Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 980: Incredible

Thousands of fans, from the airport to the hotel, after Chen Hao and others checked in, the entire hotel was full of fans. The island country officially sent elite soldiers, security companies and hotel security, and the three parties cooperated to provide Chen in the hotel area. Hao and Will Smith set up a relatively quiet resting environment.

After entering the room, Will Smith took a bath, changed his clothes, and picked up a little. According to the convention, he was ready to follow Chen Hao and go outside to meet fans. This has been the case all the way. He can see why. The fans of Haomen have such cohesion. MOUSE is also like relatives and friends to them. They really give back to them. Those who have n’t really contacted will feel that he may be making a show. Anyone who has actually contacted knows that. A true feeling cannot be faked at all.

This way, in the hot weather of Africa, he ignored the sun exposure, interacted with fans on the square, and accompanied them to sing and dance.

At the seaside in Australia, he heard a story that fans liked him. On the day, people drove hundreds of kilometers to a grazing village, where he sent the most surprising blessings to a pair of children who liked him.

in Europe……

Along the way, there are many stories. From the initial disapproval to the joy of learning, Will Smith also felt the sincere likes and support of the fans. He also began to follow Chen Hao's tour of publicity and money hunting as much as possible. Bring some feedback to the fans, not only to get more fans' support, seeing their smiling faces, they will also have a great sense of accomplishment.

He was ready here, but Chen Hao didn't move anymore. When I asked, I knew that there was no plan to arrange any activities today.

Will Smith is a little puzzled. There are so many fans waiting outside. With MOUSE's personality, at least I should say hello to everyone and give everyone some responses.

Curiosity prompted him to get to know his assistant. Soon, the assistant came back, apparently he didn't quite understand it. What he said to Will Smith became even more vague: "Half of them are between the two countries. The unpleasantness of the century ago is still continuing. Unless there is something happening to the fans, otherwise every time MOUSE comes over, it will be very formal, and he will not do some things of his own style. There are more people who follow, and he does every little thing. Will be amplified by the media. "

Will Smith asked again several times before he learned more information. It was very puzzled. When he was resting, he felt a flash of light. When he thought of the reason, he shook his head with a bitter smile. It was impossible for entertainment to be completely pure. Some Correctness is also necessary.

MOUSE is so arrogant. His every move can be simply an artist to a fan elsewhere. In this country, he will be extended to other meanings. It is no wonder that such a enthusiastic first stop in Asia, he chose to quietly Silent low-key, unless it is a formal event, otherwise in the hotel, not going out and saying hello to the media, when Will Smith in the evening, watched Chen Hao's live broadcast for the first time, although he did not understand What Chen Hao was talking about did not have any subtitles during the live broadcast, but many talent shows and many guest talent shows still showed him interest.

"If you want to watch his live broadcast, you can go to our English version of the platform. There will be a delay of about ten minutes. Some people will do subtitles and real-time dubbing for translation. Most people still like to watch subtitles and don't like to listen to real-time translation. This is the same as watching a movie. Everyone likes to watch the original version. It ’s good to match the subtitles. ”The assistant went outside to prepare some fruits for him, and came back to see that he was watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, reminding him that there is a better way to watch .

Will Smith was very interested. He asked the assistant to download the English version for himself, and then went to watch the live broadcast of Chen Hao. With the subtitles, it felt different. After watching it for a while, he was a bit unwilling to perform- Hope, there are more than 4 million people online in real time, and it is no wonder that MOUSE has never bothered to do its own promotion.

After a little fun, Will Smith knocked on the door of Chen Hao's hotel room. Two people sat together to broadcast live. Soon, the number of viewers in the live room exceeded 5 million. Black people were born with music rhythm cells. Chen Hao performed For a dance, Will was also willing to perform with him.

The two performed their talents in the live studio and sold them.

The image inside is very different from this time. The huge contrast conflict that made the whole world like this play and then downloaded Lele to watch the two viewers and new fans, all felt too incredible. The original two thought Individuals can dance fun and funny dances together, and they can look forward to them more in the future. They will certainly not be limited to shooting similar films. The wider the road, the more directions audiences and fans can enjoy.

