Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 890: 1st Hollywood Commercial Movie

The masculine appearance of the male star, elegant and chic is the most difficult to grasp and show. The long hair and clothes can easily make the actor look frustrated. Fortunately, both of them are tall enough, their figures are slim, and they are dressed in drama. The clothes feel good too.

Seeing the subversion of the sunny day, they happened to have the opportunity to remake, and the two also had some opinions on the shape of their characters, which was approved by the crew and the director. Don't look at Lin's updated reality as a funny and dumb boy, but his looks and temperament are very impressive in ancient costumes. Now he is the feeling of Xu Ziling; Li Yifeng lacks masculinity and is also specialized in makeup. It's a bit bronzed and erased some traces of the creamy naughty. For him, this drama is also a challenge.

From haircuts to accessories to clothing, after giving up the accuracy that history should have, the adjustable range is too large. In the end, it was completely tailored for the two. The picture effect is handsome. The worry is acceptance. Good. In the sunny version of the poster, I first took out the test and got the approval of the young audience. Think of Huang Yulang's comics that were also very popular at that time. There are many modern things in the style of the painting, which everyone can accept. The key is to feel good, not to be ridiculous.

Began to propagate, throwing out posters of actors, meeting the very strong visual requirements of young people, the earliest fans who like Huang Yi, most of them are in their 40s, and have a strong ability to accept new things. In the description, there are many subversions. The personality background of historical figures is different from ordinary people. There are criticisms and derogations. Very few people directly conclude that they are bad people. Although the whole set of books also has flaws and slight flaws, but the overall This kind of anticipation feels, many book fans remember a week or two or a month, waiting for a new book with only a hundred pages, it can be said that Huang Yi of that era was a model of modern fast update real-time viewing, the difference is At that time, there was no internet. Huang Yi wrote tens of thousands or tens of thousands of words, and the publishers published them immediately, and then pirated copies flooded all over the country, flooding bookstores and rented bookstores all over the country. Look at it madly, then panic and wait for not enough.

After many years, Master Huang, as the leader of the new school of martial arts, has been driving west. In today's explosion of the Internet, everyone is used to adapting to become a film and television drama in the hot, and suddenly re-shooting the Huangpai martial art that year, At first, everyone was a bit worried about this topic. After officially entering the shooting, the expectation value that burst out in the 1970s and 1980s. As the backbone of the society ’s current consumption of the main force, their expectations for the show , And quickly transformed into the driving force of Lele.

To be honest, in today's network age, there are many masters who portray characters, but there are so few characters that can be portrayed very well all at once. When there is such a large platform as Lele to provide actors, how exactly are they filmed? It is unknown at this time, but the overall picture feels good. The trailer has great expectations. There are no fifty cent special effects, the actors have no poker face, and then they are publicized in reality. One poster and one from the Internet. Out of the net red.

In the first two seasons that took more than half a year to shoot, Li Yifeng and Lin Xinxin had the most voice. He followed the invited old drama bones to witness the progress of non-scientific actors and also witnessed Lele's response to this film. The huge enthusiasm invested in the show, a few months of uninterrupted professional actor training classes, the content of the training is the content of the professional performance department of the art school, to the stage of publicity today, a batch of Internet celebrity actors stood out It ’s already a semblance, and very confident in its performance. This confidence is passed on to fans on the Internet, so that the audience ’s expectations continue to rise. This drama has not been regarded as a key pre-commercial business. Value has also gradually increased.

"I look forward to it, and I hope you will look forward to it as well."

Chen Hao hardly advertises on his public accounts, including Lele and Weibo, including his own works, which are normally promoted in traditional media and online media. This time, he took all relevant accounts, All of them landed and posted this information one by one, including his own Facebook, and he went to publicize it again. The effect is unknown to him, but as a general investor and broadcasting platform such as Lele, at the Lele branch station overseas, there are In response to the demands of playing this film, not only the Chinese community, it also made Lele specialize in a dedicated team, a completely closed working environment, translate all the filmed episodes, and come up with the most accurate English The subtitle translation version will be broadcast to overseas audiences at the same time in the official live broadcast room at the same time after the broadcast of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography".


Fox Company sent the latest contract, basically all in accordance with the conditions negotiated by Chen Hao's team. Looking at the script in hand, Chen Hao felt that this was like a message sent by Carroll and Murray: "You dare to come America?"

