After killing the alchemists, the ghosts disappeared from the battlefield as soon as they appeared eerily.

On the other side, Daqin's army has been all the way, advancing to the city of Handan, the capital of Zhao.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the primitive city walls could not stop the steel torrent at all, and the great defense formation set up by the alchemists could not last long under the saturated firepower.The additional electromagnetic mass projection guns, high-energy lasers, and fusion bombs made from the concept of intercepting the sun exhausted the energy reserves of Handan in just a few minutes, and then the army invaded the capital.

It took Da Qin only two days from the start of the war to the attack on Handan.

The whole world was shocked.

This battle finally made the world understand how powerful and irresistible Da Qin was.

The remaining Qi, Chu, Yan, and Wei countries responded one after another. On the one hand, they ordered their troops to march on the border, and they sent envoys to each other to discuss strategies to fight Qin together. On the other hand, they tried to send troops to Daqin. The messenger, by ceding the city and other means to delay the army, buys time for himself.

On the Daqin side, after capturing the entire territory of Zhao State, it did not continue to advance, but focused on how to fully use the human and material resources of Zhao State and South Korea, and transformed Han and Zhao, who were still in a feudal society, into such A modern country like the mainland of Daqin.

In this process, all kinds of contradictions and conflicts will definitely appear. Even with advanced thinking transmission technology, the King of Qin himself has a considerable connection with the land and people of Daqin, but it is necessary to let a group of people living in the feudal era. It still takes time to suddenly accept and adjust to a life that has transcended them for thousands of years.

Four years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The land of Zhao State and South Korea has now been completely digested by Qin State. Most of the original ancient cities have disappeared, and the high-rise buildings in Daqin style have begun to emerge.

The Qin army also began to move, and their next target was the State of Yan.

However, for the Six Kingdoms, just four years was not enough to prepare them for war with Da Qin. In order to avoid the collapse of the country, the Yan Kingdom had to find a way to delay.

Exactly, a few decades ago, a general named Fan Yuqi betrayed Da Qin and went into exile in the State of Yan. It was from him that the State of Yan learned from the side that Da Qin was invincible. Now, in order to make the State of Qin suspend As the advance progressed, Prince Dan, who was in charge of Yan State at that time, had to offer Fan Yuqi's head to Da Qin.

And the envoy sent by the state of Yan was named Jing Ke.

Soon, the news that Jing Ke, the envoy of Yan State, sent to Da Qin, reached Ye Ting's ears.

"Jing Ke... Sure enough, this assassination was destined?"

For Ye Ting, Jing Ke is undoubtedly a very familiar stranger. The article about Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin in "Warring States Policy" was one of his texts in the last life, and he still remembers every word of it until now.

"Then, let me see how Jing Ke, a mere warrior, is going to assassinate me, King Qin, who is descended from a mysterious bird, has the body of an immortal, lives at the pinnacle of magic, and is guarded by immortal technology."

Regarding the upcoming assassination, Ye Ting not only did not have a trace of panic, but rather had a sense of anticipation.

So, he readily agreed to meet the envoy's request, and Jing Ke - and her deputy Qin Wuyang - finally got permission to enter Qin soil.

Jing Ke was originally from the Wei Kingdom and traveled in the Zhao Kingdom after the demise of the Wei Kingdom. In fact, she was not a professional assassin who made a living by assassination, but a powerful warrior.

She often sings and drinks with her friend Gao Jianli and others, and at the same time regards etiquette as nothing.

The reason why she was willing to assassinate the King of Qin was not only in return for Prince Dan, but also for the sake of the world righteousness in her heart.

However, Ye Ting wanted to see what choices she would make after her inner morality was broken in front of the real world righteousness?

Although they were messengers, Ye Ting did not have the authority to open the space door to them, so they had to be led by soldiers to cross half of Daqin, pass Hangu Pass all the way, and come to Xianyang.

Along the way, they were fortunate enough to appreciate the complete terroir of Daqin in person, from the hometown of Han and Zhao, which had just entered modernization, to the Guanzhong place that has completely become a modern city. The changes of Daqin and the civilization of Xiandao technology have changed the lives of Qin people will be completely in front of their eyes.

Even Jing Ke, who has traveled all over the world and has extraordinary knowledge, has been dazzled along the way.

Da Qin gave her a deep shock.

This shock is not only from the car they are sitting on, which can run several times faster than the fastest horse without the need for animal power; nor from the sky high into the sky, which seems to be made of complete stone and steel. Building; not from the inexplicable armor on the female soldiers who guarded her, and the legendary tubular weapon in the hands of the soldiers that they saw along the way that could continuously fire metal particles far more powerful than crossbow bolts.

It came from the deep smiles on the faces of every Qin person she saw.

These smiles made her feel both happy and sad.

Although it took only one day, she took a vehicle called a car all the way from the border to Xianyang City, but she still saw a lot of Qin people along the way.

Each of these Qin people was wearing inexplicably decent clothes, some were driving other types of cars, some were walking, but each one seemed so energetic and busy.

Yes, busy.

In Jing Ke's view, every Qin person is busy. Qin people on the road look extremely hurried and walk with wind, as if everyone has something urgent to complete, so they never stop.

Jing Ke's feeling is correct. In fact, Daqin has been able to develop so far, not only because of the technology provided by Ye Ting, but also because of these hardworking and passionate Daqin people.

These Da Qin people are all very loyal to the King of Qin who brought them a different life. The King of Qin brought them advanced technology and a life that does not need to worry about hunger and poverty, but they paid all for the goal of the King of Qin. Efforts have brought Daqin running into a new era.

It can be said that all members of Daqin are ardent believers of King Qin. For King Qin, everyone should not say 996, not even 007. No doctrine or thought can shake their belief in King Qin, and it is their Loyalty and fanaticism have allowed Da Qin to develop a miracle from the feudal era to a modern society in just seventeen years.

Because of this, Jing Ke found that they were all happy.

Compared with the other four countries, everyone in the Qin country is happy. They do not need to face hunger, and no one will fall into poverty. Compared with most of the precarious common people in the four countries, the people of Qin country undoubtedly have superpowers. high quality of life.

Spiritually, Jing Ke was shocked by their enrichment and happiness: they walked on the road that the King of Qin guided them without hesitation, and firmly believed that the King of Qin could lead them to a bright and correct future, even at the expense of himself. Compared with the humbleness and numbness of the people of the Six Kingdoms, it is a world of difference.

Among such Daqin people, there are many original Han and Zhao people.

Such a big Qin, such a Qin people, caused Jing Ke, who originally thought that his assassination was adhering to the righteousness of the world, into deep confusion.

If the rule of the King of Qin can make all the people in the world live like this, then is my assassination really correct?

Chapter 0916

In the palace of the King of Qin, there was another day of court meetings.

Today's Qin Palace is no longer a simple palace located in Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, but a complete starship with the ability to fly between stars.

The entire palace is located in the starship, and Xianyang is just a port where the starship is parked.

In fact, the new generation of Titan starships aliased as "Uranos" is also the flagship of Daqin in the future. The new Qinwang Palace is being built in full swing in the orbit of the earth. Its size is several times that of the Qinwang Palace. After completion, the current Qin Palace will be connected with the Epang Palace track and become a part of it.

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