Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1301: Earn money before release

The Nobel Prize in Literature?

This is an unexpected 'fright' for Chen Hao. He never thought that this incident would fall on his own. The award of Bob Dylan is also due to many factors. What he knows looks like this award is the most Young winners are in their forties. This article contains the following information: % KaNshUge.lā

The highest probability? Chen Hao thought and wanted to tell himself that he had to leave this matter temporarily, and at the moment when the dust finally settled, any extra thoughts were rash, and it is very likely that he would make mistakes. The arrival of this news It can only be a test of whether you can have a sense of normality and temporarily set aside the potential impact and appeal of this honor.

Qiu Yu who was the first to get the news was also startled. None of these people around him had thought about it. Although it is not an award that changed the world, the title of Nobel is equivalent to giving this person a history. Positioning, no matter what he will achieve in the future, this intensive stroke will be an unshakable monument in life milestones.

Tian Ge is even more excited than Chen Hao. Compared with the direction of the red dot, the cooperation of the big strategy also has some black-box operations. The era of reunion and Tian Ge is really happy for Chen Hao. When Tian Ge got the news, he called the first time and directly Notify Chen Hao that he has made preparations there, and will arrange for people to follow up the whole process. He will not be responsible for the operation and the follow-up of the public relations. The company will make full arrangements.

The news has not been announced to the public. Everyone knows that if it becomes public information at this moment, it will undoubtedly form a whirlpool of the entire world ’s entertainment industry. Every day the front page news will be him, and he will also become the entire China Entertainment Industry. Era symbol.

China also attaches great importance to this matter. Mo Yan received this award a few years ago, and the civil influence caused by it is very great. Relevant departments immediately dispatched several capable staff to conduct a new round of analysis on the probability that Chen Hao won this honor.

From the influence of the song, the influence of the lyrics in the song, to his personally published novels, world-class awards for science fiction novels have been locked in advance. As long as he publishes the novel "The Heroes of the Galaxy" novel, he will With no rivals, "Three Body" has already accumulated enough capital for him. Adding both the novel and the lyrics, how many odds will there be this year?

Some well-informed people began to congratulate Chen Hao in the small area. To be honest, even if no award was given to him, it was just a nomination and a popular candidate, which was enough to be considered a sensation.

In addition to the elder brother who gathered together in the era, Lele is also very very excited. Regardless of the extent to which Chen Hao has developed, he will not erase the label that used to be a anchor. The two parties have always maintained a very good cooperative relationship over the years. Chen Hao has spared no effort to promote Lele. Every enviable honor in him will bring Lele benefits to varying degrees.

A group of Lele executives with ambitious ideals and strategic goals. Their ideas are simple. Now that we have an opportunity to get rid of the position that we could not get rid of anyway, we will work together to make this happen collectively.

Today, Chen Hao is a treasure in Lele ’s eyes. Heaviness can be said to be against the entire Lele if he acts against him. The energy that a listed company can explode if it is desperate is very scary, public and private. On the occasion, Lele's major shareholders and senior executives have repeatedly stated to the outside with a unified caliber that Chen Hao and Lele are tied together. You and me are the two of you.

When it comes to the most excitement, or the people around him, Xiao Di directly hits him and sends a sweet kiss. The smiles are full of proud words: "You are awesome!"

"Who is awesome?"

For a long time, the name of her husband and wife between ordinary young men and women, Xiaodi is more resistant, more likely to be a kind of cowardice, she is always not used to that kind of address, and feels that if she calls Chen Hao this way, it would seem very offensive. If it is more uncomfortable in front of outsiders, it is estimated that others will feel uncomfortable.

He whispered, with a little shyness he wasn't used to, and reached his ear: "My husband is the best!"


If the news was not of great value to Chen Hao before the dust was settled, now it has its value and can enhance the relationship between husband and wife. It must be said that the Nobel Prize for Literature has contributed to the future love foundation of the Chen family. A force.

Looking at himself in the mirror during the washing process, Chen Hao touched his nose. Isn't this idea too shameless? If anyone reads what he just said, he will probably have the urge to pump himself.

When your life is always greeted with good news, then your whole person's mental state is uplifting, watching the sky is blue, watching the sea is blue, watching everything is beautiful, smiling The conscious will hang on the face, and the unconscious will enter a very good state when doing things, just from Los Angeles to the Galaxy Headquarters. After a short flight, a short face was exposed in front of the media, only A captured photo can put various media on the headlines, and all the netizens can call it a charming smile.

