Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 961: No surprise, no surprise

"Are you okay?" Xiao Di asked worriedly while helping Chen Hao organize his collar.

Earlier, it was the site of the press conference. Whether it was he promised to disclose information to the outside world or to get sufficient publicity, this press conference seems to have a reason to be held.

Chen Hao smiled and squeezed the girl's cheek: "I told you that you don't have to stay with me. Is the Chinese crew late?"

Xiaodi whispered for a moment. She now likes to focus on her work. Of course, she likes acting, and variety shows are also available, but there is less commercial activity in the past. She does n’t have to be tired all day. This time is her first time. Did not enter the group at the prescribed time, let the crew start filming other people's film.

"I worry about you, why are they targeting you."

No one needs to tell her the answer to this question, and she knows exactly why this is, she can't help her anger, so many things happen every day and every day in the world, and there are so many things in the entertainment industry every day New things come out, why do you keep staring at my man.

This is her typical egoism. When it comes to the person she cares about, I agree with the good side. I question any bad side. I am not happy. The two sides of the coin can only accept the side I like as a The little woman took such a gesture, and the man only pinched her nose pettingly.

"Well, watch my tongue fight against Confucianism. Tigers don't show their power. When I'm a sick cat, I haven't opened up with others during a long live broadcast. Today they came to look for feelings." Alas, a sound came out: "Relax, I won't let them come in vain, I want to let tomorrow, no, all the entertainment news starting this afternoon is me."

Xiao Di watched with a little admiration the back view of the man walking through the passage. Man and woman always have one side looking up at the other side, and always one side looking at the other side's back in front.

At this press conference, Chen Hao did not let Will Smith participate, and the friendship between the two had not reached the point where they carried thunder. Whether he was a warlord or a shame to the uncle's house, besides himself, others in this heart There is no way to tell the difference between steelyards.

In the lobby of the five-star hotel, dozens of media gathered early in the lobby. Every good seat was occupied, and the seats under the table were also full. A dozen extra chairs were temporarily added to satisfy the needs. The layout of the scene can not only be traditional media and online media, but also some independent film critics. They also want to get first-hand news for the publication of their articles. Among them, they are eager to have the opportunity to provide Questions, in order to enrich the content of your articles, questions raised by yourself, comments are more confident.

On the stage, there was only one chair, and only Chen Hao stepped onto the stage. After sitting down, he smiled at everyone first: "As I am alone, it seems a bit deserted. In order to take care of more people, I will try my best to I will answer the question in English, but when a reporter from Huaxia asks a question, I will choose to answer it in Huaxia. I hope you can understand, it does n’t matter if you do n’t understand. Anyway, I do n’t think you are here with goodwill anymore. Oh, sorry. , Is it the majority of people, am I wrong about this idea? "

For his opening as a moderator, everyone still gave face, at least made them feel that this press conference is not stiff enough to follow the steps, what they want is not to follow the steps, otherwise there is no explosive news.

Chen Hao cleared his throat and sat side by side, giving everyone a formal opening signal.

"About, there are many people who have a lot of doubts. What I can say here is that the creative roots of the script, I have to say that it has nothing to do with it. No one of you will believe it, but how big this relationship is, and it is not. You think so big, as to whether you believe it or not after today ’s press conference, I do n’t care. I do n’t care too much if you want to come. Okay, the first question, I ’ll ease it first, here ’s a gentle one, mine. My compatriots, oh, by the way, in order to make the atmosphere not so tit-for-tat, today I named a friend, you do n’t need to introduce which media you are, I am a little careful, in case of accident and success again , But will avenge it. "

I use ridicule and self-deprecating as an introduction, with strong self-confidence as the main body, and present an attitude to everyone on the scene. You are prepared, no matter what you prepare, I do n’t take it too seriously, so do n’t make yourself a pair. I swear, I will misunderstand that you want to swear to watch me ugly.

