The priests of the Temple of Light left immediately after a light lunch. The priests, except for the saint, left with a funeral. As they looked up at the sky, a few unnamed birds were flying high.

“Rest well today and leave at dawn tomorrow. ”

The tower and imperial people no longer vomit at Harun's words. Through a few days of company, he was able to clearly understand who the subject of this journey was. Of course, the dragonflies and meals that were expected to be served afterwards played a huge role.

And their expectations were not wrong, so they were able to receive a delicious dinner and a soft and warm bed.

The next morning.

Harun's group makes their way back from an early breakfast run very fast. I was relieved of my fatigue for more than half a day by resting, sleeping comfortably, and having a nutritious and delicious meal.

After moving for a few hours, the burn in charge of the spine suddenly stops and gives a stop signal.

“What is it?”

As Donnes gazes at TaKeem with mysterious eyes, a group of raucous flashes towards the sky from afar.

“That's sacred! ”

Harun's face stiffens with Henny's cry. Something must have happened to the priests in the temple who were going ahead.

“Be sure to keep your guard up. I'll go first. ”

Harun asks Tino and Dylan for the rest of his men, then runs for the sacred front. The people who thought they would be a long way away now, because they left half a day late, murmured in an unexpected situation.

“What's going on? ”

“Looks like the undead attacked again. ”

“And? This place isn't exactly the place where a lot of horses come from, unlike the Devil Mountains. ”

Meanwhile, Illum and Serpa spoke in a low voice.

“Deputy Commander Illum, it is clear that the priests of the Temple of Light are the targets of the Mages and Black Mages. ”

“I recognized Harun when he tried to keep his distance. Commander Harun would have already known that and kept the Priests of the Temple of Light away. ”

“Is that so?"

“I think so. Although the Saint Ye acted a little rudely, it made no sense to try to keep away from the priests of the Temple of Light, which contained the Holy Spirit, for some reason. ”

“That's true. Though Captain Harun's attitude was a bit stubborn. ”

Two people and others were indignantly discussing their opinions and couldn't take their eyes off where the sparks rose. Based on the magnitude of the starlight, one could speculate that the opposing Pokémon's risk is significant.

“But do we really need to go? ”

Bernhard's voice resonates with the words of the Malboats.

“Yes. What did the priests of the temple actually do to us? You refused treatment even when the storm troopers were fighting. ”

The quest for the Horse Tower has already been halfway completed, but the imperial affairs are not even a clue yet, so I didn't want to worry about the Temple. If the force of the blast mercenaries who are going to carry out the quest gets hurt because of this, they are also in trouble.

“I don't know if I didn't, but I already knew. ”

They accepted Taniella's words, too.

“Dammit! If I'd known this, I'd have gone the other way when I first met you. ”

“Stop whining, Mirus. By the way, didn't the captain think of that? Maybe there's a reason we're going this way. ”

Myrus and Taniella had fun discussing magical theories and mystics with the other Mages for a long time, so they didn't want to be disturbed, but they had no choice.

Tino looks at everyone.

“Lord Dylan, secure the perimeter. ”

“Understood, Commander. ”

Dylan squeezes his sword sack, nodding, and Tino gives instructions to the rest in a row.

“Lord Taniella and Lord Mirus, please prepare a defensive spell just in case. Donnie and Marie will assist Ser Dylan in launching arrows at all times! Durbon, Dion and Auxerre will split into three men to cover both sides and the rear. Moving Formation in Diamonds! The rest of you, please move at the speed of the person in front of you from the center. I'm thinking of moving a little faster, so be prepared. ”

The people we've spent the last few days with were quickly in formation and were able to leave immediately. The Illum and the two knights had only tasted because they knew that the inner self wanted to play a role, but they were just friends and cared for themselves.

"Hehe! My husband is amazing! ’

Donneis naturally shares a role with people and casts loving and loving gazes at her husband, Tino, who quickly walks ahead of the group. Tino is small and small, but no one can ignore him now. As a group leader, he not only held his place, but also performed charisma.

Harun's fast-skill resurfaces shortly after reaching the low hill where TaKeem is. He points down.

“The undead are attacking the priests. ”

In front of where Takeem stood, a slanted slope lay spread out, and on the lower level, still remained in a thin black fog with the traces of starlight. The offensive fog was spreading as well as the battlefield, and the sky in that range was turning black as if it were about to rain.

On the plains about three kilometers away, the priests of the Temple of Light were circling. And there are countless undead surrounding them and closing the circle.

Is this as far as you go? ’

This is just a couple of hours away from the group.

‘Is the journey with our help in mind? Or were they attacked all night? ’

Harun was not happy to see the original paladins and the space inside by activating the magic power associated with his senses. Although many paladins were bleeding and some went into the original camp and were being treated by reporters, they were not in extreme danger.

