
Fragments of wisdom and new recruits

Harun enters Dylan's chamber and retrieves the fragments of wisdom from the subspace. In the verification coffin, only the contents were heard, but not the reality, so there were only two.

“What is this? ”

“Fragments of wisdom. ”


I've heard of it You said this was in the coffin of the Validation. I heard from Taniella that it was an artifact from the Ra Empire that it was about the body. I was curious about it because I had learned a lot of swords related to muscle, bone, and nerve tissue, but I didn't know, so I just fell for it.

“Raise your hand here to learn about the Ancient La Empire. If you listen to the lecture in succession and study the content deeply, you will get something. ”

“Is that so?”

Harun was so sure. He who knew nothing about the flesh or manna did not do Mana Flow on his own because of what he had learned from the fragments of wisdom. Dylan certainly has more to gain than he does.

At first, I thought about feeding Dylan the horseshoes, but I gave up because the amount of manna he accumulated in his lifetime doesn't seem to have much impact. Currently, Dylan thinks that Mana Yang is in need of realization, not a problem.

Dylan stretches out his palm as Harun instructs and places it in a groove in the fragment of wisdom. He opened his eyes, but the old man who had never seen him before appeared. And then there's the talk. Dylan opens his eyes, listening to the content. I had never learned about the human body in detail or heard about it in this way.

Harun leaves the room, straightening his posture and focusing on the incoming lecture. Now I had to keep him out of the way. It's because it wasn't nearly as much as manana flona mana, but it shouldn't be distracted.

Harun sits in front of Dylan's room, reminding himself of the fragments of wisdom.

“Captain, what's going on? ”

Tino and Donneis come out of Harun's room and look at him and ask.

“Lord Dylan meditated. We need to be quiet, not interrupt. ”

“Let me warn you. ”

It was Tino who had finally sorted out his feelings. He could see that Harun had done something to Dylan, too. I don't know what to do for someone close to the Sword Master, but it must be important. Tino paid attention while looking for his men and warriors.

Harun sits in front of the visit and meditates, recalling what he had heard from the fragments of wisdom. Whether it was because of the long meditation or because it was becoming routine, Harun was naturally operating a simple Mana Flow he had learned.

Dylan's learning continued late into the night. Those who were curious and looking forward to training left the inn and headed for the mountain pass. And after a long day of training, there was no sympathy in Dylan's room.

Tired people fell asleep one by one, and Taniella and Myrus activated the beads enchanted with light magic until late tonight to interpret the grimoire they received from Harun.

It was almost dawn, and they were about to finish their interpretation and go to sleep.

“Huh? What is it? ”

“Yes, it's an amazing Mana flow! ”

Taniella and Mirus suddenly wake up on their feet sensing a massive flow of Mana in the vicinity. Two people left in a hurry, worrying that even a wizard who was far superior to them would show up.

“Huh! What about that place? ”

The room Dylan was in was where Mana flowed. Harun is still locked in meditation, twisting his legs neatly in front of the visit. I looked nearby, but nothing suspicious happened.

“Did something happen to Dylan, brother? ”


Taniella silences Mirus with a stiff face. His eyes tremble as he looks at the room.

“Dylan seems to be waking up. ”


It was said to require a special enlightenment to ascend to the true Sword Master, but Dylan seems to be going through that process right now.

"Dylan, who is neither a nobleman nor a lifelong practitioner, lacks enlightenment at last! ’

Dylan was more of a friend than a colleague, although he had always been. Taniella quickly realized that her usual disappointment had come to Dylan at this moment.

"How did you come to realize that? Is it the commander? ’

Taniella quickly came up with the answer to the mystery. No one provided Dylan with a clue of enlightenment unless Harun was guarding the front door like that all night.


Myrus groans. Dylan's room, which had been locked in darkness, suddenly lit up. An intense light leaks out through the natural cracks of the old foundation. The light gets stronger and stronger, spreading out through the visits and walls, and most of the light is still directed at Harun, who is still deeply meditating.

“What's the matter, sir? ”

That's when Lemi, who is sensitive to Mana, wakes up.

“Shh! Something good is about to happen. Be quiet." ”

Remi nods, eyes turned rabbit. Harun's eyes are filled with a dazzling swarm of light. I can't even think about what's going on in the room.

The strange scent of light was slowly ending only when the darkness was pushed to dawn. The change came first to Harun, who was overwhelmed by a swarm of light. The group of light that was slowly shrinking its radius disappeared as if it had been sucked into Harun's body.

