After all, a stone is just a stone. As long as it is a stone, it can be crushed. Most of the magical structures of the portal exist based on this frame. If the frame is lost, the portal will be like an electrical appliance whose circuit has been destroyed, and it will immediately fail.

Finding a way, Ye Ting began to concentrate, summoning the power of arcane magic, and letting this power fill his body.

Although the power of this land has been absorbed by the Dark Portal itself, there is not much left, but the Dark Portal itself is a huge energy body, and no protective measures are placed on it to prevent the energy of the Dark Portal from being used by him like this. The mage is transformed into his own use.

Ye Ting started to do this, and the other mages around him also started to do it. They absorbed the energy of the Dark Portal with all their strength and then directed it to Ye Ting.

As the high concentration of arcane energy began to gather, Ye Ting felt as if he had used an enhanced version of the "awakening" spell.

Unparalleled energy filled his body, and even his eyes began to glow purple.

His hair even stood up, and the escaping energy danced back and forth between his face and fingers.

The powerful energy even affected the air, and the roaring wind blew past him, even producing beating lightning.

For other mages, such energy may be too powerful to bear, but for him, who has the power of a giant dragon and a heart of a giant dragon that can continuously provide energy, such energy can be completely controlled .

That's why it was him who performed the most critical tasks—of the people present, only he and Onyxia could adapt to this energy.

In fact, this energy was not fully input into Ye Ting's body. While gathering the energy, Ye Ting also opened a branch of the energy torrent input into his body and introduced it into his staff "Spell Weaver".

With Norgannon's beard as the core and the twigs of the World Tree as the outer shell, the staff that Ye Ting has processed and transformed many times can absorb a huge amount of energy.

Ye Ting secretly intercepted such an energy for his own personal use. This energy from the portal is very suitable for creating another portal.

Maybe he couldn't believe that Ye Ting would do such a thing openly. The rest of the mages didn't notice his small movements, they just tried their best to absorb and transfer the energy of the Dark Portal, sweating profusely.

Finally, feeling that he and his staff were filled with energy, Ye Ting finally let go of a few tool people.

He raised his hand to signal the end of the study, and the rest of the mages finally breathed a sigh of relief and stopped their work.

The rest of the tasks are Ye Ting's own.

Facing the door of darkness, Ye Ting closed his eyes, then opened his arms and palms.

He gathered all the energy he had absorbed just now and began to chant the spell.

With Ye Ting's spellcasting, a dark sphere appeared in his palm. It was a sphere like a black hole, and the surrounding light seemed to be sucked into it.

With the injection of energy, the orb began to grow, and the eyes of other mages were attracted by the orb, and they could easily perceive the destructive energy in it.

Even with his eyes closed, Ye Ting could feel the ball, how it was beating, and how it was condensed.

very perfect.

He focused his consciousness on the door, aimed the energy there, and confirmed the location.

Finally, he opened his eyes.

He put his hands together so that his palms were facing each other.

With his casting action, the energy ball was pushed forward and shot towards the Dark Portal.

This magic is called "Ultimate Destruction Sphere", which is a black sphere composed of nothingness, which can produce the effect of dissociation on the target it touches.

Dissociation is a rather terrifying spell, it can make all hit creatures die, all hit objects are completely decomposed, leaving only a tiny trace of ashes, and the only thing that restricts its effect is the hit object's vitality or volume.

The most powerful dissociation technique, it is even possible to disassemble the artifact.

And Ye Ting condensed a plus-sized orb through superb magic control, which made the objects he could decompose became quite large enough to be effective against the Dark Portal.

As the Ultimate Orb of Destruction hits the center of the Dark Portal, its energy spreads around, infusing the Dark Portal.

The next moment, parts of the Dark Portal's structure began to be destroyed, and many parts of the originally gray-black huge rock instantly disintegrated into ashes.

After all, the Dark Portal is so huge, and the energy contained in it is extremely terrifying. Even such a sphere of destruction cannot completely destroy it.

However, that's enough.

The surface of the Dark Portal was pitted and cracked by the Sphere of Destruction, and the structure that maintained the portal was largely destroyed.

The next moment, the unstable portal produced a huge explosion.

The explosion caused most of the Alliance soldiers to stand unsteadily, and even Ye Ting almost fell off where he was standing. Only Onyxia was quick-witted and immediately stepped forward to catch him.

Under the explosion, the heavy lintel of the door and the surrounding stone pillars were further torn apart by the shock.

Luckily for the Alliance soldiers standing nearby, however, most of the rock produced by the explosion was reduced to ashes due to the Sphere of Destruction.

Then, the portal disappeared.

The tumbling color turned into a blank.

Ye Ting could feel that when the connection with Draenor was cut off, the earth began to breathe again, breaking free from the pull of the dying world, and nature would slowly come back to life.

Although he knows that this door will be opened again in the future, he is quite satisfied for now.

The war is over, and the Union has won the final victory.

At least now, their world is safe.

Chapter 0618 Post-War Situation

The Second Orc War is finally over.

In this war, the tribe as invaders lost.

Before the Alliance destroyed the Dark Portal, there were still remnants of the Horde who escaped through the Dark Portal and returned to Draenor, among them Taron Gorefiend and other Death Knights.

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