These creations of Gul'dan did not follow the orc warlocks to the Tomb of Sargeras, but remained under Orgrim's command, but the warchief of the Horde did not trust them.

After the death of Doomhammer, the death knights were also the first to escape. They successfully escaped into the Dark Portal and brought back the news of the failure from Azeroth to Draenor.

To make matters worse, even the path to Azeroth has been blocked.

When Ye Ting destroyed the Dark Portal on Azeroth, backflowing arcane energies flooded the orcs' homeland, and the portal on Draenor exploded with magic.

The frame of the gate exploded into a pile of rubble in an instant.

This also means that the orcs in Draenor can no longer escape from this dying world ravaged by demons and corrupted by fel energy.

After so many bloody battles on Azeroth, the orcs are still empty-handed and have nothing to gain, and Draenor has no food or enemies to conquer, and only a slow and painful death awaits them.

There are some powerful clans, such as the Shadowmoon Clan, the Warsong Clan, the Broken Palm Clan and so on... who never left Draenor from beginning to end, these orcs are as bloodthirsty and warlike as their brethren who entered Azeroth.

However, in Draenor, after years of civil war, the number of orcs has dwindled sharply, but they have yet to learn to control their emotions.

And the fiasco in Azeroth made their anger even more intense.

In this way, the tribe will soon be eating itself clean from the inside.

As for those remaining Horde soldiers in Azeroth, their life is not easy.

Kilrogg and the Blood Ring clan did not join Doomhammer's army at Blackrock Spire, and they remained in Khaz Modan as they watched the defeated soldiers flee through the Dark Portal.

In fact, Kilrogg wanted to lead the army to follow, but they were blocked by the army of the Alliance.

Rather than launching a suicide charge, Kilrogg believes, it's better to preserve strength and make plans.

So after Khaz Modan was defeated, the orcs of the Blood Ring clan quietly disappeared into the wilderness north of the portal, planning their next move.

Red Blackhand, Maim Blackhand, and many members of the Blacktooth clan also survived, and they retreated to the Burning Steppes after seeing losses to the Alliance in the battle to defend the Dark Portal.

There, they gathered the survivors of the Horde, mainly members of the Blackrock clan, and after the Alliance withdrew from the Burning Steppes, they sneaked back into the Blackrock Spire and regained control of the stronghold.

Red and Maim blamed Doomhammer's inept leadership for the Horde's defeat.

Since Orgrim initiated Mac'Gora to defeat the Black Hand, they have been dissatisfied with the new warchief, and now the two brothers are planning to succeed the warchief and make the remaining Horde into their hearts. Appearance, but they also know that just relying on the defeated soldiers in their hands will not be able to complete this cause.

So they started trying to get in touch with other groups of tribal survivors, trying to recruit them into their new tribe.

In response, many surviving orcs responded.

But the largest of them, the Blood Ring Clan, ignored it. Kilrogg had already seen his own destiny and disdained to be with the "pseudo" tribe of Red and Maim.

In addition, even the Blackrock clan has many people who have the same opinion, they fled into the wilderness, some lived in groups, some lived alone, many of them after the defeat of the tribe, gradually saw the conspiracy of the Burning Legion, see After clearing Gul'dan's methods, he gradually became disappointed with the Horde.

Of course, there is also a Frostwolf clan in the tribe. Before the war began, they had separated from the tribe and moved into the mountains of Alterac secretly, and they have not been found so far.

The number of the Horde is too great, and the impact on Azeroth is quite far-reaching. Even if the Alliance completely defeats the Horde, there are still tens of thousands of orcs who did not die in the war and were not captured by the Alliance.

These orcs are distributed throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, and it will take a great deal of power for the Alliance to clear them completely.

Unfortunately, the current league does not have the energy to do so.

They have many other things.

The tribes here are struggling and struggling to survive, while the alliances over there are celebrating their victory.

Humans, dwarves, gnomes, and high elves all basked in the joy of victory.

However, after the celebration, they face a harsh reality - life will never go back to the way it was before.

The war destroyed the entire Eastern Kingdom, and countless villages and towns were bloodbathed by tribes.From Stormwind to Alterac, from roads and trails to mountain passes, the corpses were piled up like mountains.

The destruction of the Dark Portal did not mean the end of the war for every Alliance member who fought to kill the enemy.

Survivors are haunted by horrific nightmares every night; many soldiers have lost friends, relatives, and even all of their families; and some soldiers are dragging their crippled bodies through the rest of their lives.

Finding inner peace is a long and difficult process, and the battle is far more difficult than the battle against the Horde.

There are many places throughout the Eastern Kingdom that need to be rebuilt.

The rulers of the alliance quickly agreed to unite the resources of the nations to make up for the wounds of the war.

Of course, Alterac, who betrayed the coalition, also needs to be dealt with, but the leader of the country has died in the war.

The nations of the alliance have yet to agree on what to do with the traitor kingdom, and the debate will continue for weeks.

Of all the work, the rebuilding of Stormwind is of paramount importance.

King Terenas generously decided to help restore Stormwind's kingdom and his old friend Ryan Wrynn back to the throne.

For many, the Kingdom of Stormwind symbolizes the future of humanity.

Because if even the Kingdom of Stormwind can be reborn from the ashes, anyone can cheer up.

Stormwind's refugees have mixed feelings about the news of Stormwind's rebuilding: many of them are reluctant to return to their shattered homes, lest they be grieved by grief.These refugees would rather start a new life in Lordaeron.

But some refugees still choose to return to their kingdoms.

Under the leadership of Ryan Wrynn, most of the citizens of Stormwind Kingdom returned to their homeland. Bolvar Fordragon and others assisted him and actively participated in the reconstruction of Stormwind Kingdom. Even Andu In Lothar also resigned from the position of supreme commander of the Alliance—a position that was no longer needed—to focus all of his energies on his work in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Chapter 0619 Disputes About Alterac

After the war, many armies built up because of this war also had other tasks.

The high elves' volunteer army was disbanded. This army was originally recruited by Alleria in Quel'Thalas to support the Alliance. Now that the war is over, the members of this army naturally return to their respective homes.

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