
(Evelyn Empress)

Beginning at dawn, the training continued just before breakfast was ready. With the help of the paleontologists, the existing members were so obsessed with training that they couldn't even take the time to eat to make their new powers their own.

Aka warriors officially became storm troopers who received pure horseshoes from Harun and took them. At first, they tried to make Mana Ocean through a training ceremony, but they took into consideration those who were already operating the power of the water.

Harun activates Shaki's eyes and looks at the changes in Auxer's body that had taken the tablets first.

"Oh! This is possible too. ’

Auxerre was unusual. Without Mana Ocean, he was accepted as a tattoo with the power of a magic horse.

The result was very satisfactory. The size of the tattoo immediately decreased not only by the basic amount of time it took to use the power of the devil, but also by drawing out the power of the devil several times.

“Hahaha! My commander is the best! I can now use up to two simultaneously. ”

He tried to use both forces simultaneously, but he felt no sequelae after exerting both forces at once.

‘For them, the tattoos with the power of a magic horse are used as Mana Ocean accumulation. The Mana of the Horsemen is constantly supplying them with the power of a Horseman, like the Mana of a Knight or Wizard. ’

What is even more encouraging is that the power of the Shamanstone will be replenished over time. Maybe their ancestors knew how to do this. The Bible says you can use a few powers simultaneously as well as the power of magic for a long time.

After confirming that, Harun gave the rest of the Aka warriors a stable stone. There was a difference, but most warriors were more than two or three levels up.

Remi, the shaman, strangely put his strength into his head. Her spells became more powerful than ever before, so the warriors' abilities increased two or three times in a single moment when she recited the incantation to raise morale.

Of course, the refined stallion was a big part of the process, but Harun didn't think the progress of the crew was due to the stallion. The academic crew, as well as Marie and Heny, had already underpinned much of it, so they thought they could progress through the stables.

"Those who dream and work hard can always see what they want. ’

Harun is a short training, but he got quite a lot.

Referring to the case of the Akkadian crew, the ten horseshoes were absorbed and accumulated in the key areas of the ten tattoos without being overwhelmed by the Mana Ocean. As a result, it is possible to use three forces simultaneously and it is possible to maintain the force for almost an hour.

Despite Lemi's engravable tattoos, getting all of the power of a sorcerer was a huge harvest, but most of all, crushing and assimilating spirits gave me an unexpected power. Meanwhile, the spirits' abilities have also increased tremendously.

I suddenly remembered that when Phoenix was destroyed, an unbelievably similar flame blade appeared. Flame blades had the power to withstand Dylan's error blades in terms of strength and cutting power, as well as their heat.

Next was the fourteen thousand.

Nia is an aqua blade made of water, Wishin is a wind blade, and Liffy has produced a soil blade. Each of those forces appeared the same as the flame blades but slightly different.

With the healing power of Aqua Blade, he was able to deal with many, and Wind Blade shredded and destroyed the target. And the small blades had more strength in striking than cutting power.

Harun's daily routine was as short as a few hours, following the training of messenger skills and swords, as well as the training of witches and spiritual swords to absorb the mana of the stallion.

Today, Harun also had lunch with his crew after his morning training. Then I went straight to my place and sat down by the big rock in the yard and enjoyed a break. Despite his resting time, his eyes were on the lightly armed warriors, but his mind was only complicated.

‘Well, I've got a lot to do. ’

You should take care of the armor issues requested to the Tarim Workshop, and once the current arrives, you should tie a knot on the merchant.

"But isn't there a woman who is a princess? ’

Hersh's information can't be wrong. Then I was supposed to be here already, but I was in a hurry because I didn't have any news.

‘If you don't come until the Merchant Guild is finished, let's just do the quest at the Horse Tower. You won't have to take a commission for a while if you succeed. ’

Harun's mind set on finding Durbon approaching, wielding his new weapon for a long time.

“Commander! Compete with me. ”

“A duel?”

“Yes. Lord Dylan said the commander was very strong. ”

Durbon's eyes glow with anticipation and excitement. Seeing Dion and Auxerre listening behind her back, something seems to have gone wrong between them. Dylan has only mastered swordsmanship and has been battling Harun with a variety of skills.

“The Master of the Sword shouldn't be too difficult to deal with if he uses the master's coordination. ”

Dylan was amazed at Harun's numerous attacks, both unusual and powerful. Every one of them had a powerful power.

No one knew Harun's true skill, as the duel of the two people severely destroys his surroundings and goes far away. Just looking forward to what Dylan has to say.


My head is so complicated. This would be a good time to focus without thinking. But I couldn't carry a weapon. He was never as good as Dylan.

Harun recommended a wooden sword or gaze made of solid palm trees as he saw warriors struggling fiercely. He had often seen the danger of the rivalry, especially when using the power of the devil.

Warriors are gathering right now. Dillon and the rest of the crew gathered with interesting eyes.

“Sir Dylan, please take care of the surroundings, it can get noisy. ”

“Very well. We'll go to the patronage. ”

The Dalian was interesting, but they had work to do. Tino, Donnes, and Marie have not yet absorbed the mana of the stone. That's why he had no time to rest until he left. Dylan leads them, but he also has to train himself. Taniella and Mirus were also doing their best to decipher the grimoire.

As the old crew searched for work, Harun went to the wooden swords on one side of the courtyard.

“I'll take that. ”

Harun, who chose a wooden sword that was about the same length and weight as the one used in reality, stood face to face with Durbon, who had a wooden sword that looked like a skewer.

“Here we go!”


At the same time, Durbon's feet explode toward Harun.


The sharp edge of the wooden sword suddenly flies toward the crowd, making sure Ramby's paw tattoo is activated. Harun, who was somewhat cautious, hurriedly lowers his head back while simultaneously raising it with his wooden sword.


You miss your first strike, but Durbon's wooden sword stabs you in the neck and chest as if it had been stretched out into three pieces. Although it was a stabbing attack, the blade felt a powerful destructive force and the area was stunned.

The power of Prozli? ’

Obviously, using two powers at the same time is not an easy task. Due to the potential for self-destructive conflict, Durbon was exercising its abilities only to experienced senior warriors.

At the same time as I felt the sensation of the space between myself and Durbone pierced by three swords, Harun's body shakes like a scarecrow and disappears a few steps back.

Faster is faster! ’

Harun's body shakes like smoke as he senses how to deal with Durbone, immediately leading to Durbon. It looks like that because of the vision too soon, but the moment I saw it, Durbon's face was full of tension.


Due to his explosive strength, Durbon's movements, which seem to have dozens of arms, have resulted in dozens of swords appearing on Harun's front that are rushing towards him at the processing speed.

‘Not bad.’

The warriors, including Dion and Auxerre, were turning Prozli's power into speed, whereas Durbon was using only power to process it. Because of this, the power may be dropping, but the speed was not easily overwhelmed.

The warriors who watch her attack are filled with awe. I thought I was training something separately, but I didn't think I'd be doing this kind of attack. Durbon's attack was just as powerful as Ramby's feet and Prozli's.

Harun quickly swings his sword as he tries to reach her scepter, though he did not use the power of the devil to catch up with her fast movements.

Tadaha! Tadaha!

With the chaotic sound of sword and sword collisions, dozens of miraculously visible swords hide their appearance. Harun used the power of Prozli to repel a series of stabbing attacks.

Durbon's eyes widen as he looks at the raging sword.

