Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 911: 100,000 copies

The entertainment media has no so-called absolute position on artists. You can bring enough gimmicks to it, and the media position is you.

Positive and negative, there is no necessary value for the media. Many big stars are like this. You Chen Hao has been attacked on the Internet. We are reprinting it crazyly, and many people will pay attention to it. Our news has its corresponding value. . You Chen Hao led the new movie publicity conference with a lot of laughs and selling points. We will also do a lot of renderings to help you promote the new movie and book when you get attention.

The film "Fanghua" has the same name and has already been printed. According to Chen Hao's initial verbal agreement with Xiao Gang Cannon, he can release it very early. The original author will publish it. No one will dispute it.

Toward the release of "Fanghua", Chen Hao also felt that there would be a win-win situation. After this publicity conference, "Fanghua" was officially launched nationwide ten days before the movie was released. All bookstores in fourth-tier cities and above are not directly booked on the Internet, and major book websites and shopping websites are directly online.

First print, 100,000 copies.

This is the trust that the publishing house has in Chen Hao. 50,000 is placed on the Internet, and 50,000 is distributed to physical bookstores.

The propaganda offensive complements each other. The use of Huayi's capital in the domestic film and television industry to operate "Fanghua" is not at all a pressure to achieve the best results. Chen Hao's has not simply appeared as a consumable in this period.

The online sales started for eight hours, and 50,000 copies were sold out. They were fully sold out. The publishers started work as soon as possible after receiving the news, and worked overtime and printing. Regardless of the sales of physical stores, the trend of online sales in physical stores. The edges are not too bad.

Within a few hours, phone calls from agents across the country reached the publishing house, and many bookstores responded with information. "Fanghua" was put on the shelves for less than half an hour, that is, all of them were sold out, and many bookstores have now accepted it. Advance payment reservations requested by customers themselves.

The second printing, 200,000 copies, was filled into the physical bookstore in batches as soon as possible. After the first batch of 80,000 copies were shipped, the second batch of 50,000 copies continued to be sold on the Internet. The right to speak, Chen Hao's agent team has requirements for online and physical sales, and is not allowed to increase prices in any form. To this end, Chen Hao paid publicly on his Weibo, Lele account and Facebook. The name of the publishing house, to maintain the status of genuine, in order to formally publicize, to avoid the loss of purchasing power to the inevitable pirated books, it can be regarded as an act of giving back to the publishing house.

Three days, five days in a distant area, the second printing of "Fanghua" on the Internet and physical stores, once again sold out, and for a while, the media conducted a very intensive report on this, and the comments on the Internet were also Endless.

There are many different perspectives that can be extended than film and television dramas. No matter how good it is, it may not be loved by all readers. There will always be some people who put forward some arguments that you cannot refute, and then question your success.

The media has always been the hottest point of attention. Positive and negative are not important. Some people pay attention to the king. Some people pay attention to the news, even if they think it is of little value.

Three times printing, once again 100,000 copies, the publisher did not dare to take any more risks. With their understanding of the market, this was almost saturated, and as a result, the printing of 100,000 copies was once again widely published on the Internet. The fans scolded me badly, and continued to work overtime to start printing four times. Is this "Fanghua" really so good?

The professional reviewer gave the answer. "Fanghua" is too harsh and brutal, and the pen is very cold. In some places, people will see the creeps and will not accept some of the values ​​and stories in it. As soon as you read the type that you ca n’t put it down, many girls have put it down for a long time and feel they ca n’t stand it. After picking it up a few times and reading it, there will be an inexplicable sadness, not the kind of plot that makes you cry Mess.

If you have to use one sentence to describe the feeling of reading this book, picking it for a long time, it is really the time when the advocacy of the epidemic: "We spend time in the best times, they washed up in the worst times . "

The first time I felt I could n’t stand it, the second brush was quite smooth, and some places about the characteristics of the characters could be clearly seen. It was Liu Fengming's injustice and scolded Lin Dingding. This is the psychological hint of everyone's subconscious watching movies and TV works. Think from the perspective of the protagonist.

That Lin Dingding rejected Liu Feng and let Liu Feng leave the Cultural Regiment. He Xiaoping saw the words of Xiao Suizi in the ambulance on the battlefield: "I will never forgive her forever." This is also the true thought of many viewers.