“Oh! What the hell, brother? ”

“I don't know. I think the commander absorbed the beam of light. ”

“If it's a flash of light, is it a light to come? ”

There is a strange glow in Taniella's eyes that nods. The Luminous Herd was clearly Manat's essence, melting all over the earth. I have heard that Manas often make this light when they are dense. Therefore, absorbing the group of light was the same as absorbing Mana.

How could he do that? ’

I have never heard of absorbing Mana systemically. As far as he knows, Mana can only be absorbed by breath. If Mana can be absorbed through the whole body, its accumulation or efficiency will not be comparable to that through breathing.

After three people died and watched Harun and the room where there was no more light, the visit took place. At that moment, Harun's eyes, which seemed almost closed, opened with a glorious mesh.


Dylan sits in front of the visit and hugs Harun as he looks at himself. Harun doesn't know why Dylan's suddenly like this, but he frowns quickly.


“What's the matter, commander? ”

“The smell.... ”

Harun snaps his nose and retreats. In the meantime, the three people who came close also frowned and grabbed their noses and hurriedly retreated back.


Dylan looks at people with an unknown look on his face and smells his sleeve close to his nose.


Dylan backs away screaming, but once he starts to recognize the smell, it gets worse. His eyes, which had completely lost my colors and turned black, shook sharply.

“What about this? ”

“Congratulations, Sir Dylan. It looks like all the debris in your body has been removed. ”

Harun's words brighten Dylan's face. The fact that all the impurities that had accumulated in his body in his lifetime had meant that he had now become a complete master of the sword.

“Haha! Hahahaha! ”

Dylan laughs loudly at his sense of accomplishment. His laughter lasted for a long time, and it was only after the men and warriors woke up and ran away.

“What happened? ”

Taniella is waiting for Dylan to come out of the bathhouse.

“The captain got us a gig. ”


“Haha! I think I'm on the verge of a complete Sword Master. ”

Then my face was a little strange. Dylan's face was radiant as if he had been 20 years younger than he had ever been, although he had tighter skin than he was before.

“Dammit! I can only see 40 lines. ”

Rumor has it that if you become a true Sword Master, your body will become younger. But the sod masters he saw in the Land of Tranquility weren't so many. He had a good complexion for tight skin, but he didn't look this young.

“What was the performance? ”

Taniella grabs Dylan's cuff and asks for Harun's room.

“I can't say. ”

Dylan thinks he's a good friend, but he can't talk nonsense. You wouldn't think it was so important just to listen to the first one, but the second one and the details of the theorem were worth more to him than any other treasure.

‘It's a treasure. ’

There are famous swordsmen in the world. Eighty-nine of the ten sod masters come from their families only. People turn to Mana craftsmanship and advanced swordsmanship for a reason. Everyone believes they will become a Sword Master once they have mastered the Mana craftsmanship and swordsmanship of their family.

Dylan thought so, too. However, the moment I connected the wisdom gained through the fragments of wisdom to the realization, I could see the truth. The real treasures of their families are not Mana artificial law or advanced swordsmanship, but insights and research that are passed down from generation to generation.

The Sword Master is not just able to move forward by accumulating a lot of Mana. You have to realize the relationship between the body and the mind and awaken to the fact that your body is a small universe through a review of Mana, the source of the world.

It is only until you fully realize it that you can go up to the Sword Master. The realization can express Mana as an error and transform the error into the shape of a sword so that it can communicate with the world.

“Are you going to be mean? ”

Taniella stares at him furiously, but Dylan can't talk without Harun's permission about the fragments of wisdom. It was treachery against Captain Harun for giving him such a treasure.

“No! I'd rather talk to the commander. ”

“What a fucking greeting! A flea has a face. What else can we ask of the commander who has brought us the precious ancient grimoire for our death? ”

Well, Taniella's right. The commander used to be a little uncomfortable with them. I was a little sad because I saved the grimoires that the horses had promised to give me more than 1 million gold publicly.

“I don't know. I can't talk. ”

Taniella eventually grabs Dylan's cuff and drags him to the front of Harun's room.

Mirus was restless at the door of Harun's room, but when he saw the two of them, he glanced at them and ran to shoot Taniella.