‘About an hour or two since the battle began. ’

I'm not sure, but the battle doesn't seem to last long. Then the priests moved slowly on purpose. It is a protest that they were anxious to move among themselves. I did not feel good about the work of the priests of the Temple of Light who wanted to ride on their own without doing anything.

That's it. I went over the scene again.

‘Hmm. Now there's skeleton horses and skeleton mages. ’

The target was also Skeleton, who was fighting against the Shrine of Light that created the original. However, what was different was the presence of horseshoes made of black bones and skeleton mages that cast dark attack magic in the middle.

‘It'll be dangerous after a while. ’

Strange. Undead, which are based on negative dimensions of Mana like Skeleton, are usually dark because of the clouds, but do not appear in sunlight like this. Moreover, it does not work here that the undead are stuck with holy paladins and priests.

Shiny black skeleton horses were not harmed by the swords of the paladins bearing Holly's orders. Rather, the skeleton horses' claws are being rebounded by the sword.

Though there are numerous bones that have been broken or turned to dust outside the original, I felt that the size of the Holly Wright I saw earlier was too small.

‘It is certain that the skeletons here have the power to resist the Divine Power. ’

Harun lowered his head, looking for a black wizard to hide around the battlefield. However, due to the thin black fog, we were unable to find the Black Wizard's origins or hideout.

Is it the Black Magic Gang again? ’


"Why go after the priests of the Temple of Light? ’

For some reason, it was clear that the mysterious Black Wizards were targeting the priests of the Temple of Light, not themselves.


Harun can see a paladin scratching his neck on the black claws of Skeleton Ramby.


The paladin, who was about to stumble and fall, There was an email woven with a thin chain of sacred marks, but Skeleton Ramby's claws were torn like pincers, and the flesh and blood spilled quickly turned black. He was transferred by a eunuch on the inside of the original and treated.

“Holly detoxification! ”

Shine from the hand of the renal canal and infiltrate the wound. The blood quickly turned crimson, but the discolored flesh melted with tears, revealing blood vessels and bones, and became miserable.

“Holy woman! Even the decoding isn't working. It looks like it did something different with a magic trick on a horse bone. ”

“That's right. The horses and skeletons I met in the Mats Plain, and even the Black Wizards, they're not afraid of divinity. ”

The priest replied with the face of the saint. I was so embarrassed that she couldn't even understand it.

“This won't hold much longer. Can they help you?”

An old eunuch named Dales asked the saint with a pale face. The other two priests, along with the saints, were supplying the paladins with divine power.

“I will. I saw the starlight, so I should be here soon. We have no choice but to trust them, unless Divine Power works properly. ”

“But they……. ”

“The commander of the storm is not one to ignore life itself or take risks, even though he has bad feelings for us. Trust me!”

“That's why our priests, as well as our knights, all asked us to refer them to the Storm Mercenaries, because of the Saint.... ”

The Old Pantheon's gaze turned to the saint who was pale bored due to the excessive exertion of divine power.

“It doesn't help to think about it now. Since we knew we couldn't do it with our abilities, we should try to reason with the storm troopers when we get out of this crisis. Right now, the only way to stop them is to come and help us. No matter what the difficulties, we have to find the whereabouts of the sacred object. ”


The Old Pantheon sighed for a long time, stopping the Great Sword possessed by the Black Ordeal of Skeleton Knight and injecting divine power into the paladin as it flew inward.

"Sacred"? What could possibly be the reason you took the risk to find the sacred object? ’

I was curious, but if I had to wait any longer, there were casualties.

The paladins were barely able to cope with Skeleton Warriors or Soldiers, but it seemed hard to cope with the swift and powerful attack of Skeleton Heads with a mixture of knights and livers using Black Orders.

‘Dammit! We still need a few more to get them here. ’

I wanted to run right away, but I couldn't help myself. At first glance, the number of Skeleton Knights that caused the weapon to be black was over twenty. There, the number of skeleton heads appeared to be about that.

‘We need to find the Black Wizards, not them. ’

The last time, while the Mages were shocked by a series of attacks, the Black Wizards were silently ambushed by the power of the spirits, but now they have no idea where their opponent is.

Harun reaches out and smashes the beast.

“TaKeem, tell your men to run and fight without delay! ”

Harun's gaze returns to the bottom of the ramp as he sees TaKeem running towards the group. It appears clear that the Black Magic Cube has been unfolded, but there is no way to pinpoint its location. At this time, Mana Scan magic was desperate.

"We must kill the Black Wizards somehow!" ’

I don't like the priests of the temple either, but the murder of the Black Wizards who summoned the undead was much greater. Harun hated those who used the bodies of the dead in the first place, or those who poisoned his soul and turned it into night.

‘If I had the strength to fight them, I would destroy them all. ’

Harun's eyes turn red as his hatred for the Black Wizards turns to killing.

