Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 815: Stand up straight

A sense of obscurity for making crude idol dramas.

The anchors ’filming feels like this, and there is something like children ’s reality dramas like armor warriors or little magic fairy. It really feels like it ’s not a person, but a cartoon character, even if They are cartoon characters, and they have not played well.

The way Chen Hao opened the door directly overturned the ship, and all the previous thoughts that everyone had jealousy were overturned. You don't have to hide it. If there is any problem, I will find it out for you all at once.

Chen Hao, whose popularity and prestige are at the peak of Lele, has not criticized most of the anchor's performances, but has not suffered much criticism, and the praise received in Changbai Mountain has not expired. Whoever stands up will inevitably become the target of criticism.

Moreover, they also know in their hearts that it seems that the shooting effect is not very good, and they feel good about themselves. However, they can see the resistance in the eyes of professional actors and the recognition they have not received until now. it is good.

The crew is affirmed here. Chen Hao shoulders his own responsibilities. He does n’t feel that he should be low-key because he has n’t done it before. I respect people and do n’t let things go. No matter who you are, I do n’t have to take this job. May go again and slime.

He knows that this is the last level. If he does n’t get it right here, then this play is likely to become a Waterloo development strategy, and he will not be affected by how he is affected. He really did n’t want to prove this. Career opportunities slip away. Today's Lele is good enough to be a low-end training stage for the performing arts circle. The two are indistinguishable from each other, and the two can be mutually beneficial. The difference now is recognition, which is the recognition of ordinary audiences.

And this play is undoubtedly the best stepping stone, allowing viewers to see those anchor stars on TV and let them slowly bury the cause and effect in the hearts of ordinary viewers with their own performance. After that, young people will go after Net celebrities hold net celebrities, they will not feel very strange, they will slowly accept.

Artists in the real world also hope that they can have a part of the fandom of Internet celebrity anchors, and that they do n’t need to do everything to find the news to brush up presence. If you are happy, you can always let people who like you see it. You, so that those who have nothing good for the time being will not forget you.

Taking on the role of director of this big drama, Lele will also hang up the title of producer when it comes online. Then Chen Hao ’s goal for himself is to be indifferent. I use all the strength I can use. I ca n’t guarantee what effect I can achieve in the end, but before that, if anyone prevents me from using all my strengths, then I ’m sorry, you will be the culprit in my mind that the drama has failed. You ruined the music. The opportunity of pleasure ruined my reputation, is it necessary to say? You are my enemy.

With this mentality, Chen Hao is not used to anyone. I should not affirm that I will not deny you because of your personal attitude towards me, and I should not criticize because you are my good friend. .

In the afternoon, all the anchors in the cast will be gathered together. Those supporting actors or passers-by will not talk about it. It ’s good if they don't perform well. They just do n’t have a few well-known characters. What they want is everything. It can be called a supporting role or even a person with a historical name in history.

It is still the conference room. Compared with the morning, it seems to be a little crowded in the afternoon. It can participate in a martial arts historical drama with an investment of over 100 million yuan. Every anchor who gets a role is cherished. They all hope that they can become popular. , Like Chen Hao, get rid of the anchor's hat and put the word actor in front of his identity.

"To show you a video of the interview first, I call on senior fans of Haomen in the same city to come over twenty people and ask them to watch the material shot before the show at noon. Below is what they think after watching it. It ’s my senior fan, and some are the managers of my fan club. I asked them to say the first intuitive feeling, without any utilitarian evaluation. "

In the video, it can be seen that they are all in the reference room arranged by the crew in the hotel. More than a dozen young men and women enter it, and they do not have any exchanges with each other. Watching for twenty minutes, the people present first saw this view. The most intuitive state of the viewer captured by the camera for twenty minutes.

Bewildered, puzzled, doubted, and then resisted and impatient. The final expressions are very complicated. Everyone is roughly like this expression conversion process, some more and less, more uniform is in their watching process. There was no state of being watched by the gods. Afterwards, they were a little loose, their eyes fluttered and they no longer stared at the TV screen, and their bodies also made some small movements subconsciously. This is obviously that they can't sit still.

The screen turned and it was an interview.

First, a young girl with glasses Swenwen was a genre of pedagogy at first sight. Chen Hao interjected: "It is a branch director of my fan club."