“Execution! Where have you been? The commander's waiting. ”


Their faces were filled with unseen excitement. Now that I've given you a gift from Tino to Dylan, it's your turn. I thought their gift was an ancient grimoire, but I didn't even know they had any more.

When the three of them entered the room, they saw that the room that was dirty and smelly had already been cleaned by Harun by the spirits.

Dylan tries to get on one knee and greet Harun as soon as he sees him. But Harun got up cold and grabbed him.

“Lord Dylan, I know how you feel. But before we were mercenaries, we were like family. We cannot accept excessive courtesy. ”

Dylan was no longer stubborn because he knew Harun didn't like formal courtesy. Instead, he bent his waist and thanked me with his eyes filled with sincerity. Harun couldn't stop it.

“You're definitely a Sword Master now, aren't you? ”

“Yes, I think so. Would you like to take a look?”

Dylan holds his sword and gives his eyes strength. At that moment, the blade glows blue, and the blade springs out of the blade.

“Oh! This should be Blade. ”

Taniella bursts into elasticity. The length of the sword, which consisted of a ciferon error, was about 1 meter. It resembled a sword, both sharp and hematopoietic. It was definitely different from the Orthod made by the beginner Sword Master.

“What? So Dylan suddenly became an intermediate Sword Master? ”

Myrus was also surprised.

The beginner of the sword master makes the shape of the sword with error, but the resulting error the black contour is unclear, so it is not called an error blade, but an error sod. But what Dylan had was clearly shaped like a sword.

Obviously Dylan said he didn't think he was a complete Sword Master, but he was surprised that he made the perfect error blades that only mid-level Sword Masters could have.

With Dylan's deep smile, Blade quickly disappears back through the scrub.

“Congratulations. You've become a true Sword Master." ”

“Haha! Congratulations, commander. You've finally made a worthy knife catcher. It's useless now, but you can even make Blades to come from nobles, so you'll have to work hard from now on. ”

“Hey, you! ”

As Dylan whispered in Taniella's jokes, the place quickly turned into a warm family atmosphere.

“Actually, I have something to show you, too. ”

“What is it?”

They were looking forward to it. I'm already looking forward to seeing Dylan's progress live.

“Lord Dylan has been enlightened to become a Sword Master. ”


“Oh! The commander has finally shown us the treasure. ”

Taniella and Mirus' eyes widen. It was a car I was very curious about because I didn't teach it to Dylan.

Harun pulls the fragments of wisdom out in front of them.

“What is this? ”

“An ancient La Empire relic named Fragment of Wisdom. ”

“Ah! I've heard of it. You have the appearance of a book as I've heard. ”

“But this is the treasure? I heard it contains details about muscles and bones.... ”

Though they had not seen it, they had also heard the rumors. It also means that the artifact has no great benefit to wizards like them.

“Are you sure this is what Dylan was made of in a heartbeat, Sword Master Intermediate? ”

Taniella's question was obvious.

“There are only four artifacts known today. But the curious thing is, first of all, when we treat fragments of wisdom, we all know the same thing about the flesh. ”

“Yes? Then……. ”

Taniella and Mirus' eyes widen. He's a brilliant wizard, so I have some idea what he's talking about.

“Once I dealt with the fragments of wisdom, the content changed when I encountered something else. The second is a lecture and a skepticism about Mana. I don't know, but I've learned a lot from this. Ser Dylan would, too. ”

In Harun's answer, Taniella and Myrus look at Dylan with an unbelievable face. Dylan, who never opened his mouth, has finally revealed his secret.

“The commander's right. This artifact has been keeping a great secret that way for a long time. I thought of the value as an artifact because it was so basic that I couldn't figure out the value of it. It must have been hard gathering more than one of these ancient artifacts, of course, but with such a secret, I was able to descend without damaging them. ”

“Oh, my God!"

“How is that possible? ”

The two of them shouted at Dylan.

“There was another piece of wisdom in the Validation coffin. It's about magic, and I think that might help you two. We don't have time, so try to familiarise yourself with these two first. The third one I'm memorizing, so I'll let you know. ”

At Harun's words, the two of them hurriedly brought a fragment of wisdom to each other and put their palms in a shady place. Like wizards, they quickly focused on the content.

“We're out. ”

“Yes, commander. ”

Harun and Dylan come out and sit in front of the visit.