"Ugh! What is it? ’

Suddenly, the back of my right hand itched. Harun's eyes turn red.

The mark on the back of your hand begins to grow like a living creature. Soon, there were ten symbols overlapping the entire back of the hand, each of which was the first time I saw it. But what was curious was that the symbol that had the most outskirts was shining.

At that moment, the symbol leaves the body and increases its size, covering Harun's entire body.

Bang, bang! Bang, bang, bang!

The heart beat roughly and began to supply massive amounts of blood to the extremities.

The helmet is filled with empty horns as blood feet stand and horns rise.

Huff! Huff!

The moment you take a breath, the shivering Mana begins to get sucked in. The mana swirled in the body and spread to the whole body rather than the traditional Mana Ocean, but at that moment, the body seemed to disintegrate.

What about this power? ’

The muscle swells like a burst and the force that seems to be able to destroy anything spreads from unknown sources to the limbs.

Destroy them all, eat their blood, and use their flesh!

- We must give rest to the spirits who are possessed!

As there was another self lurking within his consciousness, it was clearly his will, but a foreign and destructive need made his blood boil. The moment he heard that sound, Harun was captivated by an unbearable desire for destruction.


I didn't want to wait any longer, but the moment I accepted his will, Harun's body shot down the slope like a cannonball.

Harun flew down the slope in an instant like a bird. Harun's body howls toward the Skeleton Warrior, who was standing on the outskirts, no matter how hard he took it out.


Chook Jik!

The bones of a massive skeleton warrior wearing a worn out hard leather have flew in all directions with impact.


It sounded pretty far away, but Harun could see exactly where it was. I tried that before, but I couldn't find the location and the location of the Black Wizard, but now I can see everything.

"Three black wizards, two Manasik. ’

Harun drools without even knowing it. The Black Wizards and Manasik felt an unbearable amount of temptation. I didn't even know what I wanted in particular, but I felt like I needed something there.


Harun starts running toward the nearest Black Wizard, screaming bizarrely at the instinct of destruction.

“Stop him!"

Dozens of nearby skeletons rush toward Harun as the Black Wizard urgently shouts, noticing Harun's unusual energy.

Harun has been spreading the Sense Sword for a long time, despite his extreme excitement. Unlike usual, the gray white error sword is spreading. Not only that, an gray white error appeared on the swords and swords, so the smashing was more than twice as large as usual.

As the Sense Sword unfolded, it hit a gap between the skeletons, and instead of cutting or stabbing, it was exerting enough power to turn that area into powder and dismantle the rest of the body.

Pow, pow, pow!

Glug! Glug!

The three Skeleton Soldiers that blocked Harun's path were destroyed in an instant. But that was just the beginning. You fight the skeletons with a slash as big as a double-handed sword, while your left hand and feet move relentlessly, striking and punching other skeletons and blowing them away.

Thirty skeletons, including the three Warriors, did not delay Harun's march for a moment. Harun's strength was uncharted.

The image of the Black Wizard who had been sitting in a small circle painted with mythril powder was just like that. The black wizard who covered his face with the hood of the robe was waking up in the lounge.


Harun leaps off with a stunt and wields an injection of Mana's unidentified hair. The Black Wizard's hood shakes as the gray fever erupts and creates a strong white-white fissure, cutting through the stagnant atmosphere.

“You! Blink! Summon Dark Knight! ”

The Black Wizard summoned the Dark Knight at the same time as the casting of the Blink. Seeing that he possessed the Refined Dark Knight by suppressing the spirit of the knight who had ascended to Expert in his lifetime, he must have been quite skilled as a Black Wizard.

The Dark Knight's sword also has a dark aura. Unlike Skeleton Knight, who was ruled by the killing of his opponent, the Dark Knight was an undead with a lifetime of combat instincts.

Harun's unconscious body with a messenger skill cannot fail to keep up with the Black Wizard who cast the Blink. Harun's gray and white sword, blown to the Black Wizard's neck, is unfortunately blocked by the Dark Knight's sword summoned by a sudden difference.


Harun's ragged body flutters violently, and his torso bounces back. The size of the Dark Orc Sword rises from the sword of the Dark Knight, staggering to get into position, diminishing by half. Both suffered significant impact.


Harun's red eye flashes. Harun's right arm, which seemed to bounce back and pull his torso forward, was shot forward as if from his torso. The sword of the fist pierced the heart area of the Dark Knight in position.


The Dark Knight has already died once and has been reformed with dark magic and has become physically more powerful than ever before. Like a bloodthirsty bloodthirsty bloodthirsty vampire, the gray Mana drains the dark knights' veins.

“Huff! What's that? ”

The Black Wizard hurriedly escaped with a blink, noticing that the sorcerer had been scattered because of him, and returning to his position, he was frightened to see the dark knight stabbed in the heart at the stake screaming.

