The next morning at dawn, Harun and his men, as well as the Aka warriors, left for the courtyard.

“Are you okay? ”

Harun's eyes turn to Lemi. She's dedicated to the treatment of warriors.

“Yes, it's all better now. I even ate the potion.”

Then I saw that my complexion was a little pale, but everyone was moving perfectly. Unlike yesterday, Dylan has a reverent look in his eyes.

“Let's go practice, then. ”

Harun and his men head for the mountain void.

“Ouch! It's Sachin. ”

“We'll get you out of here. ”

Taniella and Mirus grumble and follow the others. I didn't force anyone to do it, but I liked the way they assisted me with the other crew members.

The two wizards picked a good spot and meditated, and the others lightly warmed up and began their training. Donnes and Marie also had basic fitness training and strength training, not archery.

After breakfast, Harun headed inside the castle. I had to buy groceries, medicines, and clothes. I also had to notify the tower that I would accept the quest.

That's how Durbone, Remy and Auxerre followed him. They are like the Warriors' representatives, so I thought it would be better to keep an eye on the deal. The rest decided to spend time either training or doing their job.

While the three warriors carefully examined Harun's behavior while buying goods, they enjoyed eating all kinds of meals in the middle of the street.

I didn't have to buy that much in Tantun Village, but I had to buy things in bulk in order to make a deal with other Aki villages.

Thousands of flour, including rye and barley flour, were purchased in 10,000 sacks. Instead of the rock salt they mainly consume, they also bought a thousand sacks of white salt and a whole bunch of spices. I bought ten bags of all kinds of medicinal ingredients, and I bought thousands of different kinds of clothing, starting from fashionable underwear to normal clothes.

Together, they reached over 70,000 gold, but Harun didn't care.

I was worried that I might use a twig, but it was just a rain. Merchants sold goods at a discount of 30 percent.

"Is this the effect of hero points? ’

I could have. Or maybe it's because the power of three people other than Lemi is so bad. Anyway, after ordering all the items on the purchase list, I went around and found out that the price was quite cheap.

“Now let's go to the tower. ”

“What are you doing in the tower? ”

Lemi, who had a candy stick in her mouth, asked with a cute face. She was interested in the words "Horse Tower" as a shaman.

“I have something to buy. ”


I wouldn't ask so many questions at the same time. Why don't you want to go there?

“I'm going in alone, so you guys are eating around here. ”


“Hahaha! What can I get you? ”

Auxer smiles at the sound of food. Since we ate only food that was not properly seasoned or ground, we came to eat sweet, salty and spicy food.

“Eat what you want. I don't care.”

“Haha! I made a promise. ”

“I'm going to try them all. And we'll get the others. ”


I liked taking care of my colleagues even though I had appetite. However, it didn't matter whether Harun or them or others were unconscious.

Harun gave Lemi 30 gold. He also gave three gold pieces to Durbon and Auxerre. You can buy as much food as you want from the stall.

Keeping them in the marketplace, Harun heads for Pacochu Horse Tower. Although there are many branches of the tower here in Demo City, it is the only place that is related to itself, so it is headed there.

The branch of the Pacochu Tower was shaped like an upside down bottle. It looked like the interior was enchanted by the expansion of space, and it was not that big to look at from the outside, and the sculpture stood out.

As you open the door, a bright and cheerful voice greets him.

“Welcome, customer! ”

She was a girl in her late teens. Even though it was a wizard's unique robe, the chest, waist, and buttocks highlighted maturity as if they were a separate hand, drew people's attention.

“Do you have the magic item you're looking for? ”

There were not many people in the room. However, magic items are so expensive that ordinary people can't even dream, so there can't be that many guests.

“I'd like to buy some potions. ”

“Oh, potions? Are you familiar with the Potion in the Tower? You already know that unlike temple potions, trauma only works, right? ”

Bright is good, but I felt chatty because the words were too fast. This class has already been experienced by the Harun sisters, but the impression has solidified. She opens her mouth with a deeper smile as if she had noticed such a subtle change in Harun.