This idea is the reason why "Fanghua", which was analyzed by the media, can be so popular-Chen Hao is too charismatic, and 80% of the fans are buying it for him.

In the end, it does n’t even matter what it is. The key author ’s signature is Chen Hao. This is the fundamental reason for the crazy sales. His personal influence is above him. Such a deformed state has made many self-proclaimed writers. People, lamenting that the age of culture is not here, look at what's hot now, either the celebrity autobiography, the successful study, or the soul chicken soup.


No other words.

Domestically, "Fanghua" sold millions of copies when the movie was officially released. On the day of the premiere, Chen Hao also held a signing event in a small bookstore in Yanjing. The event was forced to be cancelled before it started, and thousands of fans gathered. The security arrangements for the event were obviously insufficient. It was better to dispel the cancellation at the risk. It was better to be scolded than to have any accident. So many people, any point. Accidents can cause irreparable major accidents.

Chen Hao took the table at the scene at that time, completely ignored the media's shooting of himself, angered the champion, angered the organizer, and no matter what publishing house or cultural institution you love, who was completely irresistible, directly scolded at the scene.

"Fanghua" is about to be released, and "Prison Break" is also about to land. These days we are talking about synchronization. Even if there is no TV station here, Lele will prepare to receive it in full. An episode will be broadcast in the United States. The fastest version with subtitles is produced and broadcast on the official Lele channel.

Since Chen Hao has not been in the country for a while, he has been busy in the United States since the awards season, and filmed "Prison Break", and will soon be shooting "Smith and Smith". Many domestic affairs have been suppressed or simply rejected. After he came back, within three days, the office dedicated to him was full of invitation letters, from agency invitations to charity invitations to business event invitations, and a large number of platter concerts gave sky-high invitations, and A lot of screenplays.

In private, all kinds of invitations are endless, and while taking care of work, Chen Hao has no choice but to accept the consolidation of some interpersonal relationships. He didn't care too much about the signing. According to his ideas, I went to the scene. No matter how many people, I try to sign, even if it takes one day, so many people support themselves, the premiere is at 7 pm, the signing will be at 10 am, and he is mentally prepared for these nine hours , I didn't plan to leave myself another second.

At the scene, a few pens were prepared. As a result, the event was announced before the event was canceled. I changed it to another artist, and I was angry and angry. It was probably only a small area to vent, and then I was thinking about how to talk to the outside. Fans explained. Chen Hao didn't consider so much at all. In his mind, the fans gave themselves too much too much. He just didn't have the ability to satisfy everyone, otherwise he must satisfy every fan who supports himself.

There were more than a dozen media at the scene. Chen Hao directly shot the case. No one gave his face. The relevant departments felt that it was dangerous to force the cancellation of the event and to disperse the crowd outside. This is an official job that no one can resist. Chen Hao's anger is the organizer's contempt for this matter. More than 10,000 people can do better. You don't care about sitting for nine hours. Why don't you prepare well in advance.

Not only the organizer, but this time even the company arranged for his team and Qiuyu ~ ~ to be scolded, and the media reporters stared at each other round. This is big news, and Haozi was furious at the signing scene. They have no intention of avoiding the media. They adjusted the lenses one by one and took the clearest angles to shoot these pictures.

"Cooperate, can't cooperate with a single word, this is what makes it."

"And you, what you eat and what you are doing, this thing made them like this, can they still do it, can't do it, get out of the way, I'll change a group of people."

"Why are you standing still? Is pestle useful here?"

Chen Hao walked away with a frost on his face. Basically, he would not give the media a bad look. This time, he did not hesitate and left with a cold face.

"The phone is here. I'm apologizing to everyone."

At this time, the benefits of Lele were manifested. Before other stars encountered this kind of thing, the way to explain it to fans immediately was not so convenient. The fans outside were already angry, facing dispersal and not resisting the general. Some bad words are needed. The weather at the end of April is almost noon, and the streets of Yanjing are very hot, waiting here in the sun. Everyone is ready to queue for a few hours, just for close distance. Take a look at Hao Zi to get a book he signed.

"Haozi started broadcasting."

"Haozi started broadcasting."

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