Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2833: Go to the door and ask!


In the sky above the Temple of War, many strong men under Ling Xiao gathered, and the thirty heavenly strong men were as dazzling as the sun, blooming a brilliant brilliance.

The vast sacred path is ascending and surging like the sea, making the Temple of War all shrouded in brilliant light.

"Ling Xiao really wants to come to the door to ask for sin?!"

Someone exclaimed, and the sound began to tremble.

Around the Temple of War, there are many spies from the Immortal Holy Land, and there are many powerful people watching the lively, they are watching the Temple of War every move, want to see what Ling Xiao will do.

But they did not expect that Ling Xiao actually chose the conscripted army directly after three days, and came to the door to ask for guilt!

Thirty Heavenly Venerable Strongmen, the Hundred Thousand Saints Legion, this terrifying power far exceeds any immortal holy land, and everyone is amazed.

Ling Xiao told the whole God Realm his choice with a very strong attitude!

"There are so many strong men under Ling Xiao, enough to crush any immortal holy land! But the immortal shrine has hundreds of millions of years of history. Maybe the strong men are not as good as Ling Xiao, but there is no **** formation to protect the sect, there is a great emperor. The soldiers suppress the luck and have all kinds of powerful cards!"

Someone objectively analyzed.

"Good! Even if Xiaoxiao can destroy a large immortal holy land, I am afraid that the powerful men under his command will also be hurt badly! It is urgent, these immortal holy places may not have the possibility of turning over! He is still too arrogant!"

"As far as I know, the Ninth Emperor Que has inherited the ancient heavenly court and has a puppet army of heavenly soldiers and generals, all of whom are powerful in the sage realm, and their power is terrible!"

"There is also the Heavenly Mantra, the Supreme Mantra of Heavenly Mantra, killing people in the invisible. The mountain gate of Heavenly Mantra is 100,000 miles away, and it is a field of magical killing. The Holy King is difficult to get through!"

"The Wuxing Tianzong's Wuxing Return to the Great Array is also terrifying. It is said that the emperor and the powerful had been strangled millions of years ago!"

"There is also the Chinese! The twelve capitals of the Chinese ancestors are in great formation. That was laid down by the emperor of the capital. It contains the supreme power of the emperor of the capital. If Ling Xiao dares to attack the Chinese , Sure to kick on the iron plate!"


There was a lot of discussion.

They speculate about the possible outcome of Ling Xiao's door-to-door crimes. At the same time, some people think that Ling Xiao is too serious to report. In the face of the current enemy of the Devil, Ling Xiao has chosen internal friction and wants to destroy the pillars of the human race.

There are even some radical human clan strongmen who started cursing Ling Xiao arrogantly, saying that Ling Xiao is a real demon spy.

"Ling Xiao, regardless of the overall situation of the human race, only his own interests, what is the son of heaven?"

"The Son of Heaven? He has already become the lord of the demon world, and the lord of the flood, why did he ever take care of my human race?"

"It's really hateful to let these villains take charge of such a huge force! If I have such a strong man under my command, I will definitely be killed in the Devil Realm and kill the Devil's strong!"

The people were filled with indignation and cold eyes, as if Ling Xiao had sent troops to become a wicked person, and turned into a human race scum regardless of the overall situation.

"There is already endless hatred between Ling Xiao and those immortal holy places! And those immortal holy places have no meaning of repentance at all. If I were Ling Xiao, I would also slaughter them to prevent future troubles! Be sure to be inside!"

Some people also put forward different opinions and expressed their understanding of Ling Xiao's behavior.

The whole God Realm was completely shaken by Ling Xiao's troops, and everyone's eyes fell on Ling Xiao's body, wanting to see where he would go.

"In the first battle, the Ninth Emperor Que will be exterminated first, and the Qing Dynasty will be cleared!"

Ling Xiao's eyes were indifferent, and he said slowly.


His voice exploded in the void like a thunder, and a group of people drove towards the Ninefold Emperor Que.

There are a total of four immortal holy places in the Heavenly Territory of the Qing Dynasty, namely the Temple of War, the Ninefold Emperor Que, the Celestial Sect and the Five Elements Tianzong!

The Nineth Emperor Que was once an ally of the Temple of War, but later he betrayed the Temple of War and turned to the Chinese, Tianzongzong, and Wuxingtianzong parties.

It can be said that in addition to the Chinese, the most hated people of the Temple of War are the nineth emperor Que.

Speaking of which, the Temple of War and the Nineth Emperor Que were both inherited from the ancient heaven. The Nineth Emperor Que had the Lei Emperor's Sutra and the Heavenly Penalty Secret Technique, but the Nineth Emperor Que had repeatedly besieged Ling Xiao and even once boarded the Temple of War. The mountain gate, asked Ling Xiao to guilt.

Since Ling Xiao decided to go to the door and ask for guilt, he naturally will not have the slightest sympathy.

The Nineth Emperor Que is naturally the first.

The Nineth Emperor Que is located in the extreme north of the Heavenly Territory of Shangqing. It consists of 36 Taikoo Thunder Mountains, intertwined with a horrifying thunder, as if it were a field of natural punishment.

On the thirty-six archaic Thunder Mountain, there is a vast array of emperor's queens, like the nine heavens and the heavens, the breath is breathtaking, the rays of light are vast, and there are palaces and pavilions lined up.

The nineth emperor Que is claimed to be the orthodox heaven, and their greatest ambition is to rebuild the ancient heaven.

When Ling Xiao approached the Emperor Ninefold Emperor Que, he also had to admire the magnificence and magnificence of the Nineth Emperor Que Shanmen.


The thirty-six Taikoo Thunder Mountains of the Nineth Emperor Que are all sprayed with blazing light beams at this moment. The bright thunder blooms in the void and contains extremely powerful power fluctuations.

A vast thunder world enveloped the entire Ninefold Emperor Que.

This is the Godless Array of the Ninth Emperor Que-The Nineth Heaven Penalty!

The Nine Heavy Heavenly Penalty Array is the most powerful attack on the Emperor Array. It contains the source of Heavenly Penalty. It is terrifying and can destroy everything. Even the Emperor does not dare to break into it.

Not to mention, the eyes of the Nine Heavy Heavenly Punishments are the guards of the Jidao Emperor's Heavenly Penalty Knife.

The Jiuzhong Heavenly Punishment Team has completely recovered at the moment. When Ling Xiao led the army to leave the Temple of War, the Jiuzhong Emperor Que had already received the news.

They are unwilling to compromise with Ling Xiao, so they are prepared to punish a large array of nineteen days to compete with Ling Xiao's Shengdao Legion.

" you really going to die with my nineth emperor?"

An extremely cold voice sounded, and an old man in a purple robe among the nineth Emperor Que lifted into the air. His whole body was breathless and unfathomable. There was cold lightning in his eyes, as if he could penetrate the void at any time.

"It is the great elder of the nineth emperor Que, Zizhong Tianzun!"

Liu Baiyi sent a voice to Ling Xiaodao.

Zizhong Tianzun and Zhanfeng Tianzun are characters of a generation. Nowadays, they are also old and antique characters among the nineth Emperor Que. Their strength is unfathomable.

After the death of the Emperor Que of the Ninefold Emperor Que, the Emperor of the Ninefold Emperor Que was headed by Zizhong Tianzun!

(End of this chapter)

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