Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1327: Backing of Chinese artists

At the Red Dot Company's internal celebration party, all the actors gathered together. Today's Galaxy Headquarters is no longer the labor and people's money that has been criticized by everyone. The future development prospects here have begun to be seen by more capital. Your investment in film and television will not give you the red dot. You only come up with a small part around it, then this large-scale business development strategy, you have no reason to keep us out?

With us, you can replicate the success of the Lost City in China.

With us, you will be able to complete the science fiction version of the Disney industry chain.

Chen Hao understands the truth. You can handle as many rice bowls as you can. He rarely speaks on things other than his works, or he doesn't say anything at all. He knows the meaning of his 15% stake. What is it.

Earn the money you should earn. How the entire red dot develops has never been something you can say. He has already written it. No matter how much his shares will be in the future, as a shareholder, he should not vote. All shareholders' rights are placed on it. In the name of Yin Tianyang, like many angel funds, I invest in you to see the future of you at the helm and your product. I am only responsible for investment and only for supervision of project finance. How to make decisions is your right. .

The galactic headquarters is lively. Chen Hao only participates in the side he is interested in, and takes everyone to enjoy the celebration party held by the company. They should eat, drink, and have fun. Each media stationed in the galactic headquarters, one by one. The programs are recorded here. There are interview programs, interviews, variety shows, outdoor programs, and all of them are recorded at our Galaxy headquarters. You can choose which one you want to participate in, and how much you want to offer, as long as it is not excessive. These media Come to us with a 'ticket', which means that they have acquiesced to a large amount of preparation for the announcement fee for this program.

Angel Investment and company representatives who wanted to participate in the project also gathered at the Galaxy Headquarters. Yin Tianyang invited several times. Chen Hao also only attended a dinner. At the banquet, he simply spoke without saying anything about the company. All The words are all about the shooting plan of the second part of "Biography of the Heroes of the Galaxy", using the core area of ​​the project to tell everyone that your money wants to enter the field, that is to speed up, wait until our second crew is formally formed When you start shooting, you don't necessarily need external funds at that time.

Faced with the same question asked by many people, his answer was the same, with a smile: "I am sure everyone knows what I am. I do n’t know if I don't understand."

That being said, things are doing the same. After that, Chen Hao has never participated in any company's strategic development meetings and decisions. Even if Yin Tianyang has invited several times and sent people to ask for opinions, he said he was right. The understanding of "trust" lies in the perception of each other. Even if he is the shareholder's supervision of the company's financial situation, it is also handed over to the team brought by Yaner and Jiuer.

It doesn't matter if he talks about the atmosphere, or if he trusts blindly.

I can afford to lose, even if I lose all, even if I have nothing in the end, I can afford it. Even if I finally make a wedding dress for others, I will make sure I make enough money, and the remaining ones are not used, so it will be difficult for the other party to sleep at all times.

Yin Tianyang didn't have grand words, he just made people copy the contents of every strategic decision-making meeting, and used actions to respond to the trust and commitment from Chen Hao.

Chen Hao continued to enjoy the joy of communicating with excellent peers in this special celebration party. Compared with more short-term public events in the media, he still prefers that everyone can sit down and talk about movies and talk to him. When talking about a piece, they also attach more importance to the creation of works.

Who wants to be close to the media, who wants to have more media coverage, who wants to sit down really, people with good eyes see it really, and everyone who does n’t like the camp, there is not much resentment, anyone has this process, young people After all, there is a good opportunity. The best exposure opportunity is to lose the garlic cloves.

Mario is also here. The handsome guy is the handsome guy. After he became popular, the speed of harvesting female fans must be faster than other male artists. Although his agency continued to make some demands, he even gradually became unsuccessful in taking out the contract. Be shy, the response from Red Dot is very mild, please fulfill the contract.

This time the celebration party, Mario's brokerage company also found Thais who have developed well in the United States, and let them act as a protection **** for Mario, avoiding the red dot company to do some small actions under the table, and saw them in private. For behavior, Yin Tianyang would like to laugh. If Chen Hao hadn't told him to be patient while watching the clown performance, he really wanted to tell the other party directly. You must come to me to show the protected people around you, there must be something wrong with your mind.

Ignore him and watch him perform. Mario has been very active these days, and constantly shows his face in front of the media. You are like Li Youbin and Amir Khan. First of all, you are old, and your heart is stable. There is also a mentality that it is useless to grab resources from young people. Acting well is the most important thing.

