"Aren't you coming?"

"No, I'm coming."

According to my father's seafloor, the seawater training was sure someone would come.

'People with those eyes don't lie.'

After a diverse career at Union and GPC, he was confident that he had his own eyes. She had an ability that no one else had, and that was recognizing the minds of others.

With the ability and experience of perceiving the inside of the opponent, it's no exaggeration even if few people can deceive her. Hae Hae Maru believed in her abilities. But this was a little different. It was a promise within Beyond, not a reality. There, he carefully observed those approaching here with the strength of his own family, but nothing caught them.

"I'm sure you're right, but there's nothing on surveillance."

The seafloor didn't have to come out here based on its location or identity, but I couldn't help but come out. With more information handed over by Harun, you will be able to walk on the trail as the sun sets.

In front of them was a pile of small loads of merchandise that Harun demanded.

The promised hour.

Five spots appeared after piercing the dust winds in the barren landscape of the Abandoned Power Plant and a barren wasteland. It appeared as if it had emerged from the earth. The five dots became closer, and it appeared to be a human figure.

"Where the hell are you?"

"It was outside Union when I saw it coming from the firewall."

I heard that there was a base outside Union, but I didn't think it would be real. The organizations for the top escort were all inside the Union. Because of that, their daughters also assumed that the storm troopers would have nests in Union.

"He was right."

Recently, he suspected that there was a base near Union because of the mutants who were called the number, because the existing outsiders were also in the mountains deep.

"I think so, it's amazing."

Their daughters were amazed at the newborn organization called the Blowing Mercenaries because the fact that they lived outside of Union proved their strength.

The two of them looked at those who were surprised. As we approached the distance, we could identify the gender of those wearing unusual battle suits.

One of them stepped forward.

"My name is Ari, and I'm in charge of this transaction."

"I'm a trainee of the year."

The drill went forward knowing the opponent was a young woman like herself, listening to the body's flexion and voice, even though he couldn't recognize his face to cover his whole body with a dark grey combat suit.

"The Squad?"

"Yes. I'm in charge of the mercenary camp."

The moment Human on the front lifted the helmet's guard, he was young in the eyes of the seafloor and sea training. The woman who looked the same age as the trainee was the owner of a great beauty.

What a beauty.

The face of Ari, which she saw, was pure but had a strange color on it that was hard to express. Especially the eyes that sparkled like the sun gave a strange impression.

"What about the commander?"

"He didn't come out because he has a quest in progress. I've decided to take responsibility for the deal."

"I see. I was curious about the commander... Too bad."

"You can tell me about the quest."

In Ari's words, the seafloor was able to confirm that she had considerable authority within the blast mercenaries.

"No. Let's finish the deal first."

I wanted to ask how I got here, but the patient training looked Ari straight in the eye.

The sea training did not inform the world, but had a peculiar ability. She had the ability to read people's minds.

The user recognizes the mind state of the opposing Pokémon with its colors, boldness, and movement. For example, if the other person's mind is anxious, if their whole body is surrounded by red, they feel very agitated.

'I can't read...'

The eyes of the sea training shifted greatly.

A few times has not happened so far. Her abilities are expressed not only in reality, but also in Beyond games, and so far she has not read her mind more than ten times. The other party was mainly elders who had a faint administration, but this time was different.

After the mercenary Harun I met in the last game, I can also read the mind of the young female mercenary in this reality. "1.

"You have an unusual ability. You can get in trouble if you use that power at any time. It makes me feel worse to show my mind to others, regardless of my willingness."

'‥ ‥ ‥. "

Ari's cold horse makes the rehearsal tremble as if it had been covered in cold water.

The target even realizes what it's capable of. No one had ever guessed her abilities so quickly. This means that the other person's abilities are similar to their own, and they are more likely to outgrow themselves. I felt intense jealousy and hostility that I had not felt so much in my life, but I struggled to remember the importance of this.

"Long nights, long dreams. Let's conclude the deal."

Ari hands out the prepared chips.


The trainer gives the target a cold answer instead of an apology. After receiving the chip, he gives the target a list of items.

A small hologram window pops up as you take the chip, attach it to the device on your wrist, and drive it. As I approached the seafloor next to him, I looked at what was floating on the window for a long time and thought of a smile.

"Perfect information."

The training could not be less impressive after reviewing the information. I don't know who did it, but I did the right thing. They had detailed and accurate information about GG's dead bunker, HG's mines, and GG's power, which was more than they expected.

