After training, Remi and Henny make room for Harun and wait for him. The Tino couple who went for a walk nearby along with the scouts and Dylan who asked for Harun's protection returned, but the rest of the crew have not returned yet. Everyone seems to be getting excited and excited about the battle against the undead today.

“Captain, we've been in contact with the competition. ”

“Really? Where is he now? ”

“They're in Fort Matsurut. I couldn't talk long because the comms were down and so on. They want me to tell them what to do next. ”

“What do you know about Fort Matsurut? ”

“I've heard of it. Fort Matsurut is the only fortress in the middle of the Devil Mountains, bordered by the Pyrin Empire, the Mino Empire and the Shin Theron Empire. It used to have a change bag with 10,000 rangers in it to protect merchants across the Devil Mountains. But now it doesn't enter any country's territory. ”


“Yes, Earl Lyles, who was a change bag at the time of the change, declared neutrality. He traveled through the armies, mastering swordsmanship, becoming a Sword Master through a variety of battles, taking over Matsurut with a powerful charisma and leadership. The army that was in the fortress is close to 10,000, and the number of mercenaries will be half that. ”

“You built a neutral city with a strong military force. ”

“That's right. The best foreigners come here as mercenaries or to hunt monsters. There are more monsters there than dangerous horses. In order to get from the three empires to the fortress, there is only a narrow and rough road through which a wagon can barely pass, so the three empires cannot venture there. There are many people who have fled from the chaos, so the fortress population should be 50,000 by now. ”

“50,000 people? Is the fortress that big? ”

“Yes. We used to build it on a massive scale from the start to store munitions. It is now a free trade relay base in three countries, increasing in size and influence. ”


Harun ponders Henny's words for a moment. I knew the Banger was in the Devil Mountains, but I didn't know it was there. Why on earth would he stay there?

“Does Remy know anything about it? ”

From the moment I heard the word Matsurut, I was asking because Remi was showing a particular interest.

“I've been there twice to buy shaman ingredients with you. ”

“What kind of place? ”

“It's a very rough and thriving place. Brave soldiers called Devil Hunter are the masters there. Their fortress was filled with mercenaries and merchants. It's a very expensive place. ”

It is the border and passageway of the Three Kingdoms and is located in the Devil Mountains, filled with water, so many mercenaries and hunters could understand it. It's in a dangerous place, so I can understand the high price.

Then why are you there? ’

I didn't understand why strangers were there. The Brawl and the Bunker will surely be there with requests or requests from Baltrang. All foreigners could do there was hunt for level-up.

“Tino, did you find any tracks? ”

He said he was going for a walk with Donnes, but Tino was actually scouting the surrounding land.

“Yes, it's been difficult for a long time, but we found that a large group of people were traveling down the highway towards Fort Matsurut. The ground is well trimmed in that direction, so it looks like it's been moved all the time, not one or two times. We also found traces of entry into Mats Plain, about 20 people on the remaining tracks. In case you haven't noticed, I'm going to take a look around at dawn tomorrow. ”

Tino's judgment is well versed in postmortem as well as postmortem.

“Is the quest for the Tower first or the Imperial quest first? ”

Dylan asked. The Imperial quest is missing tens of thousands of people, so you should know more about it when you go to Matsuru. Though horses appear on Matsu Plain, merchants have frequently made frequent movements due to the low frequency of occurrences around them as they follow the Dar River. He could not believe that there were no witnesses at all because of such a high capacity.

Traces of about 20 people moving were assumed to have been left by the Tower Investigator. They must have moved deeper into Mats Plain with clues they didn't know what.

“Tomorrow, I will make a decision based on the reconnaissance of Commander Tino and Burroughwick. Rest well today. ”

Harun, who came out of the tent, did not immediately go to rest.

‘Phew! I don't feel so good. ’

I don't know if it's because of the atmosphere or because the Mana here is different from other places, but I can't rest my mind.

‘Shall we stay up all night and train? ’

It is not that uncomfortable to be confident in sleeping with Manawa Flow who is on her own. There was only a slight dissatisfaction, but nothing was wrong physically or mentally.


Harun has a fast-paced skill. His body flew like a bird into a field of moonlight.

When Tino returned from scouting at dawn, both the tower and imperial court were awakened and gathered in a large tent.

“Well done, Commander! Were there any other marks? ”

Dylan gives Tino a towel and asks.

“Yes, Sir Dylan. Now there were traces of dozens of people moving along the almost landlocked canal. Given the depth and size of the footprints found in some mudflats, it appears that many people who have not mastered martial arts are intertwined. The traces that passed there before them were also blurry but remained. ”

“That must have been the investigators at the Illusion Tower. They were escorted by the Knights of the Tower to the Plains along the canal and disappeared. ”

Serpa gave Tino credibility.

