After breakfast, Harun's group prepares to leave the road.

The Saint, who bought Harun's fury yesterday, approaches them with a group. The paladins wearing face shields didn't show their faces, but it didn't seem like they were having a comfortable night because they didn't look so good.

Harun's group greets the synagogues with a polite greeting, their hands together and their waist bent. The priests and paladins had also greeted each other, but Saint Yeem quickly opened his mouth.

“Which way? ”

Yeem's gaze was toward Illum, but he turned his head to Harun, avoiding the Saint's gaze. For a while, he had to sleep in an uncomfortable tent where he ate unknown soup and bread that he could not taste hard jerky, and couldn't stop the wind properly.

Yeem's gaze was on Serpa, but the same was true. I had to see Harun's awareness that his body had become stronger by breaking the walls of the six circles, but at an average age over 60, these homelessness wizards had never experienced so much as a meal that had fallen to the ground in a single day, and his bones were still numb and sore.

I looked straight at Harun as if I didn't even know him.

“Commander Harun, where are you going? ”

“I don't know why that is. ”

Harun replies indifferently.

“If it's the same direction, I'll go with you. Won't there be something we can do to help each other? ”

“We don't need much help. ”

Harun's harsh answer finally reminds me of Yerim's red face. When everyone was curious about what day would come from Ye Heem's mouth, who was angry, the saint stepped forward.

“I had a lot of excuses yesterday. These are all examples of the dark waters of the world because they live in temples, so I hope you don't put them in your heart. ”

Harun didn't want to argue anymore because the Holy Girl who had even given him the sacred treatment herself said so.

“We are going to follow the canal into Mats Plain. Where's the commander's party going? ”

“We are also planning to enter the plains along the canal. ”

Harun's answer gives a strangely gleaming look in her eyes.

“Is there a reason? ”

“No particular reason. I'm just going to go there because I found traces of people moving inside and outside of 20 people. ”

“I see. I know this is awkward, but I'd like you to accompany us. I can feel the dark energy inside the plain, but it's too rough and dangerous for us. ”

It seemed rude to refuse to accompany the saint even after she bowed down to this extent, but Harun finally gave up his mind to go alone.

“Very well. I don't think there's any danger of a day or two except predators or horseshoes. Let's do that." ”

“A day or two? You mean you've already scouted? ”

“Yes. So you don't have to be so nervous. ”

Harun's words give me relief on the High Septon's faces. The sharp glances of the paladins that appeared to be between the veil of their faces softened immediately.

“That's a relief. The knights couldn't get a good rest in everything. We're all running away, so we have to walk around in holly plates, because if we get nervous, we're even more tired. ”

“Then I'll be on my way. ”

At Harun's words, Tino rushes forward immediately. As he ran like a thunderstorm, he quickly became smaller and smaller in the dust.


The elderly, as well as the paladins, were astonished at the appearance of the palace guard. Although it did not seem to be speeding, it was as if it was hitting the ground lightly as a bird and moving fast.

“Our commander will scout the road ahead, so you'll just have to keep moving with minimal tension. ”

“Of course. As expected, the gale mercenaries are quite impressive. I didn't think humans could run that fast. ”

“A compliment.”

The girl moves with Harun's feet as if she were trying to keep up. I felt like I was going to catch a bug, but I tried to ignore it.

The waterway collapsed but the water-loving plants were growing along the trail, so finding the path was not too difficult.

Harun's group is able to move along the canal to the inside of Matsu Plain for two days without a hitch. Keeping the priests of the Temple of Light at their tails, Harun's group moves at a reasonable speed, but the tower, the Imperial Wizards, and the High Priests find it very difficult.

They are not used to camping, but they are in considerable trouble because they eat and sleep. Now the gale mercenaries never helped them at all. Illum and Serpa groaned a few times, but Harun wouldn't budge.

They have regretted the last two days after realizing how much they have worked for others. They want to somehow get back to the old days and start paying special attention to the storm troopers.

“Myrus, you're in better health than I thought. ”

Serpa marveled at Taniella and Myrus for a short walk of two days. Unlike the Federation, they didn't have much of a weariness unlike those who sweat. He thought they were strong because they were mercenary wizards, but they were more than he thought.

“Huh-huh-huh! There are no weaklings in the gale mercenaries. ”

“I see.”