“Ah! You know you're looking for it. So let's go upstairs and take a look at the stuff. ”

Harun follows her upstairs. The second floor, as expected, was a full-fledged store with expansion magic, ten times wider than the outside. On the second floor, there were various magical weapons and armor that were enchanted by sections, as well as potions and scrolls.

Harun ordered 1,000 Lesser Potions and 500 Medium Bottles. If it was intended for you and the Storm Mercenaries, you would have purchased it as well, but these are for the Aka Warriors.

Scrolling also purchased a hundred copies for each type of attack, expense and escape. The scrolls had been thinking about buying it for a while. It was so expensive that I couldn't even afford it, but I was going to buy it now. Although there are two 5-Circle Wizards in the mercenary army, it's the life of mercenaries who don't know when or what will happen.

“Let's see the magic backpack. ”

“Oh, yes! Wait a minute!”

The shopkeeper took note of Harun's purchases and was surprised the whole time. Finally, after seeking understanding, he ran upstairs. I thought it was great for that huge quantity, but when I found the magical backpack that fits into the most expensive item sold in the tower, I decided I couldn't handle it on my own.

Eventually, I felt secure. A middle-aged wizard with a clean face came down with a cashier.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Deputy Director Price here. ”

“Nice to meet you, too. ”

After a moment of greeting, Price looks at Harun with an interesting look.

“I hear you're looking for a magic backpack, but what size would you like it to be? ”

“Does one wagon come in? ”

“Yes, of course I do. Our Pacochu Mart has the most enchanted family of towers. Of course I do.”

Price replied with a very proud face.

“How much is it? ”

“200,000 gold per person. However, I will give you up to 140,000 gold because you have purchased so far, and that prayer is not unusual. ”

Seeing that the same discount rate was applied, it seems that the hero's point had an advantage.

“Are there any larger capacity? ”

Harun's words, looking for something bigger, intensified the Station Head's gaze. Apparently, he didn't care about money at all. Otherwise, as the Pyrin Empire was under construction, the identity system collapsed and the nobles and knights, the main consuming class of the tower, collapsed. For a while, no expensive magic goods were sold at all.

"This is amazing! ’

Price smiles faintly. Apparently he was not a guest to talk to here.

“Can I talk to you in my office? ”

“Is that so?”

It's Harun. There can be no other complaints. So I followed him to the Oval Office on the third floor. The innkeeper who was following them quickly started preparing the car.

Harun, who had his back on a big, comfortable pouch, was ready to watch the room for a while.

“What do you do for a living? ”

You may wonder. There won't be many people who buy magic goods in this quantity.

“I'm leading a small mercenary. ”

“Ah! You're a mercenary commander. ”

I wanted to ask you more, but it was a hesitant surprise to see Harun's taste for tea.

“That's a good move. ”

“Haha! A tea made with roasted young Marrow leaves from the southern coast of the continent. It has a crisp aftertaste. ”

“I see. ”

The conversation between the two of them had a moment returned to the point.

“In fact, we have three pieces of the five wagon backpacks, handcrafted by our previous tower master, an excellent magical backpack that not only prevents the enchanting attacks of the five circles, but also carries the Master Awareness Magic and Cleanliness Magic. ”

“Ah! A magical backpack handmade by Huberon would be great. ”

Harun is pleased to hear a familiar name. As he approaches Harun, Charles or Price whispers, trying to ask how Huberon is doing.

“But the price is 800,000 gold. ”

“Hmm, 800,000 gold. ”

I can't feel it because it's too much money. Especially compared to reality, my head ached.

“How long does it last? ”

“It's made by the Great Sage of Eight Circles, so you won't have to go for hundreds of years. In fact, we don't know the lifespan. But the record says that the magical backpack created by the Seven Circles Wizard has a 350 year lifespan, and that's how much we know. ”


Harun was amazed with a pure heart. It was a concern, by the way. I'd like to invest 800,000 gold and buy five wagons of magic backpacks, but I'm not sure I can get that money. No, to run the Merchant Guild as he thought, a magic backpack was necessary.

His thought of ascent was to move with a minority elite, going deeper into the remote area where ordinary merchants would not go. Especially if the goods to be traded like the Akas are expensive, there will be quite a lot left.

