After seeing the Horse Tower, Harun returned to his quarters outside the castle with a crowded Aka warrior watching the market, briefly looking at the faces of his trainees and heading straight for his room. Dylan takes his place in front of his visit and meditates when he asks you not to find him for something special.

‘He's an unstoppable man. ’

Dylan's actions were burdensome, but he felt uncomfortable knowing how much he cared for himself. In fact, Dylan, an old nobleman and close to the Sword Master, may take this position to honor Harun and be respected by other men and mercenaries.


Harun sits down and pulls out fragments of wisdom. Like everything else, the book-shaped stone was clearly etched in the palm of its hand. It didn't seem that different from what he had.

Harun excitedly opens his palms and puts them in the shaded area. At that moment, I wanted the space in front of my eyes to collapse, and the space of courtesy caught my attention.

Magic Origin and Development Process and Utilization

As I thought, this time it was about magic. The first is about the flesh, and the second is about Mana. And thirdly, those who deal with fragments of wisdom learn about magic.

Harun focused on the lecture. In front of his eyes was a young wizard dressed in white with a golden trim. It seemed to be an ancient wizard's unique outfit.

Magic is a method or discipline of artificial and purpose-oriented use using Mana. As I said in my lecture, Mana is the fundamental force that makes this world exist. However, we subdivide and define the power in our own way, and we do not know what the root of the power is or where the detailed difference comes from.

However, what we have found so far is that Mana is actually a mixture of tangible materials, close to intangible wavelengths, and all of Mana's unique characteristics.

Since the discovery and definition of the existence and concept of Mana since the ancient age, humans have studied how it can be beneficial to humans.

One of the most striking characteristics of Mana is that it responds sensitively to human will. Perhaps because our bodies and minds are made of Mana, Mana, who responds to human will, could be expressed in various forms.

A number of scholars have spent a long time researching, and it turns out that humans can accumulate in the body by willingness to match their own characteristics or flesh. Of course, it is only a rare probability, equivalent to one in many human beings, but a variety of attempts have been made since it was discovered.

Mana may cause any phenomenon through external mana resonance, depending on the human will, rather than just staying in the body, or a strange phenomenon that stimulates muscles and increases the strength of the sword through Mana Rod, which flows similarly to the flow of blood.

We humans have long been experimenting to find ways to convert will into sound. It has been exploring what shamans use since ancient times, and unlike the language commonly used to communicate, it has been called runes, which use only voices to provoke a specific reaction.

In order to pass on the runes to future generations, he made the runes to convey their unique meaning as well as their pronunciation.

It was only after the runes were discovered that the study of magic began. It is merely magic to control objects or animals with sound, but it is magic to resonate with an alien mana with a rune containing Mana in the body and create a new phenomenon.

Magic came to Nachs' generation to build a skeleton of elemental magic and spiritual magic, death magic and transformation magic, and Deronsowant's band, called the Magic Father, was able to organize a total of 10 steps and practice according to each circle…….

The Magic Origin and the lecture on its history lasted for two hours. This was merely an introduction, but Harun was filled with joy and gripping his hands.

Harun was able to learn some of the magic that he had only seen for a short time. Perhaps what he learned from the fragments of wisdom is much different from modern Beyond's magic. It is because the magic of this world was completely extinct during the age of the knights, the Kingdom, and during the Dark Ages, it was rebuilt by the emergence of the Ancient Wizards and is only now being completed.

The next one will be about the spirit magic he wanted so badly.

Types of magic and their introduction

Conventionally, magic was sorted out in Nachs' batch.

Magic can be categorized into elemental magic and death magic, central system magic, transformational magic, psychic magic, healing magic, and spiritual magic.

Elemental magic embodies magic using Mana, which has the most characteristic properties of the elements making up the world, and refers to magic with prefixes such as fire, water, small, wind, light, and Thunder.

The Fire family's magic generates a special rune that draws Mana of fire attributes in succession. Its power depends on the combination and number of runes.


Death magic is magic that mediates the bones or blood of the dead or their souls to exert a different power than that of the real world. There are many side effects to the magic of this lineage, expressed from shamans' spells that summon the soul of a lion to hear its will or desire, but the training method is relatively easy for many wizards to choose from.

Using the bones of the dead, magic generates a special rune that collects Mana in the process of returning to nature, allowing the object to move to the dinosaurs according to its combination and number of runes.


