Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 903: Benefits of live streaming

This is a redemption story after fleeing.

The progress reached 67%. The more information provided did not completely allow Chen Hao to lock the content of the script. East and west, fragmented pictures, all you can see is the passage of time in jail.

I ’m shooting “Jailbreak w. These pictures can only make Chen Hao aware of one. Should n’t the two be the same?

As soon as this thought came out, it was announced instantly. How could that be? The product produced by the system must be a fine product. "Jailbreak w is far from being connected with the word greatness. It definitely won't be it. It's worth looking forward to. What is a movie in a deep prison? Can a script be great?

After zero o'clock, Chen Hao took a look at the running man who has just been broadcast. Although he is the photographer who is in it, the running man has been made these years. He is already experienced. The different editing and post-production will let you I feel different when watching the show.

All the way to laugh and laugh, "Fanghua w crew is a half-court, I am very happy, all the publicity to be made is displayed, and the ranking of anonymous face ends here. In the preview, there are Li Nina and Chen Hao, first in the preview In the film, the next episode of Chen Hao's ski performance is taken out as a bargaining chip, with a perfect score.

On the professional track, Chen Hao also used a veneer to dedicate a U-shaped technique that made the surrounding screams more and more. That stretch in the air was used as the background picture when the subtitles of the running men's film came out, allowing countless audiences After reviewing the message: "The first time I feel the ending subtitles are so abominable, the first time I hope to come next week soon."

Running men and "The Great Tang Ssangyong Biography w" have become the most home-based and most economical way to relax and entertain Chinese audiences after work, and more and more registered Lele viewers have found another Entertainment and relaxation, like listening to songs to listen to songs, like game commentary and playing games to see the anchor of the game, there are also talk show artists across the country who like to listen to talk shows, comics, storytelling, acting, it is enough to let you in When you are bored, turn on your phone and enter Lele to enjoy the lowest cost entertainment experience.

As a brother of Lele, Chen Hao must ensure that he has enough live time to dedicate to all fans, not to mention that there are tasks to follow, and no tasks, he also likes the feeling of relaxation during live broadcast, and filming are two different feelings. It will make him comfortable, and the interpenetration of each other will not make him feel bored. In the morning of the next day, the plane in the afternoon was specially changed, and the live broadcast was started at 10 am, giving you a formal concern Answer positively.

"Haozi, when will you start the wild survival live broadcast again?"

Fans are very interested in this topic. For a long time, Chen Hao also intends to bring you different feelings. There are wild and wild shows in foreign countries. It is very hot. After watching it, domestic audiences hope that Hao Zi can also give They brought a live broadcast like that. It ’s hard to say how real a foreign program is, but if Hao Zi broadcasts it live, it will be the most real.

Chen Hao, through the company and Lele, made a formal application with the above, hoping that he could personally purchase some super-power signal receiver devices. He hoped that he could be in the old forest in the mountains, and also be able to broadcast live for everyone. The equipment is obviously impossible. There is no signal on the ordinary Panshan Highway. I really want to run to the no-man's land. Don't even think about the live broadcast.

"Once the equipment allows, I will immediately start a wild survival live broadcast. I ca n’t bear the urge to go outside. I am really tired of the reinforced concrete all day. I really envy those in our country. Friends traveling by car, cycling, or hiking, one day, when I retire, I will definitely spend a few years traveling around the world. "

"Well, no matter what you do, you need to have a good body. Do n’t you still have a lot of friends want me to broadcast a fitness session? I ’m here to meet everyone today, and I ’ll discuss it with the hotel. I can take pictures at the gym today, oh, yes Let me show you a familiar figure first. Do you know each other? "

As soon as the lens was taken, a familiar figure appeared in the lens, and the public screen swept up Brother Hua.

Ren Dahua.

Today, he also came to exercise together, and then saw Andy Lau and Zeng Zhiwei come in. Liu Tianwang is a perennial fitness. Otherwise, how could he be called the Lao Tianwang, as for Comrade Lao Zeng, that is purely for physical exercise, and today they are holding it. In the morning of Chen Hao, I called for an appointment in the morning, and indeed there was no arrangement in the morning. I also wanted to swim in fitness.

Not only are they here, they have also asked Kang Yan and Chen Gang how to exercise. In terms of training methods that are not deliberately seeking fitness but to make the body better, the professional fitness coaches they have requested are obviously inferior. On some.

Lele has fully cooperated with tvb, and there is such a strange thing as Chen Hao. They also have to pay attention to this emerging industry. They also want to continue to be evergreen, and they have to try new things. In this industry, The best person is here, better than everything from scratch.