The original goal of drawing the Dar River from the swarming soil was lost, but the only path left in the vast desolate Matsu Plain was rarely towards the plain. The spiderweb-like waterway built when it was named as the fourth largest grain of the Han Chang Empire was so sturdy that hundreds of years later, many still looked like it.

“What about the commander?”

“Looks like you left at dawn. You haven't come back yet. I think he's waiting for BertrandVic. ”

Tino moves before sunrise, but he doesn't see Harun. I thought Harun got up and moved earlier than he did, when he and the rest of his crew sensed the tactics that were happening for the morning rehearsal.

“Let's wash up first and prepare a meal. ”

Tino's words make a sudden move, but both the tower and the portico only see the eyes of the thundering mercenaries. It was a shame for those who stood up to the people of the Temple of Light and ate separately. It was not a matter of working and not eating the proper food. It was too bad.

Serpa looks at the amount of bread Donnes took out to warm him and turns into a disappointed face. The taste was too bitter. I did not leave the idea of interfering publicly.

“Let's prepare a meal, too. ”

It was Frost and the two youngest knights in each faction that got into trouble. Frost has never done anything like this since the Grand Knights, since the time of the Knights at the Horse Towers, Millthread and Town have only been trained.


“Dammit! What are you doing at this age? ”

“Why did you pull out Chabel Tiger's nose...? ”

The three grumbled and prepared a meal. However, since it was breakfast, I had to boil soup. At the start, I had to take a closer look inside the magical backpack, even though I had taken care of it at the Horse Tower and the Imperial Court.

At that time, Harun had a strange experience. Birthday snacks were assimilated by virtue of the antidote, and Harun was assimilated by it.

It was truly the best feeling to cut through the cold dawn air and fly quickly.

- Awesome.

- Heave-ho!

The bitch was also throwing up a weird smile to see if she was in a good mood.

- Where do we go from here?

A male burroughbeak mino, who approved a tale of a slut and Harun, asked as he flew in the skies at a terrifying speed on a descent stream.

- Let's look around here today.

After experiencing a lot of fairy tale events with Pony, Mino followed Harun's opinions without much complaint.

- It's so spacious.

- Yeah, but the earth and the sky are strangely sticky. Anxious as if it were going to explode.

Crazy was sensing exactly how Harun felt a few days ago. It was said that Harun was not the only one who thought so, but that the distinctive energy was clearly dominating Matsu Plain.

Harun looks into the plain far below, through the eyes of Virtuvik.

There were many herbivores in the plains. There were many deer and buffalo types, and Orcs with dark skin often caught my attention around the rare forest. I also saw a lot of predators and rabbits and rats that had just come out to hunt.

‘It's nothing special. ’

When I came here, I didn't see any horses I expected to see right away. Just peacefully in accordance with the natural providence of parenting (?) I was living, but I didn't see anything special. Hundreds of years ago, it was a place infested with Humans that there were no traces of humans at all.

The plains were transformed into forests and meadows, wanting to know when they were farmed, but the traces of the canal remained clear. The waterway was connecting the plains like a web of spiders, but now I noticed places filled with windblown dirt and places where the rain had washed over.

Harun, who was scouting Mats Plain as he flew low above, thought of returning without finding anything else. If I think about it roughly, I was able to move the whole day.

At that time, I felt a strange sensation through the assimilated minos. I'm picking up an anomalous atmospheric pulse above my head.

- Strange creatures have appeared!

Suddenly, the widespread wings of the mino are slightly pulled inward, decreasing in speed. Then I flew up a couple of times, flapping my wings. Then I see the strange people Mino was talking about through his eyes.

The gray wings were about half the size of a mino, with the fuselage of an eagle and a strange creature with the beak and claws of a Wyvern. The ten flew to a place not far from the rising sun.

- They're freaks!

- Iconrad?

Harun recalls one of the horses he had heard about earlier.

- Do they live here? It was ugly. It had tiny wings.

Mino has relayed his intentions without any tension.

Harun remembered the name of Iconrad the moment he saw it, and he was probably right. These are some of the finest horses in the Devil Mountains. They have fast flying abilities, but their wings are too big and heavy for their bodies, so they spend a lot of time on the ground. You appear to have left for the morning hunt.

Shhh! Shhh!

They raise their voices strangely, vomiting threats, and then they split into five and surround them.

"Huff! Surround them?" I can't believe you're doing that spontaneously with your gym. ’

Harun sees that they are quite intelligent, stopping naturally in the air and surrounding in five directions.

- Can you handle it, Mino?

- Khh! There is no one in the sky to face us! I don't think they'll taste good because they smell weird.

