Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 889: Not because the opponent is too weak, but we are too strong

"Deli Reba's ex-boyfriend is exposed!"

"Sudden fame, abandoning ex-boyfriend, confession of ex-boyfriend of a well-known actress!"

"Privately is a selfish person-the ex-boyfriend of the popular actress exposed mobile phone information."

In the entertainment industry, this is a very conventional way of slandering people. Hype you some negative news, talk about things before you became famous, weave you some negative news that is reasonable and unclear, and lower your moral limit. As a result, you will lose the support of some fans, and your image will be greatly damaged.

Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, the use of the power of the Internet as a guide for public opinion has replaced the traditional media, and its influence must also be greater and wider. With the current development of smart phones, it doesn't matter if you are a person who doesn't watch the news. If there is any headline news, you will send a push directly to the phone. If you are interested, you can click to open it. If you are not interested, you can read the information clearly. Convenient enough that even gossip does not have the cost of searching.

Less than twelve hours after the news came out, it was announced that nothing was happening. The Times of Gathering and Tiange may not have such a big influence. A group of people, such as Jing Tianlin, wanted to make the news on the Internet disappear, almost every time. There is Chen Hao on the difficulty. This kind of thing does not need to be sought from these people's heads. As soon as it comes out, it will help them directly, and it also directly inquires behind the scenes.

"Stare, if the other party makes subsequent moves, it will block immediately."

Jing Tianlin and others are not idle generations. When dealing with this kind of thing, you should guard against the other party and the second hand. The most intuitive thing is to throw the news. Intentionally, Xiao Di has a background and points to Chen Hao. Some more embarrassing things, such as Chen Hao's use of Xiaodi to open up the road of public relations, etc., the moves are not new, basically all are not disadvantageous. Jing Tianlin and others who prepared earlier did not let the follow-up unfold at the same time. Quickly found the people behind the scenes.

Looking at the flight information and passenger list sent on the mobile phone, Jing Tianlin asked Chen Hao to come and drink, and showed him the contents of the mobile phone: "This kid runs fast."

Chen Hao frowned, and there was Carroll Joseph's name on it. He didn't think the other person was such a ‘weak’ person. He was found out after doing it, and it was the first time he escaped?

Looking at the scornful expression of Jing Tianlin's mouth slightly raised, he immediately understood that it was not that the guy who felt dangerous to him was very 'weak', nor was he out of a faint move. From what perspective, he used public opinion to Defaming a public figure is undoubtedly the most effective way of killing, or a scheming move that makes you unable to fight back. It's not that the other side is weak, then there is only one answer-one's side is too strong.

Yes, I have paid so many business relationships and have never really contributed to my personal affairs. This time, it is a piece of cake here at Jing Tianlin. The benefits of so many people tied together are only Chen Hao is an "output point". If there is nothing he can do to help these people, it will make them uncomfortable.

Somehow, something happened. Chen Hao was in trouble. The news was thrown out, and all the efforts were taken away. The whole event was a bit too strong. I directly found out who was behind me. I was ready to start. What Joseph? How powerful the family is in the West. That ’s in the West. This is Huaxia. Do n’t look at Huaxia ’s overall image of being a modest gentleman. It falls on the individual, no matter who you are, I have no intention of going to your place. , You ran to Hua Xia, you are all light, you can only say that you are smart, do n’t worry about the so-called face, and run away the first time you get the news, otherwise you just do something on you, disgusting You, too easy.

Carroll ran out of face, and he was glad that he ran fast. He was in Huaxia, and it would be a real embarrassment if he was really pinned by the aristocratic children. He also self-examined for a moment. At the beginning, I felt that Chen Hao brought eighty million benefits to the noble children. It was nothing at all. If he wanted to, he could give more. The money is in him. You Just say a number.

Ignoring China ’s national conditions, letting a carroll move afterwards led to a big loss when he came up. The number of money is not the point. The point is that these people can take it easy and put it directly on the table. That is why Chen Hao is valued by them.

Seeing the information, Chen Hao expressed his gratitude: "Jing Ge, don't say more thanks."

Jing Tianlin smiled and threw him a cigar: "Thank you, I heard that in the TV series you took in Hollywood, there was the shadow of Murray Seedorf behind us. When we go outside, we can help No more busy, you are a person with your own ideas, and you want to make some achievements in the world, you have to be more careful. You don't have to worry about domestic matters, no matter who they come from, we must follow our rules. "

Chen Hao was playing with a cigar and he didn't think about smoking. He couldn't enjoy this stuff, and he didn't like the taste: "Besides the ancient Gu Dong on the Chinese side, my friend also helped me to contact me in West Asia.

You don't need to say anything extra. In Western Asian countries, you can talk to these western giants. There are only two people, the energy tycoon and the jun-fire-merchant. With the strength of Chen Hao ’s bodyguard, not to mention Jing Tian Lin also almost guessed that Lin Danyu, a top-level pistol, came over. How could it be irrelevant abroad? Although this relationship may not be able to protect Chen Hao's thoroughness outside, there is some deterrence.