Central system magic is magic that makes the wizard's body an object of magic. Fly, Hayes, Gravity, Strength, and Change Magic. This is magic that targets a vessel containing Mana, so it can be learned relatively quickly, but on the other hand, the body that becomes a vessel can easily break. If magic fails to accumulate, the vessel can be broken.


Transformation magic combines special runes with living creatures to create new beings. Magic that attaches a monster's body to a human body or a human's head to a monster's body belongs here. The transmutation system magic at the top can only change its appearance when magic is cast, and because of its side effects, it is not used lightly without the invasion of the magic system.


Psychological magic can penetrate the mind of an opponent through a unique wave of runes that affect the mind, causing the phenomenon of facts, manipulation of memories, disappointment, brainwashing, and unconscious manipulation. Like the transformation system magic, the side effects should not be used lightly in the deep sea.


Therapeutic magic uses Mana's special vibrations to stop blood flow, to remove or scatter neuron-damaging substances, or to stimulate the body's own self-healing power to help heal. There are side effects that shorten the life expectancy, especially if you have a clear and pure Mana that is beneficial for healing, or because it drastically increases the life force of the subject. Because of this, wizards who study healing magic must use ancillary medicines to reduce side effects.


Spirit magic is magic that uses their power and abilities in this world through spirits and contracts that live in the spirit world based on their inherently born affinity and will. Unlike other enchantments, this magic cannot be used even if you are trying because you need a unique Manawa friendship called Spirit Mana. Elves and fairies of the heterogeneous species are known to be skilled in spiritual magic and superior spirits are known to be limited in humans.

Approximate. "

Having gained a rough understanding of the fragments of wisdom, Harun was able to close his eyes for a moment and calm his complex mind with the sequelae of receiving too much information at once.

‘Huhu. I wish I'd just heard the part about Spirit Magic, but I've had to hear it all from the beginning. It's really hard. ’

It was a placenta that I did not understand the concepts that followed the magic at all. I barely heard the introduction, but I gave up on the introduction. It was even more difficult because it was the last turn of spirit magic.

‘Anyway, it'll help Taniella and Myrus. We'll listen to the rest later when we have time and deal with the horseshoes first. ’

Harun gave up studying the fragments of wisdom and summoned a slut.

Master, I'm done. I did good, right?

He said, giving out a very small stable stone from the beginning. It seemed like the work was difficult. Is it a hallucination that the bloodshot one looks like she's got a little wrinkle on her face?

- Did you get it right?

- Of course, I went through a lot of trouble filtering out the essence of the Curry Bay.

Harun can see a sliver of his grimace, even though he has a grumpy attitude. He must have received considerable force through this operation.

- Well done, then go finish your training.

Shouldn't we give him something if he's struggling like this?

It was a heartache.

Rough stones here!

Harun threw the elemental stone he had taken out to give to him earlier. Either way, the bitch's mouth catches her ear.

This is it.

What I gave him, unlike the other four elements, was that none of the properties were expressed, but it seemed more appropriate to him.

After the bitch disappeared, Harun observed a refined cobblestone. The fingernails were the size of a kidney egg, and the middle and lower grade were as small as rice eggs. However, unlike Manasuk, he was able to smell the scent of dark mana.

How do we absorb this? ’

Harun hesitated for a moment and swallowed up the idea that Manassek was a group of gemstones, unlike Manassek. Then he turned his consciousness inside his body and began to observe the reaction.

"Wow, that's amazing. ’

The pure cobblestone began to unravel as soon as it entered the top. The released Mana begins to scatter like fog.

‘Fine! Let's turn the Mana Flow around. ’

Harun drags Mana from the Mana Ocean and makes her run the Mana Road. The long, deliberate Mana quickly crosses the Mana Road and starts to attract the nearby Mana, and the Mana that has been released from the stable begins to join its inhalation.


The amount of new Mana that started joining the existing Mana was enormous. The sheep were also sheep, but little did they leave or perish until they had all crossed the Mana Road and settled in the Mana Ocean. It was pure Mana, I assure you.

As the Mana Flow multiplied, the amount of Mana began to explode. The amount of pure Mana that was accumulated in one horse's life was substantial.

Harun is almost ecstatic. As the Mana Flow accelerated, horseshoe Mana, which would naturally flow into muscles, bones, or fine Mana Road, was absorbed by the existing Mana.

