Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 816: Happy Times Era

At the shooting scene, Chen Hao didn't come forward, he was not a director, and he didn't think about grabbing the director's rice bowl. What he could do, what he should do, did it all. Next, it was up to the anchors themselves. Shooting this is a node. The opportunity is given to everyone. Whether they can catch it or not is up to them.

The extremely serious attitude and the awe-inspiring attitude have greatly transformed the anchors during the performance.

What is awesome is that it is impossible to go from offline to offline. If such an opportunity is missed, it may be a broadcaster in his life.

Any anchor has a small hope in his heart, and hopes that he can become a real star.

"Big Tang Shuanglong Biography" is a battle group play that can have dozens of people, dozens of machines, using a large number of equipment to cooperate, and it is only a few shots. This is a direct selection of fifty cents special effects in many domestic TV series. The era can be so serious, Lele's ambitions can be foreseen, if the actor eventually becomes a failure, then in a short period of time, Lele will no longer have any major moves, how long is the professional life of a anchor? Next time, do you still have a chance?

One or two plays made it difficult for the anchors to give up their inherent performance, but in the afternoon performance that day, everyone has changed a lot. They have never learned the solution-release-nature, but they know that the roaring emperor Ma Jingtao Under the guidance of Huang Kailun and a lot of old opera bones, tell them directly, if you do n’t know how to perform yourself, then a slightly larger expression is exaggerated, it is better than rigid, first learn to let go, and then slowly Experience it. If you can't even let it go, it's just a wooden stake.

For this group of anchors, Huang Kailun's requirements are really not high, and his own level of guidance is also slightly mediocre, and it is also an idol drama. Chen Hao watched a few of the plays he directed. I will pick people very well. If I change myself, I can't stand seeing such a show. I still have some thoughts to guide them slowly.

In their own case, sixty is a passing standard, but this group of people only has a dozen minutes. When they arrived at Huang Kailun, they passed a score of twenty or more. This is necessary for guidance, and it is possible for them to change and meet the standard.

In fact, Chen Hao didn't do anything. He came here, just took a photo once, and gave away the filming that had cost a lot of money, and then shot again. The pressure and responsibility on this decision can be imagined. It ’s the anchors, Huang Kailun and other members of the crew are also feeling the pressure, and they are more attentive during the shooting. Some of the words that can be said before are not spoken. Now everyone has chosen what to say and shoot it in this way. There is no need for things at all, and it is not face that waits for everyone, but a stain that cannot be erased from the huge career.

There are changes, that ’s good. You ca n’t take two shots once, you ca n’t take five shots twice. In literary and opera, a few more times, you can always reach the standard line.

Chen Hao sits in the crew. Now he can do more than just remake. He can hold the power of life and death. Before, everyone ca n’t do it. It ’s okay now. If it ’s sporadic, it wo n’t work. Those anchors who don't have a lot of lines in the drama can wait in the back, waiting for a supporting actress with a name and a few titles.

Go up and down.

Chen Hao threw these seven words directly into his live broadcast room. When the live broadcast the next night, the popularity of the live broadcast room reached more than 7 million, and the average value has always maintained more than 6 million.

In the first half of the live broadcast, everyone in the live broadcast room praised his trip to Changbai Mountain. He only mentioned the filming later, also because there were more than a hundred anchors in the live broadcast room, and a large number of anchors. They gave way to him, and when they saw him live, they chose to close the broadcast.

This is the better you will be. If you do n’t close the broadcast, Chen Hao ’s popularity cannot reach such a high level, and you can absorb the popularity of everyone ’s live broadcast room, but you ca n’t absorb all of the popularity. In this broadcast, other tourists in the live broadcast room come here. It can also be regarded as a special treatment of a brother. If this popularity is discounted, it is Chen Hao's popularity data that can be compared fairly with other anchors. But even if it is folded in half, or even folded up, this popularity is beyond the reach of everyone.

Recently, Lele has started to have some amateur anchors. Some second-line artists have started to broadcast live, and occasionally come up to live broadcast, the effect is very good, but also can get some additional income, from two or three months ago to now, some The frequency of live broadcast has been reduced from a dozen days to three or five days. When there is no specific work, the live broadcast can maintain its popularity, earn money, and increase its reputation. This choice is undoubtedly the best, which also makes Chen Hao this When more than 7 million people live in the live broadcast room, not only are the anchors below, but also some real artists have arrived at the scene and can contact Chen Hao and Qiu Yu. They will be eligible to be held on Mai Xu. Otherwise, you just stop crawling underneath, don't show your head, give face a light, if Hao Zi didn't give face, it would be shameful.