Is this not good enough for you? ’

I was stimulated by Harun's appearance of using three forces at once, so I decided to use two powers at the same time. And I was able to combine those forces appropriately to create a series of stab attacks, which are their organs.

‘I was confident I wouldn't lose. ’

The user collapses. The target prevents all of its attacks without drawing power from the beast.

“I'll go this time. ”

Harun looks at her fierce eyes, still burning, and starts to move her feet.

“Differential pressure!”

His wooden sword is spreading the Willow sword. Though it is only a wooden sword, it stirs up waves rapidly, and the waves hit Durbon with waves that are hard to handle.



The power on the wooden sword was very heavy. The power of Prozli has not yet dissipated, but it is not easy to withstand the enormous power of the waves combined by swiftly swinging the sword. Durbone swiftly swings his sword to block the waves while simultaneously taking a step back and dispersing its power. When you're in position, the wave of the sword hits you bigger than before. The waves obscure her vision with a ferocious force like a cut that will swallow her.

With this, Durbon draws Prozli's strength and Rambi's feet, which have not yet vanished, and swings the sword at a swift pace. Dozens of swords appeared instantly, then merged and dug into the center of the wave.

Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba! Ba-ba!

With a powerful strike, her body takes a step back, shaking like that of a drunken man. The opposing Pokémon's sword hits itself dozens of times in a row. The power makes her sway with the sword.

But that wasn't the end. The waves produced by Harun's fast-moving sword grew larger and rushed towards her even before she could hold her position.


The waves produced by dozens of swords, like the real waves, were giving off a terrifying surge of energy, shaking the surrounding atmosphere.

Durbon draws all his strength and stabs the hem of the wave as quickly as he can. It was meant to block the source.

Chook Jik!

Durbon's thin wooden sword breaks from the middle. The user has a good intention, but does not think about the weight of the opponent's sword. Eventually, the third sword was unstoppable.

“Damn it!”

Durbon's face turns pale as he swiftly swings his half-cut sword back. The unbearable force has overwhelmed her with a wooden sword. At this time, I resented the blade that was made thin to speed up the stabbing speed.


But that wasn't the end of the attack. More waves are coming than ever before. I can see why a huge wave swept over me when I was clearly fighting the opponent. The opposing Pokémon, like themselves, learn the skill of a trained knight, not a saber.

Durbon doesn't want to admit defeat in vain, but this wave seems really hard to stop.

“I'm coming! ”

Suddenly, Dion leaps forward on her behalf.

A dion that swings a landscape with wide sides towards the sword waves produced by dozens of swords.


Dust rises with an unbelievable thunderstorm, the sound of sword and wooden sword colliding. And I could see the backstroking dion in the dust and the regenerating sword wave.


I don't see Harun's arm wielding the sword. Before the dust settled, the sword waves turned larger than before and attacked the dion.


Dion wields his full strength with the synthesis. With Prozli's power in the Great Basin, the waves seem to be immense.


The surrounding warriors stagger with the thunder. A powerful wave swept through the center of the body with the dust.

“Here we go again! ”

Concentrating your eyes on the sound of someone screaming, you see Harun's arm again. Instead, I see Harun, a freak with hundreds of arms.

A few moments later, waves of hundreds of swords are piled up and piled up, creating a massive wave of swords headed for Dion. Oddly, Deon looks much more majestic than Harun, but rather small like a human in front of a giant.

“I'm coming too! ”

Auxer wields his weapon and enters the battlefield, trembling and barely pressing into speculation. Like Dion, who gripped it and held his own bloodline, Prozli's strength was trembling with a tremendous amount of strength that his great sword could not bear.


Dion and Auxer's bodies stagger back with a powerful explosion. The aftermath of the shock trembled as the building roared to the house, and dust, including dust, danced around the void.

Through that gap, Durbon grabs his sword and gets into a fight. However, Harun's assault was not only easy to get, but also a pronounced advantage.

Lemi's eyes widen as she looked at it.

"I can't believe you took three people in on your own." Okay. Let's see if the commander really is coming a second time for Takiya. ’

An Auxer and Dion who have made a name for themselves as a great warrior, not just in Tantun Village, but throughout the Aka. Moreover, Durbon is the next generation of tribal leaders with the skills and potential to surpass that of a higher warrior, given his age.

Remi was surprised and excited by Harun's dominant ability while dealing with the three of them alone with a wooden sword.

Soon, a low but strongly stimulating murmur was coming out of her mouth. When the ‘encouraging story’ used by the academic shamans came out of Lemi's mouth, three people noticeably raised their spirits.

The fighters, who were still in a boiling mood, hesitated a few times before joining the battle.

“I'm coming too! ”

The warrior who activated Ramby's paw tattoo flew along the Battle Axe flying towards Harun with the strength to destroy even the rocks. He aims for Harun's back. The Knights may have accused them of cowardice, but any attack on the Aka warriors who survived the battle against the beast is justified.

Ka 'ang!

As he flew away with a fierce gesture, he bounced back without stopping Harun's enormous waves. The shocked warrior throws up blood with his mouth and bounces back, staggering straight into position.

Harun's body is no longer visible. In the warriors' eyes, only a wave of giant swords pushes him to the apex.


Along with the monsters, another warrior flew away. His shoulder muscles, which pulled Prozli's strength up, swell up like they were about to tear. Prozli's powerful power is swiftly slashed by the wave of the sword Harun's spinning body without rest.


Another warrior enters the battle, poised to suppress the speculation. He plunges his flimsy drawn sword into the crevice of the waves. I saw a small gap between the waves.


Ka 'ang!

A variety of sounds flow from the opponent's weapon against Harun's sword, but no one breaks the wave of Harun's blade. The situation was becoming increasingly spectacular by participating in the battle one by one.

Warriors began to fight Prozli as they did before the war. But unlike back then, I attacked all sides at the same time, not everywhere.

The two warriors who activated the power of Viyan flew around in the air using the shoulders of the other warriors to target Harun's head. The two warriors who activated Falcon's power flew to the ground using their hips and shoulders to target Harun's ankles and legs.

Harun's wooden sword couldn't stop the Aka attack, so he took out the smash and started using it.


Someone's freak bursts out.

Ka 'ang!

Someone's weapon bounces off.


Someone is moaning.

Remy's spells that stir up the fighters' speculation, the sound of the warriors' breathing, and the gleaming, sharp, shiny eyes make Harun's body and mind the most tense.

"Fun! Fun! ’

This is not a duel. If I do wrong, it will be a brutal battle like this, with my throat pierced, my heart pierced, and my ankle veiled. His armor has been pierced several times. I can feel the blood flowing.

But more fun than ever. The hair grows tight and the neurons of the whole body send and receive signals as if the egg were awake and crazy. Now, the body moves freely like the wind just by thinking that it is almost integrated with Wishine.

- Phoenix, you too!

- Kakaca!

It felt powerful to have Phoenix happy, and Phoenix infiltrated the body as well as into the wreckage.


“Magic sword!”

“Keep your distance! ”

Even if it wasn't an urgent battle cry from Durbon and Dion, the Akkadian warriors could feel intense heat as if they were jumping into a fiery pit. Harun was emitting a black and white light, but whatever it was, it was emitting a great amount of heat.

There were those who looked at it. They were standing in the corridor leading to their accommodation in the cafeteria from the beginning of the Dalian period.