Li Qin's relationship with Chen Hao is the most familiar. Chen Hao during the period of "He Yi Sheng Xiao Mu" was not the current Mr. Chen. At that time, everyone was in a crew, and it was a relationship between good friends. Those passed by the media- There is no lack of ambiguousness, and the character that ends with ritual makes them cherish the special closeness from each other.

A casual billiard room, listening to music, playing billiards, sitting on the sofa, drinking and chatting, after a few days of communication, everyone is no longer surrounded by Chen Hao, everyone has their own circle, three or five Personal drinking and chatting have the best results. I really want to gather more than ten or twenty people every time, but I ca n’t talk. Chen Hao likes to talk to different people about works, listen to their opinions, learn from them, and understand some points that they did n’t think of. This will enrich the next script.

People who really like acting do sit together and talk. If there are too many, there is no need to set a fixed topic. You can talk for hours for any movie or performance, and sometimes other People who have gathered together can come together and talk about it again.

Today, Chen Hao is drinking with several actors in the mainland of China, Li Youbin, Duan Yihong, Zhang Guoqiang, and Zhang Yishan, who stayed in the United States during this time, directly repeating the status of Little Li Zi's original here, he was not trying to lose weight , But to enhance physical fitness in the specially designed exercise method of Chen Hao.

Li Qin rolled in with his eyes, went to the bar's refrigerator and took a bottle of cold beer, and there was nothing special to worry about. He sat directly next to Chen Hao. The temper and anger were completely released, obviously it was intentional to let all Seeing her condition, people hurried to ask me, my stomach was grieved.

Chen Hao squinted his eyes, and several men looked at each other. The tacit understanding between the men was that they could hold their wine glasses and respect each other, and no one took care of Li Qin's stubborn stubble.

"Drink, drink, drink, and drink to death." Li Qin directly took a sip of beer in his hand, stuffed it into Chen Hao's mouth, and poured it down, not too rude, and his behavior was aside. People secretly converge their eyes, and all the people in the outside world—Fei-Wen Chuan—do not know the truth, but if there is a little closer than normal familiarity, everyone will deliberately avoid it. This is not the time to satisfy curiosity. If you really know, you have to help keep it secret.

Chen Hao took a sip of the beer and drank all the beer. He has been used to such things. He has worked in a lot of casts with many actors and has experienced similar situations. The more you care about it, the more you want to show it.

Everyone has had a student age. No matter it ’s a boy or a girl, he ’s good and friendly. There is always a group of people around you. You are a boy who naturally wants to be close to such a girl. You are a very ordinary girl. As a so-called buddy, I have more contact with such boys and even get together all day.

The same is true for the crew. Everyone gets along day and night. Don't look at many people shouting that the beauty of the soul is the most important thing. This is true, but even the same beauty of the soul is still cheap. Why does the same film always show that the relationship between men and actresses exceeds the boundaries of friendship. Young people get along the same day and night, the most likely thing is similar. If a man is more proactive, it is not unusual to directly cross the border Things, although Huaxia can't compare with Hollywood filming and feel like finding a room directly on the scene, but looking at the couples, couples, and out-of-rails in China's film and television circle, a large percentage of them started from filming together.

Li Qin also noticed that so many people looked at it, it seemed that his behavior was a little too intimate. He subconsciously moved to the other side of Chen Hao on the sofa. If Chen Hao did not speak, the scene would enter in an instant. A relatively awkward atmosphere.

"Miss, let's say, who made you angry again? So many of us, let's say, we'll get a sack to knock on his sap."

Others also agreed with the trend and resolved the almost embarrassment.

Li Qin pouted his lips: "Just that Mario ~ ~ is very disgusting, grab the limelight everywhere, go to my side, I ignored him, and ran to Quan Zhixian, and looked disgusting ..." said At the same time, I still couldn't stand the subconscious body shaking, and wanted to shake off the disgusting feeling on my body.

"Is there any excessive behavior, we will decide for you and draw it." Zhang Yi stood up for a while, the young man was always more angry, or he may have seen the other side unpleasantly.

"He dares!" Li Qin's tone also rose: "Dare to be honest, I will draw him in front of the media."

Li Youbin saw it real, and secretly said in his heart that this subtle change was brought by the young man Chen Hao. Previously in the country, foreign monks would read the scriptures, and foreign actors are all big names in the crew and they have to be treated differently. Look, now that we are in the United States and at the center of world entertainment, our actors can still speak with full confidence.

For what?

We have a backer that we can rely on, and a harbor that we can moor at any time.

This cry of Mr. Chen really deserves the respectful title from all of us. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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