It was clear that Dark Mana, who had maintained the Dark Knights' flesh, was being sucked towards Harun through the destruction. It is a phenomenon that occurs when he unfolds the 'Mana assimilation’ magic that normally works to absorb dark mana.

“Nu, who are you? ”

But Harun didn't answer. No, I wasn't going to. He was so excited that he couldn't hear anything.


The wreck that had escaped from the Dark Knight's chest suddenly flew towards the Black Wizard with Harun's body, drawing a sharp trajectory with an off-white error.


The Black Wizard who barely escaped the attack opened the blink again, looking at Harun, who quickly turned to himself as if he had expected it.


Two dark knights, summoned by the other Black Wizards, flew in like ghosts and stopped the smashing. Due to an off-white error, a shattered sword flew towards the dark knights, leaving a remnant.

Boom! Boom!

Bang, bang!

Harun takes two steps back with the shock. However, the dark knights flew backwards and attacked the Black Wizard's body that was hiding behind them. This time, I injected as much Mana as possible.

“Ugh! Bling……. ”

The Black Wizard sees the dark knights crumbling and twisting their wrist bones, trying to swiftly open the veil with frightening eyes of Harun, but the dark knights are about to rise and shake its center.

Harun's left hand waves.


“Huff! Oh my... ”

The Black Wizard falls into place, grasping the hilt of the dagger through his neck. d



As Harun makes his way toward the Black Wizard, something shocked him on his side.

Boom! Boom! Puck!

“The dark sphere? ”

Harun gives you an intense look at his side. Fortunately, the three black spears that were aiming directly at you were only tapped into the armor. The moment I was amazed by the effectiveness of the armor made by the wealthy Tarim, the dark spheres that had to disappear into the atmosphere were released like jelly and absorbed into Harun's body.

Looking at the direction the dark spheres flew from, Harun was able to see the Black Wizard pointing his finger at him with a frightening face. The black wizard who handed the hood over was surprised to see the devil's face.


Harun splashes his left hand like lightning as he spills a lump at the Black Wizard. Earlier, the Dark Secretary kept asking me to let him go like a poor child, and I blew him away.

“Blink! Blink! ”

The Black Wizard who sensed danger successively unfolded a blip and hid into the skeletons. With a sigh of relief, the Black Wizard's head turns to the side while preparing for another attack spell. I heard shouts from a distance.


The squadrons leading Dylan are rushing down the slope. The crew who activated Ramby's feet immediately descended and began crushing the outside skeletons.

It was unbelievable to see the strength of the bones within the Black Magic Camp, as well as the level of the bones doubled. The attackers look like mercenaries, not knights.


Thinking about the rapidly changing situation, the Black Wizard suddenly felt a fiery rage in his heart and looked down. A black scepter was inserted into the heart area that was deemed to be the darkness itself.

Uh, when? ’

I thought I was avoiding it. The skeletons are surrounded by concubines. Where did they come from? The unbelievable black wizard's eyes distorted violently the next moment.


Along with the growing senses of other creatures walking around in the body, an unacceptable pain came.

"My Mana is eating my whole body!" ’

I tried to empower the master's sack in a hurry, but it didn't work. An unidentified creature that quickly grew quickly absorbed his vitality and seminal blood. In an instant, the Dark Wizard's body becomes a mummy, leaving its hide and bones behind.

Harun launched a magical attack on the Black Wizard who had been exposed due to the Black Magic Clan that had been freed while looking for other prey. He was about to flee after Harun had killed two of his colleagues in a heartbeat.

The Black Wizard must have appeared in the eyes of Taniella and Myrus, who were being followed. The two have been diligently practicing using attack magic while the crew was training, and the result was a success.

The magic missiles that were fired by the two of them were swarming towards the Black Wizard in an instant. The reflected Black Wizard casts a desperate spell.

“Blink! Shield! ”

The Black Wizard tried to evade the magical attack with a blink, but the two Mages' magic was a guiding magic missile. There were ten of them. I tried to open the shield in a hurry, but it only stopped the two and disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom!

He can't help but give up his attack spell and chant a familiar one.

“Blink! Shield! ”

Once again, the Black Wizard continued to expand his Blink and Shield, wanting to make the attack more powerful, but he didn't have time to cast the spell.

“Fire bolts! ”

“Fire Lane! ”

Now, the two still madosas used another attack magic with an anticipated Blink radius that they thought was lacking in magic missiles.

It was a spell that hit a certain range, but the only undead around the Black Wizard was a relaxed, magical attack.

Knew it! Hrrrrrrrrr!

After several blinks, the body of the Black Wizard, which had eluded the magic missile, finally entered the fire lane. I will look into the rain of sparks and see it with my own eyes. Immediately, a flame started to blaze through the body, including the robe.