Neither Mino nor Sunny were at all nervous. Mino turns his neck to a 360-degree rotation and sees an icon rad aiming for an opportunity to attack, surrounding himself.


Along with a short cry, Iconrad flew away with his two claws raised behind his neck. It was very fast even though it was not in normal flight posture.


Mino confronted Iconrad as he turned to face the threat.

Boom! Boom! Ba-bak!

As the claws hit, it sounds as if a lump of iron is colliding.

Mino stops the claw-like attack of Iconrad's steel with his claws, and for a moment he flaps his wings forcefully to climb over the attacker. Overall, Minos were one-and-a-half times bigger than Iconrad and their power was much stronger.

And the beak and claw attacks were done simultaneously. The downward icon rapidly flares its wings and attempts to evade the Mino attack, but it is difficult to draw out all of its power due to its poor location.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The beak of a steel mino pecks continuously at the area where the body and wings are connected. With every stroke of its power, Iconrad's fuselage drops a meter down, but Mino flaps his wings skillfully and does not miss him.

Got it! Got it!

The crucial attack was the claws. His long, sharp claws dig into the trunk of the one who can't use his claws as a weapon because of its position at the bottom. Suddenly, the man torn by sharp claws became bloody.


You flap your wings with a scream to evade the attack, but it does nothing. The claws of the Mino were firmly gripping Iconrad's head.

Jiji Jiji!

As Iconrad's skull distorts, his bones crack and he drops his wings helplessly.

After releasing him, Mino just launches into Iconlard, flying in from all four directions towards himself.

Glug! Glug!

As soon as the wings of the four icon lards stop flapping, like a beast's peer, the wings of the mino flutter violently.


Despite having a much heavier body than Iconrad, Mino's claws, which moved tens of meters in a single stroke of its wingspan, dug the neck of an iconrad and choked.

"Oh, my God, it's an adult and a child fight. ’

There are significant differences in flight capability and mobility, of course, so the minos were not embarrassed or atrophied at all while dealing with a few at once. Harun can only feel the rage and frenzy of little things threatening him.

Mino quickly kills two more iconlards and chases them away in turn, grabbing their claws and ripping their necks out. On Sunny's side, she chews something and flicks her wings roughly and spits it out as if she didn't like it.

Ten icons disappeared from view in an instant.

This is it, one! ’

The Aka don't know how to deal with the horses, but Mino and Suni were really good at dealing with the same flying ability. It was not for nothing that I heard that I was the Lord of heaven.

- Let's go downstairs! We'll take them with us.

Harun, who knows how expensive the hide is, decided to pick up some byproducts.

- They don't taste good. They have thin skin.

Minos are reluctant to fly up and down. Now, the sun was high enough and the dewed wings began to dry up overnight.

- But humans like it. I'll sell their hides and buy you lots of delicious Jerky.

- If you say so.

Harun tried to convince the minos, but he was worried about how to take it. I'd ask Mino and Sunny to hold them under their fingernails for two, but the rest was too bad.

‘It'll take me a day to get the group here. ’

I don't know what will happen if I move around for a day or so. It was unclear whether Iconrad's remains remained until then.

The mino glides gently off the ground, not fitting into the giant fuselage. But Sunny, who flies with her wings spread out and on an airflow, doesn't seem to want to come down to see if it's more important to dry her wings.

Before Harun asks you to do anything, the mino goes over to Iconrad's corpse, filling his torso with beaks and claws and removing his intestines, bones and flesh.

In an instant, Iconrad's body was so easily torn apart that its wings and claws turned into a body with only leather and a deformed appearance.

Glug! Glug!

Minos summons Sunny with some good food. But Sunny didn't think to come down to see if he was hungry or if he didn't like his intentions.

As if I didn't understand it, Mino tilted his head and began swallowing only his heart. He was so well-fed that ten hearts the size of a child's headache disappeared into the beak of the Mino. Then I started eating the soft flesh.

Was there anything unusual in the heart?

Harun thought of the horseshoe and asked if he was curious.

- Nothing unusual. Why? Do you want to have a stone made of anxiety?

Harun can see that what Mino is talking about is the stable stone.

- Yeah, that's what I need.

- It's in my head.

- Do you think you could bring the scalp and the leather up here?

- It's not that hard.

Harun loses his words to let Mino collect ten bodies in one place and grab them with two claws at once. I knew I had as much intelligence as humans, but I was amazed at the way things were handled.

- Come on, let's go!

- What are you gonna do with your food?

- Yesterday I ate a bison. You don't have to eat for the next three days. But you must give me the jerky you promised me.


That's the easy part. When he bought grains such as wheat and barley, he bought dozens of smoked jerky from each ingredient.