"The right information is the only way to make a legitimate demand. Trading goods must be the best to be in a good relationship going forward."

Inspired by the satisfying information contained in the chip Ari gave me, the trainer handed over the goods to Ari and smiled. Jealousy and hostility that had just been contained in the highest level of information vanishes like snow.

"That's right. I think we'll make good partners in the future."

Ari also smiled satisfactorily as the Taesana sisters quickly checked the inventory list and sent the promised signal. Tai Bum paged the men waiting outside through the comms. The rest were just over the firewall, just in case.

"I agree."

Now the deal is done.

But the sea training was a face that still had something to say. Ari raises his eyes slightly, and the trainee opens his mouth.

"Where did you come from?"

I was doubtful he would tell the truth, but Ari spoke kindly, unlike the sea training concerns.

"There's a secret passageway in the Union firewall. Well, you know that much, don't you?"

Just as I thought. If they came from inside the Union, they wouldn't be able to escape their perimeter. Amazingly, there were forces outside Union that they did not even know existed, even in extremely dangerous environments.

'Maybe I should pay more attention outside of Union.'

While the seafloor thought so, the sea training was asking Ari directly.

"How much do you need to know about each other to be a good partner in the future?"

"What do you want to know?"

"What are your abilities?"

"That's a very difficult question. If you're talking about combat abilities outside the Union, you'll be at the Special Forces level."

Once Ari understood exactly what she wanted to know and answered, she enjoyed talking to him.

"Are you saying that the individual's abilities are at the Special Forces level? Or do you think the mercenaries can handle the full force of the Special Forces?"

"Well, let's just say both."

Seeing the Ari speaking with strange eyes, the seafloor and the sea training shook their eyes in surprise.

It is surprising that the individual abilities of the mercenaries are similar to those of the Special Forces, but it is truly surprising if the force of the storm troops is similar to those of Kowon Union.

"I want to be absolutely clear."

Eventually, the seafloor wanted to check. They belong to the same GPC, and the company that competes with its own year's wages controls the military and their maximum power is the Special Forces. Although the Defence Force is under its influence as the Chief Administrator, the Special Forces are like Saga's soldiers, so they always care.

"With the exception of the recent increase in Special Forces, that power should be similar to ours."


The seafloor is full of elasticity. The opponent is sure to be aware of the size and power of special forces he doesn't even know about, as well as recent trends.

Where the hell did this kind of power come from? '

It now appears that the suits worn by the storm troopers don't look ordinary either. Also, the weapons they are scholaring in suits are all new. The round waist was clearly a particle gun, but its size was much larger than what the Defence Force used and one had a peculiar-looking cannon.

'The particulate matter must have been altered accordingly. Is that an RPPC?'

The seafloor that the Tagassa brothers and sisters are strapped to their shoulders is now gone. It is the Rocket Propelled Particle Crenade (RPPC) (Rocket Propelled Particle Crenade).

A portable particle pod! That's the missing crafting technique. '

Saw a portable particle cannon restored through Dr. Chung Il, Harun's foster wife's research journal, beaming the seafloor's eyes.

The most powerful weapons of Union, GG and HG are particle pods. However, because of the particle accelerator, which is an essential device, it weighs hundreds of kilograms to tons, making it significantly less mobile. Moving is forbidden because particle acceleration does not occur unless it is in extremely stable condition.

But RPPCs are different. It is now the highest peak of personalized weapons, crafted with practical technology to maximize mobility and portability.

"Can you buy that weapon?"

Ari smiled slightly at the words of the seafloor. It reminded me of what Saw said.

- Huh-huh! Once Union recognizes this guy, he's gonna be pissed. He's a great guy. Whoever comes out of this is gonna look good enough to take off his underwear. If we make a deal, we can't mass-produce this time. Arm our mercenaries, sell them when we can.

"I'm sorry, I can't trade this."

"Hmm! Of course. I can't even trade. Can you tell me just one thing?"

"What is it?"

"It's been over a hundred years since it disappeared. Did you restore it?"

"I don't know."

Ari could not give an answer. But in her words, the seafloor was already able to infer some facts.

The seafloor was planning some kind of project with the deal today. Whoever came out here was trying to find out who was behind it. I even thought of using force if I had to, but things have changed.

When he saw his opponent with a processing weapon that could kill dozens of defensive soldiers in a special suit, he realized that the plan was useless. In addition, this kind of power could be a great help to those who wanted to change the world in the future.

'And after them today? I'd better give up.'

"It was a good deal."

