Of course, the existence of BB and Mooncell does not mean that there will be no accidents.

There is at least one thing Ye Ting needs to worry about as Qin Shi Huang.

That is BB will not be in trouble.

With BB's character, even in the face of Ye Ting, the creator, she will do her best to toss with her little devil character. Ye Ting doesn't believe that she will not do anything among the people of Daqin now that she is in power.

So, before BB took office, Ye Ting lectured her well until she promised to do everything exactly as Ye Ting asked, and there would be no accidents.

"Alright alright, alright, the creator is so boring! Long-winded! I know I'm the kind of person who would say, 'It's too boring to fight by the rules? I want to see more of your pained expressions!' But the creation It would be too much for Master Creator to preach repeatedly like this, BB will definitely swallow her tears for love and abide by the promise with Master Creator.”

No way, who let this child be created by Ye Ting himself?So far, I can only trust her a little bit.

Then, Ye Ting temporarily left BB and went to the unknown realm in Mooncell - the realm inside Mooncell, but not part of Mooncell.

That is the photon network interrupt strip used to isolate the external memory that predatory wandering stars carved into the moon - the starship.

After attacking Mooncell, Ye Ting finally had the ability to let the giant god Altila experience the beauty of the outside world.

Of course, before Ye Ting completely defeated Yuxing, Altila, as a giant god, still couldn't leave this place of imprisonment, otherwise he would still go berserk under Yuxing's control and become a monster that destroyed civilization.

However, without Mooncell's interference, Ye Ting was able to completely let Altila's consciousness leave the imprisoned starship and project it onto the body created outside.

For Altila, it was like experiencing the outside world in person.

In order to create a body that completely matched Altila's consciousness, Ye Ting specially returned to Earth and came to the grassland outside Daqin Pass.

Since the modernization of Daqin, the nomads on the steppe could no longer pose a threat to Daqin: machine guns and artillery became their nightmare, so the Huns called the Qin army devils and moved to the west one after another.

And Ye Ting knew that there were taboos from prehistoric civilization hidden in the grassland where the Huns lived today.

It is the huge corpse of the giant god Altira on the ground, and it is also the holy place of the Huns' belief.

Because the corpse of the white giant was too huge and terrifying, it was regarded as a miracle by the Huns, so the Huns built a temple on the corpse and worshipped it from generation to generation.

And the corpse of the white giant is the raw material and reference that Ye Ting used to make Altila's body.

What could fit better with Altila's past body?

So, following the prototype of Altila and using the corpse of the white giant as a reference, a girl who almost possessed most of the power of the "Civilization Destroyer Sephalu" was born under Ye Ting's efforts.

It was a beautiful girl with brown skin.

Slim but toned, with a strange white pattern on his brown skin.

She has red pupils but white hair.

Dressed in a white robe that only covers the vitals, the white veil makes people mistaken for long white hair.

Basically, the body of the girl in front of her is the same as the giant god Altila in the star boat stone chamber, but the size has been adjusted to the size of a normal human.

However, when the consciousness of the giant god Altira was thrown into this body, the character displayed by the awakened girl was completely different from the character in the stone room, which was sometimes loving and gentle, and sometimes a girl-like innocent character.

It was absolutely calm and arrogant, as well as a real killing intent.

But when she noticed the environment she was in, the powerful killing intent immediately disappeared.

That soldier-like cold expression softened.

"This familiar land... I finally felt it again... You did it, Ting."

"Of course, didn't I promise you to take you out? I always do what I say." Ye Ting replied happily, "As long as you don't blame me for making you wait too long."

"No," Shaking his head lightly, Altila said solemnly, "I'm very moved that Ting can do this. Ting... is the first person to treat me like this."

Then, she suddenly knelt down on one knee with a serious expression: "Then, my name is Altila, and my power will always be at your disposal."

"...There's no need to be so formal."

Altila's actions made Ye Ting feel embarrassed and wanted to help the girl up, but was rejected.

"I can't think, I can't feel. I can only fight, I can only kill. You are special to me, so whether it's thinking or feeling, it's all up to you." His voice said, "Killing and destroying is the only thing I can do for you, please use me well."

Chapter 0939 The addition of Altila and the transformation of Mars

Altila's words made Ye Ting feel heartbroken.

Indeed, for Altila, there is almost nothing but battles. As the descendant of a civilization destroyed by Yuxing, she had to become Yuxing's prop in her life, only endless battles and the destruction of civilization.

But, beyond that, she must want to try more like a normal girl.

Of course, as a talented fighter and commander, Ye Ting will not waste Altila's talent. With her level, she can serve as the first army commander in battle, and make achievements for Ye Ting to expand the territory and conquer the earth.

But beyond that, Ye Ting was determined to let the girl experience a normal life.

As for the change in the girl's character, Ye Ting understood it.

In fact, the giant god Altira has the calmness and tolerance of the elderly, the illusion and loneliness brought about by a lonely position, and the calmness and coldness of the invaders.

These three are the three elements of his basic personality.

Since Altila's character is made up of three elements, these elements are not mixed together, but are independent of each other.

As a human being, it is like having multiple personalities, and Altira will switch her attitude toward others depending on her usage—personality OS.

Its character corresponds to the prism that symbolizes the three primary colors on Altira's Sword of War God.

Green: The side of a girl, delicate and cute.

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