“Ugh! Oh, my God! ”

Either it was unfair to die without proper magic, or the Black Wizard broke his teeth. Then he ran to the two Madosas in a fiery body and completed the last spell.

“Self-Destruct! ”

At the end of the spell, the Dark Wizard's body bursts into all directions with a powerful explosion. The burned flesh and bones flew through everything that blocked them like cannonballs. The radius was so large that all the undead within that range were not able to use their power properly after the Black Magic Group collapsed.

However, the two Madosas were not harmed by the double shield. It's just that the shield is broken.

“That's it!”

Harun has finally regained his senses. I wasn't completely lucid, but I was briefly entrusted to a violent killing and destructive lust that I had absolutely no control over.

The skeletons summoned by the Black Wizards are turning to dust and disappearing. But not everyone did.

The Summoners are gone, but all the crazy skeletons have been destroyed by the Black Magic Gang and Manasik supplying them with dark mana. It was no longer difficult to deal with those who could not move properly and lost their goals.

Harun returned to the summit one day and moved to the place where the priests of the temple gathered. At last, the paladins, which were composing the original, sat down to relax. I couldn't see my face because of the veil, but I could see the condition of the dented, stained Holly plate mail and the blood flowing from all over the place.

Harun soon allowed Lemi and Heny to examine the paladins' wounds. Given the pale complexion of the bored synagogues, saints, and holy women, it was not a condition suitable for divine treatment.

The men who cleared the battlefield made a place to rest and moved the wounded and healed them. You turn the Mana Flow for a moment and gather around Harun, relieving his fatigue.

I saw Henny in a bloody apron in Harun's eyes and summoned her.

“How's the paladin getting hurt? ”

“It's serious. I was scolded because I didn't listen to the herbs because I accumulated fatigue. Worse for the priests. I think I'll be able to recover quickly if I receive the sacred treatment.My body's fatigue is too severe. ”

Harun frowns. It was not enough to save them unnecessarily, so it was difficult to go alone now.

“Just give it your best shot. ”

“Okay, boss. ”

Henny runs toward the barracks where the wounded are.

“Commander, there's something strange. ”

It was Taniella.

“A corpse of the Black Wizards suddenly disappeared. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“It's... I don't understand, but as we approached his corpse, it was gone. ”

Harun couldn't understand Taniella.

“Did he magically teleport while pretending to be dead? ”

“No. Absolutely not. Obviously, we couldn't detect life signs. It's just a dead body disappearing out of sight. ”

Taniella looks at other people in disbelief, but the eyes of Myrus, Dylan, and others who nod, still have a subtle shock.

I don't understand, but it seems to be true.

“It was really strange. It was as if foreigners were dying, leaving a few items behind and disappearing blindly in front of them. There's no way a black wizard with at least five circles could be a stranger. ”


A thunderbolt struck Harun's head.

Glory Gaia, no, it's the Darkness! ’

Harun is confident that the Dark Wizard is a stranger.

The Gentiles were allowed to exist and resurrected by the gods of this world. They knew that their bodies were set to scatter to Mana and disappear into the atmosphere shortly after their deaths. In the eyes of the villagers, it suddenly disappeared shortly after death.

‘Darkness has enough power to train a Five Circle Wizard. ’

In Beyond, he was a fine Expert intermediate. Beyond is a rare reality, even for users who are still in the 4 Circle Wizard, but if they played a year earlier and had the support of the organization, that would be enough.

For some reason, an organization called the Darkness was targeting the priests of the Temple of Light. Another thing is certain is that there are many Black Wizard users in the Darkness.

Darkness, what is this conspiracy you devise here? ’

After a long time, Harun crosses over to the camp where the priests stay. In the barracks, some paladins were still guarding the pale temples, saints and saints.

“Welcome, Commander Harun! You've been greatly rewarded again. ”

Despite her unholy body, the woman who got up from her seat gathered her hands together and thanked him. The saints and priests also bowed down with the paladins and thanked them deeply.

“No, thank God I'm not late. How's he doing? ”

“Paladins are in bad shape. The wound has been healed, but the vigilante is very weak and needs to rest. ”

“I see. I think you should all get some rest, too. You don't look so good. ”

The look on the priests' faces changes when Harun's words say they're on the move.

“Oh, no. We can move. ”

“I'm going to rest here one day. It's an unwanted companion, but it's not human to come all the way out here and leave you here, so I'm going to see you recover somewhat and leave. ”


Harun said there was a light of relief on the Old Testament's faces.

“Thank you. Bourne keeps getting worse." ”

The saint repeatedly thanked me with a sad face.

“No, I know it's our intention. Otherwise, it would have been a half day apart, and you couldn't have made it this far. ”

“ ……. ”

The priests have nothing to say to Harun. I didn't expect them to disrupt their intentions so directly. The saint was a frowning face, but he knew that he was struggling and trembling.