“Good work yesterday, so leave this place to me for a while and rest. ”

“No. The ancient knowledge of Mana was a bit unfamiliar and full of it, but you'll understand soon enough because you're a wizard." I'll just meditate here because I have to go in soon. ”

“Very well. I'll be out for a moment, then. ”

Harun smiles, knowing that Dylan is willing to go out and test the blade.

It was around morning that the two wizards understood both fragments of wisdom.

The crew and warriors who are already aware of Harun's situation have gone to the training ground in case they get in the way, and Harun and Dylan are the only ones standing by. The two who waited nervously could see Taniella and Myrus coming out of the door, their eyes shining brightly.

“Ugh! Hungry. ”

Myrus rubs his bare belly as he comes out. I felt sorry for him because he was skinny.

“Then let's eat... ”

“Huh! No, commander. I'm just saying. This is an important time... ”

Taniella scratches the back of Myrus' head, making useless noises at the two of them with her brotherly eyes.

“Ahh! Got it, brother. I'm old, too, and if I keep hitting my back like I used to when I was a kid, I'm not going to stay still. ”

“Excuse me! What did you do when you were twelve and drew on the bed sheets? ”

“Agooo! Yes, sir. I'm just saying. Of course you didn't, because I didn't know it was important. ”

As a child, Mirus twisted his tail, and Harun took the two of them back into the room. Dylan sits outside the door of the room where they entered and starts guarding it.

After reviewing his ability to rise from the dawn to the ground, Dylan prayed in his mind that the Taniella death penalty would be performed just like him. However, he was more desperate because he made a pot that was not late than he had, but they were not.

"Do what you will! ’

In the room, you hear a calm voice giving a lecture on the magic contained in the fragments of wisdom.

"The shrapnel of wisdom did not give us a performance, but the captain is the one who gives us a performance. ’

Whether it was the eager origins or Dylan's preparation to break the wall, the two of them entered a deep meditation as soon as Harun's lecture was over.

They were shocked to see new magic theories. Some of them they knew well, but the ancient magic system was much different from the present, and they needed time to melt things into their own.

Harun leaves the room quietly, and as the night goes deeper, a powerful suction occurs from the room in which they were meditating and starts sucking the Mana out of the atmosphere. Dylan and Harun who were escorting outside were surprised to step back, as well as the men and warriors who were using the same accommodation.

Thanks to this, the crew and the warriors were unable to sleep through the night, and had to spend time sitting and standing in front of a campfire in the middle of the yard and talking.

Harun takes his place in front of the visit, just like Dylan did, and turns the Mana Flow. As two people's realizations created new circles, Manas, which had melted in nature, were able to accumulate considerable Mana by using a large amount of suction.

At dawn, the two of them left the room with a bright smile.

“Kakaca! Madosa at last! ”

Myrus screams in shock, with a strange substance buried in his face.

“Finally, finally.... ”

Taniella is overwhelmed with emotions beyond words. Dylan, who understands both of them better than anyone, frowns and retreats, trying to hug them. The people who were heading for both of them started running around shaking, grabbing their noses. An unimaginable stench tried to kill them.


“Knng! I can't breathe! I'm gonna die! ”

“You fool, let go of my nose right now! ”

The warrior was choking on the threat of opening his nostrils and stopping his nostrils.

The two of them left the room because of the smell had to head to the shared bath immediately. Although the body was not reconstructed, the effects of the newly created sixth Mana loop left all the waste intact, as was the case with Dylan.

Unlike Dylan, who always sweated through his training and regularly excreted waste, they didn't sweat much in their lifetime, so the smell was several times worse.

After taking a bath, the two wizards who showed their appearance turned into tightened, shiny faces where they had left all the wrinkled wrinkles.

After Dylan jumped two flights of stairs, the two wizards became Mado, and Donnes, Marie, and Henny watched Tino become Exporter alive with a terrifying concentration and began training their training ceremonies handed over to him.

Warriors also sped up their training due to the aftermath of seeing other dimensions of force, and they did their best to use their power effectively in a duel with Dylan and Tino. Meanwhile, their power was low because they were used against horseshoes, not humans. However, they began to improve their weaknesses through a struggle that sparked the practice.

The effect was immediate.

Especially in Dylan's case, the stagnant force began to rise in an instant as they were able to use their power as much as they could while dealing with the power of the beast they had raised to its extreme.

In the afternoon, Taniella and Mirus beat the crap out of them, teaching them how to fight magic attacks. The magic attack, not magic, was unfamiliar to them, so I was very embarrassed at first, but the two wizards gave me a detailed explanation that they could understand.

