Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2371: Burning the sky!

Burning Heavenly King stood in front of Jinse, his eyes were indifferent, surrounded by golden flames, giving Jinse the feeling of facing an eternal sun, that kind of breath was grand and terrifying, deep Unpredictable.

"Holy King?"

Jin Se's eyes flickered and said slowly.

Although she didn't show anything on the surface, she had already raised 120,000 vigilance in her heart. Both the Tai Chi figure and the compass of the years tremble in her body, and she must come out at any time.

"Did you steal the blood of the Heavenly Prison? You really don't know how to live or die... Hey, you turned out to be the legendary Taishang body?!"

Burning Heavenly King sneered with a sneer, his voice exploding in the void like thunder.

But when his eyes fell on Jin Se, he could not help but slightly shocked. He saw the yin and yang qi flowing on Jin Se, the perfect balance that no one could appear, and instantly let He thought of the legendary Taishang body.

There was a trace of greed and blazing flash in the eyes of the burning king.

Jinse’s brows were slightly frowned, and the eyes of the Burning Heavenly King made her very uncomfortable. She said lightly: “Your blood in the Heavenly Prison? This **** Yang in the Heavenly Prison has existed in the Heavenly Prison for countless years What does it matter to you?"

"Hahaha... It's stupid! Only I can enter the blood prison of the heavenly prison in the whole world of heaven prison. I have been waiting for the maturity of the blood prison of the heavenly prison, but I did not expect to be preempted by you two ants. One more step! I think you are using Tianyang Xueyang to heal this kid? When I kill this kid, I think you have anything to say!"

Burning Heavenly King laughed loudly, his eyes full of ridicule.

His gaze was very venomous, and Ling Xiao's physical and mental reality could be seen almost instantly, and Ling Xiao's flesh was extremely powerful, but Yuanshen was very weak, so he was still comatose until now.


The words of the Burning Saint King just fell, and suddenly changed suddenly.

The Heavenly Blood Yang began to tremble slightly, and the blood was diffused, and the blazing light was thin, as if the four heavenly domes were to be burned completely. fluctuation.

Ling Xiao floats in the void, a mysterious purple light flows around him, and at the same time twelve ancient worlds emerge, spraying out endless rays of light, and exuding a terrifying engulfing power.


Under the influence of that kind of purple light, the vast heavenly blood yang, even cracks appeared, and then as if the world was broken, it turned into a vast life force and poured into Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao and the twelve worlds behind him erupted at the same time. That horrifying force made the Burning Heavenly King change his face greatly.

"you wanna die!"

The Burning Heavenly Saint King instantly angered, and his monstrous murderous intention was revealed in his eyes.

Heavenly Prison Blood Yang was extremely important to him. Originally, Heaven Prison Blood Yang was stolen by Ling Xiao and Jin Se, and it made him extremely angry. Now Ling Xiao wants to destroy the entire Heaven Prison Blood Yang. It made him unbearable in an instant.


Burning Heavenly Saint King instantly shot under the anger, the golden flame of his body rose, and instantly turned into a golden palm print, just like an immortal mountain, the sky was suppressed towards Lingxiao!

Jinse can feel that the power inside the Saint King is like a volcanic eruption. It is vast and endless, and the world of the Quartet seems to be completely annihilated.

This is the prestige of the Holy King. Jin Se even felt that even if the King of Burning Heaven was in the realm of the Holy King, it might have reached a very terrifying state.


Jin Se's slender jade hand stretched out, the years compass appeared silently in her palm, and then rose and fell into the sky, turning into an ancient compass, as if it could turn the sky, appeared in an instant The top of the burning king of heaven.

The mighty power of time has come, as if the river of time is flowing, forming a chaotic time field, so that the body of the burning king is feeling a stagnation.


Jin Se snorted softly, and the chaotic time domain seemed to be condensed into one body at the same time, and it was suppressed on the body of the burning king, as if solidified, and the terror was extremely extreme.

"Yin and Yang dragon kills!"

When Jinse sacrificed the compass of the years, he also presented the Yin-Yang Taiji figure. The Yin-Yang Taiji figure floated on the sky dome, which was a pure black and white color, intertwined with Taoism and reason, exuding eternal and immortal fluctuations.

In an instant, the Yin-Yang Taiji figure came towards the King of Burning Heaven, and the two qi of Yin and Yang were intertwined in the void. In an instant, it became one black and white, two extremely mysterious and ancient dragons, intertwined towards the Burning Saint. The king is coming!

This is Jinse’s killing trick. The years and compasses imprison and burn the Heavenly King, and then use the Yin and Yang Taiji to display the Yin and Yang dragon killing. Jinse does not seek to be able to kill the Heavenly King. She had enough chance to take Ling Xiao out of here.

"Damn it! How can you have two pieces of the Dao Emperor soldiers? Who are you in the end? Break me!"

Burning Heavenly King's face showed a mixture of anger and horror, and the golden flame of horror flowing around him instantly turned into a terrifying force of terror.

He was still amazed at how Jinse and Ling Xiao entered the blood prison of Heavenly Prison, but he didn't even think of Jinse's hands with the two compasses of the imperial soldiers of the years compass and Yin and Yang Taiji.

Although the Burning Heavenly King was extremely terrifying, the two great imperial soldiers shot at the same time, which also made him feel a strong crisis, and suddenly the power of the terrifying terror broke out, breaking the power of the time that bound him around. Come on.

"Burn Tian Zhenyan!"

The Burning Heavenly King roared with a roar, and the golden flame around him greeted the Yin and Yang Tai Chi in an instant, like a vast sea of ​​fire, and all kinds of mysterious scenes were formed in an Very real world.

Burning Tian Zhenyan is the mortal fire that burns the heavenly king to cultivate. It contains his holy king's road, which can burn the sky and destroy the earth, breaking through the real hypocrisy and incomparable terror.

The King of Burning Heaven also felt the threat of Yin and Yang Taiji, so he did not hesitate to burn out Tianyan Yan.


The endless flame and the Yin-Yang Taiji figure collided instantly. The black and white dragons were intertwined with each other. They were able to decompose everything, quickly decompose Tiantian Yan, and then turn them into a part of themselves.

It's like the Yin and Yang Taiji figure directly swallowed Fen Tian Zhen Yan, and then suddenly hit the body of the Fen Tian Sheng King!


Above the sky dome, endless flames are burning, and the Yin-Yang Taiji figure covers the sky and the sun, from which comes the roar of the roaring Heavenly King! (https:)

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