“Looks like a black sword enchanted with flame system magic. ”

“Yes. I don't know how a mercenary could have acquired such a precious sword. ”

“Hoho! Lord Illum still looks like he's a simple mercenary. ”

“I can handle that on my own. ”

Evelyn grins as she looks at Ilum, strangely deformed to see whether she felt bad being compared to a mercenary. The short thought of the deputy commander of the Knights who had been sent by my father to care for me was too funny.

Evelyn blames herself for her mistake when she saw the white old knight's face stiffened on her smile.

“Do you see that mercenary's foot? It's invisible to me. ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

Illum stutters at Ibelin's words. Harun's feet are not visible to his eyes, even as he reaches the Sword Master. Not only that, his figure and movements are not clearly visible, as if his whole body were covered in cloudy fog.

“I didn't believe the rumor that he was flying in the sky, but I can see why that came out today. Even with a blade instead of an error sword, I don't think anyone with that kind of movement will be able to handle it properly. There's no way someone who moves that fast is going to be able to stand in line for a sword. ”

Ibelin's words engrave a thick crease on Illum's forehead. Come to think of it, she was right. Even a Sword Master can evade that attack, it won't do any good. It looks like you won't be able to deal with it efficiently unless you're a senior Sword Master.

Even if the opposing Pokémon has not admitted that they can avoid their attacks, it would be extremely difficult to deal with them if they had the ability to maintain such a fast pace for more than ten minutes.

“Look closely at the clothes of the man lying there on the floor. ”

Ibelin said that she saw a warrior rolling the ground with Illum's gaze out of power. His clothes are charred and his tattooed face ripens red.

“That Haroon mercenary is emitting enough heat to burn with just a black touch. ”

His group stands more than thirty paces away from him. However, the heat must be unimaginable since it feels so hot here.

"What a bloody heat. ’

The waves of the sword sweep away and the ground burns black. Warriors are sweating and exerting super-strength, but some of them are rolling the floor to extinguish the blazing clothes.

‘The difficulty of swordsmanship is unknown due to the absence of errors, but the power of this magic sword alone is comparable to that of Expert. ’

But I didn't think I couldn't face the Master of the Sword. Illum continued to be troubled by the laughter of the Empress Evelyn. She was the one who swore her allegiance to the Pyrin Empire and admired the wisdom of the world as well as the majesty in the political front.

“Oh! Another kind of power. ”

After a moment of second-guessing, Ilum focused again on the battlefield with Evelyn's resilience and had to watch an unbelievable scene.

Since when, a new sword, much longer than a meter long, emerged, like the Black Ordeal of a mercenary, which was translucent and running like water.

“Aurora Blade? No, it's not! ”

Obviously not Blade. But no other possibilities came to mind. Expert clearly judged it to be intermediate or advanced, but he couldn't even trust his judgment anymore.


Along with the mercenary's mechanisms, a disparate form of Sword protrudes from his blade. It flies towards the warriors as if it were ballistic and collides with their weapons, blowing them away. The sword, which collided with the warrior's weapon, shattered the mountain, but when it reflected in the sunlight and looked in many colors, it definitely hit a puddle of water.

“Aqua Blade? ”

I don't know if that's true.

Legend has it that in ancient times, a spiritual Mage appeared and used a unique blade of water. Though it is made of a lump of water, the Sword said it had the power to withstand the Sword or the Blade to come. Legend has it that the spirit witch swordsman created the Orc Sword, called it the Aqua Sword, is the best the spirit can have.

“Phew! Phew! ”

Illum took a deep breath. I was filled with strength while holding the sword sack in my hand. At this age, my unyielding curiosity began to boil beyond comprehension.

A legendary Spirit Mage wouldn't be enough to be your opponent. In addition, even the Sword Master himself was a difficult opponent, if he had such quick movements that he could not distinguish between his vision and reality.

I knew it!

Illum, who had finally realized that, was delighted by the wisdom of this little princess. On the other hand, he accused himself of being just a lowly mercenary and blamed himself for his pride in coming all this way to commission him himself.

‘If you're that good.... ’

Her long hair made her look hard to see, but she had to admit that Harun's mercenary was better than the rumors. It was true that they were also rumored to be spirits. No, it was a much stronger spirit demon.

Suddenly, I felt a chill.

So, the heat was not a magic sword, but a flame sword that shaped the spirit of the flame system around it? ’

I could have. The warriors attacking Harun, for sure, desperately swing their weapons a few meters away and bounce back.

Ilum's face was stiff. Isn't this more than a legend? I've never even heard of a Spirit Mage, but an Aqua Blade from Flame Sword!

‘I can't believe you signed a contract with the best spirits...? ’


Illum swallowed a saliva without even knowing it. I don't know about Flame Sword, but Aqua Blade must be possessed by a Supreme Spirit. That would never be beneath him.

“I guess I should have come myself. If you're that good, you'll have to complete a quest. I had a swordsman in his crew close to the Sword Master, and when I got out of Silent Land, I was concerned because two 5-Circle Wizards were secretly accompanying him, and I didn't think he had that kind of skill. What a remarkable figure. ”

Illum was not able to do anything this time. Because he was great to see. Harun was not the only one they were surprised by. Their eyes are dazzled with awe at the sight of the Aka warriors.

“Even one of my men has such incredible strength and vigor. The original rumor is being inflated, but in this case, it's completely contradictory. If you deliberately hid this, that mercenary would be very important for the future continental regime. ”

“Well, yes. They say they can't use Mana, but they are using an unknown power that is comparable to Mana. ”

His gaze is on an axe wielded by a warrior, looking at a piece of rock cut clean as a tree.

Obviously, it wasn't the sword that represented the Expert Knight. As proof of that, their weapons are invisible, not even to Orrin Wright.

"Amazing! What power is it to cut a rock so clean like a sword? ’

I didn't think it would be this surprising to follow you here to keep Lady Evelyn safe. Why didn't we know that these powers existed in the world until now? Only the knights thought to be the best, but it was a shock that one mercenary had the strength to compare it to the knights.

Illum blamed himself for not knowing the world for a long time because of the Priory Emperor, who was stuck in the Royal Knights who could not reveal its existence to the world.

It's a big world! The wisdom of Empress Evelyn who opened the empire and built a solid foundation in such a short time was surprising enough, but the interest was even greater. ’

I looked back and saw the battle between court wizard Vekilburn and the friendly knights in astonishment. However, his expression seemed to be mesmerized.

‘Well, I've never seen anything like it. ’

What if they're dealing with themselves and the interest? Suddenly, I felt creepy all of a sudden.

Can a female shaman amplify her allies with magic, a crew of about twenty who use unknown powers, and a mercenary commander with an aqua sword and a flame sword bear a similar number?

Illum shakes his head powerlessly. The numbers were similar, but they were inferior. Even if you deal with the commander, the rest of the Knights, on average, are nothing more than middle-income Exports, and you can't get those ugly tattoos all over your body.

‘They have experienced countless life-threatening battles. ’

These people have suffered many battles with their bodies, not by fighting knights and horseback riding, but by being thoroughly polite. Even though the odds may differ greatly, they put their weapons into the void with the ferocious will of a single assassin. Those who have this kind of venom and life will kill the opponent even if their arms and legs fall off and they curse them for being cowards.

"Phew! We may have to risk our lives. ’

What I thought was an easy task now weighed heavily on his mind.

I saw him pressing his heart harder.

