened yet, but there must be 10,000 now, even if only one in a hundred people knows about it. Well, this amount is also extremely large.

So now that there are few people, don’t let slip an opportunity, and the loss will never come.

Because of this, everyone immediately followed Lifeng, moved towards the underground cave east of Black Wind Island, and set off.

“You can’t use a spatial flight, it’s really uncomfortable!”

During this period, there were a lot of words like this, and they complained from the crowd. It’s like money cannot be used, guns If you can’t make it, it makes people anxious and uncomfortable. At the same time, everyone’s speed is limited to 10% outside.

In the end, it was only a hundred miles away. Everyone was stunned by walking for an hour and a half before arriving. If it was placed outside, everyone estimated that it would only take 5 minutes at most.

I have to say that this handwriting by Black Wind Saint is really a bit big. Not only does it limit everyone’s spatial flight, but it also limits everyone’s movement speed. At the same time, it also It is restricted to enter the realm of martial artists in Black Wind Island, because martial artists above Xuanzun are not allowed to enter.

It seems that Saint Black Wind wants to carefully select a martial artist who is suitable for inheriting his Legacy. Otherwise, why would he have to spend so much time and effort to make such a big battle? .

Fortunately, everyone’s cultivation technique can still be used as usual, otherwise, it will simply become the little child’s play.

“Here is Master Huo.” In the end, everyone stopped on a mountain stream with turbulent water.

This mountain stream seemed to be pushed out by a palm, and it was so rugged. Finally, the sea water hung in it, and the whole mountain stream buzzed.

“The last time I came here, I was chased by the enemy. In the end, I had no choice but to jump down. However, what I didn’t expect was that on the way down, I had a good luck and found There was a secret cave. After that, I twisted my body and entered it. In the end, I saved my life. I also found a lot of rare medicines over 10,000 years old.”

At that time, Li Feng started talking with everyone again. It is precisely because of this that the last time he came, he was the only one in the end. He managed to escape by a fluke. Although the price was heavy, the benefits were the same. It is rich, otherwise, Lifeng will not successfully break through from the Profound Sect 9th layer Peak Realm to a half, and finally become the Lord of the entire City from Tian City.

“I have to say that life and death are only between those lines.” Now when I think back to the original, Lifeng still has a lingering fear, because it is too nine deaths and still alive Up.

This can’t help but let him breathe out.

After exhaling, Li Feng turned his head and said to everyone: “Master, and everyone, now, follow me in.”

Then Li Feng Take the lead in demonstrating the way to enter the secret cave. As for other people, they followed suit, and it was not difficult to enter it.

Because the secret cave entrance is halfway between the mountain stream. As long as you jump down, you can easily see it. If you are afraid, you dare not jump down.

Just when the Huo Tianci crowd suddenly disappeared on the edge of this mountain stream.

Behind a pile of stones pile not far away, a few people suddenly appeared.

“Sure enough, big brother, it seems we are following the right person.” In the end, I saw a fat pig with a round head and a round brain. Le zi zi laughed.

The bald head beside him, which is the big brother in the mouth of the fat pig, is also jié jié laughing and laughing, because it takes no effort at all.

“Big brother, let’s follow soon.” The thin man on the far right rubbed his hands and showed a look of greed for money, because this must be a big deal.

However, when the three of them came to the edge of the mountain stream, they were all confused.

“Don’t they want to open it? They all jumped down to commit suicide?” The fat pig face suddenly came out of his mouth,

Soon I saw the thin man on the side , He immediately twitched fiercely on his fat waist: “You think they are all you, stupid like a pig! Also, one person is stupid, is it possible that a dozen or twenty people are stupid, All jumped to commit suicide? So there must be some mechanism or secret in it.”

I have to say, this thin man is quite smart, but sometimes it’s not a good thing to be smart. .

In the end, I saw the bald boss, and said to the thin man like this: “Well, that’s good, then you go down and see, what organ is there.”

This As soon as the words were spoken, I saw that the crackle said a lot of thin people just now, and suddenly closed his mouth tightly, and did not dare to say a word again.

Because under this mountain stream, there is an undercurrent of turbulent water. If this is accidentally caught in it, the thin man thought to himself that I would feed the fish in the end. It is probably not enough for the fish to stuff his teeth.

“Fatty, you are the bravest in the three of us, why don’t you go down to investigate the situation for the boss?” The thin man got a heart, and then went to encourage the fat pig.

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