This Mana Ocean has been greatly enlarged by the Thunderbolt's performance. Having returned to Mana Ocean through hundreds of Mana Flows, Mana has grown much larger, making her feel strong. When I finally opened my eyes, thinking I had absorbed some of the mana of the stable stone, a bright light flowed out like the sun and disappeared.

‘Nearly a tenth of it absorbed. The rest has flowed to the body, including muscles and bones, but if you keep spinning the Mana Flow, it won't take long before it can absorb everything. ’

Although it was not the Mana Flow that drove the Mana Road all over the body, but a relatively simple and inefficient Mana Flow that only drove the center of the torso, the Mana of the purified stallion was extremely pure, so its efficiency was very high. Safer this way was better for a pure maniac.

Harun got up from his seat and released the muscles that had become stiff by doing basic exercises. He took out the smash and injected Mana. I wondered how much it had grown.

When the Mana is fully injected, two blades of smashing are produced, and the palm-length blade of the blade is snapped out of the blade. The color intensified to accept the new Mana, and its thickness and length extended to more than twice its original size.

‘With a sword like this, it's definitely intermediate. ’

Now it was meaningless to know that the amount of Mana could not be weighed, but it felt good to see the length of the sword or its thickness getting thicker.

‘It's the crew's turn. ’

Now that you've confirmed the power of Mana on the stable, it's the crew's turn. But it was too late. After opening the door, Dylan sits down, locked in meditation, and his eyes open.

“Well done, Lord Dylan. ”

Dylan senses Harun's mood brighter than ever before.

“What's going on? ”

“That's a good thing, but I'll let you know in front of the crew tomorrow. ”

“Very well. I'll be going, then. ”

“Sleep well. ”

Harun feels thankful and sorry for Dylan, who is his oldest and most skilled escort. If it is known that someone close to the Sword Master is doing this, Harun will probably have a very long life for that insult.

The next morning.

Harun heads to a clearing used by others as a training ground. Then, unlike every other time they went into training, they gathered people around themselves. The eyes of those who were curious were drawn to Harun.

The first person to receive the benefits of the stallion was Tino, the least powered of the crew. Harun looks at Tino with warm eyes.


“Yes, commander. ”

“Do you know anything about Mana Flow? ”

“No, I don't know. But this time, I was told that while I was being guided by Sir Dylan, there was such a thing. ”

Suddenly, the attention of the crew was focused on the words, "Mana Flora." Harun's gaze is on Dylan. Then the eyes of the other crew turned to him. Dylan takes a moment to think and opens his mouth.

“There is a secret method of Mana craftsmanship under the sword that was once known. ”

Everyone has heard about Mana Performing Law. It is a curious way to make Mana easy to reach Exports in a very special way that can be grounded in certain places, rather than all over the body. However, only the highest-ranking noble families with the Mana technique were the ball and the Marquis.

“Mana technique is extremely rare, so many swords have training technique instead of Mana technique. Unlike Mana Crafting, where you sit in the right position and concentrate your mind and activate the Mana Road in your body, the Training Sword is a Mana Crafting technique that can be modified by creating Mana Ocean that creates a steady motion for your breath while simultaneously depositing Mana in your body. Of course, efficiency is less than Mana. Once you begin to accumulate Mana in your body, you will find something called Mana Ocean that can store Mana in your body, but in order to use that Mana efficiently, you need to activate Mana Road. ”

I knew most of the explanations so far. Only Marie is making the first face she hears.

“Mana Flow and Mana arts are similar, but they have different meanings. In other words, if Mana technique is a higher concept, Mana Flow is a lower concept. And of course, at some point you're going to realize that that distinction is wrong, but that's all you need to understand right now. There are small and large Mana Points in the human body, and the only way to activate the Mana Road that connects the big Mana Points is Mana Flora. This Mana Flow is a method that allows you to build Mana as long as you can concentrate on your mind without getting interrupted in any pose, as well as travel to Mana Road so you can use it at your own will. Mana craftsmanship is a complex Mana flooring that connects big and small Mana points. Mana is unique because of the nature of the passing Mana points, which have been traversed in a certain order of large and small Mana points. Therefore, the color or nature of the error varies depending on the method of manufacturing Mana. I'm ashamed, but that's all I know. ”

Though it was just an introduction, the eyes of the people shined strongly.