“The Devil Mountains are very dangerous right now. A mysterious group has abducted tens of thousands of people and is moving towards them, and the Black Wizards and Dark Elves are gathering there. The Aka have lived only with horses until now, but now they must also learn to deal with Humans. I want you to coach them. ”

Harun was born by chance, but they were not like the others because he was forced to use the same magic power. I wanted to protect their pure lives if I could. The three of them, who had been asked by Harun, took it quietly and sincerely led the warriors.

Instead, Harundo Lemi engraved two tattoos a day, now engraving all ten tattoos on her body, her limit. There were redundant forces of the devils, but they also had various utilizations, from significantly increasing conglomerate vision like Shaki's eyes to making the joints and muscles move at will like Iconrad's.

Harun had no choice but to continue his training. After continuous operation, Harun, who had absorbed all of the mana of the stone, rose to the next level in spite of that short time.

Tino also trained day and night successfully to create the sword, the symbol of Expert, and once again drew the tears of Doneis.

But Harun was still worried. Harun knew that even the skills of Tino on Expert wouldn't be easy to deal with.

"I can't. Even if I have to kneel down and apologize to Lord Devon later, it can't be like this! ’

Harun teaches Tino messenger walking. It was not difficult to teach them because they had already acquired their sub-skill, Messenger Moving Skill. Even though he had failed a few times, after half a day, he began to accept the essence into his body. All that remains is to improve your skill level.

“Is this really possible? ”

Tino was surprised at how much Mana accumulated by walking and running twice as fast as by the same force, as well as by walking properly.

“Without Lord Debron's permission, this vision cannot be passed on to his children. ”

Harun explained to Tino the historical truth about messenger skills.

“I don't want to thank you anymore. The commander is more than life to me. ”

Tino's mouth tightens with wet eyes. Without Debron's permission, he knew well that he could not communicate this skill to Harun in a verbal manner.

"If I can sacrifice my life for the commander at any time, I will do so ten million times. ’

Tino looks up at the sky, unable to show his tears. Fortunately, Harun does not look ashamed of him, but heads for Donneis, Marie and Henny. After stealing tears from his cuffs, Tino again focuses his mind and starts training in messenger walking.

Donnes and Marie had already accumulated considerable Mana in their bodies, as well as extended Mana Road and pierced the Mana points to their right arms. Henny was the most pathetic. However, motivation alone was unmatched.


“I will succeed! ”

“Me too!"

He clenched his fist, and when the three took the stable stone, Dylan and the two wizards stood by Harun's side just in case. We had to stop it if we were to run into it.

“Should I be bothered?”

“I'm worried about my training skills recently, but I used Mana to practice Mana Archery, so it might be easier than Tino. ”

Taniella worries, but Dylan trusts three. He knew that training did not depend on time, but on concentration. Heny, Donnes, and Marie's focus over the past few days were tremendous things they had never experienced before.

As a result, Dylan was right.

Donnes and Marie were embarrassed at first when the enormous Mana spread inside their bodies, but soon they focused their minds and practiced, and within about an hour they created the Mana Ocean, as well as dragging Manas into the Mana Ocean to some extent where they had been scattered all over their bodies.

“Huh-huh-huh! Now I'm qualified to join archery, not Mana Archery! ”

“Why not? I don't need a sword anymore. ”

When Donneis injected Mana at the time of the season, the Arrow Orb soared, but the length and thickness were not as thick as the black, so he smashed the nearby rock and split in half.

Henny may have created Mana Ocean, but he hasn't been able to get through the Mana points properly enough to reach Expert. However, he was impressed enough by his sword with his body abilities that differed from the young Orion Wright's.

“Congratulations, Henny! Just a little more training and you'll be able to get used to Mana. ”

“Thank you, Lord Dylan! I'll work hard.”

Although there seems to be very little of it, it accumulates in the Mana Ocean, but when I pull it up, my body is too light. Henny's face was filled with a joyful glow as he watched the carelessly wielding sword easily cut off a thick branch. Henny seems to know why the prosecutors hung themselves in Exporte's wake.

Tino approaches and gives a brief attention to the celebration, but three men are barely conscious enough to thank Harun, but he's already on his way to the inn to have lunch with the warriors. After that, Hennie is chasing him through a series of walks.


Marie is ready to run right now, but Dylan pulls her off without saying a word.

