Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 979: Absolute Male No. 1

Brother, would you like to play this big?

The college students below the stage are dumbfounded. I have never seen anyone dare to play.

After a short shock, a warm welcome shouts and applause rang out at the scene. This is the young man's fan. Do n’t hesitate to play. Take the initiative to rush into the sky. What you are playing is unexpected.

What is the new costume of the Emperor of Yiyi, and then Yiyi, it is still the emperor's new costume.

Everyone said yes, everyone said that this film is terrible, wouldn't you go watch it? Didn't you think how good it was after seeing it? That's your problem, because your level is not as good as everyone, so you can't see how good this movie is.

Trick yourself, Chen Hao is the first person in the world.

In the eyes of young people, this is really a manifestation of self-confidence, not absolute self-confidence in their own movies, and no one will open this layer of the veil that everyone can see clearly. Go to the movie theater to see how many people do n’t understand?

Speaking out, to tell the truth, Chen Hao got a lot of thumbs up among young people at once, and those who hate the crowds of money have instead developed a keen interest in this film and should really go and watch it Look, see how good it is. I haven't followed it. A really good work, it is worth us to taste slowly.

The news media covered this issue in an all-round way. In itself, Chen Hao went to lecture to answer the questions of college students, which is a matter worthy of attention. Now he directly speaks amazing. The media likes it very much. There are such stars. Only more people will pay attention to the carrier of the transmission, and the entertainment media will have a better living space. If there are poor news in the long-term circle, it will inevitably lose a large number of audiences, but if you have everyone every day If you are interested in news materials, you can attract more people to pay attention. Not only do the artists on the screen need more people to know, but the media also adds glory to your brand.

"Emperor's New Clothes!"

"MOUSE used the boldest adjectives to describe his movie."

Various media have scrambled to report and attribute the enthusiasm of their films to the "Emperor's New Clothes". How confident he must be to do this kind of thing. There have been similar box office fevers more than once before, and there are indeed many people As for the situation of gold, everyone around you said yes, if you don't walk into the cinema and take a look, you will feel disconnected from the society and everyone, which will stimulate the box office to maintain its growth in the later period.

Before everyone saw it and said nothing, Chen Hao opened his own sole, and unexpected surprises appeared. On the European continent, movie theaters in various countries increased the number of films, and the attendance rate also maintained a very good growth. A conventional auditorium's attendance rate is about 15%, and a broadcast auditorium can approach a 40% attendance rate.

Some viewers were interviewed by the media after they came out. Their answers were also very interesting: "I only saw the actors' performances were great and the plot was very contagious. I don't want to delve into any great art, I just want to say that I saw the old man commit suicide. At that time, my heart seemed to be choked ... "

Some other netizens made some conclusions. The first time they looked at Lao Bu, the second time they looked at Red, and the third time they saw Andy.

Some people commented that Andy played by Chen Hao was called to listen to the thunder in the silent place. It seems that his role of Wan Jinyou was performing Wan Jinyou. You have to watch it two or three times before you can focus on watching his performance and feeling the role of Andy. Power, compared to Rhett's very exaggerated power. From the beginning, Andy's role, you feel like he is a cross-talking character, a tepid interpretation of his semi-human life. After watching it, When you start to reflect on the whole movie, you will find that the pictures presented in your mind are not only Rhett, but also a large part of Andy. What did he do so that we will remember him so clearly?

His escape process lasted for twenty years, during which he has been carrying out his self-redemption plan. In the movie, he did not design any plot of jailbreak, nor did he use any lens to express his preparation for jailbreak. It is agreed with everyone that he was plagiarizing two completely different routines.

The latter is concerned about the super-high IQ of the protagonist. The step-by-step plan is perfectly designed, and then there are measures to deal with the unexpected. Finally, it can be strung together. The plot can be shot from the beginning to the end. There is suspense and tension. The audience's heart followed the lift and walked.

There are not so many intense scenes, even when Andy just entered the prison and was remembered by some people. Numerous times of force threatened him. He resolutely resisted. This most intense drama was also minimized by Chen Hao. For more than two hours, just like storytelling and chatting, the parents in the prison are short, and they are recorded bit by bit through the perspective of voiceover Rhett.