For example, Sun Honglei, everyone was looking forward to the police-bandit films he played. His image of a fierce big man is familiar and recognized by everyone. As long as there is a similar subject, everyone will think of him. When it came out, Yan Wang made his debut, and the image of pretending to be a fool to sell Meng Zhonger came out. Everyone found out that our Red Ray brother also has so many plastic directions, and he has expectations for his comedy or variety show. Turning his head around, he will act again, then everyone ’s response will be even greater, not only full of expectations, but also a good surprise for him. If there is no second image added to the variety show, he plays Lincoln Even if Bruce performs well, everyone will think that he is suitable for playing such a tough guy. It should be good, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

Now Will Smith is following a similar situation with Chen Hao. This person followed a live broadcast for a day and came to interest. After the end of the promotion the next day, he managed to squeeze back into the hotel and take a bath. I ran to Chen Hao's room, ordered food first, and followed him live with interest.

Fans in any region will have local fans. Among the fan group who like Chen Hao, there are no shortage of local tyrants in the island country. Others have promoted movies in the island country. They have been able to have a good attendance for more than ten days. There are very good data, and there are a lot of tourists from the island countries when they are broadcasting. At present, there are only two versions of the live broadcast platform in Chinese and English. The remaining platform data docking in various languages, Lele is still doing it, it seems that there are ten minutes Time to do translations and subtitles, but you have to know that when Lele broadcasts live, there is more than just a Chinese anchor in Hao Chen.

The local tyrants in these island country fans are crazy about brushing gifts in the five and five live broadcast rooms. There is no better way to pass their demands to Chen Hao. Brushing gifts occupies the contribution list of the live broadcast room and gets Haozi's attention. If you are not sure, you can represent the majority of island fans and pass their appeals to Hao Zi.

Attitude and enthusiasm, never say a word, say a lot of mistakes, no one can be exempted under the great national righteousness, must pay attention to their own words and deeds, any omissions will be caught, and then the big Book Special Book.

On the domestic front, Chen Hao got the news, so this low-key trip to the island country can be as low-key as possible. Some domestic impassioned fans are trying to form a moral abduction to keep him from going to the island country. The islander here is crazy about painting gifts, and wants to pass on the fans ’demands to Chen Hao. All he can do is turn off the live broadcast in about time. Even the live broadcast will not be broadcast, and he knows that the fans know no borders. The fans here are too unfair, but there is nothing they can do about it. What they can do is to relax the atmosphere of the scene as much as possible during the publicity activities, lengthen the time of the event, play more games, and make the atmosphere of the whole event relaxed.

In the afternoon of the third day, after flying to South Korea, the depression was only slightly dispersed. The propaganda of the island country was successful, and the box office that had gradually flattened up again. After the event received official and public support, they also started to speak ~ ~ from a relatively fair perspective to publicly evaluate the film and give it the status and honor it deserves.

Will Smith felt that he had met very crazy and enthusiastic fans in the island country, but he did not know that he had arrived in South Korea. Only two days after the plane landed, he knew what a really crazy fan was.

From the airport, along the sides of the highway, thousands of fans pulled banners and stood in the safe area by the road. After arriving at the hotel, at 12 pm, there were still thousands of fans waiting downstairs and refused to leave. Holding Chen Hao's posters and movie posters, once someone similar to the crew or related people walked by, they immediately stood up and pulled the banner apart.

When Chen Hao came downstairs at twelve, Will followed curiously. His fans hadn't seen such a crazy one. There were only ten or eight on the scene. They chose to stay with the army.

Chen Hao ordered a thousand copies of supper in the hotel, and gave it to the fans who were already waiting for him to support him late at night. With his appearance, more than a thousand people sang his songs together, passing them the most authentic voice. Aspiration-You are our hero.

What makes Will Smith most incredible is that when Chen Hao appeared to give everyone a supper in person, the scene was not crowded and crowded, and everyone was able to line up, seeing one by one with the idols, without stopping, At most during the night of the night, say a very excited word.

"It's incredible." Will Smith talked about it during the next day's activity. He thought it was too incredible and unimaginable. As a result, it didn't take long for him to talk. After completing the propaganda in Southeast Asia, when the last stop was Huaxia, the first city magic city, the fans used actual actions to explain to Will Smith what is truly incredible.

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