Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1300: The Nobel Prize in Literature

Sun Wang Yan and Wang Yan were selling selfies with a cute face. The background was Chen Hao on the stage. Although it was very vague, anyone knew that it was in the Super Bowl.

President Wang has always been a poisonous tongue, always incompatible with ordinary people's thinking, and also a bit stubborn and unsatisfactory. He has never spoken praises since his debut. Today, I was standing on the scene and posted Weibo, "Buddy, real burdock, and said nothing, there is no one on the scene!"

The entertainment stars on the scene will not talk about it, whether it is rampant or pure support, they are here, and they are also unveiled, and some sports stars have also come to the scene. Many differences in benefits.

Some popular projects, you have done well enough and the income is definitely top-tier, but some unpopular projects, even if you get more Olympic champions, there will be no spare money to come to the United States to see a show, some even There is no basic living security.

Not only Huaxia, but also a lot of celebrities and public figures from various countries around the world arrived at the scene. Some of them also released their own news. The media will aggregate all the news of these celebrities. Many people in China do not use Facebook. Does not prevent the audience from being able to see the latest news of the celebrities who publish their updates through Facebook.

An unparalleled and wonderful midfield performance, followed by a century war, the second half of the game is not like the two teams played out, the second half can be seen throughout the history of football The excitement in the top three is enough to make more than 80,000 people at the scene completely out of control. Too many people have shouted their voices, but this still can't stop them from wanting to release their inner emotions.

In the end, the picture of the savior alone did not appear. The traditional strong team withstood the pressure at the last moment and defeated the dark horse led by the superstar. Competitive sports are naturally cruel. Some people are happy and some are worried. There are destined to be winners and losers. The audience is destined to be a polarized emotional performance. The fans who support the team's loss will naturally be extremely lost. However, the picture of the entire scene today has changed. When the game is over, the audience will start to applaud. A tribute to every athlete on the scene, you win our pride, you still lose our pride, today there are no real losers in this arena, every team played their best ever State, dedicated to the fans in the United States in a most exciting offensive and defensive battle, you come to me in the first half of the exciting picture more than the previous one.

Chen Hao waited for more than twenty minutes in the box, and waited until the end of the game, before leaving under a special channel surrounded by people around, and directly boarding the car.

The low-key car allowed him to smoothly break through the crowded roads of the fans, followed by other cars slowly 'moving' out, and after returning to the hotel, he felt that the buzzing sound was still there, as if he were still at the scene of the game. .

I took a shower and changed my clothes at the hotel. I did n’t delay to go to a party hosted by a villa in Beverly Hills. Here, people who have come back from the scene one after another have assembled here. Many of them were not planning to watch the second half of the game. The people were attracted by the wonderful game. On the way back, they were still worried about being late. I didn't know until after that everyone was the same. They all just arrived.

A lot of Hollywood stars came to this party. Before, there were exchanges between domestic and foreign stars at Galaxy Headquarters. This was another very good occasion. Everyone gathered and drank and chatted with Chen Hao's glass of wine. In the past everyone It's still unfamiliar. After several contacts, meetings on various occasions, and cooperation with some film and television dramas, everyone is no longer unfamiliar. Some people who came to this occasion for the first time found it-oh! It turns out that we are no longer a marginalized existence. Here, we are already the protagonist and already have a place.

If you are thankful, you will find that it is no longer necessary to say a little bit of respect for Mr. Chen from the heart. The ancient three-man cloud must have our teacher, who is not interested in seniority. Today, no Chinese artist in the face of Chen faces Chen. Hao also felt that qualifications, age and status were important.

At the party this evening, Chen Hao didn't have much time to toast with everyone. He has a group of children to entertain today.

Huang Lei's daughter, Huang Yici, is a representative of which everyone is familiar. There are also some children brought by artists. After arriving at the party, they surrounded Chen Hao with the group.

There are entertainers at home and abroad who bring teenagers who have been sensible to the party. They do n’t want to bring them, but these little guys are all loyal fans of Chen Hao. It ’s hard to get a chance to see idols up close. Each of them made a lot of promises and signed many 'unequal commitment treaties' with their parents, and this was the opportunity.

