Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 1328: The first silly hat

Once upon a time, it was the general state of Huaxia actors to be cautious when they were here. It was not a fear. It was a manifestation of lack of confidence. Those who did not want to go to a larger stage to let more people know themselves. The so-called international chapter was once domestically The media is regarded as an international movie star. In fact, several people know her in Hollywood. At best, when they walked the red carpet, security personnel knew that it was not a red carpet.

At that time, everyone felt that this was the goal of their own struggle, and all the rules here must be observed. What about Jackie Chan when he just came here, he still had to bow his head to be bound by the rules here, until the rise of "Rush Hour" In order to say that the crew has some right to speak, only to say that people walking on the street know that you are a star.

Looking at the front, young actors like Li Qin and Zhang Yishan are full of confidence in speaking here. How can Li Youbin not be impressed? Some changes are not only in the circle. When coming by plane, the movie was not yet released at that time. People know that they and others are Chinese actor, they will show some friendliness, and some will give a thumbs up, and everyone knows who the thumbs are being given to.

"Crazy before death. It seems that his agency has made a choice for him." Chen Hao did not conceal Mario's request. The people next to him pouted and dared to ask the crew for terms. It seems they are crazy. Yes, no one knows Mr. Chen's temper. At this time, he dare to make such a request, and the results can be imagined.

"Isn't it influential?" Li Youbin was worried that changing the corner would affect the audience ’s perception. The first Mario role was not dead. If this second part was changed for no reason, would it be popular news by the other party.

Others just remembered that it might be a trivial matter for Chen Hao, but for the role being replaced, as long as they are fired, no matter what the news is, it is a good thing for him. This is the case in the entertainment industry today. The coverage of negative news is greater.

Chen Hao smiled and didn't speak, and everyone immediately understood that this seems to have been from the beginning to the present, the negative news has always wanted to hit him, he also grew up in various criticisms, first criticized as the anchor, Singing has been criticized for plagiarism. At the beginning of acting, it was said that there was no acting skills. When he went international, he played a villain role and was criticized for his role ...

These are all good. There are more messy negative news. In the previous paragraph, a celebration party, the secret secret models came over to support the event. On the same day, various news said that in order to get a role in the evening, they were quilted in the hotel room ... ...

People who have more debts don't care, how can they care about such a small person and how big a wave can be turned up?

For several consecutive celebrations, the media gradually withdrew. Some programs were still being filmed. The entire Galaxy headquarters was restored to calmness. Only the distant construction site was still full of fire every day.

Mario's brokerage company contacted Red Dot several times without success. At the end of the celebration, after Mario himself left the Galaxy headquarters, he officially issued a notice to Red Dot in the form of company-to-company, and automatically terminated the contract. , Pay according to the previous contract.

When I first registered as an actor's union actor, when I signed the show, it was only a small supporting role. Both the film pay and the treatment were very low. At that time, I was also able to participate in the play. I would rather come without money or even money. There is no requirement at all, the signing is low, and the subsequent penalty penalty is not high. Now that the movie is released, its fame has risen, and some of the requirements are normal. There is no response to ask for termination. It is also some routine in the circle. Means, it can only be said that without encountering iron plates, this behavior will generally be responded to, and even if it does not meet your requirements, the cooperation method will be revised.

However, this time Mario's agency encountered more than iron plates, which were harder than steel plates.

First of all, Chen Hao's temper is one aspect, and Yin Tian's temper is not good. Moreover, the red dot has just been established. Even if I do n’t use some of the past ways to deal with problems, but whoever plays rogue with me will never get used to anyone's faults. We want to bully us. Now, I want to follow the rules of the game and live a good life, but you still ran to me and showed me a knife to be with you. That ’s not to say that blood is not cold. It is also the capital that we rely on to survive.

"Then solve it."

When Red Dot changed its previous modest attitude, it directly responded to the three words, and this time pushed Mario to the extreme, even if he didn't want to do it, he had to do it.

According to the media, Mario will not be able to participate in the filming of the second part of "Biography of the Galaxy Heroes" because of the contract.

I thought I would fight with Red Dot. The most eager thing was to have a tear with Chen Hao. For this reason, Mario was still interviewed by the media after returning home. What he said was the respect of Chen Hao, but anyone could hear it. There is a hint of dissatisfaction behind this esteem. It is nothing more than taking care of actors from China during filming.