“…… You knew. In fact, I wish I could formally ask the storm troopers for protection, but our group doesn't have anything right now... Phew! I can't repay you for saving my life twice. ”

Harun was about to get to the point.

“Tell me now. ”

“…… about what? ”

As soon as she couldn't answer Harun's question, Saint Ye yielded a hesitant response, but her eyes trembled. She felt that if she wanted to keep Harun company, she had to tell the story.

Harun did not even make eye contact with the non-verbal saint, but only looked at the saint.

“What the hell am I supposed to say? We are those who serve Leah. There's nothing to hide. ”

Yehee speaks once more, but Harun's intense gaze is fixed on the saint.

The choking silence lasted for a long time.


Harun suddenly woke up, just as he was about to open his mouth, whether Catholic Church Dallas was about to step forward.

“I'm afraid I have my reasons. Okay, then I won't care anymore. ”

She put her hands together in front of her chest, said hello, and then went out. The expression of the saints and priests looking at his back was very complicated.

“Holy Lady!"

The oldest priest called her with a sad face. The girl shakes her head with a grim face.

“I know, Father Dallas. that it's right to tell the truth and ask for help. But we can't pay them anything. ”

The priests and paladins bowed their heads powerlessly in the words of the holy woman.

Those who did not know the details of the temple thought that the saints and saints would exert great power in the temple, but that was not the case. Those are unfortunate priests.

“But if we part with them, we will no longer be able to bear those who are after us. I'm still concerned about whether I should speak up and ask for help. If they don't listen to us, only the secrets of the temple will be known to the world. If this secret becomes known to the world, the Pyrin Empire may no longer recognize us. But I'm more afraid that Leah's divine providence will collapse than that. ”

“But it will always be known. Our power cannot defeat the persistent Black Wizards, the Undead, and the Horsemen. It's wrong to come here unprepared. ”

The presbyopia of Temple Dales was filled with considerable anger. The moment his gaze turned toward the Son, his eyebrows trembled severely.

“Don't blame me. ”

“But because of his useless confidence and pride, he refused to accept the support of the Church. ”

“It was for the best. So you think you should bow down to the bishops who are less divine than me, Father Dales? ”

“His Holiness tried to empower the Holy Spirit despite the opposition of the bishops. However, not only did the Son argue with the bishops unnecessarily and embarrass the position of the General, but the result is that he insisted on leaving immediately, saying that he was confident as well as this many people. ”

At the words of Temple Dales, the saint shouted with a blubbering face.

“Leah's power cannot stop anything in the world. Doubting Leah is a felony to be shredded. Now, Father Dallas is committing a grave taboo against me and Leah. ”

Even though he was a saint, there was no roughness in what he said to the Old Testament.

“Divine power is determined by the truth of faith and its degree. The divine power of a saint is merely enough to buffer paladins, rather than be able to kill magic by itself. ”

“What a blasphemous sound! I am a saint chosen by Leah! When the time comes, you'll be able to level up and use your Divine Power naturally when the time comes. How dare the High Septon be so disrespectful to the saints? How dare you say that to me... ”

The Saint's handsome face distorted horribly. I had no idea the High Septon would deny his existence.

The saint looks around the barracks as if seeking consent, but everyone looks at him with hostility. Yerim's chest, which confirmed it, froze cold. Of course, I never expected to be treated like this by people who have to believe in themselves.

“As the saint has said, no one can bear Leah's power. But we can't use Leah's power properly. All because of my lack of faith in Leah. However, the saint who has to protect the saint and have mercy on all living things in the world, even after he has been chosen as a saint, his divine expression remains so poor that he is in a difficult situation.... ”

Pantheon Dales was vomiting tears as if determined. In his words, the face of Saint Ye was turning pale, whether he was too shocked or too pale.

“Well, it's not about my beliefs and abilities. Even if I was chosen as a saint to Leah, would I know if this place is like this and if something like this were to happen? ”

The Saint's face had turned pale as if Father Dales had denied the existence and abilities of the pine nuts.


Shrine Dallas sighs heavily.

“The saint is too reckless. I can't believe that Leah is a saint. ”

“What! How dare you! ”

The saint clenches his fist and cries out. The three synagogues all shoved their tongues at him.

“What kind of behavior do I take so lightly? What made Leah doubt my existence as a saint? Because I'm a stranger? ”

“It doesn't matter that the saint is a stranger. However, the saint lacks much faith in Leah. Suppose you don't know the doctrine because you haven't learned it for a long time. But the saint thinks too little of man himself. It's like seeing these ugly bishops who rule the Church. Just like Taoist Catholic Church 22702, who was corrupted in the past and became a slave to money and power and desecrated the temple and blasphemed all the high priests, he is a noble being, so he must accept it unconditionally and follow his opinions at all costs. ”

This time, Father Muzhill, who had been keeping silence, replied.