“I know the commander hates excessive manners. The commander thinks of us as a loving family, not as a contractual relationship. You understand that, right? ”

“Yes, of course. ”

“A short greeting with a sincere heart is enough, not an exaggeration. If you don't forget the favor the commander gave us. Even if the commander comes to receive the seizure of everyone in the world, all you have to do is trust the commander and think of him as a family. ”

“…… I think I know what you mean. Thank you, Dylan. But you know how much I appreciate Dylan, too? Dylan has the same personality as the commander, so I'll skip the exaggeration. ”

Marie flies her tongue, lowering her head and raising her head playfully, already running toward the Tino couple who are close behind Harun.


Dylan vomits and gloats over Marie's childish act of beating, a granddaughter. Now it really felt like the whole crew was family.

‘I can't see my family getting hurt in the Devil Mountains. Maybe the commander feels the same way. ’

Dylan looks at the two wizards who look similar to him and looks at Harun's back. To protect everyone, you have to be stronger than you are now. Dylan's eyes flash with intense light.

“Captain, we need to talk to you. ”

After lunch, I was just about to move to practice after having a cup of tea together. The fierce eyes of the Akkadian warriors, including Remi, have gathered on Harun.

“Lord Dylan, I will speak to you and follow you. ”


Dylan sweeps the warriors away with a strange look and takes them to the mountain pass. Everyone was curious, but they had something to practice, so they moved quickly, except for the two wizards.

Harun is unlucky as the crew is finally out of sight.

“Do you have something to say? ”

“Yes. We talked about it. ”

I don't know what you're talking about, but Remi's in a state of excitement, unprecedented. I liked the red face.

“I know about mercenaries. I was asked to hunt monsters, transport goods, protect people, and earn money. Is that correct?

Harun nods.

“Then can we be mercenaries, too? ”

Harun was so surprised that he couldn't answer at once.


The Akas have been hunting horses for centuries now. Why do they care about mercenaries who have lived dangerously long and assimilated with nature?

“In recent years, the number of horses has increased a lot. Powerful horses that we hadn't seen before started coming from deep in the mountains. Because of this, several villages have already been destroyed, and the merchants who connected the Aka to the world have not come, we have not been able to live a basic life. ”

That's why Harun asked the merchant to come forward. But they seemed to think differently.

“Though our ancestors told us the Devil Mountains were our home and our sacred duty was to prevent excessive force from escaping the world, it is no longer possible. No matter how sacred our mission is, those who do not experience magic are not grateful to us. And they're enjoying a richer life on our behalf. Our children were dying of hunger and disease, and adults were injured or dying hunting horseshoes, and they didn't recognize anyone. We just needed the basic things to eat and wear properly, and no one really helped us. ”

Remy's voice was filled with resentment against those who despised themselves as barbarians and refused to be treated as one.

“In a situation like this, we Aka want to do what our ancestors told us to do, but we are no longer capable. The number of horses is increasing, and the stronger they are, and the number of Aka is decreasing. Even if all of our Akas are scattered throughout the mountains, there won't be 10,000 of us left. We've been separated for hundreds of years, so it's impossible for us to come together with different cultures and customs like the rest of the species. ”

From the perspective of the people who have experienced the city, the Aka have lived an unfortunate life for generations. although, of course, they live a life aligned with their own pure culture and nature.

“We don't want to pass on this hard life for generations to come. I want to get out of it now, even if I had a request from my ancestors. Please accept us as mercenaries. Help me!”

At the end of Remy's words, the warriors speak in a terrifying manner.

“We'll be mercenaries, too! ”

“We are the best at catching horses and monsters! ”

“We need Captain Harun's help! ”

Like those who had lived a pure life, their hearts were conveyed vividly. They really wanted to break the cycle of suffering and groaning that had led to them.

Harun considers for a moment, but the answer is already out.

‘The Devil Mountains, which contained a small number of unpredictable hazards as well as mathematics, were unsettled. ’

Perhaps a few days later, he could have suggested it first. Harun felt that much pressure. The Devil Mountains, as well as the aftermath, will have a clear role for Aka warriors whose individual strength is comparable to the Expert Medium and who know the geography of the Devil Mountains.

“Great! We just need to hear what the other crew has to say. If they don't oppose you, you'll be the gale mercenaries from that moment on. ”

“Thank you!”