"Oh, my God, it's a bird! ’

Suddenly Harun started flying free like a bird. Incredibly, Harun's mercenary reaches for the aqua sword and plunges it into the air. Then he wasn't waving his arms, but he wasn't down on the ground for a while, and he was moving freely in the air, attacking the warriors on the ground.

Cough! Cough!


At this point, either side could be exhausted, but the battle was still fierce. The men were wielding their weapons as if they were going to kill the commander, and even the commander was flying around with a spectacular move that seemed to ignore the lives of his men.

It must have been twenty minutes since they started watching. I don't know how long this crazy fight has been going on since then.

"You bastards! ’

If you fight with this much effort, perhaps you, the Sword Master, but the knights who came with you will be exhausted and forced to be attacked by the opponent's weapon.

Although they took shape before the wheel, most of them had a pattern of attacks that focused on the sword for days, so they must be exhausted by now, but they wielded their weapons in chi.

‘Dammit! The world is in vain. ’

When I heard that a noble knight close to the Sword Master was in this mercenary army, I decided to help him who dishonored the nobles and knights. However, I would like to join the mercenaries who fight this fiercely even during normal times.

‘Maybe he was against these mercenaries. ’

Instead, I wanted to meet the article. I wanted to ask you how you were able to break the frame of a solid identity. And I wanted to take it all off if I could, and be with these strong people.

When I was thinking about it, the fight in the intestine was finally over.

The woman shaman mumbled something, and as she turned around, the rest of the people fell down, unable to get up.

“These are terrible people. ”

Illum nods in agreement with Evelyn's words. I couldn't help but pay tribute to those who fought so fiercely that there was not even a single point left. With this training, I couldn't help myself. Despite being blamed for exhausting all this power in a place like this, where no one knows how.


There was a slight malfunction in the knight's back.


The room itself opened its eyes wide. The people who had just fallen down like they were about to die were already awakened. Then he shoots an intense kill shot at them.

Was it a trick? They really ran out of power. It's definitely been cured. There are no scars on their bodies. ’

The warriors in Illum's eyes were dressed like rags, but they couldn't see any scars. Obviously, most of it was covered in blood. Then, I could not believe that he had healed all the wounds in that short period of time, but he was clearly watching.

As a Sword Master, Illum has the ability to see the opposing team's strength and Mana from a distance. He confirmed that they had just passed out.

Illum did not know that Harun, who sensed a strange prowess, had caused Nia to vibrate within the warriors who drank the superior potion. The Water Spirit itself has the healing power, and since it has added the power of a higher potion, the Warriors quickly recovered.

“This is ridiculous. ”

When I saw the people who had just been exhausted and could not move a finger, I couldn't understand Illum's face.

“Stop! I'm a guest. ”

Harun speaks, and the warriors remain vigilant.

Harun's defense gear, which came forward after defeating the warriors, was completely shattered. The helmet and other weapons were pierced and cut to keep the rags warm, but strangely clean.

“The Yvelin Princess? ”

Evelyn's eyes turn round with words coming from Harun's mouth halfway up. He never thought he would recognize himself. She doesn't know that Harun has received information from Hersh about his footage.

“You must be Commander Harun of the gale mercenaries. ”

“Greetings. I am Harun. ”

Harun politely bowed and replied, but his eyes quickly changed sharply.

“Mind your manners! She is the only princess of the Daffyrin Empire! ”

Along with Illum's mourning, the knights united against the sword. At the same time, the warriors behind Harun begin to exhale as well. They look as if they were about to attack the SS at any moment.

“Whoa! What a bunch of ignorant bastards! ”

The Illuminati emitted a powerful energy in all directions. It was Mana Radiation, a technique that could only be used when it was a mid-level Sword Master. In a flash, Mana radiates to his front, and the atmosphere begins to flutter.

It was a very effective technique to kill a large number of unspecified groups. This has the effect of giving the opposing Pokémon a powerful scare, as if it were a peer of a beast.

As Ilum intended, the warriors took a few steps back and shivered. This power cannot be sustained by warriors who cannot use Mana. Of course, there was one reason why warriors were no longer able to use their magic powers.

The instant Harun's mouth bursts with a gasification that rips the atmosphere apart.


With this synthesis, Mana's invisible radiation is blocked as if it hit an iron wall.

"Oh, what a surprise! You mean to stop Mana from radiating? ’

Illum's eyes reminded me of an unseen surprise. He could not even fathom his skills. In a way, I felt like I was the Sword Master, and in a way, I felt that I was less than or equal to it.

“I've never heard of a princess in the empire, so I excused myself. If you don't have the courtesy, say hello again. Haroon the mercenary greets you, Your Highness! ”

Harun lowers his head deeply with one knee to the ground immediately. Although it was not a common courtesy to put your knees to the ground and face down, the SS, including Illum, felt that this much was enough for a figure of Harun.

“Maybe because the facts aren't out there yet. Hi, I'm Evelyn. ”

“Yes, Your Highness. ”

“I wanted to stop by and say something nice to you. I'm so proud to see such outstanding characters in this empire. ”

Evelyn gently unravels the story. I didn't intend to do this. I was going to force him to do something by giving him a powerful fear and warning that would break the imperial seal. But when he came here and saw his real abilities, he abandoned his intentions.

“What brings you here? ”

“The Lord of the Empire sent you and the gale mercenaries here himself. It's an honor for him to commission mercenaries himself. ”

Since the Empire Princess has come herself, this is too much to deal with mercenaries. Obviously, Ibelin was shocked by Harun's imminent words, thinking Harun would bless her.

“I'm sorry, but I cannot listen to your words. ”

“What……. ”

Despite not being told to get up, Harun stood up with his back extended and his mouth wide open, looking straight at Evelyn with deep, clear eyes, hiding most of his face.

“Me and the gale mercenaries are not residents of the Pyrin Empire. My hometown and our home is Hookran. It's a land that no country can claim. ”

Harun's remarks caused Evelyn to panic momentarily. I never thought he would claim to be a foreigner. Even if it were a foreign country, there was no such law when considering his identity. Evelyn's face reminds me of the furnace.

“Besides, we already have a request for our gale mercenaries, so we can't accept a request from the Pyrin Empire. That's too bad. ”

“You rascal! How dare you come into the land of the empire and speak to the noble Empress? You obviously don't want to live! ”

Illum screams like lightning, but Harun doesn't flinch. His attitude didn't shake like a giant rock.

“I think I've kept my manners to myself. If it's not a question of manners, but a request, we already have a commitment, so of course we have to decline it. ”

“Why do you take the quest of the great emperor like those of other lowlifes? Moreover, a lowly mercenary dares to speak to the noble Empress. Even mercenaries who have nothing to learn don't know that kind of manners? ”

Illum grits his teeth and shouts. However, Harun's expression did not change. He looks directly at the group of Empress Evelyn in a bold tone.

“You and the Gust Mercenaries are free bodies that are not affiliated with any country. You keep talking about manners, but what more can I do for a foreign princess? Even Emperor Garban, the first emperor of the Theon Empire, or the emperor of the New Theon Empire, did not force me to behave this way. This is very offensive. Excuse me. I won't see you again later. ”

Harun finishes his remarks, grasping his hands together and bowing his head.

“Oh my……. ”

Illum was so confused that he couldn't connect the words properly, and the wizards and knights he was accompanying were in a state of shock and had no reaction.

