Great Emperor Myriad

Vol 2 Chapter 2834: 9 heavy fines!

Behind Zizhongtianzun, a powerful and unmatched figure emerged, all with indifferent eyes, and the whole body exuded a powerful anger and anger.

The people of the Nineth Emperor Que did not expect that Ling Xiao really dared to kill the Nineth Emperor Que.

"Aren’t we going to die forever? This is your choice, don’t blame me!"

Ling Xiao said faintly, his expression extremely calm.

He and the Shengdao Legion under his command stopped shortly before entering the enveloping area of ​​the Nine Heavy Penalties.

"Ling Xiao, this is my Nine-Emperor Emperor Que's Nine-Heavy Penalty Battle. Even if the emperor is going to die, if you are not afraid of death, you can come in for a fight!"

Zi Zhongtian Zun sneered.


As if to prove his words, the fierce thunder and light rose and the chains of order and **** were intertwined in the massive punishment of Nine Heavy Heavens. The powerful thunder turned into a variety of mysterious scenes, making people feel a terrifying atmosphere of destruction.

Moreover, Ling Xiao can also feel that, in the massive nine-day penalty punishment, there is an incredibly fierce sword that seems to have to penetrate the void at any time.

That is the Jiu Di Emperor Que's extreme Dao soldier, Heavenly Penalty Knife!

"It seems that you still don't give up now! Do you think you can stop my footsteps with a heavy and heavy penalty?"

Ling Xiao sighed softly, stepped out of the void, the breath around her body was mysterious and mysterious.


Ling Xiao's eyes opened and closed, as if a bright thunder burst out, like a punishment, majestic and mysterious.

"Ling Xiao, if you are not afraid of death, you can try it!"

Zi Zhongtian Zun sneered.

The Ninth Heavenly Punishment Great Array is one of the ancient protection courts of the ancient court. It is terrifying and contains the origin of heavenly punishment. Since the Nine Heavy Emperor Que’s Great Guardian Array, I don’t know how many strong men are buried in it.

Not even the emperor was spared.

Zi Zhongtianzun does not believe that Ling Xiao can break through the nine-day penalty punishment. On the contrary, he hopes that Ling Xiao can enter the nine-day penalty punishment, so maybe they have the hope to kill Ling Xiao!

"Nine heavy days punish the big formation, after all, the formation that Lei Di left behind, I can't break it! But unfortunately, the nine heavy days punish the big formation, and they won't attack me!"

Ling Xiao said lightly.


He took a step forward and entered directly into the Nine Heavy Penalties.

The fierce thunder and light flashed around, intertwined with the light of heavenly punishment, and contained the atmosphere of great destruction, as if to turn Ling Xiao directly into the powder.


Ling Xiao's face was very calm, and suddenly there was a mysterious light around him, which was the breath of heavenly punishment, and it was the same as the nineth heavenly punishment.

Heavenly punishment secret technique!

The secret technique of heaven punishment is the secret technique of the origin, which contains the origin of heaven punishment. It was originally the unsecret secret of Emperor Ninefold, and now it falls into the hands of Ling Xiao and begins to shine.

Ling Xiao's heart was beating violently, spraying a mysterious light, and Thunder lingered around his body, making him the breath of the whole person, as if they had become a part of the punishment of the sky, and the nine-day punishment of the big punishment were integrated into one.

boom! boom! boom!

Thunder and thunder fell like a mountain, but it seemed to have lost its goal and direction. It caused a huge wave, but it did not have any impact on Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao stepped forward in the big formation, the pace was very firm, and there was a vast momentum all over his body!

"What?! Damn, he used the punishment of the punishment of heaven and the wordless book to shield the emperor's perception of him!"

Zi Zhongtianzun was shocked, and suddenly his face became very ugly as if he had thought of something.

The punishment of heaven penalty is the treasure of Zhenzong Emperor Que, because the punishment of heaven penalty contains the source of punishment. If you can understand the punishment of heaven punishment, it is not only a supreme path to the emperor, but also able to crack the Jiuzhong Emperor Que's most minecraft secret art.

The Nine Heavy Heavenly Penalty Formation, although it is a godless formation, is also the formation of Lei Emperor with the source of heavenly punishment. Ling Xiao is in charge of the no-word heavenly book, and he understands the secret technique of heavenly punishment. In part, the large array can't hurt him at all.


Ling Xiao's breath rose around his body, his eyes were bright and sharp, and he stepped towards Zi Zhongtian Zun. The thunder gathered around him, turned into a majestic and mysterious thunder dragon, and the sound of ancient dragon chanting broke out.

Ling Xiao's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, just like an ancient emperor recovering, he has an invincible charm.

Somehow, after feeling the breath on Ling Xiao's body, not only Zi Zhong Tian Zun, but also the strong ones of Jiu Zhong Emperor Que all changed their faces, revealing a look of extreme fear.

"Ling Xiao, you are looking for death!"

In the eyes of Zi Zhongtianzun, the murderous intention boiled, and in the blink of an eye, he beckoned. Among the nine heavy punishments, the punishment of the punishment came out in the sky, and it turned into a huge sword in the void. Swinging down towards Ling Xiao.

Ji Dao Emperor, Heaven Penalty Knife!

The brilliance of the Sky Penalty Knife has reached its extreme, and there is a resurgence of divinity. The endless thunder is fiercely dazzling, the horror of the sword is rising, and the thunder is vigorous like the sea. It seems that a mysterious figure has emerged, swallowing all the wasteland. Liuhe, sweeping nine days and ten places, is overbearing and invincible.

Zizhong Tianzun did not want Ling Xiao to go directly through the Nineth Heaven Penalty Formation and into the Nineth Emperor Que, so he directly sacrificed the Heavenly Penalty Knife and launched an attack.

"Tiantiandaodao? What was the style of Lei Di at that time? Unfortunately, you lost Lei Di's dignity and mind, but instead became a group of stubborn, shameless villains!"

Ling Xiao sighed softly.


Heaven's prestige rose like a prison monument, the chaos was filled with fog, and the vastness was like an ancient **** floating in the void, and the breath was terrible.

Ling Xiao burst out with a punch, and behind him, an imaginary image of an emperor emerged. The power of terror and unmatchedness merged with himself, making this punch domineering to the extreme.

Heaven Emperor Prison Law!

This is the atheism in the Heavenly Prison Scripture, and it is also a peerless fist. Ling Xiao is exhibiting at the moment with Tianwei as a prison monument. It seems to be the resurrection of the Heavenly Prison Emperor.


Tianwei is as bright as a prison monument. The peerless fist seal collided with the Heaven Penalty Knife in an instant, and endless divine light spewed out, radiating a blazing glory.


Zizhong Tianzun's huge earthquake felt like an ancient ancient mountain hit the heaven penalty knife, and the unparalleled divine power was used to make him feel a huge earthquake, The arm was tingling, and the whole person flew away.

Ling Xiao's body is unchanged, her momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and she is coming across the sky. Her eyes are full of cold killing intentions, and another punch is rushing towards Zi Zhongtian Zun.

The mighty fist erupted as if Oemoto had flowed into the sea, moving forward, and each fist was more terrifying and magnificent than before, as if it could destroy everything.

Although Ling Xiao was still in the Nine Chongtian penalty punishment at this moment, he did not rush out into the Ninefold Emperor Que, but the invincible momentum erupted, but the people of the Nine Chongdi Que shuddered, eyes Full of terrified look.

(End of this chapter)

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