"Why is everything like this?"

How did they fail?

It is obvious that the alchemist is an existence at the top of the surface, and those vulgar warriors and the army of mortals are not their opponents at all.

However, today, facing Da Qin, they suffered heavy losses.

First, the advancing Qin army used a variety of terrifying weapons to strike at any cost, and just broke through their defenses, causing all the alchemists who were caught off guard to die in battle.

Next, these alchemists who were lucky enough to escape the bad situation failed once again - not because of the army of Qin, but in the face of these women who were not alchemists, but used strange powers. , their numbers are not even as many as their own, but in front of them, they have no power to fight back.

Their failure occurred in just a second or two.

The spiritual force field from Tianquan made their minds instantly disordered, and the magic artillery fire from Tianshu took the opportunity to defeat the weak alchemy shield for a while.I don't know when the magic trick arranged by Fluctlight caused them to try to counterattack all in vain. Tian Ji, who suddenly appeared among them, wielded a purple dagger and instantly killed their core, throwing them into chaos, while Kaiyang and Yuheng rushed in. , punished them with double-edged and fierce fists. As for Tianxuan, her protection and blessing ensured that Tianji, Kaiyang and Yuheng could retreat completely.

Everyone in the entire team is responsible for different tasks, but the cooperation is like a cloud of water. The most terrifying thing is that every action of theirs, from mental interference to defense breaking to illusion, every link is interlinked, and they are aimed at them everywhere. .

As a result, the alchemists in it were killed in one wave without reacting at all.

"Why it is like this?"

"Could it be that Qin is the nemesis of alchemists?"

"Or, is the era of alchemists over?"

The goatee can no longer think any longer. In the battle just now, he had been seriously injured, and now he can think, but he is just lingering and returning to the light.

Soon, he felt the scene in front of him blur, and then a burst of darkness.

The last alchemist on the battlefield died, but he didn't know until his death what kind of army he had just faced.

In fact, his opponent was the first and only army of a brand-new army created by King Zhao Zheng of Qin.

The name of the unit is ghost, and the profession of ghosts is unique psionicist.

Psionicist, created by Ye Ting, is different from the spellcaster profession of magician and alchemist.

But in fact, a psyker is not so much a profession as it is a lineage.

However, this bloodline was created the day after tomorrow.

The reason for the creation of psionicists is that Ye Ting needs an army to fight against magicians and alchemists. People with talent for magicians in Daqin have been drawn to do research. After all, Ye Ting believes that letting magicians fight is a completely inefficient waste. , then there must be someone who can deal with the mage.

As a creature, even if human beings are called the primate of all things, compared with nature, and even with other species, the human body is weak.

Humans can be called the primates of all things because of their intelligence and their use of nature and tools - which is why spellcasters are often more powerful than physical professionals.

The natural upper limit of seeking physical strength is lower than seeking wisdom and natural strength.

However, although mages are powerful, they often have their shortcomings.

Although they can manipulate the rules, they are not the rules themselves, nor are they the darlings of the world such as elves and fantasy species. Therefore, forcibly manipulating the power of the rules will always have limitations of one kind or another - such as the casting time, such as the freedom to manipulate magic degree and so on.

Of course, there are people in the caster profession who can ignore all of this, and that is the warlock.

This sorcerer is not the so-called sorcerer in World of Warcraft - that kind of sorcerer should actually be called a demon mage or a fel mage.

These warlocks are warlocks in the DND sense, that is, people who rely on blood and instinct to manipulate magic.

For them, magic is more like a spell-like ability, or a super ability. It does not need to go through rigorous calculations, it is not allowed to build models, it does not require a lot of learning, and it can be cast only by instinct.

Warlocks often have the bloodlines of gods, elves, and fantasy species, and it is these bloodlines that give them such abilities.

Therefore, demigods often have more or less the power of warlocks.

But on the one hand, such bloodlines are often unattainable; on the other hand, casting spells through bloodlines also has a disadvantage, that is, warlocks cannot learn magic arbitrarily like wizards, they can only further develop their own bloodlines, from which Mastering abilities, and what these abilities are, and how powerful they are, cannot be determined by the warlock himself, which is similar to throwing dice.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use warlocks to form an army.

So Ye Ting created a psionicist.

Psykers are acquired warlocks.

Ye Ting comprehensively purifies the blood of various fantasy species to create the ghost's gene, and then injects it into the body of the qualified person for training to create the ultimate spellcaster army.

Because the genes of various fantasy species are synthesized, the ability of the ghost gene to impart to the ghost is biased towards the mean - that is, any ability may be developed, all depending on the talent of the qualified person.

In the experiment of the qualified, because the qualified males are stimulated by the ghost gene, they will often lead to destruction because they are stimulated to have a strong desire to destroy. In the end, the ghost gene is determined to only give the relative inner more delicate, destructive Women with lower desires.

So, the first ghosts were all girls.

Compared with the mages, although the ghosts actually manipulate magic power, the essence of the power is called "psionic energy" by them - that is, the energy of the soul.

Indeed, ghosts are more perceptive and idealistic than the rational manipulating magic power of mages. In terms of casting spells, mages use precise and rational calculations like scientists, while psionicists cast spells with The martial artist uses the same fist and foot moves, which is more emotional and idealistic.

This also means that compared to mages, psionicists have fewer spellcasting methods, and it is difficult to cause devastating damage, but they can freely control spells like warlocks, and the speed of casting is faster. Fast, and the best part is that they can acquire specific spells steadily through practice, without having to draw lottery like a warlock.

These characteristics make psionicists unable to be as omnipotent as mages, and have overwhelming advantages against any profession, but psionicists have absolute advantages against specific targets.

In other words, they are Mage killers.

Chapter 0915 The Assassin's Experience

What Ghost Squad and Beidou did on the Jingxing battlefield was just a microcosm of all their missions.

These elites selected from the entire Daqin women are all die-hard loyalists of the King of Qin.

After being stimulated by the ghost genes, they became the sharpest blade of the King of Qin. With the most cutting-edge equipment and incredible strength, they would complete any task given by the King of Qin and kill anyone who was the enemy of the King of Qin— — especially alchemists and mages.

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