Of course, if the merchants were to hear this idea, they would bite the bubbles right away. The idea of going up with hundreds of thousands of gold magical backpacks is absurd. It was clear that having that money would make you think you could earn more if you managed to run the Merchant Guild safely and spend a little more time and effort.

‘But I'll make a deal with the Akas, Dwarves and Elves. ’

I had a hard time thinking about it. Of course, the creation of the Merchant Guild will be done separately from this. This is purely Harun's personal idea.

“Let's buy three of those and ten backpacks for a wagon. Can I get paid in jewelry? ”

“Oh, yes, of course. ”

Price's face brightens without knowing it. It really blows up. He must have been the first to close such a deal at once. Demo City ranks first in sales of magical goods belonging to one of the biggest missions in the whole continent.

The innkeeper, who was watching, suddenly thought about calculating in his head, opened his mouth, drooled, and quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

“You have a refreshing personality. It would take a lot of time for a merchant to bargain. I'll give you 40 percent off the total price on my authority. So the best is 480,000 gold per person and the best is 120,000 gold, so only 264,000 gold backpacks. Potions and scroll prices there, let's see. It's 320,000 gold for the same discount. So that makes 2.96 million gold. ”

Price was drooling on the federal lips as he spoke. This amount is the best sales since the demo city office. No, that's more than a year's worth of sales.

Harun unpacked the gems from the sub-space without a word. I don't know how much I need it, so I took it out.

“I'd like to hear from the authorities, please. ”

“Yes, just a moment. I'll call the gem appraiser. ”

The head of the branch looked at the lady.

“I'll get him back as soon as I can, Master. ”

“Yes, millen. As soon as possible.”

Turns out he wasn't just a clerk, he was a wizard. He was also a disciple of the branch manager.

Soon after she jumped out, a female wizard of a similar age came in.

“Ah, Pirreal! Welcome. I want to introduce you. ”

The Station Head welcomed her. I think I heard something from Millen. He glanced at Harun with his eyes, as if he had met his close friend.

“I'm Pirreal, the site manager for Demo City Mart. Her lifelong pet. It's an honor to have such a great guest. ”

Harun finally understood why the deputy director welcomed him so much. It was also through her attitude that she knew that this deal would benefit the Station Leader greatly. By the way, when you set up the merchant guild's Node in Demo City, you should greet them properly as this is a horse tower you can trade frequently with.

“Greetings. I am Harun, leader of the gale mercenaries." ”

“Yes, nice to meet you. But, ha, what about Harun? Storm mercenaries!”

Her eyes widen as she greeted. Not just her, but the head of the branch was responding as well. He didn't hear Harun's name when he said hello.

“Oh, my God! A gale mercenary. Commander Harun.”

The Station Head, who was talking to himself with a dejected face, quickly ran out without saying a word. Pirreal glances at Harun's face, questioned by his reaction.

“I went to inform the teacher that the commander had visited. The teacher asked me to politely greet the commander as soon as possible. ”

“Ah! I see. ”

I wanted to tell her I wasn't here for the quest this time, but I didn't have to tell her that.

Shortly after, the Station Head's office was swarming with more than ten people. Among them, there was a gem appraiser who didn't know the English language, and he had been dented in the corner by the head of the branch and the force of the tower's tower's tower.

“Hahaha! If you're here, don't look for me first. ”

Huberon shakes Harun's hand, his eyes glaring as if disappointed. Price and Pirreal were very surprised that Harun was Hoveron and Sphere.

“I came by today because I have something to buy. ”

“Still. We don't need to see each other's faces until something happens between us. ”

Of course, there was once a face, but this reaction was a bit excessive. Harun was somewhat embarrassed, but Huberon was not rough-hearted.

“Say hello, everyone. Hero Captain Harun of the Storm Mercenaries who rescued many from the land of Silence against the Dark Elves. ”

The wizards who were looking for an opportunity to greet him asked him to shake his hand. Everyone knew about his struggle, so they were giving him a hot look. Harun loses his composure to the point of not responding well to how intense their reactions are.

