Red: The warrior side, cold and fearsome.

Blue: The side of the goddess, loving and gentle.

As mentioned above, it is basically a blue personality, which switches to green when awakened and happy, and changes to red when fighting or angry.

These three-color lights represent Altila's character, just like a traffic light.

Perhaps on the moon, after suppressing the warrior side, Altila showed only the green and blue parts.

But when he came to Earth, all three aspects of Altila's character were reacted in this body. Perhaps because the source of the body was the white giant who was the destroyer of civilization in the past, the dominant part became red.

But for Ye Ting, even Altila like this is cute, isn't it?

Regarding this, in addition to Ye Ting, both Jing Ke and Yu Ji agreed.

After Ye Ting brought Altila back to Epang Palace and introduced them to know each other, both Jing Ke and Yu Ji quickly accepted that although she looked fierce, she was actually quite a natural female warrior.

On the contrary, it was Daantrian and Bastet who, when they saw Altila, looked like they were facing a great enemy, like a cat with fried fur.

Although it has been tens of thousands of years since the white giant re-created the original earth god, and the gods on earth have already changed a lot, the terror of the white giant still remains in the inheritance of the gods.

This feeling of seeing a natural enemy made the two former gods very alert.

However, against a past opponent like a god, Altira had no desire to fight.

"God is a bad civilization... But if it's Ting's comrade, there's no need to destroy it." Having said that, during the confrontation with the enemy, Altila took the initiative to withdraw the sword of the war god that she had already picked up.

In the thousands of years of getting along with Ye Ting, the destroyer who once saw civilization could not help destroying it, has become able to distinguish between good civilization and bad civilization over time.

What is about Ye Ting is a good civilization, which can be preserved. Standing opposite Ye Ting is a bad civilization, which must be destroyed.

Yes, it is like that.

Since Altila, the most capable of the two sides, has withdrawn, the conflict naturally cannot continue.

"The white destroyer actually took the initiative to put down his weapon, meow, in this case, the concubine can't be disrespectful meow."

"Cut, since the white deep-sea worms who only have the desire to destroy in their brains also gave up the fight, I'll let you go a little this time."

Therefore, a battle that may be broken and broken is so invisible.

However, this does not mean that the relationship between Altila and the two former gods will be any better. After that, the black cat Bast will basically walk around when she sees Altila, even if Altila has feelings for him. This soft and furry creature is very interested in cats. He tried to get close to Ye Ting's cats several times, but the only one he could find was Feiju, the white cat.

Naturally, Daantrian wouldn't hide from Altila, but as long as the two met, little Loli's vicious tongue would not be less. Altila was a hard worker in everything except fighting, and naturally she would not bicker with her. , so every encounter between the two becomes a one-man show for Datrian, until she gets bored.

In short, Altila's life in the Epang Palace is still very happy.

However, such a happy routine will eventually come to an end.

With the passage of time, several years have passed, the people of the six countries have basically integrated into Daqin, and the entire Kyushu has basically entered into modernization.

The Qin Empire's development in space was also quite smooth. With the help of the super host BB, Da Qin's ecological integration research has come a step closer, coupled with breakthroughs in various disciplines, the emergence of automation and material compression technology, from eradicating the top of the mountain. It's only a matter of time before it gets to the point of eradicating an entire mountain range.

The development of material technology and deep well mining technology will enable Daqin to carry out geological engineering at depths and temperatures unimaginable in the past.Magma hotspots can now be exploited, suppressed or even migrated.

Today, Daqin can even greatly affect the climate of the planet through the orbital refractor and shielding device system.

So, under the coordination of BB and Orianna—mainly BB provides computing power, Orianna is responsible for the specific implementation, "BB does not do the tedious work of digging iron and digging soil," BB said - Da Qin The shipyard spent a year building orbital deployment-grade shovels and drills.

There is no easy solution to the problem of reshaping planetary crusts and atmospheres at the macroscale.

After unlocking technology trees such as "Surface Shaping", "Atmospheric Recovery", "Surface Remodeling", "Deep Crustal Engineering", and "Climate Control Network", Daqin finally began to make habitable transformation of the surface and atmosphere of Mars.

During this process, satellites and spacecraft scanned a giant creature like a dragon without wings on Mars, with a high temperature equivalent to the level of lava deep in the earth's crust, as well as a super high level of mystery and energy.

The preliminary judgment is that it is some kind of native creature on Mars, but it has lived deep in the crust for a long time, so it was not discovered for the first time.

The intelligent computer in the spacecraft concluded that even if the entire Daqin fleet was assembled, it would not be able to kill this creature—or the current concept of killing the Daqin fleet was not applicable to this creature at all.

Only a strong person like Ye Ting, or a rule controller like a god, can threaten such creatures.

Preliminary judgments show that this creature is not hostile to Da Qin, nor does it hinder their transformation work, but the sudden appearance of such a powerful creature still arouses Da Qin's vigilance.

Chapter 0940 Revisit the Garden of Eden

Although Daqin's biologists and alchemists didn't know the footsteps of this creature, Ye Ting quickly made a preliminary judgment:

This creature exists as Type: Mars.

That is, UltimateONE of Mars, the strongest species of life on Mars.

UltimateOne is an individual standing at the top of the planet's biological system.According to the principle of hierarchical distribution of the food chain, the higher the species is in the food chain, the more the individual characteristics show such a trend-increased intelligence and ability, and weakened reproductive ability.

Therefore, the species at the top of the food chain, the smaller the number and the weaker the reproductive ability, but the stronger the ability as a living thing.

Taking the limit of thinking, when a species develops to the extreme (that is, it reaches the apex of evolution), its species number is 1, and this individual individual is the species itself, which mixes the characteristics of both sexes, Never age or die - that's the definition of UltimateOne.

Each UltimateOne possesses the ability to wipe out all living species in this world with its own power.

On the other hand, these UltimateOnes are, without exception, the soul of the planet.

By the way, if it is usually predicted, human beings should eventually evolve into the UltimateOne of the earth, that is, Type: Earth; but human beings do not know when they started to go astray. As a "human" who is subordinate to the will of nature, it has gone to deviate. The "way" of nature's will, this is the beginning of the contradictory spiral, and the reason why the alaya consciousness split from Gaia.

However, the prosperity of human beings is not just an accident, but a necessity: among the planets in the solar system, only the earth is special, it is so prosperous, it attracts so much attention, and only the earth has born countless 's gods.

Closer to home, after discovering Type: Mars, Ye Ting was still a little nervous. With his ability alone, of course he could destroy this monster that couldn't even die (there was no concept of death), but in the process it was inevitable. Experience a war that could destroy the Martian plate.

Moreover, after the elimination of Type: Mars as a UO, even Ye Ting did not know whether it would have any impact on the ecology of Mars.

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