When it ’s good, everything is fine. When we arrived at the Galaxy Headquarters, we returned from a long break. After the crew gathered, everyone first hid to Chen Hao, the film emperor of Sanlianzhuang, and the Super Bowl shocked the world ’s performance. A new song directly Dominate all music charts.

To a certain extent, Chen Hao's achievements have brought confidence to all crew members, allowing them to develop a recognition that they will follow him for success. Everyone's work mood will affect the work state more or less, and will affect the work enthusiasm. The most important thing in the current team of "Biography of the Galaxy Heroes" is the high morale.

Congratulations to Chen Hao when he got the Sanlianzhuang film emperor, his doubts came out again. From the night of Oscar to the present, this doubt has always been there, but he was busy suppressing the Super Bowl performance.

The main task of the perfect anchor-to be the first person in the world's film industry, taking at least three actresses or the best director's best film as the criterion, but to this day, the main task has not been displayed, which makes him very puzzled. Is it really as he thought, this consideration standard was completed too quickly by himself, and it would be really the first person in the world of his time to be the first person in the world in this era when he was replaced by another big coffee actor. For myself, it seems that all of this is too easy. Even if many fans say that they are the best, the title of the first person in the world's movie industry never seems to have been mentioned by any media.

Young seems to be the biggest constraint.

Regarding the fact that the system has never been settled, Chen Hao is powerless. If he needs to achieve some results himself, then he can rest assured. One year will not make him feel any difficulty. Today, he is already I have enough ability to deal with everything, not to mention that there are many times the lottery opportunities are useless, even if there are no more rewards, I am still today, and I will not have any restlessness. I can write ", Can write" Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy "by virtue of his own ability, and also can write songs that are not inferior to" hero "and" mylove "by virtue of his current ability.

"Everyone is ready, let's start shooting!"

As Chen Hao promised to invite everyone to eat dinner at night, the crew returned to work on the first day. Several scenes and scenes were shot smoothly. Chen Hao and Xiao Lizi were young. Dressing up, Andy Lau's drama officially started. Three handsome men of different ages stood together, Eastern, Western, and World. Three big handsome men who could affect women's aesthetic perspectives around the world entered the shooting state with the best gestures. Today, Andy Lau is paired with a well-carved moustache, which makes his more and more wrinkles no longer an obstacle, but is presented in a more mature image of a man's charm.

For nearly two months, the construction of the Galaxy Headquarters is nearing completion, and the major projects have been completed. The remaining craftsmanship has not been delayed, and the interior decoration will be performed in accordance with the order of the film crew. Red Dot will continue to finance It is no secret to pay the bill. Statistics from the outside media have calculated that this Galaxy Headquarters has removed the land and the area used by the company's normal office. The overall investment has reached more than one billion yuan, which means that it does not count the future utilization rate. The shooting cost of the department will reach two billion US dollars, which will create an oversized movie investment in the world's film history that was destined to be insurmountable decades ago. Some people are yelling at Chen Hao; some are mad at red dots. ; Some people analyze the success of the Lost City wisely, claiming that the life-long benefit of an investment is the greatest trust in Chen Hao; the last group of people can no longer be called **** fan groups, but in There are quite a number of people around the world who are willing to invest in Chen Hao without trust.

Coming back this time ~ ~ Chen Hao gave Red Dot an explanation, and he hoped that the trust shown by the partners, the Red Dot had already been exceeded. His explanation also set a new record in film history, that is, the film has not been released, the surroundings have been developed and generated profits.

Fine posters of the characters in the film.

Fine dolls of the characters in the film.

Toys for strategic weapons in the film, such as those for galactic warships and large combat weapons.

In the end, Chen Hao took one thing that was finalized at his home party that night and brought it out in advance, right at the Galaxy Headquarters, right here in the large recording studio of Red Dot Company. National singers, with some of the characters in "Heroes of the Galaxy", performed a mv short drama for the world.

Call for peace, call for the family of the earth.

The full-length theater mv of "wearetheworld" will be the promotional song and ending theme song of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy". All of the proceeds are mostly included in the film's proceeds, and the remaining part is used for charity as the first song. The moral of the song ends.

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