“When did I do that? ”

“Think about how you got here. You were irresponsible to the bishops who dominated the Church and were rejected by the Templars and the Pride of the Battle Priests, even though they were not supported by pretenses. ”

“ ……. ”

The saint closed his eyes tightly. I didn't have anything to say about that.

“Let's say that, too. However, it was an unwise judgment to hire a mixed group of foreigners because of her opinion that she had to hire a strong escort, such as a storm troop, because she lacked strength and did not know the geography or situation of the Matsu Plain or Devil Mountains. And that doesn't change anything here. Moreover, instead of sincerely thanking the storm troopers who saved their lives, they said that it was natural to be fed and slept with them and hurt their hearts. We could have done our job safely with the help of a squadron of storm troopers without asking. ”

“…… It was only because of Myos' sudden appearance of its power in the world that Leah fell into a corner. So Leah's chosen me to bow down sincerely to a mercenary who is nothing more than a humble servant of Myos? ”


The three synagogues sighed in unison at the words of the saint. Among the paladins resting around the cracked tents, few sigh.

The saint seemed to be more demolished by people's reactions, and soon it seemed to explode.

Then the girl opened her mouth.

“Ye 'im! How dare a man who worships a god despise another god or another! ”

The words of the saint who spoke coldly with a stiff face, whether he was very angry or not, Yen came to his senses as if he had poured cold water on his head. He tightens his head in haste and prays for forgiveness.

“I-I made a statement. I didn't mean to, but the three High Septons ignored me. ”

The saint's words, which he didn't realize until the end, shook his head and closed his eyes.

“I am the saint Leah has chosen. I am a saint who believes in Leah and regards her as his surrogate. I don't have to listen to insulting remarks from the priests and the paladins who have to follow me. ”

“Shut up! You have honored me as a saint, and now you show me the end of your insolence! How can a human be ashamed to talk about another human being up and down? You're practically trained in the same way you despise the bishops! ”

“Well, that's ……. ”

“Man is a creature of God. Do you really think there's a difference between us? Do you think there are truly noble and lowly people who each have their own uses? ”

“ ……. ”

“What was written in the war that was most important to Leah's teaching? ”

The saint always showed only a gracious face, and his face turned pale as she scolded herself with a stiff face.

“…… everything in the world has its own righteousness, and there is no sequence of its honour. The importance of existence may be different, but there is no difference. If light exists, darkness must exist together. If we want to fill the world with light, we must understand the truth of darkness. The darkness is like light, and it is just another expression, so you have to understand its nature. Everything in the world has a sugar satellite that will be freely present by its own will. My will is to empower the satellite of the existence of all things, so I must not fulfill my will according to my own thoughts or thoughts. ”

When I got there, the saint asked me again.

“Don't you see? ”

“ ……. ”

The Saint's head suddenly turned to the ground. His face turned as hard as a stone statue. It was the first basic doctrine I had memorized since I became a saint, but I had no time to think about the meaning of the doctrine in a hurry to remember it.

“Even though we have only been saints for a few months now, don't we know the fundamental doctrine? Do you also think that like so many nobles who lived on this earth, your existence is truly honorable from birth? ”

“But… Leah also said that there is a difference in the importance of being. I mean, of course, the value is different, right? ”

“Huh! What did the Church do in the meantime?" How could you plant such a petty accident on a saint? That's why the saint treats the saviors and the priests with carelessness. Tsk, tsk! "

The face of the ice cold saint was filled with grief.

“What is the most important organ in your body? ”

“Of course, it's the head that can think. ”

“And then what? ”

“Hearts and organs. ”

“And then what? ”

Following the question of the saint, the face of the saint who had been pale turned red again.

“Enough! Are you trying to turn me into a child who knows nothing in front of everyone else?“ We know that every organ in our body plays its part, and we all know that it's important. But if I don't have a finger to live with, and I don't have a heart to live with, I can't sustain my life anymore. And the world is not our body. There is no such evil entity as the Black Wizard on our bodies. ”

“Phew! What the heck... ”

She sighed for a long time. Leah resented why she chose this person as a saint. The saints from the Gentiles, who lived to be saints in this world and in other worlds, had no understanding of God's will because they had established their values.

“Who says evil men are unnecessary in the world? ”

“You mean you need it? ”

The saint now threw a challenging glance at the saint with one face.

“If there are no evildoers, why do we need the law? Why do we need the gods? Most people can live in peace without the law, without the grace of God. ”

“ ……. ”

Yerim had never thought of such a thing.