"We are also pleased with the deal."

The seafloor shares a handshake with Ari and retreats to the ambush where the underlings took their training. But I didn't intend to withdraw right away.

Dozens of monstrous bikes appear in their sights. An enormous bicycle, about two meters in diameter, was hung on either side or on the rear of the vehicle as an ancillary vehicle to load cargo.

"That's a lot bigger than the bikes the Defence Force uses."

"I see. I don't know what kind of power source it is, but it looks like a bike that specializes in off-barrier environments."

The seafloor was surprised to see over 30 people loading their bikes and all wearing battle suits worn by Ari.

I don't know the specifications of the suit, but based on the Special Forces suits, they were heavily armed for a mere mercenary. From the look of the suit, it looks better than what the Special Forces or the Defence Force wore. At least it wasn't manufactured by Union.

Is there a production facility? '

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. However, the situation outside the barrier that they are currently aware of denies that such a force exists. There must be a loophole in their intelligence.

In less than half an hour, the mercenaries load their bikes with piles of goods, and the squadron slowly begins to fade toward the firewall, creating a dust chase.

"Will you just let me go?"

"I think we should."

The seafloor tasted better. If I did, I would arrest the opposing Pokémon. However, the gust, which I saw with my own eyes, looked like an unsightly opponent to take care of lightly, and I decided to send it away today.

"Too bad."

The sea training now looks sad to see the dust breeze blow to where they are. There were so many things I wanted to see. I was convinced that Union's information was being misplaced, and I can't believe this kind of force showed up. I don't understand how you couldn't figure out such a large force.

"Looks like there's definitely a fourth column."

The sea training nods quietly.

It turns out that there are other forces besides GG and HG and their GPC rules.

At first, I suspected it might be HH or HG forces, but fortunately, it doesn't. They thought the information about the power of the field was too big for them to make a deal with them.

However, it was not necessarily a good thing for them that other forces appeared in addition to their three organizations. They are far too far out of their influence.

"His intelligence and power are not great. I don't know if he's on our side, but if he's on a different path from us, he might become a guardian in the future."

The seafloor was a calming face. The sea training was the same idea.

"They have to figure out even the weakest of them all at Union."

Once it became clear that the location of the storm troops was outside Union, we wondered who would have a deep relationship with them. Unless the gale mercenaries are floating tentacles inside Union, there must be people who can give them information.

"There's still time. Let's take it slow. Knowing that the fourth column exists is a huge harvest for us."

I was greatly surprised to find out that there was another group with strong intelligence other than themselves who thought they were taking control of the world in three equal parts.

"If the fourth column is a disorderly assembly of individuals, but they are subjects or servants of a powerful organization,"

The training trembles unconsciously. Until now, they were unconvinced that they thought they were the Lord of Union.

"Much more likely, but not likely, to do so."

"Right? Well, there can't be an organization that's not exposed to our three organizations."

There is no neutrality in the world they live in. If they do not belong to any place, they are bound to tremble at any moment.

However, I was surprised to learn about the cafe run by Darkness. We were monitoring Uninet and GlobalNet in real time, but we were not able to capture that movement. Many of the Borders were dissatisfied with the current system, so they did not consider it a routine café activity and did not intend to collect or hack it.

Anyway, thanks to them, I was able to study another tentacle of GG. I had help, but I felt uncomfortable.

"Would you rather I hand over information about them to GG and HG, Dad?"

The seafloor did not immediately answer. He must be thinking about it.

"Mercenaries can be useful to us, but we're in trouble because we don't have the means to control them. It would be best if we could harvest it."

The seafloor shook its head at her words.

"Even if you are living outside the barrier or have enough passage to get here in the same situation these days, but you also have a lost RPPC, it is certain that you have equivalent power and manpower to three generations of special forces, as they say. Then it's dangerous for us, too."


"HG does not know, but in the case of GG, they have a node outside the Union and are active. If they find out about their existence, they will take care of it. It's been more than that. It would be best if they collided and cut each other's power, but otherwise they would be well restrained. Once they face us, if they don't overcome GG's persecution, they'll come at us with their heads down."

The seafloor couldn't stand the fact that a lesser number of undisclosed forces were weak. If you are a powerful force that has appeared, you will surely be behind it. There is no way this kind of force would appear without any basis.

"Once it's confirmed that they have enough power to survive the GG or HG, let's think about whether to train or draw them in."

"Fine. I'll leak information about them in secret."

The tofu girl's eyes were shining brightly.

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