The 10 million US dollar remuneration, after the film reached 200 million box office in North America, has a certain percentage of box office share. This condition is open to a Chinese who has only made a movie in Hollywood and also played a supporting role, countless people I feel that Fox is taking a risk, either failing to lose nothing, or really grasping the value of Chen Hao.

200 million, North American box office?

Have a yellow-skinned actor act as a 100 million male lead? North American box office targets 200 million? Do you guys think too much of his appeal? To say that Huaxia's box office is 100 million US dollars, maybe everyone is still a little confident. In North America, who will buy their bills, is it all the couples with X, one publicly-closed Kristin, one by the consortium Chen Hao, who is madly courting, is your film finally going to be shown to these people?

Fox's response to the end was simple.

The "Smith and the Wife" crew was formally established, the male and female protagonists formally entered the group, and received intensive training from former SEAL members.

Externally, Fox did not announce the content of the story. All cast members must promise to keep it secret. The curiosity given to the outside world is to receive combat training. Will this film be a war movie? But the name doesn't look like it at all.

Chen Hao signed the contract, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and he is biased toward Hushan. If the two guys are their destined enemies, then evasion is never the best choice. Moreover, he also likes this script very much. I mean, but I have my own style. After reading the script, Chen Hao defined this movie as a gorgeous commercial action love drama. The main contradictions are concentrated on the male and female protagonists. The conflicts in various pictures have not been afraid. Chen Hao's mind showed a variety of very beautiful pictures, especially the big play where the two played at home, really a good idea to save a script.

The first large-scale commercial film that really chooses itself as the male No. 1 will also show all its strengths, sunlight, handsomeness, sexuality, sense, and fierceness, whether it is fighting drama or -gun-war- The drama, these, are not a problem on Chen Hao. The ability of the king of soldiers given by the system allows him to control such a drama. In addition to figuring out how to make his screen feel more beautiful and handsome in the drama, everything else is Don't think about it.

After signing, he would go to the group for training. Chen Hao took Chen Gang and Kang Yan and flew to the United States. Qiu Yu was put in the office of the Overseas Division of the Happy Times. He was not allowed to follow the crew. The three of them faced any situation. They all have the ability to deal with each other. One more Qiuyu is a huge drag. At the beginning, Chen Gang also worked as an assistant to meet some of Chen Hao's daily needs.

Playing Yangmou?

I took the job, and I look forward to your new ideas. Do n’t increase the difficulty during training. Do n’t shoot all kinds of problems deliberately and extend the schedule so that I ca n’t enter the “Prison Break” group. Do n’t play with some tricks. Stop my Hollywood road, unless you two can overtake the old Fox company, then I will leave, slowly complete the task, get my own script to shoot. If you ca n’t, then I would like to see how many moves you can take out, it is better to have something beyond my expectations, otherwise I will look down on you ~ ~ Los Angeles, come The pick-up person was six sons, and there were two men beside him.

"Hao Zi, they are all professional assistants. If you need anything, you can just tell them to do it. They are all your own family. You don't need to worry about anything else."

Here, the six sons prepared a pick-up car. The arrangements were also complete. According to Sanya ’s meaning, this was also a deterrent. Farewell to the person who wants to do things. Honestly, this person is covered by my old man.

Kang Yan got a word in Chen Hao's ear, Chen Hao glanced at the car driving in the distance, and laughed: "Liu, I took it away, and I wo n’t eat with you at night. Some friends invite me to dinner. . "

In the United States, it is not necessarily a privileged car or a license plate number pass, but in some circles, some very special cars and some people are the best business cards. Liu Zi knows, Murray also knows, hanging The car with a long service company name has companies in the United States and Europe. The car represents the company, and represents a very powerful mercenary regiment in West Asia and a company that guarantees businesses around the world.

People from this company, come pick up Haozi?

In the evening, a company is at least a middle-level figure. He invited him to dinner and made a appearance in the United States. This is really a good way.

Liu Zi doesn't want to admit it, he must admit it. If it is not an endless situation, after the meal is finished, he will not proactively provoke others, and if he wants to play directly with him, he will basically not have it. Liuzi didn't know what level of this company was for Chen Hao to stand in this place, but no matter what level, he could send a car to pick it up and invite him to dinner, even if it didn't matter, Chen Hao paid a huge price to get a cover, and the outside also To give a little bit of face, there is really no reason to go straight to Chen Hao, which is equivalent to directly tearing down the face of this company.

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