Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 910: Must turn around

The poster principles adopted this time are at least half of the body, most of them are full body posters. Here, Chen Hao gave a close-up poster of the half body. Looking back, most of the face was exposed, with blood and mud on his body, and his face was dirty. , Only a pair of eyes, clear and bright.

This is Liu Feng on the battlefield. He has just experienced a fierce battle. Many comrades died, and he himself was shot through the forearm. But even at this time, Liu Feng ’s beliefs did not change. His only fantasy It is because if you sacrifice, become a hero, and make a contribution, will you be praised like Lei Feng, and someone will write a song that belongs to Liu Feng.

Use a sentence to describe it with a slightly ridiculous tone at the moment: "Liu Feng is a person who is free from low-level tastes and is a pure person."

Including his love for Lin Dingding, he is also very pure, human instinct, should pure people live alone forever? Some logic is reversed, and it is actually human behavior.

This poster of Chen Hao is placed in the eyes of ordinary viewers, and it is shocking at first glance. From his eyes, you see the cruelty of war. You will unconsciously feel a power from this poster. Let yourself be trapped and think about what he experienced and why he felt a little distressed.

Chen Hao was also applauded by the people on the stage. Zhao Lixin has a relatively good voice. As a teacher, he is also a big player on the stage of the drama. He has a more orthodox and official judgement standard for the performance. Disagree.

In the face of Chen Hao's performance, everyone is not malicious in wanting to stab, but just to prove a fact, but also to explain his own heart-his performance, there is no real perfection.

Reality tells them that this young man's performance is really impeccable and has already reached this state. Once the state of emotion comes into being when shooting, there will still be super-level performance, which falls in the eyes of people around It is already necessary to look up to the level of looking up.

Simple interviews one by one. In the end, Chen Hao took Simei to the stage, and the atmosphere at the scene became extremely brutal because of them. Zhou Dongyu, Jiang Shuying, baby and Xiaodi, the lineup of these four actresses. What level of professionalism do they have? With their current level of activity in the domestic entertainment industry, they have gathered their films, and the box office appeal is beyond doubt, and Chen Hao is not the best.

Zhou Dongyu struck a black-and-white simple sleeveless dress, knowing that she could not compete with others on the road of “beautiful and beautiful”. She used her greatest strength to show her most intuitive charm, cute and pure.

Jiang Shuying had red lips in flames, a red dress that was eye-catching, and also matched her overall characteristics and personality. When she didn't smile, she was a bit cold and beautiful.

Baby, as always, is exquisite, and her kind is known as exquisite and beautiful. Perhaps the only shortcoming is that her mouth is too big, but this just gives her the exquisiteness like the person in the painting, adding a little ground. It feels great to laugh, but it gives her more support and love.

Xiaodi chose a relatively bright skirt today, and her makeup looks high-end. In fact, her three-dimensional features and makeup also reveal a sense of high-end, and I do n’t know when it started. 'This argument means that your face is like a noble lady at a high-level banquet, with great temperament and elegance. Putting on makeup has a gas field that makes people look high.

These four people stood on the stage, and four styles of beauty swept everyone's visual desire for beauty. Chen Hao stood behind the four and held the microphone: "I feel that my duty today is to do a good job It ’s the host ’s job, otherwise, it seems inappropriate for me to stand. ”

"Ask a vulgar home question, I hope you will not use the official answer to perfuse me, I want the truest feeling in your heart, dare you say?"

Simei raised her head proudly and made trouble with him. It was already a normal thing in the crew. Everyone was familiar with it in private. Xiaodi didn't say it. Baby knew each other from Chen Hao's debut. For many periods of running men, Jiang Shuying and Zhou Dongyu are all in the same company. They bowed their heads and did not see their heads up. When they signed the contract, their agents told them a truth: "In the age of reunions, you can do whatever you want with Chen Hao. Chen Hao, as an enemy, you have no way to go. "

What's more, there is no cross-friendship relationship between men and women, nor does it prevent men and women from getting along well with each other. In the face of a person you don't like, even if you pretend to be well-dressed and have good feelings, it is not a real thing. When you come out, you have external and internal feelings. You don't need to deliberately get in touch with each other. Naturally, the relationship between each other will make great strides forward, and even some babies will come out unconsciously.

"Well, since you have no opinion, I will replace all the media friends and all the audience and ask you, do you like" Fanghua "? What are the reasons you like and what are the reasons you don't like?"


The live media is very excited, I just hope this question can be answered unofficially.

The four women looked at each other. Jiang Shuying was the most extroverted of the four. He was also an elder sister, a pair of eyes, and a few simple words and gestures to communicate, and you knew what the best answer was.