Chatting is better than nothing. Some are better than none. Jing Tianlin has no way to comment on this. He nods, and you have something in your heart.

Returning from Jing Tianlin, in her apartment, I saw my mother holding the mobile phone and pressing the screen resentfully, and her mouth was still broken: "Let you nonsense, let you nonsense ..."

Xiao Di persuaded and walked to Chen Hao to find out that there was no news news, but there were still some news in some small stations in some forums, but there was no large-scale effect, and no one paid much attention to such things. Haomen and Xiaodi's own fans maintain that the network is still relatively quiet. The mother is in a forum and is responding to other people's posts, maintaining her future daughter-in-law, a mother who will not use a smartphone and will not play WeChat. This time it can be regarded as a motivation to learn. In just one day, he has been able to skillfully control a smartphone.

Chen Hao sat down, holding her mother's shoulders: "Mom, if you look at the information on the Internet like this, you will be busy in the future."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Xinmei directly said: "I don't care about your news. Whoever says Xiaodi, it won't work."

For a moment, Chen Hao looked at Xiaodi helplessly, the other person covered his mouth and grinned, being able to be harmonious, and being able to deepen the relationship between each other. This was not only that Xiaodi felt comfortable alone, her parents were also very happy.

"Parents, since you are out this time, let my second sister and Lao Kang lead you around the province of Lu. Although the seaside is still a bit cold, other tourism resources are great."

If it wasn't for Chen Hao who left to do the final editing of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography", Kang Yan would not leave himself on vacation anyway, and learned that he would not leave Yanjing in the short term. Chen Yu and Elder Brother traveled.

Xiao Di just stayed at home for three days, that is, she went to Hengdian to join the group to shoot a new drama. Her current work schedule is full for one year. If it is not for Chen Hao's proposal to cancel some commercial activities, she will continue. The busy years of previous years are open all year round.

It happened that Chen Hao was in Yanjing, and Xiaogang Cannon's "Fanghua" post-production also brought him in. When editing, he would ask for some of his opinions. In addition, Chen Hao tried to keep himself as live as possible every two days, so that millions of online viewers had a hope. They watched Hao Zi ’s live broadcast but they did n’t watch enough. Others were worried about the live content. They were worried. It ’s not enough. Haozi takes out a few talents every day, chats, sings, and even interacts with Mai. The live broadcast time will easily reach two or three hours. Compared with many stars who do n’t know how to broadcast live online, he Three hours, really a lot.


After more than ten days of busy work, "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography" has completed the post-editing and officially announced that it will broadcast the first round exclusively to Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations. It will broadcast an episode every Monday to Friday at 9.40 every night. The online Lele exclusive broadcast will be updated every Monday to Friday at 24:00 on the Lele video website.

The early publicity was also officially launched. As a high-investment drama of the emerging media, Lele's main focus is online publicity. In reality, Chen Hao followed the main creator to participate in a press conference in Yanjing. The rest was updated by Li Yifeng and Lin. In any situation ~ ~ Every day there is an interview with a character on the Internet. They are all Internet celebrities, and they will be more comfortable and natural on the Internet.

The best thing is sunny weather, and many curious people are disappointed because they don't participate in the promotion directly. The poster and the much-loved actor and Shi Fei actor came out. After the poster came out, it was recognized and loved by the majority of Huang Yi fans and Datang fans. At the conference site, the official version of the trailer, Although the sunny day just came out with two shots, one for the master and one for the concubine, they succeeded in grabbing the mirror Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong. Fortunately, the female characters in the whole show have been generally recognized for their looks and appearances. Can the show's acting skills and character's temperament be shown after the episode is broadcast? At the scene, their appearance also filled the regret of the sunny vacancy.

Among tens of thousands of internet anchors, when choosing actors, Chen Hao's purpose when casting was to be serious and image.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a character's temperament, it doesn't matter if you don't have acting skills, as long as you are serious, learn and then shoot while learning, no matter how bad it is. Then there is the image. Chen Hao made this choice based on his own personal experience. Those classics are most afraid that the characters will be destroyed. Why are idol dramas so popular that everyone loves them. Although Tang Dynasty is not In idol dramas, the characters in it have a large number of idol characters, especially one by one. After Lele gave up the infrared camera, the four characters of beauty anchors no longer need to be quoted. This time, the selected characters, one The ancient costumes are all great, not suitable for ancient costumes. There is such a short hair image as 晴天 on a sunny day, and the styling group is also very bold. Some relatively modern makeups have been designed. The rigorous historical background has been abandoned, and personal characteristics are highlighted. Zoom in.

Even Li Yifeng and Lin updated the image settings of the two. After re-shooting midway, there have been some changes ...

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