Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 902: A little pit great movie script

The Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association can't argue forever, so it doesn't matter if it is ridiculed or hatred, life always has to continue, history always depends on the facts, and what is the future of such an organization Know, there is only one thing to know. And Chen Hao never felt that he could carry the historical mission. When he thought about it, if he wanted to do it, he would do it. What will happen in the future?

Several people who are very concerned about this matter and have the intention to use the registered members of this association for their next play. No matter what, if you want to go one step further, or pay, Get more recognition.

Chen Hao stayed in Xiangjiang for one more day and participated in the official propaganda of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography in Xiangjiang". It was Lele's goal to eat this large piece of meat. Integrating the resources on this side and letting Lele and the other side The cooperation between film and television companies including tvb is a very important part of Lele's strategic plan. Big byiss Duan Chun personally led the team to Xiangjiang, and after the publicity in the afternoon, Chen Hao was invited to participate between Lele and tvb senior A small reception.

After the reception, a small group of people sat in the conference living room and drank red wine. They sat and talked. In the final place, the two sides had not reached a wide range of consensus. While chatting, the large LCD TV in the reception room played the new season of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Taiwan. The running man is the first half of the filming in Vienna that Chen Hao participated in. This broadcast first announced that "Fanghua w has entered the formal publicity period. The small steel cannon has this confidence, and the reunion era and Huayi also have This self-confidence will extend the publicity period to one month, and I am confident that even if the publicity month of the publicity will only rise and not decrease.

Since Duan Chun came here, both Lei Naipeng and Li Baoan attended the tvb side. Both sides had some senior executives. On the artist side, Chen Hao sat alone and was beside Duan Chun. This was enough. It has been proved to the outside that Chen Hao's role in Lele is no longer a pure anchor. Someone once said that Lele would have some shares sold to Chen Hao to hold it, making him from a wage earner to Lele. One of the owners.

Everyone was very happy to chat, and the cooperation intention was also very obvious. "The success of Datang Ssangyong's success is already Lele telling tvb with practical actions. I have the ability to become you in the 1980s and 1990s. The mainland market is infinite. The development of tvb in Xiangjiang has already reached a bottleneck. Although there may be obstacles and obstacles to your direct entry into the mainland, our cooperation is undoubtedly the best win-win model.

tvb assisted Lele in rolling out a live broadcast platform in Xiangjiang, and will jointly organize several major events to make young people in Xiangjiang move.

Lele provides a fresh blood output channel for tvb. With more than a billion people on its back, the talent reserve is far more than that of Xiangjiang's projectile. Even the Xiangjiang people themselves are used to watching tvb dramas for years. .

The two sides also cooperate in various aspects, such as "Follow-up of the Datang Ssangyong Biography w, your anchor resources are young, we can also provide some young people, in the old drama bones, we all know that tvb is indispensable, this project Just test the water, we can have bigger projects in the future and we will work together.

Chen Hao always just listened and did n’t listen. When he was drinking, he raised his glass. When asked, he smiled and did n’t express his opinion. Until the end, the general direction was discussed. The remaining details were done by the professional team below. The big brothers will not waste brain cells on the details. At this time, Duan Chun pulled Chen Hao and had to let him give some advice.

"Our talents can't say a word, otherwise I don't have the bottom of my heart." Duan Chun seems to be joking, but in fact, he is constantly using the honeymoon relationship between each other, in this way will Chen Hao Firmly tied up-kidnapped-live, other anchors, even if you are a cow, Duan Chun will not be so, Lele will not be so, only Chen Hao, unknowingly, he is already strong enough to represent a platform by himself There are too many people who have done calculations. A newly opened platform, you guarantee that you will not be crushed to death by Lele in other ways, and here you can guarantee that as long as you have Chen Hao alone, your platform will live. After that, there will be a large number of traffic users flooding your platform.

To Chen Hao, you ca n’t be rough. His relationships can be whatever you like, as long as Hao Zi continues to maintain their interests.

I have learned for a long time that this Haozi is a donkey. If you get along with him as a buddy, then he will definitely treat you as a buddy, and you will be able to exchange his heart if you are in love with him.

Lele's overall side is this for Chen Hao. Don't hide their purpose. I just want to be the closest comrade in arms with you. Would you like to accept us? Don't you want to reach a higher peak in your career? I am your strong backing, no matter when you look back, Lele must be by your side.

Comparing hearts to hearts, Chen Hao has never been an ungrateful person. Even if President Wang has told him more than once, if you open the conditions, let's play a platform together. Why can we let the Lele family grow up and you should not let them? A dominated family.

