Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 848: Domineering Boyfriend Rhythm

"I want to play the role of Lin Tintin."

"Just to play more with me?"

"I do not know."

"It's time for the director to reveal the final answer. You should also think about it yourself. The role of Lin Dingding is really suitable, but you have to know what makes it suitable."


"Take a break. There will be no time to rest after getting off the plane."

"Take a rest on the big nails. I want to watch the script for a while. I get off the plane and turn on the mobile phone. I'm afraid I'm not so focused."

"it is good."

Chen Hao and the flight attendants asked Xiaodi for a cup of warm water. She did n’t need any meals, so she asked for a snack. When Xiaodi picked up the cup, she looked at her boyfriend sideways, and her mouth showed a happy smile. He remembered that when he was uncomfortable, he asked for warm water.

On the first-class side of the plane, some people are always sneaking at it. The probability that business elites will meet the stars in the first-class and business-class of the plane is very high. Everyone can stay in a normal state and sometimes chat very normally. If you meet an appetite, you can also have a good chat on the way.

When approaching Yanjing, the plane encountered cold air flow and some uncertain factors. Sudden heavy snowfall also left the plane unable to land at Yanjing Airport. It was necessary to go to Jinmen to try. When the plane was shaking, all passengers on board They felt the danger coming.

No one wants to be one of those hundreds of thousands or even millions of millions of unlucky eggs. If any accidents occur here, the probability of survival is very low, all of them seem very anxious, and the flight attendants can do it. The thing is to soothe everyone's emotions as much as possible, and then teach everyone to use some emergency equipment.

Xiao Di, who was a little airsick without a good rest, felt that he had some difficulty breathing. Without a flight attendant, Chen Hao pulled the oxygen bag down and put it on her. Although he didn't wear a seat belt, his feet fell to the ground like rooting. Generally, there was no physical instability due to the shaking of the plane.

The flight attendant came over and told Chen Hao to fasten his seat belt. He smiled, and in turn gave the other side the same confidence: "It's okay."

Yes, as professional flight attendants, they also have fear in their hearts, but this profession tells them that you are not qualified to be afraid, and you need to let others eliminate fear and tension.

There is such a person who also gives you a reassuring smile. The effect of treating them is also very good. In response to Chen Hao's smile, his eyes are grateful.

Chen Hao sat down, fastened his seat belt, and looked sideways at Xiao Di, who was pale. Obviously, the oxygen bag did not bring physical pressure, but psychological fear.

Outstretched her hand, Chen Hao looked at her affectionately, shaking her hands with the power of peace of mind, and no matter what people around her heard, as long as each word of her own words was clearly transmitted to the other person's ear.

"It's okay, I won't do it. I will choose to fly to the sea and make a forced landing. When I am there, you will be fine. I will be in the sea. I will protect your safety. I really want to live on an uninhabited island with me. It wo n’t make you hungry or cold. There are Gangzi and Lao Kang. You look at them, there is no sense of fear at all ... "

The true words of self-confidence and the words of pure comfort are completely different. Chen Hao did not exaggerate at all. He really has this self-confidence. As long as the aircraft does not explode directly in the place where it cannot be landed, as long as it can land, and as long as it can survive a person, then A person must also be him, there is no danger to others, there is still a little bit of skill in him.

The plane swayed violently, screams appeared in the cabin, and it was not known whether the words worked or the power passed by the holding hand. Xiaodi's mood calmed down a lot, leaning his head on the seat and watching him , The inner confusion is less than half.

Chen Hao reached her ear: "Do you know? I hope it has to land on the sea, then I can be a hero, not only can save you, but also many people. But when I think I can't When you save everyone, let's stop thinking about it. "

Xiaodi was amused by him, stretched out his hand and slapped him, the tension was mostly dissipated, the plane gradually returned to normal, and the captain began to inform everyone on the radio that the danger was lifted, and Yanjing could not land. Jinmen landed. Weather conditions did not allow it, so it could only be transferred to another place to land.

As the plane returned to normal, it would n’t matter whether it would delay the national drama at night. The smooth flight gradually improved Xiao Di ’s condition. Although not really dangerous, she made her feel the power of love with her lover. You do n’t need to carry it by your shoulders when you encounter anything. With him, he will give you a sense of security so that you do n’t have to worry about encountering things that you ca n’t handle.

On the contrary, it is easier to see a person. Little Dili Reba has always felt similarly. There is not necessarily a small thing to see clearly in a big event. It is really an airplane accident. At that time, life is on the verge of life. Who will pay attention? When it comes to the state of others, although you can clearly see the standard of a person's subconscious behavior, it is difficult for you to feel the emotion and strength he gives you from the slightest.