Teenage children are between maturity and innocence. They are gradually mature but their innocence has not completely disappeared. Such an age is the most rebellious and the star-stuck are the most faithful. They will be particularly excited when they see an idol. There are some mature remarks similar to adults, but more of them will come up with some really ridiculous words.

At the beginning, this group of parents were worried that too many children's problems would make people disgusted. Today, Chen Hao is tired enough, and they are embarrassed and want to pull the child away. As a result, Chen Hao is not tired at all. Bad look. This night was very childlike and acted as a child king. I was very happy to be together with everyone. Until the early morning, the kids were crazy and tired. They left under the leadership of their parents, and the villa was gradually quiet. Down, there are only those that are relatively close, and some of them want to stay for a long night.

If it wasn't for watching Chen Hao's energy, it wouldn't look like he had experienced a Super Bowl performance. Don't watch the 20-minute performance for a short time. There are a lot of singers on the scene. They know too much about these 20 minutes. What does a singer mean? Maybe all the power accumulated over a few days and months will be released all at once. After basically stepping down, all power will be lost. I can't wait to sleep well immediately.

Everyone had a sense of Chen Hao's intensiveness on this night. It is no wonder that others have succeeded. In the past, it felt like luck. When I got in touch, I found more and more advantages of him. Looking back and looking at his success, in addition to admiring it is admire.


This night, and the next two days, the focus of the world in the entertainment section is Chen Hao. The Super Bowl game has created the best audience, and even the mainstream American media has not denied the role played by Chen Hao. This honor is a spontaneous vote of the American people, and no one is allowed to obliterate the changes brought about by his midfield performance.

The members of both teams also frankly stated in the interview after the game. First, they were excited by the singing of "hero", and then the live performance of oe seemed to have some unique magic. Each of them has been nervous because of tension. The body became very tight. Driven by the rhythm of the music, every cell became excited, which is equivalent to saying that Chen Hao's midfield performance has once again warmed up all the players.

Among the various news, Chen Hao's performance was also comprehensively analyzed. It is still a familiar praise, and you really have to like it.

Don't say how brave Chen Hao is, and dare to go to the show, it is also a manifestation of self-confidence. It is said that in this show, there is no insurance company in the world who dares to take the insurance policy. It is not because they lack the courage to gamble. There is no way to calculate the amount.

The overall aura of the scene, live performance singing, live dance and various interactive performances, live musical instrument display, just ten minutes, Chen Hao showed a lot, and the last new song was brought to the whole Feeling of world peace-oe is still that magical oe. He can still write a century-old classic song for the history of the Super Bowl midfield performance, and write a strong stroke.

Some media noticed Chen Hao ’s gesture of wishing everyone to be quiet, and also cut out those tens of seconds of video, which could reduce the noisy shouting on the spot by half, and allow everyone to follow the order and converge in such a state of excitement. He can be called the first person in history, before all entertainers did not dare and would not have such behavior. Of course, personal concerts are the exception. That is your complete home. All your fans are here. They feel right about what you do.

Chen Hao is used for media news.

All kinds of discussions on the Internet are also Chen Hao.

Those **** fans of Michael Jackson have not refuted the proposition that last night was the most exciting midfield performance of the Super Bowl ~ ~ Chen Hao did really well, some 50- or 60-year-old southern American elderly, drink It is their hobby to smoke beer and cigars. Star chasing has never been within their acceptance range. It is very amazing for them to see if they can enjoy a young man's songs and stage performances. It was a very amazing thing for the entire American audience.

Calling for peace and calling for the earth ’s family, the proposition of Chen Hao's songs brought him the recognition of mainstream media around the world for this wave of performance. The mainstream news programs in many countries have specifically covered this issue, especially in Africa and the Middle East Some war-torn countries have the idea of ​​using this song to promote peace. Alleys and streets are soon covered by this song, and many people are willing to sing this very exciting song along with the music.

Chen Hao did not wake up until the evening of the next day. The setting sun in Los Angeles was beautiful. The wind blowing in the window also made people feel extra comfortable. A lazy waist felt very comfortable all over the body. The unique good news also made him a little bit confused and totally unprepared.

"Boss, the probability that you won the Nobel Prize in Literature this year is already outstanding."


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