Huberon smiles something meaningful on Harun's face, where he is overwhelmed by embarrassment.

“Our wizards are not interested in you because of your heroic actions, but because you are the most outstanding of all the known spirits. As you know, spiritual magic is almost gone, so we're very interested in it. ”


Harun raised his heart when he found out the real reason why they had such affection and curiosity for him. I thought he was showing too much attention to mercenaries.

“When the time comes, will you give us a lecture on spiritual magic? We know it in theory, but we don't know the details. Did you know? Could spiritual magic have made them stronger? ”

Harun shakes his head unwittingly.

“Oh, no. I don't know enough about spiritual magic to give a lecture. I just happen to be familiar with it, and it lacks a theoretical basis. So I had something to ask you.... ”

“Hmm. Is that so? Too bad. We'll get a lot out of each other during discussions. ”

Huberon was a face that could not let go of stubbornness. Other wizards reacted similarly.

“Later on, when the spirit magic is sorted out, we must have a discussion with the people here. because it would help me. ”

“Hahaha! Please. You promised?”

“Yes, I will. I told my face and I to make a deal with this place. ”



“Hahaha! Thank you, thank you. By the looks of your relationship with Empress Aggressia and my face. ”

Since the aristocrats have vanished and a new consuming force has yet to emerge to fill that gap, every tower is holding a serious financial deficit. Although foreigners are buying large magical items, most of them are unable to afford items like scrolls.

In this situation, Harun the Great, who buys 3 million gold magical items, is truly a valuable guest in the tower. Even if it's not, there's something else to be honored about.

“Station Chief, what was the total price of goods purchased by Harun this time? ”

“Yes, Master. 2,960,000 gold in total. ”

“Save 20 percent more on it at my discretion. Even though the profits will decrease, if you think about it in the future, the deal with Commander Harun is worth it. ”

“Yes, I understand. Otherwise, An-hyeon and I were going to ask the teacher for it. ”

At Price's words, Huberon smiles satisfactorily and gently taps his shoulder.

“Yes, is there anything else I can get you? ”

“I do.”


“I need more magic backpacks made by the Tower Lord. ”

Harun was going to get more of the top five wagon backpacks this time.

“What on earth are you planning to fill so many magical backpacks? ”

Harun has been unable to answer his questions for a long time. I was confused if I could tell the story.

“Why, is it a trade secret? Don't you think we should be prepared? ”

The New Merchant Guild may not deal with Dwarf goods or Elvish items of any kind, but they are rare. In that sense, a horse tower that has been selling expensive items for a long time could be an attractive friendly force or intermediary.

Harun hardens his mind and opens his mouth.

“I'm going to bring you the armor the dwarves made and the items the elves made. ”


Huberon and all the wizards in the room had flagships.

“What! Really? ”

“Yes. There are gale mercenaries and dwarves and elves who live like brothers. ”

Harun's words tear his mouth to his ears. Thinking about those precious items, my head seemed to brighten with a faint glow.

“Kahahaha! If their items are enchanted with the magic enchantments of our Horse Tower, then they are truly legendary armor! Hahahaha!”

“No, that's right, Master. It is imperative that our tower take over the enchantments of those objects. ”

The two of them were excited to mention an enchantment that Harun had never even thought of.

Enchantments? If you add a magical enchantment process to items with high art and completeness, you will truly create a luxury item. ’

At best, I brought up the story to get help selling, but I gained valuable information unexpectedly.

“I was going to ask for it anyway. ”

Harun's words caught their ears.

“Kahahaha! Thank you, we'll be the best partners ever. ”

Huberon shakes Harun's hand as he bursts into agitation.

This is the greatest thing ever. Just by being able to exclusively enchant items created by Dwarves and Elves, you can earn several times as much as the amount of Horse Tower Branches earn. It is guaranteed to be reliable and high returns.

Unlike the wizards at Martha HQ, most of the wizards at the HQ are talented in commercial activity. Ordinary people who are not familiar with the situation of the tower may think that the wizards of the branch office were taken or removed from the headquarters and sent to the branch office, but this is completely different.