Xiao Di rested her head on Chen Hao's shoulders until the plane landed in Jinmen, she couldn't bear to give up and smell the unique smell on him.

After the company got the news of the flight, they let people come to pick up Chen Hao with big nails. The party ate something at the airport, drank a cup of coffee, the car arrived, and after going through the scene just now, Di Lierba was nothing. Feeling accepted by the media, Chen Gang and Kang Yan escorted him quickly.

On the plane, a little bit of wind and grass is enough to scare people into distraction, really wait until the plane falls, then nothing to think about.

In the car, Qiu Yu and Xiao Di ’s assistants used their mobile phones and tablets to read the news on the Internet. First, the two of them kissed sweetly at the airport in Modu, which became the news of the screen. Beijing's flight encountered airflow and was almost in danger. Guests of the flight were interviewed. One of the news was turned out by everyone and soon became a hot news. Everyone commented.

"I was sitting on the side of Chen Hao and Dili Reba. I do n’t want to do things like talk about people ’s privacy, but as a witness, I have to admit that I was a little encouraged by Chen Hao on the plane ... … I think Di Lierba was happy at that time, even if she really encountered any danger, she would n’t have any fear. I bless them and hope that they can continue to be so happy. A real Chen Hao is in front of me , A man with no pretense, I want to say that the star chaser is a bit old at my age, I admire him very much, and I will continue to follow him with a fan in the future. "


In the comments, people who came out immediately continued to be black. Why did you let Chen Hao account for anything good? When it was in danger, everyone next to you spoke for you and gave you a high hat. Why do n’t we believe so? Aren't you someone hired by the company to speak for you? Isn't it just hyping your image? You can still encounter dangers on the plane with complete confidence and no fear or fear. Are you not bragging like that?

Haomen fans came out to clear the screen. You and me on the Internet never came to a complete conclusion. Even if your number of Haomen fans came up to comment, you ca n’t completely wipe out the words of those who do n’t believe there is any doubt. The replies to the question were added by tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of you to comment on the whip corpse, and they could not prevent the appearance of these remarks.

Chen Hao asked Dili Reba to go to the bed for a while, but he did not leave, but leaned on the bed, leaving his hand to be used as the stuffing on the pillow by the other side, so that she could protect her with her eyes closed and rested. symbol.

When Xiao Di lay down, everyone kept quiet. Chen Hao took off his shoes, put them on the bed, and also sat there with his eyes closed. After the car entered the boundary of Yanjing, another nanny car arranged by the company and The big nails converged, and the makeup artist took two assistants to get on the big nails. Qiu Yu went to the front co-pilot to sit. The original driver gave the driver's position to Chen Gang, and moved to the nanny car. In the back compartment, only Leave Xiaodi's assistant to help her organize the clothes and shoes sent by the nanny car ~ ~ It's too late, if it can be solved in the big nails, the opinions of the company and the organizer of the national drama festival hope that they will Still able to step on the red carpet on time.

"Don't go."

Chen Hao faced the makeup artist with a cold face. The other side was terrified. It was not the first time to cooperate with him. He was a long-term partner with Huanju Times. For the first time, he saw Hao Zi's cold face. The people above the company called.

Xiao Di pulled Chen Hao's dress corner and motioned him not to be angry. The reason for her anger was clear. She was thinking for herself, frightened, not rested, and put on makeup in the car.

"Previously, I didn't have a rest all year, this is much better." Xiao Di carefully looked at Chen Hao, she was a little bit scared and a little bit like, she did not know why, how She likes men to lose her temper, maybe she has been too strong these years, and she has a soft figure deep in her heart. She needs someone to support her for a long time, so that she can be a downright little woman and be cared for by her. Under his wings.

"That was before. OK, tell them that the red carpet is not going. If the time is too late, they will arrive at the scene as soon as possible. If they are too late, they will arrive later."

"Oh." Xiao Di muttered, spit out his tongue at the makeup artist, motioned her not to be nervous, pulled her over to chat, don't worry about putting makeup on the car, I listen to you, then I can't chat?

Chen Hao is right and wrong, he will not consider himself a machine, let Xiao Di become a machine that only knows how to work. It does n’t matter if he is tired. He was frightened in the sky and immediately pretended To face the media with a bright smile, that feeling made him very upset. He must conform to the rules when he is not capable, and change the rules when he is able.

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