Chen Hao never promised that he would never do anything contrary to moral conscience. There is no wall that is impenetrable in the world. The invitation of President Wang was also passed on. Lele from Duan Chun to Lang Kuan and then to shareholders. , Senior management, praised such behaviors as Chen Hao, although everyone felt that they should not be the one to pay first, but can meet someone who is willing to pay first, I hope this honeymoon period can be maintained .

There is such a relationship. From the reception to the private gathering today, Chen Hao is the only candidate Duan Chun must bring. It can be said that he just asked the words, not politely, but he really asked Chen Hao. Views.

"I feel that win-win cooperation is the best way no matter when it is. Although the market is not an infinite cake, I believe everyone also knows that with the development of our industry, at least you have not seen development Where is the limit of the cake? At this time, the cake can continue to grow. Lele and tvb are a strong combination. Then why not add a little more, so that the pure utility of this matter is not so strong, and it won some advantages in publicity? ? "

Duan Chun is a businessman in the true sense, but at this moment, he prefers to be simple and straightforward. In all analysis of Chen Hao, treating him honestly will be the best choice for the iron buddies.

"Hao Zi, Mr. Liang and President Li are not outsiders. They will be a family after you are here. If you have anything to say, you can say it straight." Duan Chun guessed one or two. He believes that he has guessed, but this sentence must be said by Chen Hao. come out.

As you can guess, in fact, you have begun to calculate in your heart. This is not only a matter of not giving Chen Hao face, but also whether you can do it.

"Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association, I can guarantee that there are more people who want to do something in this than anyone thinks."

"Mr. Liang, President Li, I think such a great thing, we have no reason to refuse, haven't we?" Duan Chun made a decision in an instant, showing a slight smile to Liang Naipeng and Li Baoan, really To support the Huaxia Film and Television Promotion Association in the name of Lele and tvb, it is nothing. Even if I really want to do something, I have never imagined that I will bear such a large amount of pressure. No matter what I do, there will always be a group of people. Although Chen Hao said clearly that the meaning is definitely here, he and a group of people would be willing to do something for this matter.

"We are also very interested. This is a great thing for our own consideration, and of course we need to support it."

Chen Hao did not expect that he would become a third party based on the cooperation between the two sides, nor did he expect to be able to do something practical for the China Film and Television Promotion Association so soon. He knew it would be useless in the short term, and the two parties had to negotiate in large quantities in the short term. After the contract has been finalized, there is still a lot of work to do, but no matter what, a big cause of this kind will be laid down sooner or later, and sufficient results will be achieved.

Jackie Chan, Zeng Zhiwei, Jet Li, and several other people who are keen on this matter are very happy to receive a call from Chen Hao. This mood allows them to face the ridicule and disdain of the promotion association by the outside world.

Back at the hotel, Chen Hao received a notification from the system. He knew that he was not far away from completing daily tasks ~ ~ I didn't expect this node to be a full cooperation between Lele and tvb.

“Congratulations to the anchor for completing the daily tasks, and the great success of the production of Datang Ssangyong Biography, which successfully promoted Lele ’s strategic intent to take a key step to connect with the actual performing arts circle and become the best service for talent reserves and talent display in the performing arts circle Institutions. The reward is automatically included in the 'Great Script' opening reserve progress. The current progress is 67%, reaching 100% can start the great script reward, giving the anchor can be regarded as a classic movie script by the world in the current world environment. "

"Open daily tasks to feed fans. The source of drinking water, artists, and anchors is the audience fans who like you. The anchors must do more at the macro level in accordance with the wishes of fans, in order to increase the 'stickiness' of fans to you. The anchor has a special halo (advanced), which lays a solid foundation. The overall satisfaction of the fans is calculated by the system, and the satisfaction is 100 points, which can reach the reward of the openable task. The task is completed and the lucky big roulette is drawn twice. "

"The strength of the lucky roulette anchor reaches the system-recognized standard, and the anchor will be given the power to determine the task reward by his own luck. What you know, what you have, are all in this turntable. Sao Nian, work hard, lucky roulette The disc is waiting for you. "

A series of system news made Chen Hao's thoughts of taking a bath gone, and the bath water overflowed to the ground without care, so he sat on the edge of the bathtub and looked at the task rewards.

The progress of 67% of the great script made him see more information about the script. After reading this information, he has a feeling that he seems to be pitted by the system. Is this a great script? How do I feel that it's a bit similar to "Jailbreak w" being filmed, and I won't tell me, the script of this award is "The movie version of" Jailbreak w? "

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