What is this? Who the hell is this guy? ’

Evelyn, the emperor's beloved Pyrin empire's youngest and youngest skillful, opens her eyes and says nothing. I was surprised that Harun's actions were beyond common sense. What's even more bizarre is that he's turning around and walking toward his crew with nothing more to say.

Evelyn can see that this is not an act of seeing the other party's reaction, but an act of sincerity.



As Illum explodes into Noho Castle, the knights draw their swords together. The wizards began to recite the incantation just in case.

Then Harun slowly turns around and suddenly his hands are smashed, and the eyes between his hair are blazing with flames. The knights behind you flinch, as Illum, the Sword Master, explodes momentarily into a terrifying life.

“Are you pointing a sword at us? I don't know why I should be treated like this by you. I'm a mercenary, but I've never been treated like this before. I'll be happy to fight you! Come!”

Harun's words raise the power of the tattoo with the Aka warriors. Your body is back to normal. Moreover, the strength of the horseshoe that Harun had depleted was somewhat full because of the horseshoe that Harun put into everyone's body.

“Don't forget, the Empire has provoked you first. I now pronounce the Storm Mercenaries an enemy of the Pyrin Empire. ”

It was embarrassing.

Ibelin, as well as Illum and her knights, were filled with confusion beyond anger. He did not think such a person would exist. You insisted on courtesy and quest, not only did you not want to mix words, but you also challenged a giant empire to a sword!

“Hey, boss! ”

Before any reaction, the face of Illum turned stiff after one of the knights spilled. The faces of Belin and the knights who turned their attention to him were also getting worse.


There were a few mercenaries behind them, but their prayers were unusual. The team, including Dylan, who went to the sponsorship, had a crack in their rear.

The old swordsman's whole body draws his sword and interestingly stares into Ilum, giving off a dangerous energy that seems to burst soon. The two wizards next to him had a clear magic circle drawn in the air.

Not just them. Two archers of unbelievable stature held arrows against the demonstration, their tentacles spilling john mana light.

And a small middle-aged man took out a few barrels and stuck one of them in his mouth. What is unusual is that his body is shaking like a scarecrow. Looking closely, he was moving swiftly to the left and to the right. I was fast enough to get around Harun's body.

‘These are the men who appeared in the land of tranquility. ’

The infamous blast mercenaries who slaughtered more than 300 people.

Master of the Sword? ’

The old prosecutor smiling at Illum must be Dylan. Once a knight in the imperial palace, the knight's sword barfed a frightening spectacle of a one-meter aura.

"Not only the commander, but also the skills of the crew were misunderstood! ’

The room was mouth-watering.

I had no idea Dylan, once known as the Expert Supreme, was the Master of the Sword. It was also a true sword master with a proper error sword. He didn't know that Dylan had created the sword to come instead of the proper blade of error just to protest.

“Hey! Don't, Madosa! ”

A slight malfunction has erupted from the palace wizard, Vekilburn. Madosa calls wizards more than six circles taller.

‘Dammit! Someone said it was the Wizard of the Five Circles. The Mages must have drawn a magic circle in the air. ’

Evelyn's eyes widen in horror as she sees two of her six circles, capable of reaching the highest ranks in any of her steeples, in the air, preparing to activate them at any moment.

Not only that, the strength of two women with enormous balls is not great either. When I saw the error around the tentacle, not just Manawa's arrows, I was able to practice archery.

The shifting irony of the typed Mana error is frightening. If you hit that arrow at this close range, the full plate would definitely be pierced. How about a middle-aged mercenary with a long barrel over a meter in his mouth? Definitely a sting of venom. If there is a struggle, those swift feet will target the opposing Pokémon's gap. There is no way to stop them.

Illum carelessly turned his gaze on Evelyn.

In any other situation, even if you die, you should not tolerate such rudeness. But he knew roughly why the princess had accompanied him to Harun. I'm here to entrust him with an important imperial event. I didn't come here to fight like this.

Evelyn closes her eyes for a moment, as if trying to straighten her mind.

"Hehe! This is fun. I never thought I'd meet a woman who would take Imperial Related Knights so lightly. We wouldn't be here if we weren't so confident that we could face it and disappear without a trace, would we? You're a gale mercenary.I 'll give you that much credit! ’

Evelyn tightens her lips and opens her mouth.

“That's enough, Master. Courtesy is not earned, it is worthless. They are ordaining themselves not to be members of the Empire, so we should give them the same. Anyway, we have something to ask them, so we have to be patient with it. ”

“I understand.”

As soon as Illum responded to Evelyn's words, the knights' swords darkened and the sharp spectacles disappeared.

"Phew! What a woman. You're going to finish the job by impressing them that they're concessional. ’

This is the land of the Pyrin Empire. The opponent lowered his sword and there was no need to keep this up. Harun, the speculator, smashes. Then, as promised, the storm troops and the warriors unravel together.

The Illuminati and their knights were a little surprised at their stealthy behavior. He hid his attack posture in a flash, as if they had been trained for a long time.

“I have something to tell you, where should I go? ”

“If it's about the quest, I'm a little late, but I'll hear about it. Follow me.”

Harun responded bluntly and headed to his lodging. The tea room in the center of the room was the best place to meet her and her pilgrims.

On the only table in the Tea Room, Ibelin and Harun sat face to face, and a few stood behind them.

“Don't just stand there. Sit down. ”

There's plenty of room. Dillon and Tino are seated on either side of Harun as Illum and Beckyburn sit on either side of Ibelin.

“Henny, get the car ready! ”

“Yes, commander! ”

Henny, who was hiding behind the crowd, quickly began preparing his car for Harun's words. After Henny had just boiled the tea using a magic item, he placed the Omicha in front of each one, and Evelyn opened her mouth a long time later, gazing at Harun without saying anything.

“I have something urgent to tell my commander Harun, so I'll bite him around. ”

“I understand.”

The two men say that both sides have moved quite a distance between Dylan and Illum's solo and are positioned as if they were in a group fight.

“That smells good. ”

“I'm Omicha. ”

Evelyn drank a cup of tea, tasted the tea and the aroma, and her eyes became surprised.

“Wow, that's great. ”

Harun's eyes gleam brightly at her reaction. Ibelin seems curious about the meaning of her eyes.

“It can't be poisoned. What does that mean? ”

“I thought you were from a foreigner, but I'm surprised you can taste the tea and the aroma. ”

Evelyn, who had never been shaken so far, opened her mouth to Harun. It was a matter of great secrecy that was not yet known to the world.

“Well, how did you know, where did you know? ”

Ibelin is in such a state of confusion that she stutters. He did not think that the mercenaries who had never noticed his secret would know it.

“Trade secrets. Knowing the taste of food, you must be a Super Capsule user, which is extremely rare in the world. ”

“Him, that's it? ”

Evelyn shakes her head once to calm her surprise. She had never been so embarrassed in her life. But that wasn't all I did. Harun continues to speak, and Ibelin is stunned.

“Glory Guyani is of the dark side, isn't she, the Human Guard? ”

“ ……. ”

Evelyn was unable to recover. There were so many thoughts in my head that I became a mess.

Who the hell is this guy? ’

I wanted to scream. Let's say you find out that you are a stranger. However, the fact that she is a factor in the Human Guard is the fact that the Emperor and his wife have barely opened their minds.

“You sound surprised. And that's a bit of a surprise to me. If you had investigated our mercenaries beforehand, you would have heard that we have the same level of intelligence as the Empire Intelligence Guild. ”

Ibelin's horror is only calmed by Harun's words.