The purpose of the general point is to draw out a group of Asian actors such as Quan Zhixian and Amir Khan. Even if they can't get rid of Chen Hao, let these people stand up and let the news get more attention. It's okay to stand on the side of Chen Hao. I never expected to stand on my side. What I want is the attention of the news.

As a result, they were disappointed. The red dot did not respond. Didn't you say that it was because of the contract? Then we'll leave the contract and leave everything else.

Chen Hao didn't reply, so I won't give you a chance to talk to me.

In addition, he also told everyone that no one should respond to this matter, and we watched the development quietly. Some people were too self-righteous and felt that they were an indispensable part. Now let me take a look. Here, if it comes to willfulness, I can tell you that no one is irreplaceable, including myself.

Within two days, Mario was contacted and interviewed, and the news about him has received the most care. The news is all about his resignation in the second part of the Heroes of the Galaxy, and media interest around the world has come. This is the first, will it be the last? Now that he has chosen to quit, there must be big news, and some fierce news will definitely be exposed. Concerning Chen Hao, any fierce news can cause a huge response in the world. Come on, Mario, We are waiting for you to reveal something unexpected.

What can he expect?

You said that you ate well during the crew?

Everyone was harmonious when it came to filming?

Say Chen Hao is always good to everyone during the whole shooting process?

Saying that the kind of things you guessed Chen Hao never did, he took care of every actress, and was limited to goodwill?

The key is whether or not it is second, so far, no one has responded to him at all, that is, he is singing a monologue alone, which is embarrassing, very, very embarrassing. He said that the issue of the contract wants to unilaterally cancel the contract, and another one No one party came out to respond to him. It was just a matter of letting you play it. You can do whatever you want. There is no problem if you want to cancel the contract. After paying compensation according to the contract, there is no relationship between us.

You admire in accordance with the contract. At the legal level, we no longer have any relationship. The crew may solve the problems that the crew may encounter, and you will also solve the problems you face.

Before, we were in a cooperative relationship. Everyone ate in a pot. What can we communicate with each other? Now we do n’t have a cooperative relationship. Qiaogui Qiaolu Guigui. You do your thing. I will make my movie and go to Now, do n’t wait for the media. We have nothing to respond to. Is there anything worthy of a special response? The big stars signed in the company are currently not arranged. Where do we have time to deal with unknown little actors, if he is willing to take money, let him go.

The silence of Chen Hao and Red Dot, and the silence of all the shooting actors, made this event particularly embarrassing. Mario was hung on the stage. He originally thought that it would become a short-term corner, so that everyone can It was embarrassing to 'cooperate' with him, and no one asked for it, which was embarrassing. Apart from the media and fans in his country who continued to cooperate with him, there was no news outside.

On the Internet in many countries, no one talks about this at all. At the beginning, some people asked, who is this Mario?

Is a fighter in the federal special forces detachment, also has some drama in the play.

"Oh, it ’s him. It ’s nothing special. After working with the empire, there are too many people with special characteristics. He ca n’t show him at all. Does he have twenty shows? Who gave them? He has the courage to come up with this? "

Many people do n’t hate him or hostile to him, they just do n’t understand. Why do people like him make such a fuss? Is n’t their brain ill? You do n’t even have a main supporting role. Do you really think there is a picture when you film the movie “Heroes of the Galaxy”? Then you have to ask Mr. Chen to give you this picture ~ ~ If you don't give you, you are a clown.

The rumors of public opinion outside are not terrible. This is the most terrible thing for Mario and his brokerage company. Some people in the country say that this is a stupid act, and it was easy to get into the crew of Mr. Chen Inside, I also got a little bit of popularity after filming. I do n’t fight for the hot iron to do a good job. I rely on acting skills and efforts to win more drama for myself. This is the off-site set. Mr. Chen has not responded. Are n’t you shooting yourself in the foot?

Mario panicked, so did his agency.

The most feared thing is that no one asks for help. The crew has not been established now, nor has you started shooting the second one. Your termination contract has also been approved. The contract will automatically take effect after the default blonde hair has passed. You may think that your absence Letting the original class be one less, will make the audience feel a little uncomfortable, but all this is futuristic. At the moment, the silence of Red Dot makes Mario's side want to say nothing and can't find the topic?

Do you want to intentionally black red dot, black crew, black Chen Hao?

It seems that apart from this, no one will pay attention to him anymore. It will only be the first silly hat as some media said. To read this site, please use the latest domain name

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