Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 960: Who is the male No. 1

There are always people who can unknowingly use their behavior, that is, the personality charm of transformation, to infect others, let people learn from him, and use him as an example.

Chen Hao is such a person.

Some people in the crew, the three children on the farm, and even some actors in the crew were more or less affected by him. The working status of a person must not be fake, especially everyone must work and live together. For dozens of days, he couldn't pretend to be pretending. He really devoted 200% of his energy to doing things. This script embodies all his efforts.

Gradually, the actors who saw more of the script began to have a little admiration for Chen Hao. This script is awesome. Even those who have not seen the entire script, feel the power contained in this script. No wonder MOUSE will be so focused on preparing and filming. This film will bring him many, many more than anyone can imagine.

The arrival of Will Smith made everyone more confident in the play. The big coffee arrived at the farm and immediately entered the state. He originally studied the script at home, a script without any action drama, and one that required him. Presenting the script of all acting skills, he found the feeling of experimenting with some high acting movies himself. The preparation time in advance was no longer to exercise the body, but to constantly try to figure out the role and constantly find the role.

As Chen Hao said, the chemical reactions that the two rival actresses can bring together are very strong. He is eager to be able to act with Chen Hao. During the two previous meetings, the two sides talked about their respective roles. Many, I dare not call it a confidant. At least the demands in acting are the same. That is to strive to leave a movie that can be talked about after decades, just like those great movie actors. For half a century or more, their brilliance still shines through the entire film history.

The picture of Marilyn Monroe covering her skirt is still a classic. The beauty that cannot be erased in time and space shuttle. Even if time passes by for decades, the picture will still be classic and still let later people. Continue to worship.

Since Will Smith arrived, Chen Hao has less time to specifically direct the crew work. More often, he sits on the sofa in the living room with him and the main actor. Everyone holds the script in his hands from time to time. With whom do you feel a play, for example, I think this play will be very enjoyable, okay, let ’s try it, let ’s play it together, in the real performance, find each other .

The most interesting thing is that the old man and Red faced the state of being released from prison, and the state after going out. Will Smith also worked in it. Several interviews with him seemed to have only one chair, and it seemed to be one. The simple shots and the performance are all in it. He must show his emotional changes due to changes in time and mentality in the performance.

For these ordinary actors, such performances continue every day, and every day is being tempered, but in Will Smith, he has not had such a pure feeling for a long time, while enjoying and being surprised, he went to see Chen Hao, It was found that the other party always enjoyed such purity, not because of this drama, but because he always kept the most sacred thing of the actor.

This second, he became interested in Chen Hao's performance.

The role of Andy seems to have only the last burst. It seems that the performance is not as difficult as Rhett, but when Will Smith began to feel that he could play Rhett, he found that he was not sure to play Andy.

After this idea came out, Will was frightened. To this end, he took the entire script and Andy's script and took a special look at it. Watching his own Red, thinking about Andy, not just treating him as a salvation. People, to see him throughout the entire state of the play, Will was surprised to find that this character is really difficult.

There are wonderful plots of the old cloth, there are wonderful plots of many actors, there is a wonderful story of Rhett's loud guest, a scene where the beer is repaired on the rooftop and everyone is invited to drink beer, and the scene of the last escape is not enough to support the role of Andy, Will At first, I was confident that I could perform better. At that time, it was hard to say who the protagonist was in the eyes of the audience.

Looking at it now, I was in the pit of Chen Hao, but that ’s okay, and it aroused Will Smith ’s will. The more I do, the better I will play. I will let everyone know who is the real person. Protagonist.

With 200% effort, Will Smith not only discussed the role, but also constantly figured out the role in the room. He not only wanted to achieve this role, but also showed MOUSE to see it. On the day of the shooting, I will destroy it. Your confidence, I will tell you that Rhett is the male lead in this play, and you are just a supporting role with a male lead.


The weather is gloomy and overcast, and the rain may fall in the next second.

On the prison side, the relocation work was completed. During their relocation, the crew of the crew went into cleanup and renovation, and part of the work has been completed.