Serpa doesn't feel frustrated by Myrus' horror. I was admiring the two mercenary wizards with such sincerity. Even though it was the same mado, it was completely different from the physical aspects.

Not only wizards, but the stamina of the ordinary crew is as strong as the knights. It may be a magical backpack, but the storm troopers had no fatigue, even though they were much more exhausted than themselves, carrying a large backpack and guarding the perimeter.

Then Harun's arm rises up, walking in front of the group. Tino and TaKeem, who are in charge of the scaffolding, sent an anomalous signal.


The Martyrs and Imperial People who had already heard about the march precautions lowered their posture as soon as they heard Harun's words, but the Temples of Light on their tails were wandering around, not knowing what was going on.

I think of the tension on the faces of those who watch Tino's hands moving around from afar. This is the land of notorious horsepower.

“Ramby's crowd is coming from the front! The crew must create a resistance circle to protect the people! ”

At Harun's command, the crew rushes out in front of the tower and imperial people, drawing their weapons at a distance in front of them. The wandering temples join Serpa and the Illuminati.

When Tino and TaKeem jump over 200 metres and join the group, they begin to see the first horsemen they see from the front.

Dozens of calves in dark blue leather, but one big Lambi, appeared.


Someone threw up their escort. Even though he had distant but well-developed muscles, he saw small horns and long, sharp teeth on Rambi's head. The fierce energy flowed from those approaching as they vomited their eyes, giving primitive fears to those who had never seen horses.

“Taniella and Mirus, take a hard left and prepare for a defensive spell. Crew to the battlefield in pairs, Donnie and Marie to the right with Mana at noon! Make Lord Dylan an arrow of freedom this time! ”


As the crew responded vigorously and prepared to do their job, the Rambis started rushing in.

Swoong! Swoong!

Donnes and Marie, who were protesting at the Palace of Strength, started blowing up the shining iron bars of Mana.

Kuau! Kuang!

Where the iron clock flew, two Rammies soared into the sky. It was a collision between the speed of the rush and the strength of the iron rod that pierced the body. Usually only scratching with arrows or quarrels, but the iron bars in Mana pierced their heads.

Swoong! Swoong!

By the time that two more straws flew in and took down two Rammies, they were already running 50 meters away. The power of Mana Archers, which are injected with Mana at the time of the season, is excellent, but it requires fine Mana control, so it was limited to flying both feet even though they dropped about 200 meters.

“Fire bolts! ”

“Fire Lane! ”

Taniella and Mirus' magic attack has finally appeared overhead. A ball of flames and a ball of bolts of flames pour into Ramby, swarming into the party's left front.

Cough! Cough!

Five or six rabbits covered in flame bolts and chunks of flame roll around the floor screaming. It's an instinctive act to extinguish the fire in your fur.


Dylan sprints forward, screaming for help.

Meanwhile, Marie and Donnes have taken up the Palace of Strength and have begun protesting in smaller but more resilient composite palaces.

The Aka crew, led by Dylan, collides with the rest of the Ramby horde. With both accelerations, you wield your weapons and claws with all your might.

Pow! Pow! Ka 'ang!

Various shocking sounds came out, but it was far from what the people watching behind thought. Their claws were of enormous strength compared to steel.

“Keep your distance from them! ”

Tino, who injected Mana into the blade, orders his crew to deal with the horse's head. As Harun said, they formed a group of two to attack Ramby. Despite the extremely flexible and claw-crushing power of Prozli and Rambi, the agile movements and forces of the crew that simultaneously lifted the power of Prozli stopped those who didn't have the distance to jump for an attack.

Dylan makes an almost two-meter-long aura blade and swings it at Ramby. Ramby's claws, which bounced off the swords of the Aka crew, were cut off without cause. Dylan's Error Blade slashed and stabbed the bodies of the Rambys who were fleeing the crew's weapons as if they were molluscs.

In an instant, three rabbis were eggs covered in blood.


A Rambi, with an almost buffalo-sized giant scroll, leaps over the crew's heads like their leader. He was a man of tremendous resilience and power. Since then, two rabbis have surpassed the heads and weapons of the Aka men like commanders.

Harun's hands are loosened so quickly that he can't see them, he touches the memorial belt on the inside of the shirt, and three scrubs fly away.


It was fast enough to process with a sharp wave. The three beasts seem to reach Ramby's skull and pierce him in an instant. While the mouths of those who watched the fantasy fly of the divine master opened, the situation was not so easy.