At first glance, there is no major turning point in the plot, only to find out carefully, don't look at the twenty years in this cage, Andy is seeking change every moment, and Lao Bu and Red seem to Efforts on parole, in fact, are still drawing the ground to stay in place. One parole failed, and seamlessly returned to prison life. There is not much sorrow. There is only a little bit of hatred. It has been a long time. Even this point. Hate is gone, more numb.

The numbness of all people is changing because of Andy. From the numbness of everyone to work on the top of the building, there are some complaints, but they have never thought about whether life can change this matter until Andy for them Winning a cold beer; from Rhett's many applications for parole, repeated failures, what is left in the end is nothing more than a follow-up to the passage of time, if Andy adds something new to the prison At the library, we all don't know that a little change can make many changes in life.

When Chen Hao took the lead crew members from Europe and entered Asia, a new round of global enthusiasm came. When the European school proposed the theory that Andy was the only actor and Rhett was not the actor, the discussion was hot. Along with the enthusiasm of fans in Asia, a new round of global pictures has begun.

The first stop in Asia is not the region close to Europe, but the first stop that has chosen to cross the entire Asia to the island country, and start the large-scale promotion in Asia.

The highly developed island nation and South Korea are the beginning of this promotion, and the last one is put in the base camp of China.

Since the landing of the plane, everyone in the crew has felt the enthusiasm of fans, including fans of Chen Hao, fans of movies, and fans of Will Smith. Because of the enthusiasm of Haomen fans, all the people who like this movie have driven People, together to welcome their arrival, put on the warmest welcome position, the purpose is simple, let them feel the warmth of home.

Will Smith's mood on the plane is not too high. He has been struggling to become the protagonist with his own counterattack. During the filming, Chen Hao grabbed the whole drama, which did not reduce his role or weaken his role. After filming, he gave a thumbs-up to Chen Hao's character. However, with the global publicity after word-of-mouth explosion after the film was released, various voices began to come out. The role of Andy was interpreted very carefully in Europe. The power of this character is also vividly presented. He is not the protagonist. Do you really think that Rhett, who is the narrator of the entire story, is the actor?

Someone said that this movie is dual-core, and it has been widely recognized. Now, do you still think so?

Remove the role's own value in the movie, and then watch the two people's pure performances. Do you think Will Smith performed better than MOUSE?

The actor in this movie, Niu Niu, needs the skills of an actor. The writer is also a MOUSE. Everyone can understand why he dares to set the actor in this way, why dare to find Will Smith, who has great acting skills, to play Red. ~ You know, it ’s not enough to win acting skills. Will Smith ’s skin color will give him a lot of advantages over Chen Hao in all competitions, especially in Oscar. Will is in Points are added on the basis of 1, and Chen Haohua ’s identity is reduced on the basis of 1. There will be a small difference in the end distance between the top and bottom.

The two protagonists compete like a 100-meter runway. Even if there is no gap when starting, Will Smith only needs to run to 95 meters, where there is his finish line, and Chen Hao's finish line is at 100. Meters away.

In terms of performance, Will Smith performed very well in a powerful role. And Chen Hao, played a seemingly less powerful role to the situation without losing Will Smith.

At any level to interpret the two characters, more and more details are presented in front of everyone. At this time, you will find that there is no reason to say that Rhett is the number one man.

Will Smith is very frustrated and frustrated. He has been sleeping all the way, but he is actually packing his mood. The show has brought him enough things, and there will be more in the future. It will have more power than all his previous movies. Powerful. During this promotion period, his agent's desk was filled with various scripts, and 20 million became the standard among them. There was also a box office share in addition to this remuneration.

Chen Hao, he is very, very happy, you have a version of the male No. 1 being suppressed by another actor. Now in the same script, you reverse everything, the sense of accomplishment makes him feel very addicted, all his own Efforts have their due value. Today, no one says that Rhett should be the number one male, and **** Weir fans, at best, it is a bit of a bitter addition. This is a dual-core movie.

That's it.

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