Today, Chen Hao brought the main members of the crew to the prison for an on-site inspection. He also wanted everyone to give the most relevant opinions on how to renovate in some places, and each role corresponds to their own venue.

The prison is almost deserted, and the infrastructure is very poor. The oldness that Chen Hao wanted was not intentionally retained. The oldness here was abandoned. All supporting services are the worst. All public officials can leave here. Congratulations at home.

Many of the facilities in the prison are broken. Compared with the prison that was filmed before, it is much more broken. After the crew members settled in, almost half of the internal reconstruction principles were used to get it, and many elderly people were also found. To restore the prison of that era.

The most difficult point is to prepare multiple rooms or temporary replacement equipment. There is a large time span in the movie. There are some recurring scenes. Except for the prisoner's area, changes are required. Yes, you can't have the office of the warden ten years ago and ten years later.

Each of the main actors, under the serious influence of Chen Hao, did not carry it. After entering, they set off to their own area and gave their opinions on the layout there.

On-site assessment, compared to talking on the paper on the farm, the effect is surprisingly good. Many people have made good progress in their own role performance after a round of the scene, returning to the room one by one, starting to scratch their roles, doing Some notes, after everyone came out, it was another round of discussions. From the conference room to the living room, you can see a large number of scenes of the opera every day, and everyone is adapting to the rhythm of a shot.

It ’s not an action play, it ’s mainly the meticulous performance of the actors. Of course, the feeling under a camera is the best. Actors can also perform consistently. This also tests everyone ’s ability to perform the past few plays at once, especially There is no real effort in lines and performances. You do n’t even want to perform. You do n’t even say that the crew has officially started. Now everyone is on the show. You are the one who is always stuck. You do n’t need to be told by others.

As the prison scene is gradually completed, the day when the crew of the crew starts is getting closer. Although the expectations of non-fans are generally not high, it is unlikely that the shooting will be successful-it is not large, but this does not prevent large-scale production. The media came together and stared at Chen Hao's start-up ceremony. Who is called MOUSE is the topic person, and who is called Will Smith is the super big coffee? Putting these two together is news.

The so-called thousands of calls began, but nothing more.

In the golden autumn of September, after everyone looked forward to it for a month, it finally unveiled its mysterious veil and showed everyone its truest side.

In Chen Hao's eyes, it is undoubtedly powerful. Even if it is misunderstood, it can certainly rely on its own strength and finally shut everyone down.

In the eyes of the media, it is ridiculous.

"What? MOUSE's new movie is about a prison escape! Oh my gosh, what did he think, didn't he say he refused to renew the third season? The reason is not that the subject matter has not been extended. Did n’t you say that all the wonderful stories that can be told on this particular subject matter are finished? What does it mean that he wrote such a script himself? "

For a while ~ ~ With the encouragement of someone who cares, Chen Hao was skeptical. Everyone can see the shadow of FOX. Anyway, the cooperation is over. We just did n’t turn our face. You refuse After signing the third season of the contract, is it just to make a similar movie to the international market to "money"? Then we're welcome, this is the pit you dug for yourself.

All this is expected by Chen Hao. From his big hits, from his big sales, from his photo shoot, he can get tens of millions, and from the website, he spends eight figures to buy new singles. Right to play ...

A new man who has only tossed a few times on the world stage, writes, directs and performs. This makes others feel bad. You ca n’t stop your MOUSE, but if you think you can do whatever you want, I ’m sorry, we wo n’t Give you this opportunity.

The whole summer was Chen Hao ’s explosive news season, and countless news related to him, creating one small record after another.

These records do not allow all those who are hostile or even hostile to him to shrink back forever, find opportunities, or come out and pat him.

At the press conference, many media have prepared a lot of sharp questions, and some people have asked the sharp questions that they can think of, and hope that through the mouth of the media, Chen Hao will find answers in the public.

Since you dare to hold this press conference, you must be ready to answer any questions. Let us wait and see how you explain? Waiting for you to fully expose your greatest confidence in this movie, even if it can't hit you, you still need to know what medicine you sell in this gourd?

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