Fortunately, Daqin's transformation of Mars did not make Type:Mars have any overreaction - after all, transforming Mars is not destroying Mars, maybe even Type:Mars would like it.

However, the existence of Type: Mars still reminds Daqin: there are still many creatures in this universe that are difficult to compete with the power of mortals. There are gods on the earth, and existences such as UO on other planets.

Daqin still has a long way to go if he wants to truly dominate the solar system and even go out.

But no matter what, the transformation of Mars is finally completed. Even though Mars itself has the foundation to become a habitable planet, it also proves that Daqin really has the ability to turn the planet into a habitable planet for humans.

Of course, Daqin’s transformation methods are still immature. Therefore, the transformation of the Martian climate and crust is not very thorough. Coupled with the distance between Mars and the sun, this leads to a relatively dry climate on Mars, a large temperature difference between day and night, and sandstorms. Major defects.

If the earth is a humid terrestrial planet, then Mars is a dry planet.

There are large plains, as well as many cliffs and canyons.There are few water sources and only a short rainy season.Except for a few more common weeds, other vegetation mainly exists near the oasis.

In short, for human beings, it can barely be regarded as a planet that can live.

Therefore, as an industrial planet, Daqin launched a vigorous immigration and construction on Mars.

The development of the remaining planets in the solar system is also very smooth.

On Venus, Daqin established a fully automatic mining facility that could be maintained with only a small number of staff and mages.

On Jupiter, Daqin established a mining organization for Jupiter's atmospheric element resources. Although there is no precedent for mining gas giant planets, the establishment of the organization is not complicated.

As for Saturn, Daqin not only started mining its atmosphere, but also began to develop Saturn's ring resources - the countless asteroids in Saturn's rings are Daqin's inexhaustible source of minerals.

The more distant Uranus and Neptune are also yet to be explored.

Countless raw materials are gathered from all over the solar system, and then transformed into various magical technology products of Daqin.

The cross-planet Xianqin Empire has already shown its prototype.

On the earth, the local people of Daqin have completely integrated into the system of Daqin. In other words, after conquering the six kingdoms, Daqin's unification of Kyushu has been completely digested.

Today's Da Qin is completely ready to conquer the world.

Except how to fight the gods.

In Da Qin's journey to conquer the world, the most important part is the means to fight against the gods.

As long as there are gods who master the rules standing in the world, Daqin's journey to conquer the world will never succeed.

So, Ye Ting went to Canaan.

There, he needs to recover a seed that was sown in the early years to fight against the gods.

"Genesis Eden." Exactly its name.

The seed of this half-plane was handed over to the hands of Jehovah, that is, El. As the chief god of the Crusaders set off a battle of gods and continued to grow, it has now become an Olympus comparable to the Olympus pantheon. Sishan, Asgard of the Norse gods, or the realm of the gods of the heaven of the Chinese gods.

Because he was once calculated by Solomon, now Jehovah has cut off his connection with human beings, and is now extremely weak, even to the point where he can only stay in "Genesis: Paradise of Elysium" and rely on it to survive.

However, with the ability of "Genesis Eden" and the powerful heavenly army created by the pool of angels' reincarnation, even if Jehovah fell into weakness, he was still able to maintain his position, and he did not completely become the last in the pantheon.

However, with the arrival of Ye Ting, Yilu's good days were over.


Jehovah was quite surprised when he heard that a magician who called himself "an old man" visited him.

Hundreds of years have passed since he obtained "Genesis Eden" and became the only god of the Cross.

But for Jehovah, the mysterious Mage appeared inexplicably, and inexplicably bestowed him three powerful divine objects, as if it had happened yesterday.

Even though one of the three fetishes is lost now, Jehovah has to admit that these three fetishes are indeed powerful enough to play an irreplaceable role in his rise. There are several artifacts such as the Ark of the Covenant, but none of them can compare with those three artifacts.

Now I heard that a mage who claimed to be an "old man" found the entrance to "Genesis Eden" and claimed to beg to see him, and Jehovah immediately took it seriously.

Although he didn't know whether the mage was really the "old man", just because he was able to find the entrance to this "Genesis Eden" made him doubt the real identity of the mage.

You must know that for hundreds of years, unless Jehovah and the angels took the initiative to guide them, no one has been able to find their traces.

Therefore, Jehovah specially sent Gabriel, one of the archangels, to receive visitors.

Chapter 0941 Paradise Landscape

There is no doubt that Jehovah sent Gabriel to receive visitors, which is enough to show his importance.

Gabriel is an important guard in heaven, serving as the guard of the entire heaven. Even among the archangels, Gabriel is a relatively high-ranking one.

In addition, the artifact made by Jehovah and the trumpet of the doomsday judgment are kept by her, which is also a manifestation of Gabriel’s status.

However, despite being the captain of the guard, Gabriel's character is not serious or arrogant. On the contrary, among the angels, Gabriel is recognized as a gentle elder sister and is highly respected by all the angels, but for Gabriel's When preaching, the angels clearly expressed their gratitude and gratitude, which made Gabriel, the captain of the guard, manage the angels very well.

At the entrance of heaven, Ye Ting saw this famous existence in the Bible.

She was a standard blonde and blue-eyed beauty with a flawless figure and appearance. From a distance, she looked like an orchid in an empty valley, pure and beautiful.

"Guian, esteemed guest," although he was the archangel, Gabriel still saluted seriously in front of Ye Ting, "My name is Gabriel, the archangel on the left side of God."

The gentle and polite Gabriel, as the host, can indeed easily gain the favor of the guests. From this point of view, Jehovah’s choice is not wrong.

However, under Gabriel's gentle appearance, there is indeed a terrible fighting and destructive power. Just looking at the golden horn tied around her waist is enough to prove this - as long as the horn of the end is blown, the end will be Come, and at the same time, no matter where you are, the gates of heaven will open, and the endless army of heaven will dominate the battlefield.

In short, it is a weapon that is enough to start a war of gods.

The gentle Gabriel is accompanied by the "horn of doomsday", which is both a welcome and a deterrent to the visitors.

However, among the guests this time, neither Ye Ting nor Altila, who was holding his shirt by his side, could be threatened by a mere doomsday horn.

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