Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 923: Cool to explode

These comments made Chen Hao think about the analysis of articles in elementary school and junior high school, especially Lu Xun's article. Every paragraph, every sentence, every vocabulary has been given a sacred mission. Everyone should learn something from it. What, otherwise there is no thorough understanding of the article.

He himself can only smile secretly. He did not expect that he would have such a day. The role of Liu Feng was well-known, and the people found in the era of dark friendship and joyful gathering led the people to develop it. Today, Liu Feng's body has already been added with a lot of added value. The interpretation of this character has been extended to a value that is sufficient to achieve classics. In this regard, Chen Hao doesn't know what to say, it can only be Let it be.

In addition, the first season of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" was broadcast and became a dark horse this year. At present, the second season is in full swing. Lele officials promise to meet you at the fastest speed under the premise of ensuring quality.

"Jailbreak" hits the air, with one episode a week, forcing many people to go crazy, even a short period of time, turning black, trying to change the pattern of one episode a week in this way, as a Chinese audience still I'm too used to weekly broadcasts. You can watch American TV updates on the Internet. It's really a week for Huaxia TV to broadcast episodes. Those who are accustomed to waiting for American TV shows or comics updates are also very crashed.

The ratings are 12.43%. Viewing share, 32%.

"Jailbreak" has become such a single-digit audience who can be called the king of the king's era. One episode is more exciting than the other. The tense breath makes you breathless. It is only five episodes. Countless powder.

Every time when Michael said to Sucre that I was going to enter the jailbreak hole, the audience would unconsciously feel it difficult to breathe. Although it means that he knew he would succeed in jailbreaking, every time he saw the tension, he would still be unconscious. Worrying about them, the addition of distinctive members one after another made everyone look forward to the future episodes.

The same is true in the United States. People who knew from the top that Chen Hao once insisted on modifying illogical details have now given a thumbs up. The difference between a blockbuster American drama and a classic American drama is the details. .

At the same time, Chen Hao also perfectly interpreted the role of Michael Schofield with his superb acting skills. Sun Honglei's performance was also very amazing-brilliant and recognized. Lincoln he plays has a very unique charm. It seems that at first glance you I think he is a rotten man. Looking at it, you will find that he has such a lot of worthy qualities in a rotten man. You will like a Lincoln Bruce with many shortcomings.

Just five episodes. In the bundle treaty of Sun Honglei, the pay for starring in the second season has reached the point where he can sit down and negotiate. There will be a very large increase, which is in line with the values ​​of the entire American TV market. The actors in it naturally have a matching pay, the difference is how much profit you can get for yourself.

Chen Hao ’s pay is now to be discussed on the FOX side. There is no time to spend time together. The meaning of Chen Hao is very simple. You can come up with a plan and look at it vaguely. You are not a greedy person. You do n’t need to worry. My lion opened his mouth. The first film was paid enough. Now you just need to show your sincerity.

Chen Hao, who is not short of news, was very low-key when shooting "Smith and Wife". Now he was photographed with Kristin in Istanbul. It is another round of heated discussions. Even Nina Dobrev was dragged out. A The vampire queen of the TV series, a vampire queen in a movie, since Chen Hao and Christine both have news, why not with Nina?

Isn't it? Didn't the media capture it? When he was filming, most of the plays were in prison.

Any artist is ignoring similar things, and Christine joked: "You MOUSE is a wonderful work in the circle, almost catching up with Brad Pitt, always appearing in the news, still I can have such a high reward value. I'm borrowing your light to go on entertainment news continuously. "

Star actors.

Star entertainer.

In Hollywood, these are two completely different concepts. Star actors like Christine used to look down on the star performers who always show their face, but it ’s not her. All star actors are This is almost the idea. This is a condescending standard idea. It has been like this in Hollywood for many years. Star actors with high pay are always at the top of the big circle in Hollywood.

Because he is more familiar, Kristin's words have no other meaning, and Chen Hao did not misunderstand. The other party is really just joking. The remuneration for the endorsement of commercial performances has become higher and higher in recent years. The barriers between concepts are also slowly being broken. Christine did not deliberately brush the news, and being able to be continuously watched by the media for entertainment news is also a good thing for fame.