“And who, on what grounds, decides what existence is evil? ”

“ ……. ”

“Are the ancient emperors heroes who waged a massive conquest and killed countless lives? Or the wicked? Is the man who stole the bread for his starving wife a sinner? Or is he pathetic? Do priests who forsake dying lives for not donating money deserve respect? Or the wicked? Are the people who loot and throw parties every day and enjoy themselves and their families, except for the fact that they were just born as nobles, to the extent that they could barely live among countless territories? Or are they exercising their God-given rights? ”

The silent face of the saint hardens like a stone. Things that I had thought about for a long time were falling apart.

“Who, on what grounds, decides what other beings are precious or not? ”

“ ……. ”

“Are those who do nothing for the world but have wealth and power merely by blood, regardless of their strength and abilities, truly noble? Or are they scum who harm everyone else? ”

“ ……. ”

“Since ancient times, many high priests have distorted the will of the gods they serve and interpreted it in their own favor, so the authority of the temple has fallen to the ground today. The noble sacrifices and holiness of the paladins have treated many innocent lives by hunting witches who are at ease with the ambition of the powerful, so no one has looked at them with respect until now. But their eyes are filled with fear. Do you think that the reality of Leah's willingness to have so many parishes occupied by priests and bishops who are so sacred that they cannot even properly heal in a temple secretly determined by voting by some priests who have elections? ”

Suddenly, a holy light was leaking out from the woman's body. It must have been the glow when Leah's will came.

The saints and the priests and the paladins listened to the saints. The faces of those who saw Leah's holiness with her were brimming with joy and admiration.

Yeehim thought of what the saint said in a stiff posture like a stone.

Things that I thought I understood with my head were slowly changing into my whole self. After being born as a Noble and living without any deficiencies, the teachings I learned from the Scriptures in the encounter with what I saw, experienced and felt were intertwined, and a new appearance appeared to him.

‘I didn't want to do anything at any point. Other Nobles are good at sex with homosexuals and straight guys, drinking, drugs, games and fighting, but at some point I didn't know why I was living, and I didn't know what to like and what to do. I was born a Noble, but I never knew what I wanted to have, what I wanted to do. ’

My head is spinning. Soon, however, I was overwhelmed with a feeling that my whole body and head would burst. Things I felt and experienced secretly during my worthless life were combining with Leah's teachings to find meaning in them.

Words that had been known so far, sentences, values, were changing into a new look. The process was going so abruptly and so fast, but strangely I could see what was happening around me alive.

“I will somehow return the temple to its rightful place. As long as the world has changed and the temple remains unchanged and we continue to look vague, the temple of light will disappear and Leah's will will will vanish from the world and only darkness will remain. As I lack the sacred power of a novitiate priest or a novitiate paladin, I will no longer rule over the Taoist Catholics of the Church who have only served in the temple for a long time and have learned more doctrines. ”

In the words of the holy woman, the three synagogues shed tears.

“May the Lord's will be done! ”

“Leah's glory and blessings will be with you! ”

“I will lay down my life for that glorious journey! ”

Even the paladins who had performed silently so far bowed down deep to her, but there was no one who did not shed tears.

The woman's gaze rests on the Saint Ye who sits silently.

Ye Hye smiled with a dazzling smile and put his hands together and bowed his head to the holy woman.

“I will also give my life to help you build the temple of your dreams. ”

The Son Ye Heem solemnly swore an oath to the saint, and in front of him was a window that he had never seen since the trust to be a saint.

Special Quests

Grade: S

Title: Help the Holy Girl spread Leah's true teachings around the world!

Content: The Holy Girl was determined to reform the Temple of Corrupt Light, filled with the existing greedy priests of the aristocratic majority. Learn Leah's true teachings from her, engrave them to mislead Leah's will, plunder the powerless and drive out the forbidden priests, and firmly establish Leah's true will on this earth.


Failure to rule the Temple of Light as a Corrupt Saint, Will be slaughtered.


Yenhim smiles brightly. My head is full of bright lights. The flock of light, full of holiness, gave him a different meaning. He didn't want any reward for this quest. Now I can find out why Beyond is playing the right game, or why he's in the world.

- It's a diagonal!

-Level has increased dramatically.

- Second in line for Saint Leah.

- Divine Power +3,000.

- You have the Eye of Truth.

-Holly Power Skill (Beginner) is available.

Yeehim smiled intensely and gradually saw the spear crumble from the top into light. Unbelievably, in the short time it took me to level 150 and a second job without having to go through a previous job. I got even a specific skill using Divine Power.

This is real! ’

Yerim engraved a great and noble calling on his body and mind.

- Hold Leah's will to the world!

Now it has become the only reason to live a real life, not just here.

At some point, the body of Yerim was surrounded by a sacred swarm of light, the same as that of the holy woman. In the crowd, Yenhim was smiling to make me feel better just by looking at it.


“The Lighting Light! ”

“Oh! Leah! ”

The saints, the priests and the paladins sat at the center of their vigor. He knew that the light of enlightenment had an effect on his surroundings. Suddenly, the swarms of light spread wide enough to hold them in their arms.

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