The reporter from Huaxia is actually an acquaintance of Chen Hao, a reporter from Huaxia Films, and a reporter from Chaotingtai. He stood up with a smile. As a family member, he must not only show his demeanor, but also level up the issue. It ’s impossible to attack, and the problem is not sharp, but to tell everyone, my question is to provoke a lot of ideas: "Now everyone has a lot of discussions about your new play script, and some people say that you do n’t continue to sign the contract, you just want to Take this achievement and make a movie yourself. I think everyone now wants to hear what kind of story it is. It is also your right to explain it yourself. "

Chen Hao still hung a smile on his face: "I think everyone needs to go back and find someone to translate. I will answer this question in Chinese."

"I do n’t have any explanations about whether it ’s a fruit or not. I wo n’t explain it here. I ’ll know by watching the film. What kind of story is this? As everyone knows by name, this is a movie about redemption and a movie about freedom. I can tell you here with certainty that the main actors have been unable to bear the excitement of shooting because they Everyone wants to be the creator of the classics, to be part of the classics. "


There was a buzzing discussion at the scene. A small number of media reporters were Huaxiatong, and some people brought their colleagues who knew Huaxia language. The uproar of these people led everyone's curiosity.

what? what? What did mouse say? Why do you all have such expressions? Tell us about it.

Chen Hao did not stop the chaotic discussion at the scene. He sat there confidently. This is the effect he wanted. Do n’t you question me? I'm telling you confidently now, do you think it comes from a classic movie?

classic movie,?

Soon, everyone knows the meaning of that sentence is confusing. To be crazy, your mouse is definitely the first person in the world. Others are at most arrogant, at most they are not enough to cultivate themselves to be strong And making a joke, you have nothing to do with cultivation, but you are making a commitment to the world, and you are destined to be made into a classic.

Are you crazy? Or do we not know this world anymore?

Are you sure that you are not mistaken, that you want such arrogant propaganda, and that there is no choice of retreat? Are you trying to propagate by whatever means? This is the act of self-destructing the Great Wall. You don't think you are qualified to let us forgive you after failure?

A classic movie? Are you sure that in this era, any major director dares to utter such crazy words before his work is released? Do you think you have surpassed them?

As everyone kept talking, Chen Hao stood up, looked at everyone with a smile, his eyes narrowed into a slit, his hands stuck on the table, his body leaned forward slightly, in a way that no one had thought of, giving I ended my answer just now.

"I think, now that most of you have done the draft question in advance, you have the answer, yes, the film I'm going to shoot now is destined to become a film that will leave a strong mark in the history of world cinema. This is arrogant. Well, it's self-confidence. You can play freely. "

"Okay, I should have answered everything, that's it for today's press conference."

After speaking ~ ~ Leaving the stage straight and walking backward, this one made everyone on the scene dumbfounded. What are you doing, what does this mean, isn't it a good press conference? It's been less than ten minutes from now. You only answered one question. Why did it end?

The buzzing noise was louder than it was just now, and it turned into a noisy sound. Some people felt that this was unacceptable. They would definitely not tolerate someone playing with themselves, and some even shouted that everyone would unite to make the mouse look good. Is it a press conference? Are you when we are all fools?

At this moment, Chen Hao, who was about to enter the aisle and left, turned around and walked back to the stage. From the moment he turned to the stage in just ten seconds, the scene suddenly fell into absolute silence. When he stood in front of the microphone and opened his mouth, everyone converged his inner anger. The roar and anger just now were not shown in a vocal way. See what he was going to say, even if you regret it, we also I won't forgive you, you challenged the bottom line for all of us, which is unforgivable.

"Haha, think about it, how bullish I am, in one sentence, answer the questions all of you want."

Just as everyone was led by him to think, he said aloud again: "At the end of the conference, I have to finish the work of the host."

Looking at everyone's miserable expression, Chen Hao said again: "Are you surprised or not surprised?"

After speaking, leave the scene quickly, and wait for others to enter the passage. The talents at the scene responded that they were being played by the abominable guy again, filled with indignation. Some people rushed directly to the passage, and some rushed the shoes. Thrown in the past.

"You're done, mouse, all the news tomorrow, you will become the public enemy of the media all over the world!"

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