The filming was carried out normally, and a scene for the first time was easily taken down to dance in the rain. Kristin didn't dare to think that she could do anything about it. When she filmed the showdown show for two people, she saw it. When this man was almost obsessed with women, he danced during the shooting, but in that environment, after the shooting, there were a lot of songs on the scene, and the site was rented for one day anyway, there was a long time, The group performers and the lead actors held a small party here. Chen Hao showed different styles of dance in a variety of different styles of music, whether they were one or two, they were the most professional.

For a short dance in Istanbul, the crew simply did not ask choreographers and dance directors. Since you are the party of MOUSE, then you design a paragraph that you think is good and let Christine cooperate with you.

After a month of filming, the tacit understanding between the two has been full, and some of the physical reactions brought by ear grinding have gradually become less embarrassing for Chen Hao, and Kristen does not mind, and sometimes deliberately teases him, she herself I did not expect that one day I would not be annoying to the man ’s body. Before I just thought that I would meet a man, from the heart to the body, I would have the feeling of resisting the disgusting nausea. Seeing that the other person is a gentle and courteous gentleman except that the natural physical response cannot be controlled, she is not afraid to have a charm of her own but is not enough to question. As soon as the idea came out, she found that she had a shot in Istanbul. Some undesired reactions ...


With a sound card by Dougliman, in the room under the sun, the two people kissing deeply separated, and the people next to each other opened champagne, and everyone toasted together, except that in the later editing, you might find that you need to make additional shots. This is equivalent to saying that the show has already been killed. For the whole 40 days of filming, a few bottles of good champagne were brought by the producer to celebrate it.

"Haozi." Kristin called Chen Hao in Chinese, then raised a glass and touched him, toast: "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

"Next month, I am going to Huaxia to participate in an interview program. I will be interviewed by Ms. Yang Lan. You teach me a simple Chinese word that can describe our movie."

Chen Hao thought about it, taught her four words, and told her that if Yang Lan asked her to describe the movie, then use those four words, supplemented by an explanation in English.

"Cool to explode!"

"Crying to the gate?"

"Cool to the blast! This is a very cool movie. What you want, it's all here, men and women, are you ready to be teleported by us?"

"Electricity? I like that."

This movie, when it is released, you will definitely recognize these four words after watching it, it is so cool that it is an explosion movie.

Huaxia's huge market, no big coffee in the world dare to say, I don't need the support of Huaxia market. This is also a gold rush destination. Kristin's brokerage company thinks this is an opportunity to open up the Chinese market ~ ~ It is just that China has issued invitations many times. There are more than a dozen invitations for exclusive interviews. In the end, I decided to go to Huaxia once, give an interview, and participate in two activities. This only takes three or four days, which can bring the most intuitive economic benefits for Kristin. Let the numbers make her think that the star actors are one or two. It ’s nothing to get 20 million films a year?

"If there is Yanjing on the trip, when do you go, call me and I will invite you to eat Yanjing roast duck."


Chen Hao ’s enthusiasm and sincerity made Kristin think of him as a trustworthy good friend. At the cusp of Fei-Wen ’s center, the most coping way he designed for his company in China was to be asked about her. With Chen Hao ’s rumors, no such crew will go to rumor, do not respond, and let everyone play freely as long as it is good for the promotion of the film. Once the film has achieved good results, there are naturally countless ways to make this happen. Things are no longer the goal of everyone's attention.

At this time, invitations can be issued, sincere and insincere can be seen at a glance, and sincerity means that the man is really frank and treats himself as a friend.

In fact, the separation of each crew is the last thing Chen Hao wants to experience. When the work is completed, the crew naturally wants to separate. He is a very emotional-sexual person. When everyone gets along well, the separation will really be reluctant. It seemed that I was taking something out of my body, and I just got used to facing it every day. As a result, I parted ways. I don't know if I will have a chance to work together. At this time, Chen Hao will feel the value of some activities, parties and awards in the circle. Everyone is very busy and has no time to party. When encountering these occasions, there is always a little chill time.

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