Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 849: Take care of our boss

When a person is used to being busy, you suddenly let her stop a little, she is still not used to it.

This has been fully verified on Xiao Di's body. In recent years, she has been very busy and worried about the influence of the vase brought by her image. She is very hard at all kinds of activities and filming, for fear of being put on pure clothes. The title of Yan Idol, in the car, started talking to the makeup artist while chatting and talking. Near the awards ceremony venue, poorly, looking at Chen Hao with a little coquettish look, he just sent him directly. melted.

She is accustomed to being busy, and always wants to prove herself, especially after she has opened a romantic relationship with Chen Hao. She has a stronger competitive edge. The weaker side of men and women will always have a certain level of inferiority, and a certain level of willingness. Who I want to always be introduced to be a certain girlfriend.

Stand up and get to Chen Hao's side, with a little entreaty in his eyes, and stretch out his hand to pull his sleeves, just like a child always coquettish to adults, begging you.

Chen Hao laughed at the corner of his mouth. It was really difficult for him to refuse such a request. With this nod, Di Lierba smiled, turned his head back to the makeup artist and his assistant, compared with a victory gesture, and shouted Qiu Yu in front. Hurry up and call the company and the organizer.

Can come, it is the standard. This is the current status change brought by Chen Hao's popularity and fame. No one will think that he is playing a big name, and no one will look at him from another angle. Everyone just thinks that he can come. Finally, we have caught up, and some people will automatically give him a dedicated aura, just after a small accident in the plane, the body and mind must not have recovered, the first time to get off the plane, really sincerely, we should publicize Let's learn from artists like this.

The same thing, different people have completely different effects, and the national drama grand ceremony also requires the pressure of big-name stars. As a local entertainment with a stronger award, the main thing is the star face, which is biased to the station. TV dramas, an overview of the popular TV dramas of the past year, you can invite as many stars as you can. Let's get together and bring a lively visual feast to the audience.

Awards and awards, including award speeches, everyone ’s status will be relatively relaxed. The relaxed atmosphere will easily produce chemical effects on the scene, making the entire scene feel better. The stars feel better, and the ratings naturally come up. This made the national drama festival gradually have the strength to compete with the New Year's Eve party. This year, I tried to broadcast live, avoiding the two most crazy days. The choice was on January 1st. People also have their own ambitions. This year's lineup is also obvious. Very strong, even though "Descendants of the Sun" may sweep some awards, there are still many big names in the television industry.

After halfway through the red carpet, Chen Hao confirmed to take the red carpet and make temporary arrangements. In the name of Chen Hao, the finale was not too much. He personally communicated with the organizer because of Xiaodi and moved the red carpet slightly forward.

When changing clothes in the car, Xiaodi was already dressed up, and she deliberately went to Chen Hao to help him change clothes, which made him cried and laughed. She got a word in her ear and made it. The other person nodded flushed, and then changed his clothes satisfactorily. For him, it really does n’t matter what he wears. Even a small domestic brand can wear a big international brand. There must be one The small brand can make him endorsement, and in a short time, it will become the hottest clothing brand in China, and the production and sales will reach a new data height.

The endorsement clothing brand will design a few tailor-made clothing for him every year and season, including some popular styles, and will also send several sets based on his body shape, so whether it is in Meicheng Home is still in Yanjing's apartment, or in the car when traveling, there will be corresponding inventory, take it out of the closet, just wear it directly on the body, also thanks to the red carpet this time is held indoors, Otherwise, the weather in Yanjing, the actresses will be beautiful and frozen.

Chen Hao and Dilireba, who set foot on the red carpet, are undoubtedly the most-watched pair of guests tonight. The news on the Internet just belonged to the two of them. The plane encountered some trouble. The two of them were at the time. There are also some oral interviews with witnesses. How did people behave at the potential crisis?

For a while, Chen Hao became a model for the national boyfriend. There are many young female fans of Haomen, and he has already given him a certain deified image. If he comes here again, it will be more vigorous, and he will start to take him as his ideal. The standard of her boyfriend, in this red carpet scene, not only fans, but the media are all going crazy, knowing that interviews are not possible, but Chen Hao was shot more closely, even if it was tens of centimeters closer than other media. It is also a victory.