Real artists on the Internet want to show their face, they need to do a good job in advance, and do a good job of preparation, so as to make sure that they do not fool around, otherwise a fall, it is not easy to confuse on the Internet, in the future shame It will accompany you throughout your life, and will be remembered by netizens at any time.

"On the way, give way if not, and there are so many anchors today. The official is planning to organize a three-month performance class training. Starting from the basics, I hope everyone can actively sign up. This is Datang. In the first season of this season, there will be more and more roles in the future. Handsome guys and beautiful women have such good conditions. Presumably you have all seen it. There are endless characters in the back. Still, if you feel like performing, then you go on, you If you ca n’t act, it ’s Lao Cai, you have to make way and make way. I have stricter requirements on my friends. In the era of happy gatherings and my apprentices, it will be more strict. If not, do n’t go out and shame me. ”

In a live broadcast of nearly three hours, Chen Hao just said such a paragraph in a serious manner, less than a minute, and did not have any negative impact on the live broadcast effect. The anchors ’psychological feeling is also good, both Are young people, the most annoying thing is that others educate themselves with a preaching tone. As a brother everyone admires, occasionally come to this sentence, everyone can barely accept the feeling of boredom in the heart, and change to others, even if it is official High-level, if you want to come this way, to ensure that most of the anchors will not take it for granted or even resist it in my heart, I do this business, that is, this business is to be famous, profitable, and free. We are a cooperative relationship, but you ca n’t just scold. Little follower.

"Okay, I've finished my business. I can still breathe. Do you know how much pressure I have to say this to you? I'm afraid you all scold me below and say that I'm something. Lessons for you, hurry up and finish, we started the tonight ’s main show, it ’s been a long time since I brought you some novel live broadcasts. Today, I have a few guests I have time to be afraid to delay, and hurry up to bring to the brothers in the live broadcast room Sisters, time is okay, I am not late. These are all people I ca n’t afford to say. It ’s nine-thirty. Okay, let me connect with the heavyweight guests invited today. We will be together for the future of the era. One sister ... "

An ID with real name authentication as Jiang Shuying was put on Mai Xu, and then the video was successfully connected. Jiang Shuying appeared in the screen, first greeted the audience in the live broadcast room, and then gave Chen Hao a disdainful look. What's next? Sister, are you provoking deliberately?

The abrupt change of the live broadcast content, Chen Hao didn't talk about "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography" and didn't mention a word. This made it difficult for many people to adapt, but after a few minutes, they were able to accept this feeling and understand What does Chen Hao think? He is not a director, nor is he a nanny. What the final scene will look like, just like what he has done in the past few days. Million remakes, not the next time, no longer seizing the opportunity ~ ~ That is not only the role in this play you will lose, it will also be included in Lele's black-name-list.

What should be said, what should be done, everything has been said and done, and the rest is up to you. Anyone who is placed in a special environment is a good actor. Now you do n’t have a theoretical and systematic study. Acting, attitude is very important.

The five live broadcast rooms are not shared by the crew of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography". I can say that I already feel sorry for the visitors of my live broadcast room. Now, I want to dedicate them to the most interesting live broadcast content.

"Ah, classmate Jiang Shuying, I just finished a script in my hand, and I have confirmed the filming, and cooperated with director Xiao Gang."

Jiang Shuying also knows that the company has a plan, that is, Chen Hao will take the script and make a movie based on the artists in the current happy era. Is the script now out? Doesn't he direct himself? Working with Director Feng?

Just came up, the two people you were expecting to play each other in the variety show were gone. Although the expectation value was shattered, they also successfully hooked up another expectation value for everyone. The live broadcast content is always boring if it is always guessed. of.

As soon as Chen Hao pouted at Jiang Shuying, she quickly threw another bombshell, saying what she wanted to say, Xiao Di and someone else's heroine, and gave it back to students: "The fourth in the script Each actress has a different role, and the importance is not bad. "

This sentence is the key point. In the era of reunion, there are currently three popular female artists, Dili Reba, Jiang Shuying, and Zhou Dongyu. What the company wants is a show that can show the company's female artists as much as possible, but it can't be equal, this requirement is too much, but even if it is such a requirement, Hao Zi can come up with a script and let the director of small steel guns agree to cooperate Director, what kind of script is this? What kind of story is it telling?

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