“You are our commander now. ”

“I became a fan mercenary, too. ”

The warriors rejoiced like children. Even Durbon ran up to Harun and kissed him. Remi had the same reaction, but it was fortunate that there were no strange reactions like the first time I met him because he thought he was now a person.

Harun leads the excited warriors to the training ground and tells his crew about the situation. In addition, the crew happily welcomed the recruitment of the Aka warriors as they now told them that they needed a strong force.

“You don't have to talk to us about this in the future. When the commander decides, we follow. ”

The heavy words of Dylan who believed in him were heartfelt, but he had a different thought. As a small organization, we felt we needed to agree with each other. Though it can be a waste of time when deciding something, I thought once everyone's opinions were gathered, I could exert that much power.

“Anyway, from now on, you should treat me like one. ”

“I understand.”

The crew responded with a cheerful voice and greeted the warriors again. Although they were still lacking common words and manners, they showed different enthusiasm until now, knowing that they had to be well shown to the existing crew.

“Commander, you can't just spend a day like this. ”

“Yes, that's right! It's been a long time since I've had a drink. ”

When the two wizards provoked him, the atmosphere warmed up.

“Hahaha! It's a good day, and we're going to have a little festival of our own, just like you said. Take Tino, Donnes and Marie to the castle. We're going to celebrate the new crew by ripping off a pig barbecue. ”

“Haha! I see. I'll be cold.”

The steps of the three people who had been excited about the reunion for a long time were light and quick as if they had wings.

“Come with me! ”

Marie makes every effort to catch up with the two who are so far away. Donnes, who received a messenger move from Tino, was just as fast as Tino was.

“Then we should prepare a fire. ”

Taniella and Mirus start gathering dry branches by mining Henny. Remy and the Aka warriors tried to help, but the two wizards originally refused to be treated as the tradition of the storm troops.

Before an hour passed, a campfire burned through the mountain and a fattened piglet roasted into its skewers. The people sitting in a circle draw a beer in their hands, followed by the sound of a federal toast.

Harun and Dylan had to stop by the inn three times because they drank endlessly because they were all in a good mood.

“Hehe! Captain Harun. I should have met you before I had a boyfriend. You're a really good man. And a good commander. ”

Durbone staggers to his side, grumbling in a crooked voice.

“Heehee! I feel great! Captain, when you see our tenacious teacher, you have to tell him yourself! We could all get our asses kicked for being lured by people outside the mountains. All right, boss! ”

Lemi, who always had a calm attitude, was also badly destroyed by the strength of her successive drinks.

“Bye-bye! Us versus Jean! You have to fight. I want to fight the commander. ”

“Oops! No, commander! You have to fight me first. ”

Dion and Auxerre were also tongue-tied. They've already emptied over ten cans of beer that are the size of a human's torso.

“Huh-huh-huh! Take my cup, too, commander. ”

“No, take my cup first. The commander is now our master. Myrus! From now on, use proper respect! If you keep talking like that, Dylan's gonna get you. You see Dylan staring at you. ”

“Hiic! Hiic! Okay, death penalty! Don't treat me like a child now that I'm Madosa. I was trying to change my tone. Hehen!”

Taniella and Mirus are so drunk, they forget to toast and then stagger to Dylan three more times.

Harun must be pretty drunk, too. I woke up for a moment to pee, but it was the earth and the sky, and everyone was circling. Harun, who shakes his head vigorously, stumbles, but does not stumble, but heads for the woods.

When the darkness started to spread around, everyone except for the estramorwn, Henny, fell into such a mess that his eyes were opened and he was shivering. Members of Expert's skills, including Dylan, have also fallen into the temptation to break liquor.

“Ahoy! This is driving me crazy. If I'd known this was gonna happen, I should have filled the capsule with alcohol. ”

Henny was also shaken by the atmosphere, but instead of drunk, he was desperate to go into the woods. If that were all, it would be better, but it was even harder for the other crew to reach the ground one by one.

“It's wavelength now! Please wake up! You don't have to go to the inn to sleep! ”

She tries to raise people a few times, but there's no way to move those snoring.

Henny grumbled at the stranger and stayed up all night with his crew.

“But what happened to Marie? ”

She was a stranger, just like herself, but she was clearly intoxicated. The possibility to think was not that Mary was drunk, but that she didn't wake up no matter how much she shook it. I was definitely not logged out, but I was distracted.

“Kuaak! This is treason! ”

Henie's cry echoed through the night in a clearing that welcomed new recruits.

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