“So how many Mana Points are there? ”

It was Henie. Although not a test, the therapist knew that if you stimulate small spots of nerves, such as your hands or feet, there is a constant response to irrelevant areas. Because of this, we were able to quickly accept the concept of Mana Point.

“I don't know about that. At the Academy of Mathematics, one of the professors said 174. I've actually felt a few dozen more recently than that. ”

“So the Mana technique goes through all of those Mana Points? ”

“I don't know. But I don't think so. Mana Point is not easy to spread or pierce because it's harder than you think, and many people say that Mana spreads her whole body at random, causing nerve tissue damage or muscle damage. ”

“Is that what the prosecutors call a pandemonium? ”

Taniella intervenes this time.

“I don't think so. I can't be sure, but it seems that Mana is being triggered at a moment's notice in an extremely excited or threatened situation due to Mana's lack of control. ”

“Hmm. Looks like a wizard's Mana runoff, but different." ”

Taniella's words are finally silent for a moment. It's all about thinking about Mana.

Then Harun asks Tino again.

“Commander, do you know about the Apprentice Sword? ”

“Yes, Sir Dylan taught me this one. ”

Dylan was filled with gratitude and respect in Tino's eyes.

“Good, then try this. ”

Tino takes Harun's mistress and examines her for a moment. It was a glowing stone the size of a grain of rice, but my palms itched because of the strange energy.

What is it?

Though in doubt, Harun's words swallowed it up without even thinking of asking Tino, who was ready to do anything.

“What's that, boss? ”

The question was Dylan.

“It's a stable stone.”

“What if it's a stable stone?”

Myrus asked with a surprised face. He and Taniella's face were filled with a light of distress and intense concern. It was very dangerous for them to take the stone.

“Dangerous. It's hard to absorb the mana of the cobblestone, but even if it does, it's insane." ”

They were both magically familiar with the stable.

“As you both know, a marble stone is a kind of bundle of mana that monsters accumulate in their bodies in their lifetime. But what Tino is eating right now is pure essence, using a vision that I know for myself, to remove the unstable qualities of a mustard. ”

After answering Harun's question, he could see Tino's face suddenly glowing.

“Great, Jean! What is this hot energy? ”

“It was a pure Mana that was released through the whole body. Never open your mouth again. And quickly expand your training sword to absorb Mana. ”

I was in a hurry to tell that story in advance, so I started feeding it to the stable. Tino's whole body flashed like a red paint bucket rushed out of the room and began the training ceremony in the front yard.

The crew is stunned and follows Harun to the courtyard.


It was Dylan. I know what Harun wanted Tino to eat, but I'm worried about him.

“I tested it myself. There wasn't a lot of talk of escalation. It won't help Lord Dylan, but Tino will. ”

Harun was so confident.

“Is it okay? It's dangerous to absorb too much Mana at once. ”

“It was fine for me. The ones that haven't been absorbed yet are scattered throughout the body, but they're not gone, so if you keep practicing, you can absorb them little by little. ”

That's what the horse is doing, but Harun's insides are actually burning. I have now realized that I am different from others. In Tino's case, I regretted that I should have suggested it after thinking more about it.

Harun's concerns are growing. The rest of the crew are relieved by Harun's words, but his chant is getting more agitated. Tino's body suddenly burst into flames. Tino moves slowly with his training sword spread. It was slow because it was a training sword that needed to heal breath and movement, but it was hard to concentrate because of Mana, who was in a different heat than usual.

‘The boss tested it himself, so it should be fine. We need to absorb Mana as much as we can. ’

Tino is a man who considers Harun's words almost like God's. He listens to Harun and Dylan. The word ‘violence’ made Tino more excited than anyone else. Through Dylan's detailed map, he no longer knows about his sword, and he knows about the Mana that is spreading through his body. He had been training with eagerness to become Exporter, so he had no choice but to spread his training sword.

Tino was soon able to concentrate on his training sword and breathing. After decades of practicing mercenary swordsmanship, Manas received it with all their bodies, awed and awakened in unison during the Great Mana Tide. Then, this place began to lead the ancient Mana along a familiar path, boasting that it was its own body.

Harun activates Shaki's eyes with anxiety. With his eyes focused on Tino's body, Tino's armor skin expands significantly and his body begins to appear. Harun focuses on Mana instead of bones, muscles and organs.