"The original book, I went to see it after I learned that it will be filmed. Many of the characters are very colorful. Although many of them are historical figures, I don't feel that they are intertwined with the martial arts. There are many characters in me. They all appreciate it, but just now, fortunately, there is a description of the name of the character in the picture. Otherwise, I really do n’t know who is who, like a TV series that I do n’t know what to say. The characters have the same name. Now I do n’t dare to make any conclusions, but it may not be better than the version of Xiangjiang in the end, even ... "

The girl used very euphemistic words and swallowed back what she wanted to say at the end. This blow was too big for those watching it in the conference room. Some of them were lucky and felt good about themselves.

If the first girl was jealous of the feelings of those who might watch this interview, the people behind were not so polite.

The second one that appeared in the shot was a young man with a lot of acne on his face. It was a boy who was thrown on the street without much attention. He was also dressed very ordinary, but the sharpness of his words made people aware. The charm of the network, mixed in the network for a period of time, so that ordinary boys can become a sturdy fighter.

"Do n’t shoot, wasting money. Really, apart from the old actor, I did n’t feel that it was filming. It was too amateur. I did n’t want to say anything. I just wanted to come halfway, just to see Haozi. Only the face stays, otherwise you give me the video just now, I will go back and make a spit video on the Internet for you, if I send it, I promise it will be a wonderful one. "

The third one is a chubby boy with a trendy look. He has a smile on his face, but the words he says are indifferent: "Two small pieces of meat, how much reward is too wasteful, and we are happy. The anchor, four words, is terrible, I ca n’t bear to look straight at it, I ’m afraid I did n’t hold back the sudden-rough-swearing, I ’ll be sure to tell me after watching this for a while Everyone around me, when it ’s really going to be shown on TV, do n’t watch it. There ’s nothing to look forward to. It ’s just a curse. ”

The dozen or so people afterwards were all upset and negated. Nowadays, the individualization of the information age, as long as he always pays attention to one thing, everyone is at least half an expert, watching movies and watching TV, naturally. There will be a certain level of appreciation. If you are right or wrong, you wo n’t be able to say whether the actors performed well or not. It ’s a very clear sympathy. For the twenty-minute material, the actors really did not perform well. Update and Li Yifeng's acting skills are very general, can be placed here, compared with Lele's anchor, one in the sky and one on the ground, these two can take the film emperor.

Chen Hao turned off the TV, sat down, and said nothing first, rarely lit a cigarette in public, pushed his cigarette case and lighter down the table, indicating that everyone could ignite.

In this atmosphere, I don't care if there are girls in the house, and I don't want to be polite or rude. I will smoke cigarettes ~ ~ I will ignite them, and some of them will take themselves out of their pockets. Smoke lit.

After dozens of seconds, Chen Hao took a breath and raised his head. For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on him.

"Brothers, don't let outsiders look down on us. It doesn't matter if we don't take a photo this time. If we can't, we will learn. If we are beaten, we will stand upright. Only when we stand upright will we have the chance to prove ourselves again."

On this sentence, Chen Hao didn't say much. He put himself in the ranks of the anchor, and this sentence was echoed by everyone. Then several old opera bones came in to teach each of them for two consecutive days. Time, everyone is studying systematically. These two days are much more serious than the performance training classes arranged by Lele before. Old Cai did not even have a honeymoon, including all the anchors who participated in his wedding, all returned to Hengdian. If you have your own drama, let ’s learn it.

On the afternoon of the third day, Huang Kailun returned with the crew and picked up a few plays. There were no two main characters, and the old actors followed the actors to formally shoot.

At the request of Chen Hao, Huang Kailun said a few words belonging to the director: "I know that you are not professional actors, and I have not asked you to perform at multiple levels, and give you the simplest way to substitute for the role. Do n’t think too much about it, but do n’t even think about it. There are a lot of cool and cool effects in this show, so we are all ready to enjoy a visual feast. ”

Huang Kailun and the crew all admit one thing, that is, these Internet celebrity anchors are much better arranged than some well-known artists, one after another, and some as long as there is no big danger, you do n’t need them to use substitutes. In the process of filming, at least one of the two words, "Effort", did not lose points. The difference was a little, and Zhida was sparse.

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