Mino flaps his wings a few times, clutching the ten corpses of Iconlard, which he thinks are quite heavy, and quickly flies up to Sunny. Mino and Sunni face each other a few times in the air and turn their heads toward the camp where Harun's party is camping.


Harun falls sideways, losing his center as the fairy tale unfolds.

"What's going on? Ah!"

Thinking about it, it was almost an hour after the fairy tale. Although it was a cheap medium, the fairy tale skill was quickly found to require a lot of mental strength and Mana.

‘From now on, we have to control time well. ’

At this rate, getting hit by a shotgun can be very dangerous. It was even more dangerous without Sir Dylan, who always protected himself. I turned to Mana Ocean for a moment, and it was almost empty.

Harun struggled to run the Mana Flow, blaming himself for his lack of caution and attention. With empty Mana Ocean flowing from high to low, Mana floods into the atmosphere.

Harun is now able to absorb Mana through the skin of the whole body, not through breathing through the nose. Hence, the speed of Manaflo, which revolves around the center of the torso, was also achieved in the blink of an eye. The Mana Ocean, which had just been emptied, began to gather.

‘Likewise. ’

Harun, who had been practicing his messenger skills overnight, confirmed that what he felt when he practiced yesterday was not temporary. And it was the same now. In this Matsu Plain, half of the Mana absorbed disappeared into the Mana Ocean and through an undetectable path to the marks and unknown spots on the back of the right hand.

After turning the Mana Flow dozens of times, Harun was satisfied with a clean Mana filled with Mana Ocean, giving up accumulating Mana and waiting for the Virtuoso Vik to fly straight to him. They appeared to be small dots in the air and began to grow quickly.

‘That's awfully fast. ’

Through Shaki's naturally-expanded eyes, he saw a burrowing beak that made his body look like a burn and flew down by minimizing the air resistance. Unlike the other times, I saw the performance statue and it seemed like they looked more graceful and cool.

Bang, bang!

Approaching them gently down to the ground, Harun strokes the neck of Mino and praises them from the heart.

“Well done!”

Glug glug! Glug glug!

They closed their eyes and gently stroked their necks as if Harun's compliment had made them feel better.

Harun examined the Iconlard corpses that Mino had taken by cutting out the jerky and putting it directly into their mouths. Harun, who examined one of them carefully, was able to find a nail sized cobblestone in between the briquettes.

With the help of Mino and Sunni, who were immersed in the taste of the snack jerky, Harun found all the stallions in Iconrad's head and put the remains of only wings and torso leather into the subspace.

“Mino, Sunny. Do you want to get some rest or do you want to fly a little farther? ”

- I want to fly!

- I want to fly more.

Birkhoff wishes to fly more, with a strong flight instinct.

- I want to ask you a favor, but I think it's a bit difficult...

- What is it?

We can do this.

Mino and Sunni stare at Harun with a broken ego.

“This is what the Devil Mountains look like. ”

Harun draws the Devil Mountains, which lie flat on the ground.

“I want a closer look at the entire Devil Mountains. I mean, I need you to do three more patrols, narrow it down like this. ”

Harun draws three ovals around the Devil Mountains painted on the ground. The biggest one is to get the Devil Mountains all in, and the other two ovals narrow it down.

- That shouldn't be too hard. It took me two days the last time.

- There was so much good stuff, I couldn't eat it.

They're talking about the last time Hersh asked them to.

“I don't care what time it is, you just need to rest and recon while you rest. ”

- No problem then.

- There are lots of aromatic herbs here and lots of wild babies.

“Good. Then I'll put this on your neck. Keep the landscape down while you're flying. ”

Harun pulls out the head cam and puts it on Mino and Sunny's neck. It was received from Ares the other day and was the most advanced head cam that could store up to ten consecutive days of footage.

“If it's dangerous, you can go up high, but I want you to fly as close to the ground as possible. Is that possible?"

- We're the strongest in the sky!

- No problem!

Mino and Sunni answered, twisting their necks a few times to see how annoying the head cam on their neck is.

- Will you give me more jerky when I get back?

“Yes, I will! I'll give you more than I give you now. ”

Glug! Glug!

Mino and Sunni are excited to hear that they're giving more jerky.

‘Hersh has given me a great gift. ’

Harun witnessed the arrest of Iconrad by the Virtuosoviks. Their ability to dispose of ten horses in an instant was like that of a so-called superhuman or Madosa of a six-circle master.

Hershya is not very good with ponies, and Pony is also very weak with Minos and Sunnies, but not Harun. Although it can be assimilated through cheap mediation, it is freely communicating and it has a lot of good feelings for Birkhovich.

Harun blinks at Mino and Sunni, who have just turned into dots, and speeds toward the place where the group is familiar.

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