I'm out! I'm out!

The three Rambys leap into the air, clawing and forcefully crushing the flying scavs.

“Me, crazy! ”

Illum's eyes widened. How dare you ride that Ojo with your own eyes? I'm surprised you caught the Predator flying so fast that you couldn't keep up with him and smashed it with your claws!

“That's... that's right! ”

You glance at your sword as if you don't believe Town. I could feel the horror of the horse that I had only heard rumors about. Now I understand why the blasting mercenaries' weapons and their claws gave off a strange shock.

When the three Rambi chiefs pause, Marie and Donnes make their second attack.

Shuang! Phi Jung!

A thin but long iron iron wire, like the quarrel of a crossbow, flew towards the horseshoes attacking their claws and teeth.

Cough! Ow!

The horses that were too distracted to notice the thin, long chassis that flew away with very little noise to deal with the two men at the same time. As soon as the iron bars pierce the tough, thick hide, the crew's weapons are dug in.


Prozli's powerful dagger pierces a Rambi through the side. He spills his blood threateningly as he struggles. In the meantime, some of the crew has been attacked by their claws, but fortunately, they've only slightly damaged their armor.

Auxer also shocked the horseshoe pierced his thigh at the time Donnes shot it, and plunged the sword deep into Rambi's torso. But the life of the beast was not cut off by it. He makes a threatening roar.

Rrrrgh! Rrrrgh!

“You bastard! You are Auxerre's food! ”

Auxer turns his back on the wrist holding the great sword. He's so big and weighty, he's a little strong, but he cuts the entire intestine of the big sword and turns around and comes out.

“The end!”

Auxer put a large sword through Ramby's neck while stirring a convulsion and groaning in agony.


Ramby, who was about to die, roars for the last time. As he leaps toward Auxer, ignoring the machete he cuts off his head, the sharp blade of Shavir's giant axe spear, in his like-minded form, strikes his head.

Glug glug!

Rambi, who was about to leap, couldn't handle the power of Prozli on the axe blade and hit his head on the ground. His hard skull cracks open and his brains and blood flow along the axe blade.


Auxer's Great Sword slits his throat and turns a few times, choking him completely.

“That's him this time! ”

Feeling the abundant power of the beast, Auxer points to the two Rambi attacking Zoe in Dion at the same time. The two heels leap off, leaving deep traces of the earth.

The three Rambi, who smashed the three Harun slanders with their claws, were momentarily crippled by the shock of their powerful power. However, for a moment, Harun and other humans began to walk slowly, emitting a fierce flash of light.


Harun sees that they can break Mana's defense and throws the non-Dozens into the pitch skill. Blitz Dagger launches a bloody concussion at the commander, larger than the rest.



He dodges the Blitz Dagger a few meters from where he is, but when Harun's eyebrows twitch, the Dagger changes direction as if he were alive. As the Blitz Dagger flies back towards you as you float in the air, you are terrified and hurriedly strike with your hind paws.

Ka 'ang!



The creature screams in agony, trembling at the current that pierces his entire body, but it is not the end. Blitz Dagger bounces away, raising his head like a poisonous snake, piercing his belly skin in an instant.


Supportive positions!

The electric shock caused Rambi's head to fall into a convulsion without making a sound because the electric shock was wrapped around his body.

At that moment, I saw two of his beloved females, Ramby, die screaming in agony. One was glowing with a red flame, and the other was shrieking and shrieking, but the light had already disappeared from his eyes.

- Kill all humans, suck blood and eat flesh!

The powerful idea that had dominated Ramby's dying head's brain disappeared for a moment.

“We'll help you! ”

An active flame erupts from Ilum's eyes. It was hard for him, the sod master, to endure the situation of becoming an outsider and deceased in two violent fights.

Harun's eyes turn to the battlefield.

The situation has already been cleared, but there are more than ten Rambi still alive. Of course, the iron-clad attacks of Marie and Donneis have cleared one by one.

“Very well.”

Harun nods, and Illum leads the town and Millthread out to the battlefield where the horses and crew are fighting.

“Donnie and Marie can stop taking breaks! Leave it to the crew from now on. Think of it as a practical exercise. ”

“Got it!”

“Is it going to be okay?"

Donnes and Marie saw that their armor was not easily torn by the sorcerers' claws, so they protested without a soldier, but the light of worry had not yet disappeared in their eyes.