I'm doing it! ’

Mana surrounds the body like a mist, but some of them are consistent. They were gathering for Mana Ocean. Manas, gathering in the Mana Ocean, slowly began to spin and the nucleus was being built.

“Mana Ocean is building. ”

Dylan's eyes widen with Harun's words. I couldn't figure out how I knew that. Though he was close to the Sword Master, he had no idea what was going on inside someone else's body. However, Harun, looking at Tino in a strange light, seemed to see what was happening inside his body.

“What do you think?”

“The Mana Ocean is slowly building. Manat is compressing as it accelerates. This way, the Mana Ocean will not only be created, but it will also have a lot of Mana in it. ”

Is it because Harun is a believer, Tino? Manas, which seemed to be drawn to the Mana Ocean seat, were clumping together in a swift rotation in a counter-clockwise fashion. Tino was focusing on his training ritual without even knowing the change.

Tino's training has been going on for a long time. People are bored to death.

“Huh, did the commander set you up with something? I've been focusing on my training ritual for over an hour since I usually had less than five minutes. ”

“Seems to have a lot to gain, death penalty. Manas are gathering in the lower abdomen of the commander. I think it's forming Mana Ocean. Look at that face. It's glowing. ”

Myrus was amazed at Tino's transformation, whether he was curious or unhappy.

“If we do well, we can make it to Expert in no time. ”

Dylan's face is now noticeably brighter with Mana's obvious presence. It was also able to sense that Manah, which was clumped around the lower abdomen of Tino, was in place.

Donnes couldn't even breathe and watched his husband perform his training ritual. Marie, who was mesmerized and watching the scene, wakes up to the conversation of the other crew members, then sees Donneis watching Tino with a nervous face and sticks her arm in her arm.

“Sister! Congratulations in advance. ”

“…… What are you talking about? ”

“The commander and Ser Dylan said the commander made Mana Ocean. And they're accumulating Mana there. ”

“Oh, yeah? ”

Donnes raises his voice, startled, and Harun points his finger at her.

“Stay back more. It's very important to Tino right now. ”

Donnes nods at Harun's low tone and looks around. The Aka warriors came out when they came out, but they were staring at Tino with their jealous eyes and killing their breath. Although they had lived in the Outback, they also knew about Manawa and Mana Ocean.

‘D, Tino is finally on Expert……. ’

Donnie clenches his fist without even realizing that his hands were white.

Lord Dylan says your husband has accumulated a substantial amount of Mana in his system. He said that if you form a Mana Ocean and collect them all in one place and pierce a few Big Mana points that connect by hand, you could become an Exporter.

Although he had a title as commander, he always regretted his lack of abilities. He was ashamed of his lack of being unsuitable for the gale mercenaries, forgetting about the day and night and training while leading the scouts.

‘Thank you, sir. I will repay you for this favor. ’

Donneis' eyes glaze over at Harun. A grateful commander who knows his husband's worth before he does. In addition, this time he was making my husband get to where he always wanted to be.

As his crew and warriors watched quietly, Tino's training continued for more than two hours, but his body was still moving naturally, consistent with his breathing at slow speeds. In the meantime, his face is back to normal.


Like the sound of someone shouting in surprise, the sword in his hand flows a light of weak error. As the training sword unfolded, Mana naturally flowed into the sword and the sword began to glow.

Was that the limit? Tino's movements have finally stopped.

“Phew. ”

Tino was able to confirm that a small hole was drilled into the Mana Ocean deep inside the lower ship, the manure mass the size of the beans in it, and the Mana points on the path to both arms. Tino's long exhaled face reminded me of a strong smile and a confidence I had never seen before. The whole body was filled with a burst of vitality.


Tino turns his consciousness to the outside, deeply submerged in the sound, and notices that his men and warriors are looking at him. And I could see Donnie looking at himself with bitter eyes.

“Congratulations, Commander. The Mana Ocean, as well as the Big Mana Points, have been pierced. ”

Instead of Tino, who is still unaware of the details of the changes made to him, Harun celebrated the changes made inside his body. Tino felt like he was born into a new body, full of vitality and fulfillment, and held Harun's celebrating hand tightly.

“Well, thank you, Commander. ”

I wanted to thank you more, but I felt like my tears would burst if I kept talking.