In addition, Ren Dahua is also about to fly to the United States recently. He played the role of "Father in Prison Break w" in the first episode. Although there is only a little bit, he still attaches great importance to it and plans to go ahead and adapt to it. In the atmosphere of the crew over there, Chen Hao proposed to set out together. Of course, he was very happy. Facing the unknown journey, a familiar guide was always comfortable.

Many people have appeals. This live broadcast became a star live broadcast, and it became logical. During the live broadcast, some wealthy fans came, five-star hotels booked rooms, and they ran to the gym to communicate. When I got in, I ran to five five-brush gifts, and some knew Liu Dehua and Ren Dahua and Zeng Zhiwei. Xiangjiang was only so big. In the end, Chen Hao didn't insist. In the gym only open to them, they joined again after the live broadcast. A dozen people.

At the beginning of the live broadcast, Chen Hao also explained to you some basic training methods very seriously. At the beginning of the live broadcast room, I also listened carefully, but after a long time, some people began to ask him to do some performance demonstrations. Normal Voldemort ’s standup is not yet satisfactory. It depends on his one-handed sitting on his back. In the hearts of fans, their boss is so invincible. It seems impossible to accomplish. You are in five It is easy to meet in the five live broadcast rooms.

After watching the live broadcast with Chen Hao, a few big names in the entertainment industry, found a huge advantage of the live broadcast, which is difficult for them to be a real artist.

Making money is surely everyone wants to make money.

Similar to these rich people, chasing stars has all aspects of reality. Artists occasionally eat, meet, take photos and chat, and get a small relationship. After a long time, you will find that it is useless and you have to give face, otherwise you will offend people. . This live broadcast is good. In reality, if someone sends a gift, it is even more difficult to give money because their face is not suitable. It is even more difficult to give money now. It does n’t matter if you watch Haozi live broadcast. The dozens of rich children from Xiangjiang who have come in have n’t come out in vain. They have n’t brushed gifts in his live broadcast room. It ’s completely different from the reality of meeting each other to hold each other. The celebrities do n’t have to hold back to get gifts to make money. You are willing to give me gifts, and I am just thankful.

Comrade Lao Zeng is sympathetic. He also holds various positions in Xiangjiang. He has a good interpersonal relationship. Whoever has something to do with him as a middleman is not good at rejecting it. Over time, many human feelings have fallen. There is no blind thing, but there is no real and appropriate value for it. It ’s like going to the live broadcast and occasionally opening it. Whoever finds it can go to the live broadcast and brush some gifts. The same thing is done. Still want to leave human feelings, money is also in his pockets. You do n’t need to be embarrassed. In reality, receiving a small amount of money will make you feel stingy. In the live broadcast, whether it is 35,800,000, or a gift of 88,000, the accumulation of less is more than you. There are real banknotes in your pocket, and no one outside will say that your big star still cares about this.

It's interesting.

Chen Hao did not expect that he would broadcast a live broadcast with several older brothers. The original intention was to play casually. By making a little publicity for Lele ~ ~ I did not expect to let these people in Xiangjiang Performing Arts Circle, right This live broadcast platform generated interest, and Lele sent a notice to Chen Hao. After his live broadcast, within three days, more than 30 well-known artists in Xiangjiang officially settled in Lele, and real-name authentication started live broadcast.

After receiving the news, Chen Hao was on the plane from Modu to Chicago. After the live broadcast that day, he flew to Modu in the afternoon, where he followed the "Fanghua w crew" and participated in a large-scale publicity event. Ren Dahua did not Let him fly back to Xiangjiang again, but fly over from Xiangjiang to join him, starting from the magic capital together.

And Xiao Di, hurriedly gathered together in Modu, two days only at night, can have a little private space to embrace each other and talk.

On the plane flying to Chicago, Chen Hao took the file of his mobile phone and looked at it twice. There were several domestic scripts in it. The TV company directly rejected all of them. In terms of films, after several rounds of screening, they can reach Chen Hao, they think they have great potential and are suitable for themselves.

Not to mention, there are really some scripts that attract Chen Hao, but this attraction has become less lethal in the face of the 'great script'. It has also been busy in the recent period and the future. There are no special scripts that attract him. He doesn't plan to pick up anymore.

Life needs plenty of toppings. If you like to eat something for a year and a half, even if you are not bored, you will have repeated tiredness. After deciding not to accept these scripts, Chen Hao found himself emotional With some subtle changes, the enthusiasm for the next job has increased a lot. This enthusiasm comes from the fact that he feels that he will take a break for a while and do something else, maybe it ’s traveling, maybe he ’s paralyzed at home, maybe It's a crazy live broadcast, perhaps to challenge the limits of nature.

It turns out that this is the benefit of work and rest!

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