‘Yes! Reports show that a squadron of thundering mercenaries was able to penetrate top-notch intelligence. I never thought I'd see through something so little known in real life. I thought it was a rumor... ’

That skill or identity had surpassed that of Imperial Intelligence reports or rumors.

We've got to get him! For those of you with this kind of processing power, skills not afraid of the friendly Knights, and the distribution of answers that won't even work for the Empress, it can be incredibly helpful for me without a reliable backing force other than Human Guard. ’

Evelyn wets her dry lips and takes a deep breath.

“I was once again astonished by the intelligence of the gale mercenaries. I was surprised enough by the skills of the crew. ”

“If you're surprised, apologize." because I think it's better not to talk if I don't open up my chest. ”


Evelyn shows her feelings honestly. The user felt that the opposing Pokémon was treating her with nothing to hide.

“That much information can only be found if you choose to. The Imperial Intelligence Guild probably knows that much. It's just that we know because we're dealing with an intelligence organization that's partnering with you. ”

Evelyn felt her head turn white at Harun's words.

‘This mercenary has a close relationship with reality as well. ’

Why didn't I think of this? Reality is sequestered by unions, so the exchange is not seamless. His Human Guard is also a clay organization, restricting the flow of organic information. But this world is where all the Union users come in.

Focusing on this place is more efficient than having to isolate and significantly restrict your mobility if you want to deal with Glory Gaia. It is also possible to create your own power here.

Even if it is not the closed way that GG and HG have been doing so far, it is not immediately possible to exert power here, but I can exert a meaningful influence.

Ibelin's heart begins to tremble fearfully.

Until now, I had not seen much of it following the orders of the organization, but this mercenary, Harun, had dared to break through the walls of the accident.

‘This place can make the world I want. ’

With this place, you can create the foundation of the world you want without having to notice the organization. After all, the world is a place where people can choose and nurture people who dream the same dream.

The user is constantly being dragged by the opposing Pokémon, but there's nothing I can do. The opponent has already surpassed the category she had in mind. And he was looking at himself clearly.

Harun gets right to the point.

“I'm sorry you've had a hard time coming, but I'll refuse the request. ”


“A thief is no better than a mercenary without trust. ”

Ibelin realizes that Harun didn't just say that. They have already received another quest. I thought it was difficult for me, but it wasn't Ibelin to be disappointed or give up.

“I don't think we've started yet, but can we turn back? We'll take the penalty. ”

It is a gentle word, but it has a tender meaning. As proof of that, her eyes dart towards Harun.

“The target is the problem. ”

In other words, the first person or organization who entrusted it has unstoppable power or power. Not even in the name of the Pyrin Empire.

“Where are you? The Imperial Intelligence Guild? ”

Harun nods instead of answering. In the Pyrin Empire, where all the nobles disappeared, there were only top 10 empire officials or the Empire Intelligence Guild.

‘Hm. They might be in trouble. Interestingly, he already knows that the Imperial Court is at an impasse. ’

Obviously, it was difficult for an Empire Intelligence Guild to have a quest for a Gust Mercenary. They were taken from the Imperial Court. Moreover, there are currently branches of the Imperial Intelligence Guild within the Pyrin Empire, but they are not officially recognized. The commander has yet to make his home in the Empire.

Evelyn considers for a moment and opens her mouth.

“That part can be solved. If the conditions are right, they will concede. ”

Then there is no problem. Perhaps this is what Hersh wanted for Harun. An opportunity to make a node in the Imperial City and be free to act.

Harun leans forward slightly to show an active attitude.

“Let's talk about it in earnest. What do you want?”

Evelyn sighs of relief in Harun's words, but she doesn't let go.

“You have a lot of information, so guess the details of the quest. ”

Harun's face stiffens slightly in her words. The user now feels the scabbard has been turned over to the target.

Did you let him go too easily? ’

But I was going to take the quest anyway, so I didn't have to drag it any further. Harun masturbates and opens his mouth.

“There are four possible quests. ”

Evelyn's eyes tremble with the words "four." You have four quests. I think they know what they're missing because their ability to handle information is such a surprising mercenary.

“The first thing I'm thinking about is the recent investigation into a major disappearance. ”

Evelyn shakes her head small without even knowing it. Harun's prediction was too accurate. No, there was one more thing. There were exactly two things she wanted to commission in the storm.

“The second can be to track down the whereabouts of the Darkness. You're not seriously considering asking me to take care of them, are you? ”

Evelyn looks at Harun with astonishing eyes. Predicted her intentions exactly as terrifying as her intelligence. It was too much to ask to enter the Devil Mountains where the horses were traversing and eliminate thousands of hordes.

“The third is whether the Emperor will retrieve the precious grimoire he lost or find out where it is. ”


Evelyn straightens her head with a magnificent look. After a while, he shakes his head and loosens the power on his neck. If he was a foreigner and had the intelligence to find out where he was from, he would have known that easily.

I have not yet decided on this matter. The investigation is ongoing, but the clues are still unresolved.

“Do you know who that is? ”

“You probably guessed it. ”

“Then…? ”

Harun nods.

‘Darkness was right, I see. So why did they take the grimoire? The other grimoire is still there. ’

The brief question interrupts your mind, but Evelyn shakes her head slightly and turns it back.

“What's the fourth? ”

I couldn't think of anything other than the three things mentioned earlier. Ibelin was not surprised, so now I'm curious.

“A group of suspected Black Mages and a large number of Black Magic traces have been discovered in Matsu Plain recently. And the Dark Elf Spirits showed up. The number of horses has increased dramatically as well as the unusual number of horses that don't come down to Mats Plain is happening outside the Great Mountains. And unfortunately, that started when the Darkness went into hiding. It's not just the Pyrin Empire. It's the realm of the Old Theon Empire. It's the whole continent. And that's the last quest we expect to explore. But I won't accept it because it's too dangerous. ”

Harun's words open her eyes. She knew for sure that this was important, but she didn't think it was this far.

"The Dark Wizard? They have something to do with the Darkness?" Surely the Dark Elves are allies with our Pyrin Empire. ’

Evelyn's head falls flat. Suddenly, the Imperial Intelligence team heard a great piece of information from a mercenary. How he got this information was no longer a problem. Before she was the Empress of the Pyrin Empire, she knew the history of dark magic and its destruction.

There was something about it in the test subjects of the tower that I essentially saw to become a circle 2.

“The reality is still unclear. But that's even more frightening. ”

“So what does this place have to do with the Imperial Intelligence Guild's request? ”

Harun nods softly to confirm Ibelin's question. Although everyone knows how rude it is to nod without an answer to the princess, neither of them was aware of it at this moment.

‘Then the Imperial Intelligence Guild's intelligence gathering force is surpassing the Imperial Intelligence Force. Even if more than half the organization flew away, they would have had more hidden informants than they have ruled the night of the Empire for hundreds of years. All right! I've seen the intelligence run anyway, so I'm gonna have to hug them. ’

Even in reality, Evelyn knew that profits represent results. It is well known that union companies or organizations operate more closely than private companies and have little success.

‘Therefore, it is better for Imperial Intelligence to focus on a specific field, not on all information. ’

It is not childish to be here, but it was her conclusion at this moment through a conversation with Harun. Like the Imperial Intelligence Guild, she clearly realized that the way to distribute the money from the information to relevant people by contribution points is more efficient than the current promotional system adopted by the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

Evelyn is momentarily lost in thought and people do not disturb her. She is busy digesting the massive information from Harun's mouth in her own way.