With magical experiments that require almost unlimited funding, it is vital that you make as much money as it is to create new magic. Because of this, the vice masters are in charge of any tower or finance, and they are respected even when their hardship is low.

The majority of the wizards who are dispatched to the branch are also disappointed in the Horse Tower. Those who do not have the ability to be in charge of politics or coordination with the lord do not even think about coming out to the branch office and have to be reluctant to take care of others at the headquarters of the tower.

“Hahaha! I thought it was odd that King Aggresia regarded you as special, hoping it was a good feeling between men and women, but I didn't understand it. Now I see. The one with the comet already knows your abilities. ”

“W-what are you saying...? ”

Harun felt an intense heat in his body as he conveyed the love between Princess Agressia and men and women. It is frightened by nonsense. If word gets out, the Old Theon Empire and the Pyrin Empire won't be able to eat itself.

“Hahaha! I'm joking! I've known His Majesty's wisdom since I was a child, but I didn't understand taking care of you for a moment. I've met you, too, and I admire your vast chest gold and your superhuman abilities, but I still don't understand how the king values you so much. ”

“I thought the Lord of the Tower's jokes would stop me from joking. ”

“Hahahaha! I'm relieved to die now, considering the theorem and bright future between our Pacho Mart and the storm troopers. ”

Harun's heart was heavy because he seemed to see a proper leader in the future of the tower even after giving up his position. He wasn't sure he could be that kind of leader.

“Come on, Bedron, feel these jewels. Seek understanding from the guests on the inside and send them away, as this may be a distraction. ”

“Yes, Your Highness! ”

Bedron, who is in charge of jewelry, reaches Harun's side, reliving his taste. The other wizards smiled at each other, looking at each other's faces, and all but the branch chiefs went out together.

“Sir! Sorry, we're closed for the day. ”

“What are you talking about? The sun is still rising. ”

“I'm sorry, all the wizards in the branch have to be welcomed by a very special guest. But come back tomorrow and I'll give you 20 percent off. ”

“Well, I guess so. ”

“Come here. Fill out your guestbook and book your visit so we can give you a good discount. ”

I didn't have to use an impression to give a discount. After a short time, the gates of the Pakochu Tower branch were tightly closed.

After a few guests left, Huberon took Harun out into the open.

“Yes, how did you decide to do that? ”

Harun nods at Huberon, who is buried in a gentle voice.

“Fortunately, the crew decided to do what I wanted. ”

“Hahaha! Of course! I can't do this without the storm troopers. ”

“I just want you to consider it, as it's a very dangerous area. ”

“Very well. I will do my best to repay you in full." We have two million gold allowances. ”

Harun was satisfied with the amount. I took great care of Empress Evelyn, so I didn't pay much attention to the price of the Pacochu Horse Tower. In response, Huberon smiled with a satisfied face.

Having ascertained the potential of Haroon's gale mercenaries, Huberon has convinced the other captains of the cosmetic tower to do the best he can.

“But I have a favor to ask. ”


“I had a request a long time ago for an artifact. It turns out that the Imperial Horse Tower, Pacochu Horse Tower, is in possession of it. ”

“Really? What's that? ”

“An ancient artifact of wisdom. ”

“Oh! That. Yes, I know. We don't need this stuff, so it shouldn't be a problem. I'll have the fragments of wisdom retrieved through the warp right away. And the rest will be accompanied by children. ”

“Very well. I will return and prepare myself as soon as I receive the fragments of wisdom." ”

“Yeah, well, I'm glad things worked out. ”

The quest was also important, but Huberon was satisfied that he had promised the future to the storm troops. As long as trust is maintained between each other, Pacochu Horse Tower was able to achieve a stable high yield by enchanting the magic that could add more value to the exclusive items provided by the blast mercenaries.

After having a pleasant chat with each other, the fragments of wisdom I had asked for were transmitted through the warp.

Harun finally had one of the fragments of wisdom known to him, and his emotions were new.

"How far will the wisdom within grow me?" ’

Harun, who put precious fragments of wisdom in the sub-space with excitement in his heart, left the tower in the presence of the unfortunate wizards of Huberon and his branch.

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