“Lord Dylan and Lord Illum are strong men. They'll take care of themselves. ”


“But just in case. ”

Harun, who warned both of them, slowly walked to the dead Ramby by his screams. One female Lambi was completely burned. The leather is so tough and hard, it must be completely ripe inside. The evidence is that his open mouth, nose and ears are heating up.

Harun's gaze returns to the other corpse after he recovered the fire seal.

The other one was like a mummy, left with only bones and leather. The fur is dry and ugly, and the leather seems to be torn soon enough.

Harun puts Mana on his feet and breaks his head. As expected, there was no blood or bribes on his broken head, nor could he find the cobblestone.

‘As expected, the Dark Lord absorbs their own blood. ’

It was a trick I used, but it made me feel horrible. Once the Dark Secret has been fitted into the Memory Belt, a strange energy of courtesy flows from the Secretary and begins to be absorbed into the body. Some of those energies are headed to Mana Ocean, although they have not raised any will.

Harun finally examines Ramby's chief corpse.


Blitz Dagger is still vomiting epilepsy.

"Come back!"

Though invisible to the public, the Blitz Grand Concussion was connected to Haroon's Upper Ocean, and in an instant, the Blitz Dagger and Epilepsy returned to the Memory Belt and the Upper Ocean.

‘The more the merrier. ’

It does not absorb more epilepsy separately, but the more you use the Blitz Dagger, the greater the amount of epilepsy was.

‘Maybe it absorbs the electricity that is present in the other person's body……. ’

I don't know why, but as the amount of epilepsy increased, his strength became stronger, so I didn't have to worry about it much. However, it was increasingly difficult to control the epilepsy.

Shortly after Harun had recovered all the screams, Rambi's screams and groaning stopped. It's all taken care of now.

‘It won't be easy with this low level of magic. ’

As for Ramby, his stamina was somewhat similar to that of the Expert Knights, but his instant reaction or agility. The 10 centimeters of clenched claws were comparable to the strength of the steel sword, and Harun's taste was to the fact that his body's flexibility was comparable to that of a mollusk.

Tino returns with his crew shortly after.

“Commander, we've taken care of everything. ”

Harun looks around the crew in Tino's report. Most of them were soaked in blood, but no one was severely injured as they saw them moving actively.

“Lemi and Henny, take care of the wounded quickly! Units unharmed, strip Ramby's hide and remove the stables! ”

While the two men ran to the wounded and the others were preparing for the slaughter, Harun returned to those who had become sleepy spectators.

“That's why I'm going to rest here for a while. I'm going to eat for a while. ”

A few tall trees stand nearby. Donnes and Marie, who heard Harun's Jis, head there to rest and prepare a meal. Taniella and Mirus walk quickly behind them.

“We'll help too! ”

The Serpas and other Wizards have decided to help. If someone else had seen the nobles behaving like this, they would have been flattered, but Taniella and Mirus had already joined the rest of the crew. It was not impossible for them to see us working together.

In the meantime, as they resolve their own accommodations, they are desperately taught how dangerous it is to touch the planting of the blast mercenaries.

“I'd appreciate it if you would. It's going to take the rest of the crew a long time to get their scalp off. ”

Wherever Harun's gaze is directed, several men, including Dion and Auxer, are peeling off their hides.

Helping Donnes and Mary unconsciously, the wizards were able to enjoy a tea with spicy and crisp stew, warm and soft bread, and an excellent aroma. The Illum and the two knights also enjoyed eating with pride, although they only took care of the horseshoe.

The priests of the Temple of Light, who filled their bellies with hard bread with hard jerky and smelly water, only envied it with their eyes. The storm troopers still don't think of them as a group. Others ate quietly, but the saint was not impressed the whole time, and eventually he got up and asked Harun.

“This is too much! ”

“What's the big deal? ”

Harun's eyebrows twitch severely. I was annoyed.

“Just a little more and we can eat together while we're preparing. Why are you so proud of us? No matter how much I believe in God Myos, this is outrageous. ”

The saints looked at the Pacochu Mart and the Imperial people as if they were asking for a favor, but they were eager to bow down and eat as they had promised. With one experience, they clearly understood how to act.

“Just a little more? Oh, that's ridiculous. How many of you are there? ”

“Well, well……. ”

The saint looked angry, but he was embarrassed by what he said. In fact, they are almost the same person as Harun's group. It was clear to me that the number of people who could not be solved by increasing the amount a little more.