Now, when Evelyn had drank the cold tea water and cleaned her throat, she saw Harun with a stiff wick.

“I'm going to make a formal request. Investigate the Darkness' whereabouts and disappearance. ”

It was as I thought.

“We are working on two things at the same time, but please contact us as soon as you have any results. No, we send a few of our own. ”

It was annoying to accompany strangers, but that was not the problem. Moreover, it's nice to know that you can even contact yourself. You don't have to go through the process of confirming information if you're going with them.

“Name your price. ”

Now comes the most important moment. Harun thought it would be a bad idea for him to tell the story first again. In fact, I know this is important, but the money can vary depending on how important the other person is.

“You tell me first. ”

Evelyn nods and opens her mouth.

“You're a tough guy. Okay, I'll go first. For starters, the Imperial Court has decided to award 5 million in cash on the premise of this success. Probably the largest single number since the Mercenary Guild was founded. ”

I'm sure it's a lot of money. That was an enormous proportion of the annual budget of the famous Marquis of the Old Theron Empire. Not now, of course. Due to the rise of the economy by foreigners, it has naturally become inflationary and has dropped a lot of monetary value.

“Hmmm, I don't think it's that bad, but if you think about the failure of a third-rate large investigator and Imperial Intelligence with skills and intelligence, it's a ridiculous cost. Moreover, considering that the main area of activity is the Mass Plains and Devil Mountains infested with horses.... ”

Harun's unfinished answer makes Evelyn's eyebrows twitch. His intentions were clear. It was only a small price for the failure of the Imperial Intelligence Squad with the power of the Three Waves of Investigation that included the soybean masters and the information guild comparable to the Imperial Intelligence.

In fact, when he came here, he thought he could pay as much as he wanted to succeed. It would be the same for the emperor. The treasure flowed beyond imagination because it had occupied numerous lords of nobles.

The emperor and Ibelin concluded that not only did they interfere with the sovereignty, but also the dark ones who stole the grimoire were the biggest obstacles to the stability of the subsequent empire. Information about them and information about a large-scale disappearance that could greatly diverge the public mind was difficult to convert into money.

“Then let's double it. ”

Harun was surprised at what Evelyn said. It was 10 million gold. I couldn't be more surprised.

“Very well. Half the deposit is for the Imperial pebbles, the Spirit Stones and the Manassites, and the other half for cash. In addition to that, I'd like to ask you two more things. ”

Evelyn placed the burden on Harun's decision to accept the second offer without taking too long. Given the expression "please," it didn't seem like a big deal.

“What is it?”

“The small Mercenary Guild involved with our mercenaries will begin shortly. Please grant the merchant guild permission to trade with other countries. We're not going to do large-scale trade, of course. ”

I thought for a moment to find out if I had anything to do with them, but I decided to tell them. I didn't have to hide it because it was going to be known anyway.

“Hoho, the Mercenary Guild is involved. What's his name? ”

“The Gust Guild is not registered yet. A few days later, we plan to launch our headquarters in this demo city. ”

“What about the main item? ”



There are wizards and priests, and this world without science and technology is unlike reality, the pharmaceutical industry has not been activated. The common people used to control everyday diseases with herbs passed down from civilian to civilian generations.

“Many people are dying because they don't have the money to pay for the temple or the steeple. It's not dying of illness, it's dying of money. The Mercenary Guild is involved in the manufacturing and selling of universal medicines on a massive scale, as is the case in science's advanced world. ”


I no longer think of Harun as a mercenary. He was a man with great intentions to be called a hero. Building a Merchant Guild is supposed to be about making money. Industry choice is fine. But you don't want a big one.

‘Is it really for the people? ’

Maybe it's because he's living in a world of desperation? Ibelin doubted whether Harun's true intention was to save the poor and naked people, not benefit.

It was a natural doubt and reaction for her to see power, power, and money pouring out policies and actions in the name of those who were powerless, but ultimately bringing their pockets to life.

“Revenue will be enough to sell the items made by the xenophiles. ”

I'm curious about Ibelin because it's a heterogeneous object. She has heard rumors about Harun and the Storm Mercenaries, so she figured out that Dwarves and Elves are connected to him.

“It's going to be a great business. ”

“Yes, once universal medicines are sold, the health of the empires, as well as those living across the continent, will significantly improve, and it will become a vital source of economic activity in the long run. ”

“No, that's not it. Handling items made by the xenogens. ”

“Yes, I think so, too. It would be even more so if there was imperial protection. After we are in charge of equity investments and stable commodity supply and maximize value from Pacho Mart to Enchant, the Wind Merchant Guild will be in charge of the sale. ”

In fact, I didn't want to inform anyone about the merchant guild case. However, this is the Pyrin Empire, and the existing merchants had to be heavily backpacked in order to distribute high-priced exotic goods.

‘The Pacochu Horse Tower is not bad, but the Imperial Boat is the best. ’

That's why I brought it up. After all, the Imperial Court had ample room for rare xenophiles. If the Imperial Court interfered with the operation as Harun intended, they were able to build a proper merchant guild without anyone's interference.

Evelyn nods. Whatever her intentions were, Harun's actions were inspiring for her, consistent with her goal of making the Pyrin Empire an ideal country. Moreover, unlike other expensive items, they were also commercially available.

“Okay, I'll do that. But can the Imperial Court also invest in a certain share? ”

It was an unexpected counteroffer. In Ibelin's words, Harun remained silent for a moment, but he felt he had nothing to lose.

“There's nothing wrong if you're not just involved in top management. I'll give you half our share. ”


“Our share is 49 percent. ”

Evelyn nods. The share of the Wind Merchant Guild will be 51 percent for management.

“What was your initial capital? ”

“Five million gold. ”

Harun's words strengthen Evelyn's gaze. It is understandable that the principal transaction item is a universal medicine that has never been seen in the world and requires substantial funding for development and production, but it is surprising that the squadron has an investment of nearly 2.5 million gold equivalent to 49 percent.

‘It's only been known for a short time, but if you've been secretly trading items with Dwarves and Elves with their abilities, the money would be ridiculous. Anyway, armor made by Dwarves and enchanted at Pacochu Horse Tower must be purchased first from the Imperial Court. ’

Even though it is armor, the Goblin Merchants Guild will greatly benefit from all kinds of jewelry and living items made by Dwarves. Now, the money is relaxing, but we don't know what will happen in the future. In order to shape her own future, she needed some of her own hydrogen that was not visible to others.

“Okay, I'm going to talk to the market about that. What's another favor? ”

“I believe there is an ancient artifact of wisdom in the Imperial Court. ”

“What if it's a fragment of wisdom? ”

I didn't think I'd heard of it. Harun explained it roughly.

“Why do you want what's only worth the artifact? ”

Ibelin is suspicious because the opponent is Harun. It was strange that someone of that size wanted something of no value. I was concerned that there might be some unknown secrets in the artifact.

“There are people in good relationships with me who are interested in that. You know, there are often people who have a hobby of collecting unusual things. ”

Fortunately, Ibelin did not ask for more. As Harun said, many people had a hobby of collecting and admiring only the unusual things. It was also a daily hobby of those with close relationships in real life.