“Hahaha! Well done. There are still a lot of Mana scattered in the body, so work hard and absorb them all. ”

Myrus scans every inch of the way and truly congratulates you.

“Haha! Now the commander is Exporter, too. Congratulations.”

“We need to break through the walls of the Six Circles quickly. It's a shame about the guys who are chasing us. Well, congratulations on your progress, commander. ”

After Dylan and Taniella's celebration, Tino lost sight of his new position.

“I envy you, commander. When am I going to get there? ”

Later, despite seeing her for the first time yesterday, the merciful Akkadian warriors approached to congratulate her. Though they used different kinds of power, they also knew how high Exports would go to load Mana.

As the congratulatory people retreated, Donneis, who was pouring out tears without shame, jumped into his arms.


I tried to hold him, but he was much bigger than himself, so his body plunged into her arms. I tried not to look like this because of other people's eyes, but now I don't think of it. Tears were flowing in his eyes.

That's how much Expert wanted it. Now, even though it was only a little bit across his toes, the time when he thought he had to look at it and gave up and lived, he was filled with joy, riding his tears and soaking Donneis' rich chest.

“Sir, do I have anything? ”

The protagonist of Marie's voice was filled with coagulants so that it didn't fit into her size. I was jealous of Tino's progress.

“Hahaha! We should give our Marie one, too. ”

“Are you sure? ”

“And me?”

She glares up at Harun.

“Yes. So from today onwards, you two will learn your training skills in Sir Dylan. Once you're familiar with the Beginner's Blade, I'll give you the Stable Stone. ”

Henny jumps up and down in Harun's words. In Henie's case, the therapist was a job, so there was no change in power. It was always protected by others, but it was hard to build that contribution.

Henry liked sticking with Marie because she could still use Mana, although the same Expert would be much different from those who had learned to use a sword. Henny and Marie hugged each other tightly, and even the Tinos who were having a good time hugging each other.

“Oh my! What are you guys doing? ”

Donnes hugs his husband, his eyes closed, and jumps up and down as Henny and Marie hug them.

“Hohoho! Sis! The commander's giving us the horseshoe too. He told Lord Dylan that he would teach him how to master the Apprentice Swordsmanship and give him a stall as soon as he got used to it. ”

“Really? Really? ”

“Yes. Heheheh heh heh! ”

Marie is so sweet, she's making a weird laugh at the rest of the sudden.

“Are you sure, boss? We can already use Mana. ”

“I'll give you the horse's seat, Marie, and this time, make Mana Ocean and penetrate the Mana points you need for archery. The efficiency of using Mana will be dramatically different. ”

They could use Mana even if they didn't have Mana Ocean, but they also knew that once they created Mana Ocean, they would significantly increase their Mana accumulation as well as their ability to use it.

“... Ugh! Thank you. Thank you very much, Commander! ”

Donneis wept for Harun's heart, who took care of himself after his husband.

Then Marie and Tino began to shed tears. When I saw you, Harun's eyes sank into the room without a word. This atmosphere did not become a permanent adaptation.

“Haha! Looking good. We'll let you in for a while. ”

Taniella looks at the Tinos and Marie holding each other in ridicule with jealous eyes and turns away. The Aka warriors turned to their rooms full of envy and laughter.

“Huh-huh-huh! ”

Myrus follows Harun into the room with a strange voice.

“What are you talking about? ”

Mirus sighs a long time after Taniella's eyes have shed.

“I'm jealous. ”

Taniella's face stiffens as well. For a long time, they sat in front of the walls of six circles.

“Damn it!”

Tino, who remembered Expert as much as they did, was generously celebrated, but a pathetic Myrus when he thought of himself. His gaze as he sighed at Harun, thinking of something.

“Commander! What have we got? Take care of us, too. ”

She says so, but Mirus soon blushes.

It was a wall of six formidable circles, but I still got a lot from interpreting the Wizard's Specialty of the Ancient Ra Empire. If I interpreted all the text of this grimoire and studied it, I could undoubtedly break the walls of 6 circles. Because of this, the sound was just a mournful ballstent.

Harun smiles slightly and looks at Dylan. He suddenly returns to an indifferent face, but his eyes glow with a warm glow. Tino was no different from his disciples because the map was short.

“Sir Dylan, I'd like you to take a look at me. ”

Harun rises and summons Dylan. He follows Harun without a word. It was Dylan who believed in Harun like Tino.

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