“Did you help me catch the horses, or did you help me prepare a meal?" If not him, did you help heal the wounded? I don't know what the hell you're talking about. What do you want from us if you haven't done anything? We're supposed to give you anything you want? ”

“Th-that's not true...... But I'm just saying I don't think we should be eating together like this. ”

“We're not all in this together. You and I have no contact. Who are you with? If we get caught, go first. We leave tomorrow or we go the other way. ”

It doesn't matter that we have a specific destination, so moving in a different direction doesn't matter.

The Saint's face hardens in Harun's resolute declaration. In fact, at the end of the battle, he strongly disagreed that the saints and eunuchs would stand up to help with the treatment. It was because of their resentment of Harun, who everyone looked up to.

“Speaking of which, let's go separately. We'll rest here for a day, so you go first. I don't want to get involved with you people who have no job and no way of being treated. ”

Harun's cold words make the saint close his mouth like a lock and return to his companions.

After roughly finishing eating, Harun glanced at the scene, and he saw a cold scene as if he was hearing something from the saints and priests.

"Why is that friend a saint? ’

I didn't understand. In reality, religion has been lost for a long time, so we don't know if the priests are like that, but if they are the highest rank in the temple, we don't know why they are sitting there. Lemi gave the cup of tea to Harun.

“Captain, have some tea. ”

“Oh! Thank you, Remy. ”

Harun drank a cup of tea and asked Lemi what he had been wondering.

“Oh, Lemi. I have a question for you. ”

“What is it?”

“Is a horse called Rambi a habit of attacking in broad daylight in a crowd like this? ”

At Harun's words, Lemi rolled her big eyes a few times, making them look strange.

“That's really weird. I don't know if it's Brawl, but Ramby's not this big of a shovel. Ramby usually has a colony of two or three males, two or three females, and a few cubs during his breeding season, and that number doesn't exceed 10. They need to grow out of their territory as soon as they can. And Ramby is a vigilant defender of his realm... ”

“But the group that attacked us back there, they were all adults, weren't they? ”

“Yeah, that's really weird. ”

Harun's eyes widen to see Remi tilt.

“Remy, are the horses always like that? ”

“Like? Ah! And it turns out Ramby's eyes were too red. I used to have a strong eyelight, but it's not as red as this one. He looked like he was being hunted, and he was in a panic. ”

Harun had a strange thought.

Is someone manipulating the horses? Then who's the target? Is it us or the Temple of Light? ’

Harun thought he had to solve this problem first. If the Temple of Light is the goal, it is because they are doing what they are doing. Harun never wanted to risk his life.

‘We need to have a serious conversation with the saint. ’

Harun thought for a moment, then resolved his mind and set out for the place where the priests of the temple of light gathered.

Harun approaches, and the paladins rise to meet him.

“I want to talk to you. ”

“This way, please. ”

One paladin leads him inside.

“What's going on? ”

Saint Ye Ye, who saw Harun approaching, asked for something big. Harun's eyebrows twitched with an unpleasant voice. However, Harun, who struggled hard, sat across from the holy woman guided by the paladin.

“I have a question, my lady. ”

Harun picked a target and said:

“Go ahead.”

“Those who worship God know they cannot bear lies. Is that correct?"

“Yes, that's right. ”

The Hye-in of the saint shone strangely.

“I understand that if we are to reach the new Terron Empire, we must take the boulevard through Fort Matsurut. Why do you keep going into Mats Plain? ”

The faces of the saints and eunuchs were a little stiff, whether the question was unexpected.

“…… hmm. If you really want to know, I'll tell you. ”

It was when the saint who was thinking about something tried to answer her. Saint Yemen intervened in the conversation.

“You don't have to say it. Sophie? They have nothing to do with our work. They're not going to help us. ”

The lady rudely casts a sharp glance at the saint, but shuts her mouth with a sigh of reasoning. The three old eunuchs also narrow their eyes and become serious faces.

Harun considers the conversation difficult. It is tiring to keep things hidden with so many people.

“I've been with you for a while, but I think it's more difficult. As I told the saint in advance, we will leave early tomorrow. Please leave first."

“ ……. ”

After finishing speaking, Harun's determination to get up and turn his back without hesitation made the saints and priests tremble, but he closed his eyes.

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