‘The world has such useless hobbies. ’

Ibelin was kind enough to listen to a request from a real-life acquaintance who thought of someone in love with the objects of the Apocalypse.

“It was a little awkward at first, but I'm glad we were able to make a satisfactory agreement. ”

“So am I. Thanks to this, I was able to see the skill of Harun's mercenaries, so I was able to waste less time. ”

The two of them ended the story with good words that gave meaning to this place. Fortunately, we decided to invest together in the same merchant guild, so we were able to build reasonable trust with each other. That's why we decided to pay 1.2 million gold for the investment, and the rest in elemental stones, spirit stones, and mana stones.

However, he said that fragments of wisdom can only be given after the quest is over. The Emperor and her are the only ones qualified to search the Imperial Report, but they said they don't have time to find it. Of course, Harun was in an attitude that seemed to be of little importance to him, but Harun couldn't tell the story more actively.

‘If I'm wrong, I could screw things up. ’

If we knew the true value of the fragments of wisdom, we would not be so gentle. It was better to wait at this time.

The two of you who completed the quest are now relieved.

“How much information does Captain Harun have about an organization called Glory Gaia? ”

Evelyn didn't expect much, but she asked me, just in case.

“We know that they are clad organizations and that there are organizations that manage the production and distribution of drugs, that there are more than 10 armed forces and convoys per Union, and that there are dead bunkers near certain Union sites that conduct various biological experiments. ”


Ibelin was greatly surprised. The Dead Bunker's whereabouts have been identified by the Human Guard, but there has been considerable bleeding to obtain that information. I didn't know I had such advanced information.

‘Does that mean you have more information? ’

“Do you have any information on the location of the dead bunker, its facilities and personnel? ”

Harun is silent in the question, but Evelyn can see that he has more information. Inspired by Harun's reaction, Evelyn is unwittingly excited. Perhaps we can get the information that the organization so desperately wants to know through Harun.

“I'll pay whatever it takes. ”

Harun considers her proposal for a moment and opens his mouth.

“Then how about exchanging information? ”

“An exchange of information...? ”

“I will provide you with information on the location of the dead bunker, its internal structure, and its defensive forces. Instead, give us more information about Glory Gaia. the organization code, the organization chart, the business area, the key people, the organizational distribution, the location. The Ear Organization has long been hostile to Glary Gaia, and I think he knows a lot about it. ”

I don't even know the details myself, but I can get as much information as Harun has. In Harun's words, Evelyn bites her red lips with white teeth and rolls her eyes for a moment, nodding.

“Good. That kind of information would be worth trading. I'll report it to the top and let you know the results. Then why does the commander here need information about them? ”

Ibelin might not understand. Beyond is a world unlike any other.

“One of my colleagues wants that information. ”

“Hm. That fellow must be a stranger, right? ”

You don't have to listen to Harun's answer. However, since the detailed information about Glory Gaia was needed, it must have been a significant position at Union. Maybe it belongs to the family of the Senate.

‘Well, I'm now a partner in this mercenary. ’

As long as the goal was a match, it would be difficult to deal with.

“Very well, I'll pass along the details of them as permitted by the Bureau. ”

“Very well. I'll pass on the details of the Dead Bunker later as well. ”

Evelyn clenches her little fist without concealing her excitement. I couldn't help but get one of Glory Gaia's greatest secrets for fighting her organization for so long. This is about taking control of the Pyrin Empire and making as much progress as possible.

‘I'm glad I came in person. ’

Evelyn's eyes are burning.

Harun, who was just getting up from his seat, put his butt back on the chair, and she sat down again.

“I'm just asking because I'm curious. ”

“What is it?”

“What do the estramorwn seek in this world? ”

Immediately, Evelyn's face stiffened for a moment. I didn't know you knew that much. It was a short while before I opened my mouth again.

“We don't know that either. What we do know is that there is something in the world that can save our world. At first we thought it was a grimoire in a validation coffin. ”

It was not meant to be. I wanted to hear more details, but Ibelin's bidding was tightly closed.

“Hm. That could be the key to the grimoire the Emperor was collecting. ”

“No, that's definitely not it. There was no such thing in the grimoire. It's about making chimeras……. ”

Ibelin frowns at Harun's assertive words and stops.

"Chimera Manufacturing"? Are they trying to create new life? ’

It had nothing to do with how to save the world, but I thought it strangely. Glory Gaia, who is conducting numerous experiments at large biological laboratories such as the Dead Bunker in real life, may use the Chimera Manufacturing Grimoire saved from this world to plot something groundbreaking, but also something dark and terrifying.

‘Maybe I was right. ’

For a Super Capsule Holder, it was highly unlikely that Beyond's world of weaponry could be used in reality. Magic is different from swordsmanship, but perhaps there are others who can be used in real life.

‘It is not yet complete, but in the ancient book I obtained, there was nothing that could overcome the crisis of the real world. Then maybe there's an answer in the grimoire that the emperor of the Pyrin Empire got... ’

It was frustrating. The Elves told me that the emperor Pinocchio had been in the Validation Coffin for nearly a thousand years. Then there was a good chance that one of the grimoires he obtained was the key to the answer.

‘Ah! No. The Dark Elf Road was also in the coffin of the Validation. ’

This was worth investigating. Now I have to find out what kind of grimoire the king of the Elven Kingdom, who became the owner of the northeast of the Empire, got.

Evelyn looks at Harun, who was briefly distracted by his words, with a strange look.

What the hell are you? How do we know so much about our world? This guy's NPC? ’

Of course, it may be possible, but Evelyn recalls Beyond's world as she thought it was.

‘This is not a game world! No matter how powerful the ancient computers are, we can't program hundreds of millions of people here individually. ’

She was asserting that Beyond's world was a planet other than Earth's.

‘It could be another dimension of being overlapped in the same space. Anyway, the wisdom that we Humans can salvage in this world is not a grimoire. Weapons and Mana techniques that can be used are worth a lot of money, but that can't be all. The ancient computers are trying to give our human beings the experience and wisdom to actively manage the world in a narrow barrier. ’

She belonged to the privileged class of the Union system, but was dreaming of a new world.

The best way for Humans to choose from among diverse creatures such as Org or Hark, or from among the beasts of the world, is to enlighten the people of Union who live passively and hopelessly, so that all Humans can actively cope together.

Of course, they had to be mentally and physically superior to ordinary people, and they all had to have the same dream. That way, you can persuade the ignorant and passive civilians to lead them in one direction.

‘It's almost time for the barriers to be destroyed. As the day approaches, Humans must build unified empires around the world to exchange knowledge and wisdom and effectively eliminate mutants and other hazards. What Humans need to find here in the world are the rules and techniques to build strength and effectively manage a vast empire. ’

She was so sure. To do that, I was avoiding the eyes of the organization, creating my own henchmen and empowering them. It was a secret not only to the organization but also to the Pinocchise couple who regard themselves as daughters and love them.

What about interest? ’

Evelyn felt a brief intense temptation, but soon she shakes her head.

‘This is the one I cannot hold. Crucially the people of the world. ’

Harun is a person who does not know the end of his abilities or the organization in which he operates. She has significant connections on Earth as well as information and abilities that make her nervous. I can't even hear him referencing, but I'm afraid of his potential even if I do.

He's a real hero! I'm not a superhero in a mask like that. ’

The owner of the philanthropy was clearly not just spreading it unconditionally. Harun, who she sees, is a hero of a rational mindset who strives to do his best for the helpless.

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