Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2370: Burning Heavenly King!

Heaven and blood outside the blood.

Many powerful people in the Heaven Prison Realm watched Jinse enter the Blood Priest of Heaven Prison, but they were stopped by the Fire of Heaven Prison, there is no way.

"The woman has been in the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang for several days. Have you noticed that the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang seems to have shrunk in a few days? Could it be that the woman has completely refined the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang?"

The giant axe stared at the Heavenly Blood Yang.

Since Jinse entered into the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang, everyone found that the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang began to become bright and dark, and even issued a rhythmic rhythm, like a heart beating, every Each jump will spray out the extremely fierce celestial fire, which is more fierce than before.

Although the fire of Heavenly Prison was extremely turbulent, everyone was able to perceive that Heavenly Priest Blood Yang seemed to shrink a circle, and the fluctuation of power was also weaker.

This situation has caused many people to be extremely worried, thinking that Jinse has completely refined the blood of Heavenly Prison.

"It seems that what Hu Daoyou said is really good, this is really an emperor's heart! Only the heart of the emperor has such a terrible power fluctuation that can keep us all out!"

Zilei son also said with burning eyes.

"Whether it is the heart of the emperor or not, I am afraid that Heavenly Prison Blood Yang has nothing to do with us! That woman does not know where it came from, which is really enviable!"

Hu Feng's eyes also showed a look of envy. He also had some thoughts about the blood prison of Heavenly Prison, but now it seems that there is no way out.


Just as everyone was discussing, the sky dome suddenly cracked open, a huge vortex emerged, and the endless bright light was sprayed out, the vast and terrifying power fluctuations spread out, so that everyone could not help. Shocked.

A huge foot fell from the sky, and a huge figure emerged from the place where the sky was split. The endless flames rose around the body. At the same time, there were countless roars of innocent souls, making him seem to come out of hell. The emperor opened the world.

"Yes... Saint King Burning Heaven?!"

Hu Feng's eyes gleamed finely, and could not help but exclaim in a low voice.

"Burning Heavenly King? Hasn't he been closed for tens of thousands of years? Hearing that his retreat hit the emperor's realm, could he have broken through?"

Zilei's voice shivered slightly.

The Holy King of Burning the Heavens has a magnificent reputation throughout the heavenly hell.

Legend has it that the Holy King of Burning Heaven was originally a human race of God Realm. Because he was chased by the enemy, he fled into the Heavenly Prison Realm, but he showed his peerless talent and proved the Holy King in just ten thousand years. In order to establish the Holy City of Burning Heaven, it became one of the ten Holy City of Heavenly Prison Realm.

Burning Heavenly Saint King is extremely fierce. No one of his enemies can live to the present, but he has become one of the ten Saint Kings in Heavenly Prison Realm, and his strength is terrifying.

Legend has it that the Holy King of Burning Heaven began retreat and practiced 10,000 years ago, impacting the realm of the emperor, and gradually many people have forgotten his existence, even thinking that he has gone into flames and died.

And now, the appearance of the Burning Heavenly Saint King reminds everyone again of the fear that was once dominated by him!

"Who dares to move the **** sun of heaven?"

The majestic and mysterious voice was emitted from the mouth of the Burning Saint King, causing the emptiness of the Quartet to oscillate with it.

At this time, all talents can see the face of Saint King Burning Heaven.

It was a brave man with a huge height, muscles around his body, full of explosive strength, blue muscles straight up, like a dragon, his face looked cold and strong, but he had a huge scar, direct From the eyebrows all the way to the corners of the mouth, it seemed that someone had cut a sword with a sword in the face.

He was surrounded by a burning flame, which showed the color of pure gold, flowing to the power of the sun, and turned into a mysterious rune of laws, intertwined like a chain of order gods.

As soon as he appeared, the powerful gods, half-holy strongmen, and even the saints of the Heavenly Prison Realm all seemed extremely small, like ants.

"He shouldn't prove the emperor yet, but he has a wave of breakthroughs, which should have impacted the emperor's realm, but failed!"

Hu Feng whispered a voice to Zilei and Daxue Dao.

He is a feng shui master, and he is extremely sensitive to the fluctuations of the laws of the heavenly king. It can be seen that the heavenly king is still a holy king, not an emperor.

"The King of Burning Heaven seems to have come to the blood and blood of the Heavenly Prison. The fire of Heavenly Prison is afraid that he cannot be stopped. The woman is in danger!"

The giant axe said slowly.

"Tian Yu Xue Yang is destined to have nothing to do with us!"

Zilei son said a little unwillingly and bitterly.

The King of Burning Heaven stared at the Blood Prison of Heavenly Prison, his eyes cold and indifferent, seeming to be angry and shocked. If it were not for the change of Blood Priest of Heavenly Prison that shocked him, he would not be so anxious to go out.

"I want to see who it is, how dare I have such courage!"

The Burning Heavenly King took a step forward, and the blazing flames rose around him, and suddenly appeared in front of the Heavenly Blood Yang.

The blood of the celestial **** spewed out the vast fire of the celestial hell, as if feeling the existence of the burning king, and suddenly spreading towards the burning king.

However, the golden flame that burned the heavenly Saint King from the sun to the virginity was like a dangerous vortex that could assimilate everything and all the fires of Heaven.

In this way, he walked step by step towards the blood yang of Heavenly Prison, and the terrifying fire of Heavenly Prison could not cause any harm to him.

He stared at the Heavenly Prison Blood Yang in front of him, and a black jade symbol appeared in his palm. The Jade Fu was also radiating a bright light at the moment, and it reflected each other in front of the Heavenly Prison Blood Yang.


Yufu flew towards the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang, and the brilliance was brilliant and dazzling. At the same time, the Heavenly Blood Blood Yang also started to vibrate, only to hear a very clear voice Heavenly Blood Blood Yang suddenly An incomparably ancient portal appeared, shining brightly.

The figure of Burning Heavenly King instantly shot into that portal, and disappeared completely.


In the blood of Heavenly Prison, Jin Se's cheeks were flushed, looking at Ling Xiao in front of him, his eyes full of satisfaction and expectation.

She could tell that Ling Xiao's Yuanshen had re-condensed his human form at this moment. Although he still seemed extremely weak, he was barely able to control his perverted and powerful flesh, and the fire of his life was no longer burning.

Jinse could feel that Ling Xiao would be able to wake up again soon.

At this moment, Jin Se saw a portal in the distance, and an unpredictable figure shot from outside the portal and appeared in front of her.

Burning Heavenly King, here it is! (https:)

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