"Our sentiment about this play can be fully summarized by you, and I think that this sentence can also be all of us, for the audience, I hope everyone will walk into the cinema to watch our movie propaganda language."

Jiang Shuying glanced at the three of them, and the four picked up the microphones at the same time, saying in unison: "We spend our time in the best of times, and they have washed their lead in the worst of times."

A very deafening sentence, and the understanding of the power of the sentence was revealed in the voices of the four people. At the scene, the due effect was also obtained. All the lenses locked them, all the shutters were quickly pressed, and all the The audience applauded.

After applause, Chen Hao rolled his eyes and pointed at the four of them: "You guys, still too vanity, dragging the word, believe it or not, now half of the people feel unconvinced. Why do we say we spend our time and we are working hard? , We also live a meaningful life, why would you say that, not just to make a shocking propaganda? "

At this moment, the small steel cannons and other people under the stage all rolled their eyes and smiled bitterly. This made themselves unable to come down to the stage, and that was why Hao Zi could do it. They were really looking forward to how he would come back.

Baby waved her hand to signal Chen Hao no need to say: "Okay, don't you take the rhythm there, right? Let's take a God turn and explain to you what it means."

Zhou Dongyu smiled at the interface: "We are responsible for playing handsome and cool, you are responsible for cleaning up the mess, isn't it the same every time?"

After speaking, I could n’t help but laugh first. The other three women were also the same. At the same time, they gave Zhou Dongyu a thumbs up, and they were beautiful. In the state of Chen Hao ’s deliberate look, the four women also came together and congratulated. .

Chen Hao stared. They were not afraid. Jiang Shuying, Zhou Dongyu and baby hid directly behind Xiaodi. You came here. This is your own girlfriend. Are you sorry to kill us in front of her? Also, isn't it something that a boyfriend should do to clean up the mess for his girlfriend? You are not for us, you are for Xiaodi.

Facing the media and audience at the scene, Chen Hao spread his hands and signaled what you think?

"Answer, answer, answer!"

Chen Hao cleared his throat, the scene calmed down, and the expression on his face became serious, telling everyone that what he was going to say was very serious, just now to interact with everyone in order to activate the atmosphere.

"The era has created the value of time. In that era, the phrase" one inch of time and one inch of gold "is true. We spent time in the best of times, and they washed away their lead in the worst of times. This is what I said Yes, the real idea is very simple. I hope that after you walk into the cinema to watch this play, you can understand what I said. It is not that everyone needs to work hard, but that everyone wants People can make their lives better, and do n’t waste the happiness that we have in a good age.

"What is the standard of happiness? Everyone may say that life is good, food, drink, etc., but what I want to say is that in Liu Feng's heart, happiness may be that he can continue to pursue his ideal alive, and his fellow soldiers can Still alive without sacrifice. Compared to them, in our time, since we were born, we have the happiness of their time. "

"I have seen a lot of materials and I have seen a lot of people. When I was shooting, I also saw a lot of veterans of the year in the southwest ~ ~ and I also saw a lot of scars left in my heart in that era. People who have become glorious and splendid in society, and people like Feng Dao who have good memories of some things that were lost in the current era. After the publication, you can buy it. You may say that I am cold and cruel, but in this movie, you will see the addition of images and sounds. The beauty of that era, Director Feng, moved me very much. This is a beauty that I cannot describe in words. Even if it is just such a lens, I feel my own. With such a lens, the cruel and cold things in it will be melted. "

On the large screen at the scene, a shot was given. It was a picture of Xiao Suizi played by a baby eating a cream ice cream. There was no pavement in front of Chen Hao. This picture would only make people familiar with that era or the arts and crafts group would be able to eat cream Ice cream; ordinary viewers will think that this is a very ordinary picture, what's wrong with eating ice cream, but it is just the behavior of the characters in the plot.

"The light of the setting sun, an independent small world arts troupe, a bunch of cream ice cream ..."

"Perhaps you should buy it first, and then wait until the movie is released before going to the cinema to see it. I promise, it will be a duo enjoyment! By then, you will understand this beauty."

The people at the scene suddenly got rid of the atmosphere he just created. They smiled and applauded at a slow pace. They all smiled brightly. Hao Zi, the advertisements do what you look like, we are convinced, rest assured, we will definitely buy. Will go and see, for nothing else, in order not to waste you this slightly shameless behavior we are convinced.

In this applause, Chen Hao also cooperated with everyone's emotions very much. She shook her wrists and compared with a gesture of victory towards the four women on the side. When she saw no, what was a God turn and what was an ad placement.

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