Today's performing arts circle is much better than before. Fans understand what is ideal and reality. It is no longer the attitude that you are my celebrity to the celebrities in the 1980s and 1990s. Getting married is much better now. How many young male and female idol-type actor marriages are not greatly affected. If both parties can get more fans' approval, it may be a situation where one plus one is greater than two.

It must be said here that Xiaodi is really a big beauty that can be recognized by everyone. In reality, she is more beautiful than in the camera. Recently, under the influence of Chen Hao, she started the system. Exercise, the whole person's condition is a little better. At this time, walking with him on the red carpet, the huge gap in fame did not make the two sides a priority, nor would it make Haomen fans think she was not worthy of the boss, so Everyone at the scene screamed to Chen Hao, and at the same time did not forget Xiao Di, gave her more encouragement, and sometimes mixed with some similar shouts, people heard some scratching their heads: "Fatdy, take good care Our boss. "

"Little Di, look at the boss for us."

After the interview on the red carpet, the organizer grasped the main points at the first time, and the questions of the interview were also most concerned and interested by the audience.

"Two people, are you feeling calm now?" The host asked first, and prepared the next question.

"Both of us, we all read the news, can you tell us what happened at the time? I think all the audience in front of the TV and on the scene are very interested." Subtext, whether it is true or false, whether true or false, What you said here is true.

Chen Hao signaled to Xiaodi to answer, he even made the other party stand more inward, and faithfully assumed the role of a messenger. The more so, the better his image and the fans felt Happier.

Twenty years ago, fans would think that idols are their own. Except for themselves, other women are close to green tea B, which are not suitable and are not worthy of idols.

Twenty years later, fans have learned to substitute. Really good girls or girls who are at least qualified in some ways become idol girlfriends. They will substitute into each other's roles, as if idols are good to girlfriends. Just like being nice to them, happiness on both sides will ignite fans' expectations of love.

Di Lierba was initially accepted. The face value is one aspect. The lack of scheming image presented in the running man is the most important reason to be accepted by Haomen fans. It is always more contact than those girls who are deep in the circle. Hao Zi, should be more acceptable to them.

Xiaodi smiled and gave Chen Hao a sweet look: "Yes, I was a little scared at the time. I didn't sleep well last night. Today I got up early and ran to the Devil to join him. I was dizzy when the plane swayed. Comfortable, and uncomfortable in my heart. It was he who gave me confidence beside me. What I really believed, even if there was a real disaster, with him, I didn't think that disaster would defeat me. "

If not in front of the camera, she would rather turn around and stand on tiptoes and give a kiss to the man next to her. Now she is holding herself back. She doesn't want to be thought of as looking for a picture. Since the two were together, the young Dee has learned one thing, that is, we don't need any pictures that we deliberately look for. Instead, we have to avoid some pictures. Whenever ~ ~ we are the focus of the whole circle.

For true love, true love. A truth is actually more worthwhile to possess than a pure loyalty. The applause and shouts at the scene are the best response to the two. They smiled and nodded at everyone, and walked into the venue together.

When she entered the venue, she gathered in Chen Hao's ear and said, "I'm with you. I really don't need to look for any dress. Trying to shine on the red carpet is useless. No one looks at me. It doesn't matter what I wear. "

The girl's jealousy among couples is not difficult for Chen Hao to understand, and she bowed her head and said, "I feel the same way, it doesn't matter what you wear, it's the most important thing."

"Ah!" He whispered, and Xiaodi didn't care if he was wearing a slim evening dress. He would step on Chen Hao's feet when he raised his feet, making him laugh.

"Hey, two, isn't it good to sprinkle dog food at the scene?" The crisp and distinctive voice sounded, and Yang Mi appeared in the pose of the hostess. Today, I want to welcome her glory. "Descendants of the Sun" has made her the hottest actress in Asia. For more than half a year, she has been busy with brand endorsements and large-scale high-end activities.

"Sister Mimo." Di Lieba always maintained sufficient respect for this nobleman of his own acting career. At that time, it was said that the running man was talking to Yang Mi, and it was indeed she who mediated. Finally, it was Xiaodi who replaced Baby to become As a member of the running man, as soon as it changed from one female guest to two, it was Chen Hao's existence that caused the running man's show group to make a change, otherwise according to what everyone agreed in the beginning in private, when the baby returned, the young Dee is about to announce his departure for formal reasons and return the entire stage to baby.

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